Adorable Terrier Ruins Obstacle Course

  • last year
A jack russell terrier fails to run the obstacle course at the annual Crufts dog show, but succeeds in stealing our hearts.
00:00 is an annual dog show held in the UK and it features many events like the Rescue
00:04 Dog Agility Course. This year, the obstacle course met its fiercest
00:07 competitor, Ollie the Jack Russell Terrier. "Who's a good boy, Ollie? Who's a good boy?
00:12 You're a good boy. Who's a good boy? Look at this! Oh, what a nosedive and he
00:17 couldn't care less." Ollie was adopted as a puppy from the Blue Cross, who shelters
00:22 and cares for abandoned pets and animals since 1897. "Who's a good charitable
00:27 foundation? You are Blue Cross. You're a good charitable foundation, Blue Cross."
00:31 Ollie started with a rough wipeout, taking a nosedive after running straight
00:36 into a hurdle, but he quickly recovered and won over the crowd, especially the
00:40 announcer. "Here we go. It didn't take long for Ollie to become an obstacle
00:47 smashing sensation. Hannah writes, "This was so pure and happy I wish my Mondays
00:51 were like this." Well, try being a Jack Russell Terrier. Guillermo says, "And what
00:56 a show he put on. Like my sister says, this dog has joie de vivre." "Who has joie de vivre?
01:01 Ollie has joie de vivre. You have joie de vivre." Not every dog can fail this obstacle course as
01:06 adorably as little Ollie. Back in 2013, a dog named Libby was running the course
01:11 with precision until she needed a timeout.
01:25 "Bad Libby! Why can't you be cute and run around like Ollie? Bad Libby!" Well, what
01:31 do you think? Is Ollie a good boy or a very good boy? For more trends like these,
01:36 check out
