• 2 years ago
Popular YouTuber Philip Defranco has called out a family prank channel for possible child abuse. Defranco devoted a portion of his show to the channel Daddyofive, which bills itself as a family channel, but a recent video caused Defranco some alarm.


00:00 YouTuber, Philip DeFranco, has called out a family prank channel for possible
00:04 child abuse. DeFranco devoted a portion of his show to the YouTube channel,
00:08 DaddyOFive, which builds itself as a family prank channel, but a recent video
00:13 caused DeFranco some alarm. The prank video, which is no longer on DaddyOFive's
00:17 channel, shows the parents spilling invisible ink all over their son's
00:21 bedroom and then interrogating the children as to which one of them did it.
00:32 The invisible ink prank spawned a lot of criticism from the internet, to which the
00:37 DaddyOFive channel posted a 20-minute response video to their "haters."
00:42 DeFranco delved deep into the backlog of the video's channels and found a
00:55 surprising amount of footage, which I frankly find too distressing to watch
00:59 for a second time. In his show, DeFranco points out that the kids are being
01:03 incentivized to keep getting pranked by their parents.
01:06 "They also acknowledge that they have so much cool stuff thanks to having a
01:09 YouTube channel. So by getting stuff, they're incentivized to allow the
01:12 parents to upload these videos. I tried to explain the story as evenly as
01:14 possible in the beginning, but it's impossible for me to hide the fact that
01:17 if you treat a child like this, I hate you." Since then, the parents from the
01:21 DaddyOFive channel have posted a response to DeFranco's claims. They say
01:25 that all of their pranks are fake, but now they're receiving death threats. Have
01:29 you seen these family prank videos? What do you think? For more trends like these,
01:32 please go to whatstrending.com.
