Hackers Post Leslie Jones' Nudes

  • last year
SNL star Leslie Jones has been the target of all kinds of undeserved hate, and now people have taken it to the next level.


00:00 SNL and Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones is funny, nice, sweet, and not deserving of
00:04 any vitriol. Unfortunately, last month racist and sexist trolls attacked her on
00:08 Twitter for hours. Celebrities and fans used the hashtag #LoveForLeslieJ to
00:12 support her, but now it's gotten worse. Someone hacked into Leslie's website and
00:17 posted a video of Harambe the gorilla at the top of it. They then posted nude
00:21 photos of Leslie featuring her face and her body. So f*ck them. They also posted all
00:26 of her personal information, including her passport and her license. So f*ck
00:30 them. Leslie has taken down the website and she hasn't yet addressed it on
00:34 Twitter. People are coming together once again to show her some love.
00:37 Franklin Leonard said, "Where do I sign up for the lesdog defense force?" Lauren
00:41 Strapegal said, "Whatever scumbag did it wanted to punish Leslie Jones for being
00:46 a funny, outspoken, successful black woman who refused to accept harassment."
00:50 It'sPierreKing said, "I'm really disgusted on how Leslie Jones is being treated.
00:54 She's sweet and funny. I don't understand why someone would want to dim her light."
00:57 For more stories go to whatstrending.com.
