00:00 All right, let's get it.
00:02 I'm in a series titled, I Hear Something.
00:05 This is part two.
00:06 I know what I heard.
00:07 God has spoken something to some of you.
00:10 Don't let the interloper, the enemy, tell you what you did not hear.
00:14 This is a word that's going to build your faith, encourage you, and give you a kind
00:17 of spiritual stick-to-itiveness that if God said it, I believe it.
00:22 I know what I heard.
00:29 First Samuel 3.
00:30 First Samuel 3.
00:31 Your homework assignment is to read chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3 of First Samuel.
00:37 Please put that in your notes.
00:38 Please during your meditation time so you can do it more justice than I can of this
00:43 morning.
00:44 You read it.
00:45 You read it.
00:46 You read it.
00:47 Samuel.
00:48 Samuel.
00:49 First Samuel.
00:50 Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3.
00:51 Chapter 3, verse 10 is where I want to tag the text from.
00:52 He called as he called the other time.
00:55 Samuel, Samuel.
00:56 And Samuel replied, "Speak.
00:59 I'm listening."
01:00 He called as he did the other time.
01:02 Samuel, Samuel.
01:03 Samuel said, "Speak.
01:04 I'm listening."
01:05 Samuel, Samuel.
01:06 Speak.
01:07 I'm listening.
01:08 Do me a favor.
01:09 We're in a teaching titled, "I Hear Something."
01:15 If you're not too mean, point at six people.
01:17 Point at six people and tell them, "I know what I heard."
01:19 Go ahead.
01:20 I know.
01:21 I said six people.
01:22 You pointed at five.
01:23 I know what I heard.
01:26 You may be seated in the Lord's house.
01:28 We're in a teaching, again, titled, "I Hear Something."
01:32 There has been a prophetic whisper from God to my spirit throughout the entirety of this
01:37 summer about increase, about health.
01:40 Yes, about wealth.
01:42 I said before, somebody said he's one of those health and wealth preachers.
01:47 And I often say the antithesis is sick and poor.
01:51 Who want to hear that sermon?
01:52 Amen.
01:53 I speak sickness over you.
01:55 I speak poor over you.
01:57 The poorer you are, the more holy you look.
02:01 Oh, Lord, please.
02:04 Somebody ought to say, "Speak health and wealth over me, pastor, in Jesus' name."
02:08 I told you that we're in a unique season.
02:11 And those of you who are my age and don't like what I call sort of preaching buffoonery,
02:15 you've lived long enough to know that seasons change.
02:18 Yeah, there are seasons in your life.
02:20 Some of you, let's go here, since you've been saved, remember a rough season.
02:25 Yeah, the year mama died.
02:26 The year my sister passed.
02:28 The year my child got pregnant.
02:30 I didn't see it coming.
02:31 The year my husband did this.
02:33 And my wife.
02:34 It was just a rough year for me.
02:36 Watch this.
02:37 Not only rough year, it was a rough season for me.
02:40 Yeah, seasons change.
02:42 There are seasons.
02:43 The reason why most of us sports-loving brothers and sisters are so hyped about a couple of
02:47 weeks from now is because we've been waiting on football season.
02:51 If the season never stopped, the new season would not be anticipated.
02:58 So there's something about the changing of seasons.
03:01 And so I would leave a church where the pastor got up every week and said, "I speak total
03:05 abundance over everybody.
03:07 I speak everybody here is prosperous.
03:09 I speak no drama in nobody's life."
03:11 And you're hearing that every Sunday?
03:13 There's something about that that's just not theological, practical, even biblical.
03:18 So when you hear me say there's something good happening in this season.
03:21 I've lived long enough to know this too.
03:23 Stop tripping when you're in a good season.
03:27 Stop waiting on the ball to drop.
03:30 When life's been rough and you tend to be pessimistic, you tend to see the glass more
03:34 half empty than you do half full.
03:36 You're not a bad person.
03:37 That's just your personality.
03:38 Been through a lot.
03:39 A lot of people dropped you.
03:40 Been through a lot of pain.
03:41 So when stuff is going too good, you're like, "Okay, something about to happen."
03:44 He too nice.
03:45 Must have another wife.
03:47 Something's going on.
03:48 Praise God.
03:49 He just called me too many times in a row.
03:51 Something's wrong.
03:52 I'm going to find out next week.
03:53 Something's wrong.
03:54 No.
03:55 Many of us have lived long enough to know when it's good, ride it.
04:00 Ride it.
04:02 Because life has a tendency, you'll love this, to balance itself out.
04:06 Yeah, when things are going real good in your life, don't trip.
04:09 In this season at the Word Church, I'll make an announcement.
04:12 I know what I heard.
04:13 God said to those who are giving right and living right, for many of you, some good stuff
04:20 is about to happen in your life supernaturally.
04:23 Now, you can receive that and think, "I'm not talking to you."
04:27 It may not be money.
04:28 It may be health.
04:29 It may be the deliverance of a family member.
04:31 It may be the business going to the next level.
04:33 It may be the student long gone.
04:36 But in the name of Jesus, I prophesy and I'll speak it tonight during prayer.
04:42 Don't you miss tonight because prophetic words are coming out my mouth, the individuals.
04:47 As God speaks to me, I'm calling stuff out over your life that I sense in the Holy Spirit.
04:51 Sometimes I don't just need a corporate word, I need a word for me, pastor.
04:54 And I'm asking God to give me individual words to speak over the life.
04:58 Speaking of hearing God, speaking of God's call, that's what we see in 1 Samuel 3.
05:04 It is in 1 Samuel 3 that we're introduced to a brother named Elkanah.
05:10 He's married to two women.
05:11 Matter of fact, I'll put it up on the screen.
05:13 The verse says he's married.
05:14 He had two wives.
05:17 He had two wives, one named Hannah and one named Paneer.
05:20 You learned that, remember, as you matriculated through Sunday school one-on-one.
05:23 You know about Hannah and Paneer, Elkanah, wives.
05:27 I said that the first service, the reason why I think a lot of people come here even
05:30 in the summer is because you cannot just give that.
05:32 You cannot just give that.
05:34 You cannot just give that a cursory glance.
05:38 That's powerful.
05:39 Let's say a brother's from corporate America.
05:40 He has degrees but no church understanding.
05:43 He's biblically illiterate even though he owns five businesses.
05:46 Let's say a sister from the hood and the pastor opens up his sermon by saying Elkanah had
05:51 two wives.
05:52 Brother like, "Really?
05:53 That's in the Bible?
05:54 That's cool.
05:55 Well, all right.
05:56 Got to rethink some things."
05:57 Look at the brother sitting next to the wife like, "Not me, just the brother down the road.
06:06 Not me, baby.
06:07 I like just you."
06:08 All right.
06:09 The Bible often describes what it does not prescribe.
06:13 Let me try that again.
06:14 The Bible often describes what it does not prescribe.
06:18 It's descriptive, okay?
06:19 In other words, it says that he had two wives.
06:22 That doesn't mean God was okay with it.
06:23 That doesn't mean God loved it.
06:25 It's describing it.
06:26 It's not prescribing it.
06:28 We have our Bible.
06:29 The Bible says a man shall cleave to his wife, singular Hebraically.
06:34 It is not wives.
06:35 But because of the hardness of their heart, Moses, a brother who had two wives, by the
06:40 way, say God gave you a certificate of divorce because of the hardness of your heart.
06:45 God never loved divorce, but because of the hardness of your heart, God permitted it such
06:50 as He did polygamy.
06:52 Some men had multiple wives.
06:54 Some of the biblical ballers had two wives.
06:57 David had more than one wife.
07:00 Moses who wrote the Decalogue, your boy, had two.
07:03 Solomon has 700.
07:04 Look at somebody and say, "That's too many."
07:06 Even if they're cute, 700, too many.
07:09 Even if they're all cute, that's too many.
07:11 700.
07:12 So, why?
07:13 As a matter of fact, I told the early service, there's some thinking people here.
07:16 Even the young people think a lot.
07:17 You got to have something to say or people will jump on Facebook while you're preaching.
07:21 And let me say this to all of you.
07:23 You can justify polygamy biblically more than you can adultery or having side chicks or
07:31 living with somebody.
07:32 You can justify, I'm talking to biblical thinking people now who like theology and tough teaching,
07:38 come here.
07:39 You can justify polygamy more than you can adultery, homosexuality, or living with your
07:44 boyfriend.
07:46 Every place you see the other things in scripture is spoken of as negative.
07:52 Polygamy.
07:53 What's going on with that, pastor?
07:54 I can understand.
07:55 Okay, let's go here.
07:56 In other words, Farrakhan said that the black race is going to have to have a real conversation
08:03 about polygamy because only one in four black women will get proposed to because of the
08:09 lack of men, criminal justice system, cupidity, unrighteous greed, people getting paid off
08:14 prisoners, plus same gender loving brothers who are beautiful brothers.
08:18 If you're here, I love you.
08:19 But at the reality, the reality is still what does it do to the black race?
08:24 So I understand.
08:25 Matter of fact, Wednesday, shameless plug, don't you miss my Bible cast?
08:28 Because Wednesday, I'm going to talk about the idea.
08:31 I see it.
08:32 I see it.
08:33 I feel like if a brother getting paid, he'd make a lot of money.
08:35 He got two wives.
08:36 He'd take care of all the children.
08:37 Therefore, she has somebody to sleep with.
08:39 She ain't out here in these streets.
08:40 The kids do have a daddy.
08:42 He gets whatever he needs without running around the streets.
08:44 Makes sense to me logically, but not theologically.
08:48 No, the Bible says in the New Testament, the bishop should be the husband of one wife.
08:53 It don't even say every man.
08:54 It says the bishop.
08:56 But we see a trajectory of Scripture that suggests that God's perfect will is one man
09:02 for one woman.
09:03 Whenever you see more than one woman in the house, it's trouble.
09:09 You don't see any place in Scripture where it worked out.
09:13 And all the black women say it.
09:15 I mean, you're looking at your husband like, "What you thinking about?"
09:22 Oh, wait till you hear this Bible cast Wednesday.
09:27 It's going to be crazy because I'm going there.
09:28 I can see it logically.
09:29 I really can.
09:30 But theologically, I can't go there because the Bible doesn't.
09:33 Well, Elkin had got two.
09:35 He got Hannah, he got Paneer.
09:36 Let me hurry up.
09:37 I'm losing time.
09:38 Hannah and Paneer.
09:39 Hannah and Paneer.
09:40 Hannah is the one that got his heart, but Paneer is the one that keep having his babies.
09:42 Hannah got his heart, but Hannah can't give him a child.
09:46 He loves Hannah, but Hannah cannot produce Paneer.
09:49 The Bible calls her weak-eyed, not as cute and attractive as Hannah, but the text says
09:55 she's producing.
09:56 I want to talk to some sisters who may not be Miss America, but you're producing.
10:00 Y'all just missed that.
10:01 Praise God.
10:02 Amen.
10:03 Yeah, you're producing.
10:04 Maybe you weren't looked upon as the cutest or the best built or the smartest, but you're
10:07 the one that's producing some stuff.
10:09 Paneer gets downplayed, but Paneer producing.
10:13 Hannah cannot have a baby.
10:15 Matter of fact, the Bible says, look at verse three, because I see the most narcissistic,
10:21 I do, one of the most narcissistic scriptures in the Bible.
10:24 This brother Elkanah got the nerve to say to his wife, because she was sad about not
10:28 having a baby, he said, "Aren't I better to you than 10 sons?
10:33 Aren't I enough?
10:36 You don't need no babies.
10:38 Look at me.
10:39 You got me."
10:40 Yeah, why you want, "Aren't I better than 10 sons?"
10:44 If you, how narcissistic and arrogant is that?
10:49 How patriarchal and male dominant is that?
10:52 In other words, he's saying, "Girl, you got me.
10:54 You don't need no babies, you don't need nothing, you got me."
10:59 I wish I had a sister to shout, "Nope."
11:01 Praise God.
11:02 Amen.
11:03 It is to suggest, all right, "You're my everything and everything."
11:12 Forty-five and over.
11:13 Forty-five and over.
11:14 One more time.
11:15 "You're my everything and everything."
11:19 Nope.
11:20 You are not my everything.
11:21 That's cute.
11:22 I slow danced to it, but I promise you that is not biblical and that's not true.
11:26 Nobody's your everything.
11:28 That's where marriages fall apart.
11:31 Come here, couples.
11:32 I'm just parenthetically pausing and tell you, be careful when you make your spouse
11:35 everything.
11:37 And be careful as a man when you think you're so sexy and you make so much money that she
11:41 doesn't need anything outside of you.
11:45 That's small thinking.
11:47 Healthy couples know you need other relationships that are meaningful to you because I don't
11:52 want to be your everything.
11:53 That's too much pressure.
11:54 Oh, y'all not talking to me.
11:57 No, no.
11:58 Talk to your mom.
12:00 My wife is on the phone with her mom and her sister.
12:03 We first got married.
12:04 They used to drive me nuts.
12:05 The older mother Williams gets now in her 80s and her sister been gone 30 years.
12:09 She get her sister back.
12:10 She was color purple all day.
12:12 Color purple, just sealy.
12:14 They just sealy on the phone every day.
12:17 Just sealy for 30 years.
12:21 But I understand when I pushed that girl to get her master's and her doctorate, it was
12:24 like, you know what?
12:26 Everything in you is not about RA.
12:28 There is something in you.
12:29 Can I speak over every couple and tell you don't make nobody your everything?
12:34 No matter of fact, I told you, prepare your heart to be able to handle the greatest loss
12:43 of your life.
12:44 Prepare your heart to be able to handle the greatest loss of your life.
12:48 Know God enough that nothing drives you crazy.
12:51 I'm going to try that again.
12:53 Y'all not helping me.
12:54 This is why I'm calling you to prayer tonight.
12:56 Have enough Holy Ghosts.
12:58 Have enough Bible in you that if you get the worst news of your life, you might bend, but
13:03 you won't break.
13:04 Can I preach to somebody?
13:05 Look at somebody and say, "I'm not going to shoot myself.
13:10 Cheat, leave, die.
13:12 I'm going to feel it.
13:13 I'm going to cry.
13:14 I might need therapy.
13:15 I may lose some weight.
13:17 I may grieve for a season, but at some point, I'm going to get myself back together because
13:21 it is in Him that I live, move."
13:24 I don't have no save people in here.
13:26 I wish I had somebody.
13:29 Don't make nobody your God.
13:32 Yeah, I'm not getting high because you die.
13:37 I'm just going to cry.
13:38 Yeah, I'm going to cry.
13:39 I'm going to feel it.
13:40 And depending on the veracity of it, it may take me a couple years to get myself back
13:45 all the way, but I'm not going to stop moving because that means that person was your God.
13:51 You don't kill yourself over nobody.
13:53 Jesus is who Christians look to.
13:56 Come on, half church.
13:57 I will look to the hills from which comes my help.
14:02 My help comes from the Lord.
14:07 And so this brother going to say, "Girl, you don't need no babies.
14:10 You got me.
14:11 Girl, you don't need no babies.
14:12 You got me."
14:13 And the text says she then went in the temple and started praying.
14:16 Don't miss tonight.
14:17 She prayed from her spirit.
14:19 She was praying so much her husband thought she was drunk.
14:23 She was praying so much her husband thought she was literally drunk because her mouth
14:26 was moving, but what no words coming out.
14:28 She just praying.
14:29 I wish I had some real women and men that have had a time of warfare over your son.
14:33 Talk to me, somebody.
14:34 Over your marriage.
14:35 Talk to me, somebody.
14:36 When you prayed until you couldn't pray no more.
14:38 You prayed until you didn't have the strength to pray.
14:40 You prayed until people didn't even understand what was going on.
14:42 That woman was praying and Elkanah saw her praying and asked her was she drunk.
14:45 She then, watch this, made a deal with God.
14:47 I started to preach.
14:48 Let's make a deal.
14:50 She said, "God, I'll make a vow."
14:51 It's on the screens.
14:52 "I'll make a vow.
14:53 Here's the vow I'll make.
14:54 If you give me a son, I'll give him back to you."
14:57 Oh, God of the angel armies.
15:00 I love that term.
15:02 God of the angel armies.
15:03 Wherever angels are, you're the head of those angels too.
15:06 The one who sits high and looks low.
15:09 Don't you miss tonight?
15:10 I feel like praying and talking to my master tonight.
15:12 I feel like talking to my master tonight.
15:14 Y'all better be here.
15:15 I'm telling you.
15:16 She prayed and said, "God, if it be your holy will, I'll make a deal with you.
15:20 If you give me a child, I'll give him back.
15:23 You give me a child, I'll literally drop him off at the church with Pastor Eli and let
15:29 Pastor Eli raise him up in the Lord.
15:31 I'll let the high priest raise him up.
15:34 Just give me a child.
15:35 I'll make a vow.
15:36 I'll make a vow.
15:37 I'll make a vow."
15:38 And I made a vow, and I tell you now, I'm 35 and over, fresh cut, like Anita Baker,
15:48 looked up and down and said, "Whom am I taking?
15:50 I ain't got nobody left in this church."
15:53 Please catch this, everybody.
15:54 I mean, she made a vow and said, "God, if you give him back to me, I will give him back
15:59 to you."
16:00 Some of you, watch this, need to make God a deal.
16:03 Yeah, Pastor, are you playing church?
16:06 No, some of you need to say, "God, if you deliver me this time, I promise you I'm gonna
16:10 get myself together."
16:11 The Bible says, be careful, it's better not to make a vow than to make a vow and break
16:16 it.
16:17 Promise your wife, fine.
16:18 Promise, but don't be promising God.
16:20 The Bible says it's better not to make a vow.
16:21 Don't you make a vow to God and say, "Now, if you deliver me from this, I give you my
16:24 word, I'm tired, and I'm gonna live right."
16:27 Some of you are in a worse predicament because you made a vow and broke it.
16:30 So you need to repent of broken vows and say, "God, I'm sorry, but this time, talk to me
16:35 somebody.
16:36 Oh, he's the God of a second chance.
16:38 I'm sorry, he's the God of a 15th chance and a 275th chance.
16:42 Do I have anybody that has broken your word to God?
16:45 Let's have church."
16:46 And he still took you back.
16:47 Let me hurry.
16:48 I said I wasn't gonna preach a long time.
16:50 We gotta pray.
16:51 The Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says she made a vow and sure enough, she had
17:00 a son.
17:01 His name was Samuel.
17:02 Read chapter one, chapter two, and chapter three of 1 Samuel so I can sleep this week.
17:07 You gotta read it better than I'm preaching it.
17:09 I'm in a hurry.
17:10 I gotta pray tonight.
17:11 Look at me.
17:12 Everybody hear me.
17:13 God gave her Samuel.
17:14 Sure enough, kept her promise.
17:15 Took his little behind and dropped him off at the church.
17:22 Some of y'all missed that.
17:23 Why pray for a child and then give him away?
17:27 Well, I feel like preaching.
17:29 A woman had to have a child in order to have status in society.
17:35 I know you know it, Word Nation, but there are new people watching.
17:39 And not only a child, a male child.
17:41 It's not so today.
17:42 It's anachronistic, anachronistic to impose 21st century thought on a Eastern text.
17:49 I don't want to go into all of that, but when you read the Bible, you have to understand
17:52 what's happening in the culture where that's anachronistic.
17:54 Like they had cell phones and Instagram in the Old Testament.
17:57 They didn't.
17:58 It's a different culture.
17:59 It's not a bad thing if a woman don't have a baby today.
18:02 Back then it was terrible.
18:03 She want this baby.
18:04 I want to talk to somebody who just wants something.
18:08 And you don't know why you want it.
18:09 You just want it.
18:10 And people think you're crazy because you want it.
18:13 You don't need that.
18:14 Look at somebody and say, "Your need may not be my need."
18:16 Go ahead.
18:17 And you need to stay out of my business because I preach.
18:18 I want to talk to ten people.
18:19 Look at somebody and say, "You don't know what I need."
18:20 Go ahead.
18:21 "You don't know what's on my life.
18:22 You don't know why I'm begging God for this.
18:23 There's something that I heard from God and because you didn't hear it, I know what I
18:24 heard.
18:25 Don't you tell me what to believe God for.
18:26 I'm breaking generational curses and family stuff and the poverty mentality.
18:32 There's something different on me and I'm going to believe in God.
18:39 And I'm going to believe God until I get it.
18:40 God, I make you a deal.
18:41 I make a vow.
18:42 I make a vow.
18:43 If you give them to me, I'll give them back.
18:44 If you give them to me, I'll give them back.
18:56 As we sneak into the circumference of our text, chapter 2, that's chapter 1.
18:59 In chapter 2, verses 12 and 13, there's something powerful.
19:02 The Bible says that Eli's sons were scoundrels.
19:08 Did I tell you Eli was the pastor of the temple?
19:10 He was the high priest from the Aaronic line.
19:14 Aaron, the first priest, Moses' brother, the Aaronic line.
19:18 Everybody out of Aaron, his sons, grandsons, great, great, great grandsons, they perpetuated
19:22 the priesthood.
19:23 Now, Eli is the new high priest.
19:26 His boys are supposed to succeed him, but they trifling.
19:31 The Bible calls them trifling, not Pastor Vernon.
19:33 The Bible says they're hitting everything.
19:35 Come here, bros, bros, bros.
19:37 They hitting everything, they come in the church.
19:39 Yeah, they hitting everything.
19:41 You come in there to give your offering, they taking their shot.
19:43 It's crazy.
19:44 At the altar, matter of fact, back then before Christ, they would burn sacrifices at the
19:49 altar, prepare them like meats or certain animals, virgin animals, they would kill at
19:53 the altar.
19:54 These brothers got their fork eating the animal as opposed to sacrificing it.
19:58 They eating the offering, stealing and hitting girls who didn't come in there to play.
20:05 But because they are vulnerable and every woman who's honest and sexual wants some company
20:09 sometime and these brothers who have positions, taking advantage of their vulnerability, telling
20:22 them God says, "You're my wife."
20:25 God said, "You've been told five women at the words, 'You're my wife.'"
20:34 I know I don't think I'm Tupac, my wife and I hug people.
20:37 We don't try to show how tough we are, but it is our job to guard this space.
20:42 Past anything get under your skin, when brothers come in here taking their shots and they're
20:45 not serious.
20:47 You can get that at the club.
20:49 When you come here, these women are imperfect, but they trying.
20:53 And the last thing I need as a saved woman is a brother playing the same games in church
21:00 that my ex-husband or my baby's father or my college queen played.
21:04 I'm in church to get something different.
21:06 So I tell single brothers, "You're free to take your shot here, but pick one.
21:11 Pray before you pick and go to her with honesty and integrity.
21:15 Don't just be hitting them."
21:17 One brother had to put out the church.
21:18 I'm not proud of this, but I did.
21:19 Gave security his picture because he had hit four or five girls and all of them in love
21:25 in church.
21:26 I know this is different today, but I'm not your play partner, I'm your pastor.
21:32 The Bible says, "It is my job to protect the daughters of this house and the men."
21:39 And the men, which is why I say women dress a certain way and cover yourself.
21:42 Brothers shouldn't have to come here and see an Instagram model.
21:45 Yeah.
21:46 Touch your name and say, "Pastor, own one today."
21:52 He own one.
21:53 What's going on with pastor?
21:54 He own one.
21:55 What are you talking about?
21:56 Yeah, so you know if you got, whatever you got, cover that part.
22:01 When she ain't got a cover, she ain't got nothing.
22:04 You need to cover it.
22:05 Praise God.
22:06 Amen.
22:07 Yeah.
22:08 Stop me when I'm lying.
22:09 Praise the Lord.
22:10 Amen.
22:11 Whatever part is out there, a woman needs to dress in a certain way.
22:18 And nobody's perfect.
22:19 My hands aren't clean.
22:20 We all make mistakes, but I want you to catch this.
22:22 She made a vow.
22:23 I'm gone when I tell y'all this.
22:24 The Bible says they were scoundrels.
22:26 The message version says, verse 12, they were good for nothing priests.
22:30 The worst thing that could be said about my child is that they ain't good for nothing.
22:34 Some of y'all, your heart is hurting because you didn't raise a child that seems like they're
22:38 good for nothing right now.
22:40 Yeah, I know I raised you better than this.
22:42 These bros are in the church.
22:45 Hear me now, and I got to hurry, and I promise I won't be all day.
22:48 These bros are in the temple.
22:50 Any girl come in, they sleeping with them in the temple.
22:53 They still in the offering, eating the sacrifice.
22:56 You can't get no dirtier than that.
22:58 It's not Eli.
22:59 Pastor Eli is a decent dude, but his boys are doing it, and he won't stop it.
23:06 And if you're not a part of the solution, Joe Paterno, y'all not hearing me, then you
23:12 become a part of the problem.
23:14 I did this at nine o'clock.
23:15 I'm going to do what the Bible says.
23:17 The Bible says, the Bible says in verse 22, by this time, Eli was very old.
23:22 He kept getting reports on how his sons were ripping off the people and sleeping with the
23:26 women who helped out at the sanctuary.
23:28 He kept getting reports.
23:29 So at the 9 a.m. service, those watching me, I put in my notes, "Read this out loud."
23:34 When do you quote somebody when they can say it better than you?
23:38 Sometime past is because of Instagram and people getting bored quickly, trying to paraphrase
23:42 everything.
23:43 God told me to read the Bible.
23:45 I'm about to read.
23:46 I want you to watch the screens.
23:47 I'm going to read.
23:48 I'm a speed read, but I can't paraphrase this better than the Bible puts it.
23:51 So let me read this.
23:52 First Samuel 2, verse 23 through 26.
23:55 "Eli took them to task."
23:57 What's going on here?
23:58 Why are you doing these things?
23:59 I hear story after story of your corrupt and evil carrying on.
24:03 "Oh, my son, this is not right.
24:04 These are terrible reports I'm getting.
24:06 Stories spreading right and left among God's people.
24:08 If you sin against another person, there's help, God's help.
24:11 But if you sin against God, who's going to help you?"
24:15 But they were far gone and disobedient and fed up with them.
24:20 God decreed their death.
24:22 But the boy Samuel was very much alive, growing up, blessed by God, and popular with the people.
24:28 I put it on my notes.
24:29 I put it in my notes.
24:30 Read this too, so I will.
24:31 I'm going to be obedient, God.
24:32 Watch this.
24:33 First Samuel 2, verse 27 through 30.
24:34 "A holy man came to Eli."
24:36 A holy man.
24:37 Somebody with a prophetic voice walked up on this brother and said, "This is God's message.
24:41 This is God's message.
24:42 I revealed myself openly to your ancestors when they were Pharaoh slaves in Egypt.
24:46 Out of all the tribes of Israel, I chose your family to be my priest, to preside at the
24:51 altar, to burn incense, to wear the priestly robes in my presence.
24:54 I put your ancestral family in charge of all the sacrificial offerings of Israel.
24:58 So why do you now treat it as mere loot, these very sacrificial offerings that I command
25:04 for my worship?"
25:05 Watch this, parents.
25:06 Why do you treat your sons better than me?
25:11 Come here, mama.
25:12 Come here, mama.
25:13 Come here, mama.
25:14 Come here, daddy.
25:15 Turn them loose to get fat on these offerings and you're ignoring me.
25:19 Therefore, this is God's word, the God of Israel speaking.
25:22 I once said that you and your ancestral family would be my priest indefinitely, but now God's
25:27 word, remember, there is no way this can continue.
25:30 I honor those who honor me.
25:34 Those who scorn me, I demean.
25:37 I don't know if I've ever read this much at one time since I've been pastoring, but I
25:41 got to read this last few verses from the Bible.
25:45 1 Samuel 2, verse 31 through 36.
25:47 Be well warned, it won't be long before I wipe out both your family and your future
25:51 family.
25:53 No one in your family will make it to old age.
25:56 You'll see good things that I'm doing in Israel, but you'll see it and weep, for no one in
26:00 your family will live to enjoy it.
26:02 I will leave one person to serve in my altar, but it will be a hard life with many tears.
26:07 Everyone else in your family will die before their time.
26:10 What happens to your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, will be the proof.
26:14 We'll die the same day.
26:16 Then I'll establish for myself a true priest, a true priest, a true priest.
26:23 He'll do what I want him to do, be what I want him to be.
26:25 I'll make his position secure.
26:27 He'll do his work freely in the service of the anointed one.
26:30 Survivors from your family will come to him begging for handouts, saying, "Please give
26:34 me some priest work, just enough to put some food on my table."
26:38 Unquote.
26:39 I've never seen a church pay attention to the Bible this long.
26:46 This is the word church.
26:48 So pastor, God seems kind of mean right here.
26:51 Let's go to the New Testament right quick.
26:53 Second Peter three, verse nine, "The Lord isn't slow to do what he promises, some people
26:57 think.
26:58 Rather, he is patient for your sake.
27:00 He doesn't want to destroy anyone, but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn
27:06 to him and change the way they think and act."
27:14 Let me modernize and contemporize all that Bible reading.
27:19 Here's what he's saying, "Your boy's trifling and you knew about it and didn't do nothing."
27:23 Watch this, "Therefore, they gone.
27:25 Yeah, your babies are dead."
27:27 Then he says something powerful and you missed it.
27:30 He said, "How you going to put your sons before me?"
27:33 Pastor, that's impossible.
27:35 Yes, yes, there are some people who do that.
27:38 Put your sons, watch this, I don't care how much you love your children, don't make them
27:41 Jesus.
27:42 Jesus, God said, "Thou shall have no other God."
27:47 I was telling the early servants, don't nobody love their babies and family like R.A.
27:53 Vernon, but you and your woman not standing in my basement unmarried, or you and your
27:58 man, however you rolling right now, brother.
28:00 No, I can't tell you what to do, but you're not going to do it in my house.
28:04 There's certain behavior that won't happen in my presence.
28:07 Now you've grown and I respect your grown-ness and I'll never turn my back on you, but I
28:11 can't put you in front of Jesus.
28:13 At some point, ask for me and the people in my house that I still pay the bills for, they
28:19 gone fake like they serving the Lord.
28:24 I wish I had some real old school say people.
28:29 All five of my children are in this church right now and all three of my grown ones have
28:37 done some things they would tell you they're not proud of.
28:39 There are no perfect children or perfect grown people, but because we brought them to church
28:44 since they were born, church is in their heart.
28:48 Some of y'all missing this, Lady Vernon's pet peeve, leaders, elders, ministers, deacons,
28:52 people in ministry, her pet peeve is people who show up at church and don't make their
28:56 kids come so they can be comfortable.
28:59 So the kids 12, 13, "I don't want to go, Mama."
29:02 We learned something.
29:03 We're going to find the stats to prove it.
29:05 We discovered everybody who made their kids come, still come.
29:10 Oh, not everybody, but a great percentage.
29:13 Train up a child.
29:14 Let's have church.
29:15 Y'all not talking to me.
29:16 I'm out of time.
29:17 In the way he should go, oh, they may bust a couple moves.
29:22 They may do something stupid in college, but something in their heart when they came up
29:25 here in Pastor Vernon and preached and started in children's church and went to teen church
29:30 and hung out with YF, something in your heart, once you come enough, even when you're doing
29:34 wrong, something will pull you back.
29:36 Can I preach to somebody?
29:37 Can I preach to somebody who's done some trifling stuff like me, but won't Holy Spirit keep
29:43 on messing with you?
29:45 Won't He wake you up in the middle of the night?
29:48 Won't He tell you, "I got to get myself together"?
29:50 I'm sorry, push three people and say, "I got to get myself together."
29:55 The Bible says in the Old Testament, Pastor, why you reading the Old Testament?
30:04 Because the scripture says it's for our learning.
30:07 There's principles there.
30:08 God said, watch this, "I had plans for your family.
30:12 I was going to make you guys the boss priests, but I changed my mind.
30:16 Based on your choices, your children going to pay."
30:19 I feel like preaching to 10 real saved people like me that have done some dumb stuff, but
30:25 every choice I make now, I'm thinking about how it perpetuates through the Vernon legacy,
30:31 and I'm too old to say oops, and I made a decision that I want my family to be blessed
30:37 after my death.
30:39 And so now some of you, some of us are paying for mama's mistakes.
30:44 Some of you are paying for a poverty mentality.
30:47 Some of you had no running start at 18 because nobody had no plan to help you to go into
30:52 your future.
30:53 And I speak life over you and tell you that's the Old Testament.
30:56 We're under the new covenant and the blood of Jesus, which means no matter what your
31:01 parents did, Galatians said, "Curse is he who hangs on a tree," which means Jesus, let's
31:07 have church, is the curse absorber.
31:09 Let me try that one more time.
31:11 Jesus is the curse absorber.
31:13 Let me try that one more time.
31:15 You didn't shout.
31:16 Jesus is the curse absorber, which means He took all your generational curses and put
31:23 it on Him, which means you don't have to be what they are, you can be better than what
31:27 you see.
31:28 Can I get a witness here?
31:31 Eli, are y'all bored?
31:37 Say, "Teach, pastor, teach."
31:39 I got four minutes.
31:41 Eli, the high priest, his sons are trifling and God said, "Player, you a decent guy.
31:47 You really have a decent heart, but you let them boys get away with murder and didn't
31:51 hold them accountable.
31:52 So you gone and they gone."
31:55 Joe Paterno, brothers who watch football and ladies, Penn State football, 45 years, Coach
32:01 Paterno was the man at Penn State.
32:04 Built a library, won two, three national championships, loved the community, loved philanthropy.
32:10 Come on, Penn State was synonymous with Coach Paterno, but an assistant coach, touching
32:16 little boys, you all saw it on the news.
32:19 And because he's trying to cover him, he served long but ended wrong.
32:25 Now they done took his statue down.
32:27 Y'all pray for pastor because there are certain times that I try not to ever do it when I
32:30 got to handle something from this stage or I got to say something because at some point
32:34 somebody would think if you letting it go, pastor, you must be in on it.
32:38 Yeah, if you gone let everything go, maybe there's something going on with you too.
32:42 You have to know as a leader when you gotta say something.
32:46 Eli didn't say nothing and the Bible says he fell back and broke his neck.
32:53 Oh, I know this is not a Kumbaya sermon today, but somebody gone lead better than you came
33:00 in.
33:01 Let me close by giving you some good news.
33:02 The Bible says, "So your sons are fired, I got somebody else."
33:07 Back to my sermon.
33:08 His name is Samuel.
33:10 His mama dropped him off at the church.
33:12 You know I made her a deal, don't you?
33:13 She made me a deal, y'all catch this, that if I would give her a child, she'd give him
33:16 back to me.
33:17 I'm gonna keep my part of the deal, I gave her a child.
33:19 Can I tell you that Eli's sons are the heir apparent, the heir apparent to the priesthood,
33:27 but they nasty, they've been fired and the Bible said they gone die.
33:29 Be careful when you think God can't replace you.
33:34 If I've discovered anything, come here brothers, God always got somebody warming up in the
33:38 bullpen.
33:39 I wished I had some real people.
33:42 Don't you get arrogant and stuck up and think you can't be replaced.
33:47 There's somebody hoping you throw too many balls.
33:49 They just hoping, they just warming up.
33:52 Every time I ride down the street and see I'm still the pastor of the world church,
33:55 I say, "Lord, thank you."
33:56 Praise God, could replace me, this place would be jam-packed better than it was when I was
34:01 the pastor.
34:02 Every time God lets you wake up in the morning and give you a job and the privilege of raising
34:06 your children, I don't know what my kids would do without me, die and find out.
34:10 Yeah, Sister Cresha, his new wife, be like, "Hey baby," praise God, "no, in the name of
34:15 Jesus, be glad you alive and doing well."
34:18 The Bible says, I'm gone y'all, only got a minute, the Bible says that Eli is gone.
34:26 In the spirit, he's already gonna be gone, but he's alive for a few more minutes, he's
34:30 sleeping.
34:31 Your Bible says that Samuel, the new man, is in his bed asleep.
34:34 He's a young brother, he is a young brother.
34:37 He been at the church all his life.
34:38 One night he's laying down and he hears this, I'm finished, he hears the voice of God say,
34:42 "Samuel, Samuel," your Bible says he ran in to Eli and said, "Did you call me, brother
34:48 pastor, Pastor Eli?
34:49 Did you call me?"
34:50 He said, "Boy, I ain't call you, go down there and lay down.
34:51 Don't wake me up.
34:52 What's up with you?
34:53 I'm not gonna call you.
34:54 I ain't call you, man, go lay down."
34:58 He went back, tried to lay down and he hear, "Samuel, Samuel."
35:01 He said, "Yes, I'm here."
35:02 He, you, "Don't you wake me up no more.
35:10 Go in there and lay down."
35:11 Y'all missed this.
35:13 The Bible says that Samuel had no experience with hearing God's voice.
35:21 I got a question.
35:22 I tell y'all, outsiders, did I tell y'all his mama dropped him off at the church?
35:27 How you live at the church and don't know God?
35:32 How your mama been bringing you since you was a baby and you still don't know how to
35:34 pray?
35:36 How you hear and can't discern the voice of God?
35:38 And here's what's the problem.
35:39 When you don't know God's voice, you need other voices to confirm it.
35:42 You, you, I wish I had 10 people.
35:45 When you don't know the voice of God, you gotta call your mama for everything because
35:48 you gotta find somebody else because you keep mixing up God's voice with the voice of God
35:52 and other people, but the devil is alive.
35:54 I want you to get to a place where you can hear God's voice for yourself and know what
35:58 God is saying.
35:59 When you don't have a relationship with God, you need other people's affirmation.
36:05 When you don't have a relationship with God, you can't hear God's voice for yourself.
36:08 The Bible says he came back the last time and said, "Sir, did you call me?"
36:13 He said, "No."
36:14 Then the Bible says, then the Bible says, then the Bible says, "It hit Eli."
36:19 God called in that boy.
36:21 He said, "Boy, go back and lay down.
36:22 The next time you hear the voice call you, just stop and say, 'Lord, I hear you.'"
36:28 I feel like talking.
36:29 I'll see y'all at 6 o'clock.
36:30 I preached too long.
36:31 I'm done, but I had to get this to you.
36:32 He said, "The next time you hear that voice, you say, 'God, it's me.
36:36 I hear you.'"
36:37 I want to preach to somebody and tell you God's getting ready to speak a fresh word
36:41 to you and you're not going to need other people's interpretation and don't you let
36:44 nobody tell you what you didn't hear.
36:46 Look at three people and say, "I know what I heard."
36:48 Go ahead.
36:49 God's about to speak over some children and some teenagers and some young adults.
36:53 God's about to give you fresh vision for your life and tell you who you're supposed to marry,
36:57 not supposed to marry.
36:58 God's about to speak clearly to you.
37:00 Y'all ready for this?
37:01 The Bible says that Hannah dropped off.
37:04 I'll see y'all next week.
37:05 The Bible says see y'all tonight at 6 p.m.
37:07 The Bible says dropped off, dropped off her baby.
37:10 What baby?
37:11 She waited that long to have a baby and then took him to the church.
37:13 The Bible says she had three more sons and two daughters.
37:19 But pastor, but she gave the one baby up.
37:21 She didn't love him.
37:22 No, watch this.
37:23 There was something on him.
37:24 I want to talk to some real parents that got more than one child, but one day you looked
37:28 at one and said, "There's something on her."
37:30 Oh, y'all don't want to talk to me.
37:32 I'm not talking about favorites.
37:33 I'm talking about Holy Spirit.
37:35 Were you able to look at somebody and say there's something special on you?
37:38 I love all your brothers and sisters, but God's going to use you to pay off everything.
37:41 God's going to use you to lead this family when I'm dead and you're not even the oldest
37:45 child.
37:46 Can I get somebody here?
37:47 I'm out of here.
37:48 Those of you that want to hear from God, can I get some people to clap your hands in this
37:52 place and say, "I hear something."
37:55 No, that's the wrong person.
37:58 I'm out of here.
37:59 I dare you to jump up on your feet and walk over to somebody you haven't walked to and
38:03 tell them, "I know what I heard."
38:04 Go ahead.
38:05 No, that's the wrong person.
38:06 I said walk over to somebody.
38:08 No, that's the wrong person.
38:09 I said walk over to somebody.
38:10 Walk over to somebody you haven't walked to yet.
38:11 Shake their hand like you're going to shake it off and say, "I know what I heard."
38:12 Go ahead.
38:13 No, that's the wrong person.
38:14 I said walk to somebody.
38:15 Let me tell you something.
38:16 The Scripture says, y'all ready?
38:17 God says, "I'm getting ready," the next verse, "to shake it up."
38:18 I'm getting ready to shake up your family.
38:19 Y'all don't want to shout.
38:20 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:21 Say, "Shake it up."
38:22 Can I get somebody to prepare for a family?
38:23 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:24 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:25 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:26 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:28 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:29 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:30 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
38:31 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
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43:23 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
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43:25 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
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43:46 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
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43:48 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:49 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:50 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:51 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:52 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:53 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:54 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:55 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:56 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:57 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
43:58 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:00 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:01 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:02 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:03 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:04 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:05 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:06 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:07 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:08 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:09 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:10 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:11 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:12 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:13 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:14 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:15 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:16 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:17 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:18 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:19 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
44:21 My son is getting out of jail before I close my eyes in death.
44:27 This cancer is leaving my body.
44:30 I'm healed in Jesus name.
44:34 Can I get somebody to shout like it's already done?
44:39 Shout like it's manifesting.
44:42 Shout like you heard something.
44:46 Shout like you feel something.
44:50 Shout like you know something.
44:53 Shout like you said something.
44:56 Shout.
44:57 Shout.
44:58 Hit five people say, "I know it.
44:59 I know it.
45:00 I know it.
45:01 I know it.
45:02 I know it.
45:03 I know what I heard."
45:04 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:05 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:06 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:07 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:08 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:09 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:10 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:11 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:12 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:13 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:14 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:15 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:16 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:17 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:18 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:19 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:20 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:21 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:22 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:23 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:24 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:25 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:26 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:27 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:28 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:29 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:30 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:31 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:32 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:33 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:34 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:35 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:36 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:37 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:38 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:39 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:40 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:41 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:42 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:43 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:44 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:45 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:46 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:47 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:48 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:49 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:50 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:51 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:52 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:53 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:54 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:55 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:56 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:57 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:58 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
45:59 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:00 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:01 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:02 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:03 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:04 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:05 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:06 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:07 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:08 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:09 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:10 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:11 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:12 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:13 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:14 I'm getting ready to shake it up.
46:16 Let's so pray for my girl and I.
46:17 Pray for our ministry.
46:18 Something is happening in the Word Church.
46:21 And therefore, just by connection, I believe some of that may happen in some of your lives.
46:27 I hear something.
46:28 And I know what I heard.
46:30 You share this with somebody.
46:31 [Music]