As soon as world leaders started arriving at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi on Saturday morning for the G20 Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally welcomed each and every one of them at the arrival area on the building’s second level. Interestingly, PM Modi shook hands with them for the customary photo-op, with a wall depicting the Konark Wheel of Odisha in the background.
#KonarkWheel #KonarkSunTemple #G20Summit #G20India #G20NewDelhi #G20SummitIndia #KonarkWheelG20 #PMModi #JoeBiden
#KonarkWheel #KonarkSunTemple #G20Summit #G20India #G20NewDelhi #G20SummitIndia #KonarkWheelG20 #PMModi #JoeBiden
00:00 As soon as world leaders started arriving at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi on Saturday morning
00:09 for the G20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally welcomed each and every one
00:15 of them at the arrival area on the building's second level.
00:18 Interestingly, PM Modi shook hands with them for the customary photo-off with a wall depicting
00:24 the Konark wheel of Odisha in the background.
00:28 So why was Konark wheel chosen as the backdrop?
00:32 Serving as a powerful symbol of democracy, the Konark wheel was built during the 13th
00:38 century under the reign of King Narasimhadeva I.
00:42 The wheel, with 24 spokes, is also adapted into India's national flag and embodies ancient
00:49 wisdom, advanced civilization and architectural excellence.
00:54 The rotating motion of the wheel symbolizes time of the Kala Chakra as well as progress
00:59 and continuous changes in the universe.
01:02 As a symbol of the wheel of democracy, it reflects the resilience of democratic ideals
01:07 and commitments to progress in society.
01:10 The Konark wheel symbolizes the chariot of the sun god.
01:14 In Hindu mythology, the sun god Surya is believed to ride a chariot across the sky each day
01:20 pulled by seven horses.
01:21 The chariot's wheel represents the passage of time.
01:25 The Konark wheel showcases the exceptional artistic and architectural skill of the craftsmen
01:30 of the time.
01:31 The intricate carvings on the wheel depict various mythological scenes, deities and celestial
01:37 beings.
01:38 These carvings also include depictions of musicians, dances and various forms of flora
01:45 and fauna.
01:46 The wheel's design is not just an artistic masterpiece but also a marvel of engineering.
01:53 It was crafted with meticulous precision.
01:55 The spokes of the wheel serve as sundials.
01:58 And the shadow cast by the spokes can be used to calculate the time of the day.
02:04 The Konark Sun Temple and its iconic wheel are not only architectural wonders but also
02:09 hold deep religious significance.
02:12 The temple was dedicated to the sun god and served as a place of worship and pilgrimage.
02:18 It was believed that visiting the temple and paying homage to the sun god would bring glory.
02:24 In recognition of its cultural and historical importance, the Konark Sun Temple along with
02:29 the Konark wheel was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.
02:36 It is considered one of India's most important heritage sites and attracts visitors and scholars
02:43 from around the world.
02:44 Over the years, the Konark wheel and the Sun Temple have faced challenges due to natural
02:49 factors and environmental wears.
02:51 The Indian government and various organizations have undertaken extensive preservation and
02:57 restoration efforts to safeguard this invaluable cultural treasure.
03:02 Besides the venue, India also makes a strong point regarding other aspects of its cultural
03:08 heritage.
03:09 Another ode to the sun is through Surya Shakti, which literally means solar power, a multiple-layered
03:15 artwork consisting of a central disc depicting the sun with its rays spread across the entire
03:22 length of the 52-meter-long wall.
03:26 From this background springs seven horses, representing the life that supports the energy
03:32 of the sun.
03:33 At the arrival area for the delegates outside Hall No. 14, India aims to cement its position
03:39 as the mother of democracy in the whole world through an interactive exhibition mounted
03:45 on 26 LED panels.
03:48 The government is hosting a special exhibition highlighting India's democratic tradition
03:53 titled Bharat, Mother of Democracy, that will greet the heads of state and other invitees
04:00 who will be in attendance for the G20 Summit.