• last year


00:00 The animal world is cruel and unpredictable.
00:02 And sometimes there are plot twists
00:04 that even Stephen King couldn't dream of.
00:07 An epic giraffe showdown, an Oscar worthy lizard,
00:10 an incredible will to live and much more.
00:13 All this will be in today's episode
00:15 about the craziest animal battles filmed on camera.
00:18 (roaring)
00:21 Jaguar versus otter.
00:26 The first animal you all know very well,
00:28 everyone has heard about this outstanding,
00:30 beautiful cat that lives in South America.
00:33 It can be distinguished from the others
00:34 by the spotted pattern, which is unique to each individual.
00:38 It is something like the fingerprints of humans.
00:40 The jaguar can weigh up to 158 kilograms.
00:44 These large cats are excellent swimmers,
00:47 divers and have the strongest grip.
00:49 It would seem that the poor otter who was lying on the beach
00:52 and did not suspect anything had no chance of survival,
00:55 especially if you consider how the fight began.
00:58 But then somehow magically,
01:00 the otter escaped from the clutches of the nimble jaguar
01:03 and quickly made a run for it, hiding under the water.
01:06 Either out of resentment for the failed hunt
01:09 or out of fear of other otters in the water,
01:11 the jaguar did not dare to dive after them.
01:14 Even if it had jumped,
01:15 I don't think it would have had much chance
01:17 of catching up with them.
01:19 Otters feel in the water like fish.
01:21 They even almost always have the entrance
01:23 to their hole underwater anyway,
01:25 like for the unexpected solution.
01:28 An impala is trying to escape a crocodile.
01:31 The impala is a slender, beautiful animal of medium size.
01:34 Its fur is smooth and shiny,
01:37 and it has a tuft of coarse black hair on its hind legs
01:39 just above the heel of its hoof,
01:41 which is why impalas are called black-footed antelopes.
01:44 Listening to this description,
01:46 one cannot believe that such a fragile animal
01:49 can cope with the onslaught of a bloodthirsty crocodile
01:52 lurking in a pond
01:53 and catching the impala in its clinging teeth.
01:57 This is precisely what happened.
01:59 In this video shot by eyewitnesses,
02:01 the impala struggled for several minutes to break away,
02:04 either by jerking or by using the technique of slow escape,
02:08 but none of the attempts were successful.
02:10 In the end, the impala dragged the crocodile
02:13 almost to the shore of the fatal pond,
02:15 and after lulling its vigilance with a few quick jerks,
02:19 finally got out of the water.
02:21 Luck was clearly on its side that day,
02:24 thought the people behind the camera
02:26 and the other animals watching from the sidelines.
02:29 But then something happened that nobody expected.
02:32 A leopard jumped out of the bushes at the speed of light
02:34 and rushed after its prey.
02:36 Of course, the impala had little chance of survival.
02:39 It had spent all its strength to get away from the crocodile
02:42 and here came a fresh leopard.
02:44 The conjectures were confirmed,
02:46 and in a few minutes, the same people with the camera
02:48 saw the picture of a happy spotted animal
02:50 walking over the hill
02:51 holding the impala's neck with its teeth.
02:53 (dramatic music)
02:56 You can often see lions fighting,
03:05 cougars, crocodiles, and other predators.
03:07 It's natural, and everyone has seen such fights many times.
03:11 But have you ever imagined a giraffe fighting?
03:14 It's a multimeter tall creature
03:16 that seems as harmless and cute as possible.
03:18 Okay, I will not show you a fight
03:20 between a giraffe and another animal,
03:22 but catch the video with a showdown
03:24 between two members of this family.
03:26 If you don't know the adult male giraffes
03:29 regularly fight for dominance,
03:31 these fights look very expressive.
03:33 The males swing their necks
03:34 and try to hit each other with their horns.
03:36 The winning male gets to mate with more females,
03:39 which is precisely what happens in the video.
03:42 If you know some other possibilities of this animal,
03:44 like the fact that it can accelerate
03:46 up to 60 kilometers per hour,
03:48 then it is not difficult to assume
03:50 the strength of their necks.
03:52 Believe me, the enemy of the giraffe
03:54 will be in for a world of hurt.
03:56 Did you know that if a lion accidentally encounters a cheetah
04:00 it always attacks it?
04:02 Running away is the only means of escape for the cheetah
04:05 because there is no way it can stand up to lions in strength.
04:09 Given this fact, the confrontation between the zebra
04:12 and the lion looks, well, absolutely worthless.
04:15 The footage shows the lion for some time
04:17 watching a dozen zebras,
04:19 which were minding their own business.
04:21 At one point, the predator decided to attack
04:24 the weakest zebra, accelerated and caught up.
04:27 This animal reaches 80 kilometers per hour in a spurt.
04:30 So the first stage of the plan was not a problem for it.
04:34 The lion grabbed the zebra,
04:35 but during the battle it found itself underneath it.
04:38 Nevertheless, the predator was controlling
04:40 the entire situation and did not let the striped beast
04:44 out of its sharp claws,
04:45 which can reach seven centimeters in length.
04:48 You can see how the zebra brothers ran away with it
04:50 from the lion.
04:52 Now stand very close and watch what is happening
04:54 from the side.
04:55 Said alike, if you too have never understood
04:58 why animals can't help their relatives,
05:01 would the lion have a chance if all these zebras
05:03 jumped on it as a herd?
05:05 As it turned out, no help was needed.
05:07 The hapless zebra managed to lull its guard
05:09 and escape from his clutches instantly unharmed.
05:18 As we all know, scientists still probably don't know
05:21 why zebras are black and white.
05:24 So maybe it's because every time they fail,
05:26 it's replaced by something bright
05:27 and a white streak comes.
05:29 Judging by this video, that's a theory.
05:31 This lizard deserves an Oscar.
05:34 Why I think so, you'll find out at the end of the video.
05:38 But for now, I suggest we start with the events
05:41 shortly before the finale.
05:43 The lizard is engaged in the one and most important thing,
05:47 guarding the eggs.
05:48 Babies should come into the world very soon.
05:51 So it is significant to be extremely careful and attentive.
05:54 Therefore, as soon as an unfriendly snake
05:57 appeared on the horizon,
05:58 the lizard set out to solve the issues.
06:01 A few hours later, the situation was repeated,
06:04 but now there was already a dangerous snake
06:06 in front of the reptile,
06:07 which could easily overpower the lizard.
06:10 But realizing this, the snake simply crawled past,
06:13 leaving both the lizard itself and its offspring alone.
06:17 By the way, a few months after these events,
06:19 the lizard's first cub was born.
06:21 This was its reward for such good protection
06:24 of its offspring.
06:25 But the crocodile is not enough
06:28 and it decided to take advantage of the poor turtle,
06:31 which is several times smaller than it.
06:33 But this predator did not take into account
06:36 one small but critical point.
06:38 Turtle was not just chosen for the role of ninja,
06:41 it has a very tough shell, which is terribly strong.
06:45 With it, the animal can withstand loads
06:47 200 times its weight.
06:49 In the end, our friend with the shell
06:51 got out of the predator's jaws
06:52 and peacefully galloped toward the water.
06:55 And the aggressor did not even try to catch up with it
06:57 and try its luck again.
06:59 That's lucky.
07:05 That's what I would say about tourists
07:07 who were lucky enough to be in the right place
07:09 at the right time during a wilderness trip.
07:12 People were watching a leopard for some time
07:14 getting ready for something.
07:15 And knowing that this animal
07:16 would not do anything for nothing,
07:18 they turned off their car and started watching.
07:21 In a matter of seconds, the camera showed a giant python,
07:24 which embarrassed not only the spectators,
07:26 but also the leopard.
07:28 At the beginning of the battle,
07:29 it appeared that the snake had the upper hand
07:32 and the spotted predator had no chance to survive.
07:35 But this was only the first and erroneous opinion.
07:38 In fact, the cat escaped the snake's strangling holds,
07:42 jumped back like in a computer game,
07:44 and continued to bend its line, continued its offensive.
07:47 In the end, the battle ended successfully for it.
07:50 Though there were many wounds on the skin of the leopard,
07:53 but it won and was able to enjoy the snake.
07:56 By the way, do not think that the python
07:58 is an easy prey for these large snakes.
08:01 It is quite normal to devour some crocodiles.
08:04 Therefore, leopard for pythons
08:05 will not be an unrealistic prey.
08:10 The pursuit of life.
08:13 These are the words to describe what is happening
08:15 in this video of the horse antelope.
08:17 For those who don't know, the equine antelope,
08:20 also known as the gull horse antelope,
08:22 is a resident of Africa, reaches 300 kilograms,
08:26 and height is about 160 centimeters,
08:29 making this species the second largest antelope in the world
08:32 after the common canna.
08:34 However, despite this, cunning and agile lions
08:37 have found a way to get to this animal as well.
08:40 The predators attacked the creature in pairs,
08:42 and for some time, they did not let the animal breathe easy.
08:46 From the outside, it looked as if the antelope
08:48 did not have even the tiniest chance to escape.
08:51 But despite the ghostly chances,
08:53 the equine antelope still managed to find a moment
08:56 to get out of the vicious circle.
08:58 It got up and limped as best it could away from the lions.
09:01 But as it turned out,
09:02 it was only a tactical retreat for the predators.
09:05 They waited a few minutes and repeated the attack.
09:08 This time it was unsuccessful,
09:10 and the antelope again had a few minutes to breathe.
09:13 True, now the wounds began to feel much more serious,
09:16 the animal could not move normally.
09:18 It had to literally walk on its knees and elbows.
09:21 No normal speed of leaving the battle site
09:23 and hiding from the lion's gaze was out of the question.
09:27 So it was not surprising that they were able
09:29 to find the antelope hiding behind the trees.
09:32 The average weight of this animal
09:34 is somewhere around 220 kilograms.
09:37 Imagine how much a hearty dinner is at stake
09:40 for the two lions.
09:41 Well, that's it.
09:44 Write in the comments which fight impressed you the most.
09:47 And thank you very much for watching.
09:49 Also, don't forget to subscribe to the channel
09:52 and click on the bell not to miss new cool animal fights.
