• 2 years ago
Paramount Pictures promotes an upcoming movie called Ring, with a gruesome prank on unsuspecting TV shoppers.


00:00 Paramount Pictures launched a massive and somewhat disturbing prank for their
00:03 new movie Rings, in which a gruesome girl jumps out of a TV and scares the
00:07 bejesus out of unsuspecting TV shoppers. Yep, they say the best TVs are the ones
00:12 where the images can really truly jump right out at you. I mean, I'm pretty
00:16 gullible. I would have probably freaked out if I saw this. Like some people I
00:21 feel like are like, "Yeah, that didn't scare me." And I'd be like, "AHHHH!" And we're showing a
00:25 really brief view of how the elaborate prank was constructed by creating a TV
00:29 screen that raises in order to create an escape for the prankster playing the
00:32 part of the terrifying girl. The shoppers think that they're just winning a TV, and
00:36 so the shop clerk are showing them a bunch of their selections when suddenly
00:40 they put the attention on this one TV, and that's when it all happens.
00:45 Somehow watching people freak out at something when you're in on the joke and
00:54 they're not never gets old. And now that we've got your attention, the upcoming
00:58 horror movie Rings hits theaters February 3rd. Thanks marketing. And it's
01:03 not the first time a studio has used a prank to garner millions of views and
01:05 attention for a horror movie. Remember devil baby prank for the movie Devils Do?
01:09 That was freaky. Or the telekinetic prank that was used to promote the movie Carrie.
01:13 That video now has over 67 million views. And Carrie fell flat at the box office,
01:18 so I guess digital marketing works. So does this type of marketing make you
01:21 want to see the movie? Let us know in the comments below. For more trends like
01:24 these, just go to whatstrending.com.
