Ryanair, per O'Leary il "benvenuto" a Bruxelles e' a colpi di torta

  • anno scorso
00:00 Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
00:04 - No, no, no, no - Stop, stop, stop, lift off
00:07 Welcome in Belgium!
00:11 Stop the pollution of the f***ing plane!
00:15 Well done
00:17 Oh, sorry, shoot me
00:20 One word about the strike, Mr. O'Leary
00:29 No, no, no, no, we're doing a press conference after this now, Adam
00:32 - Mr. O'Leary, how was the cream? - It's delicious
00:35 We'll answer all your questions over at our press conference now in five minutes
00:40 Did you like this welcome in Belgium?
00:42 I've always got a warm welcome in Belgium
00:44 Jesus
00:45 - You're annoying - I'll take that off
00:48 No, I don't f***ing care
00:49 Just take it off, we'll bring it up to the press conference
00:51 I've got to go and hand this in now, right?
00:53 - Could you bring that up for me? - Yeah
00:54 Thanks
00:55 I'll see you across the road
00:56 Okay, well done
00:57 Am I alright?
01:00 Yeah
01:01 [Musica]
