• 2 years ago
WATCH: Salvo Sciuto pays tribute to his father and long-time owner of Alfio’s Pizzeria, Joe Sciuto


00:00 What was it like having Joe Schuto as a dad?
00:03 It was good, amazing, awesome, can't say enough nice words about him.
00:10 He was hard, fair, he loved with all his heart and you definitely knew where you stood with him.
00:17 The only bad thing is he left big shoes to fill because he was an all-round legend. He was my best mate.
00:25 How much did he love the community of Orange?
00:27 Loved the community, loved giving to the community, loved being part of the community and loved treating everyone like family.
00:33 He always had an open door, open heart policy and always wanted to see the good in people.
00:40 And what's it been like receiving hundreds of well wishes from people?
00:43 It has been ridiculous. We all knew he was a pretty popular lad and then you get photos and this and that and meals and phone calls.
00:51 People have been absolutely amazing, the love and support that has been shown to Dad and our family just goes to show that he really, really did touch a lot of people.