Turkey's 2023-2024 School Year Begins

  • 10 ay önce
Ankara, Turkey - The 2023-2024 school year in Turkey began on Monday, September 11, 2023. Students and teachers across the country returned to school for a new academic year.

The first day of school was marked by celebrations and festivities. In many schools, students and teachers held flag ceremonies and sang the national anthem. In some schools, students also performed traditional dances and songs. #YeniEğitimÖğretimYılı #ÖğrencilerOkullarda #ÖğretmenlerDersBaşladı #OkullarAçıldı #MEB #MilliEğitimBakanlığı #YeniDersYılıBaşladı, #OkulSevinci, #ÖğrencilerOkullarda
