Bowler Sets Record For Fastest Perfect Game

  • last year
23-year-old bowler Ben Ketola from Syracuse may have just set an incredible world record for bowling the fastest perfect game: 12 strikes in 87 seconds.


00:00 23 year old bowler Ben Cotolo may have just set a world record for bowling the fastest perfect game 12 strikes in 87
00:07 seconds
00:08 I know what you're thinking and yes
00:10 Ben does work at that bowling alley as he said in an interview between bowling league and practice Ben probably bowls 50 games a week
00:17 Ben was inspired by this
00:19 2015 video of pro bowler Tom Doherty bowling a perfect game going lane to lane ending with a time of 1 minute 51
00:25 Seconds Ben originally was challenging himself to recreate the stunt and not to beat Doherty's time after closing time at the 10 lane bowling alley
00:33 Ben practiced a few times before filming his record-setting attempt now
00:36 You won't see Ben's name in the Guinness World Record books because there's no categories for speed in bowling
00:42 But Ben now owns the bragging rights even though Ben is a highly skilled bowler luck was still on his side
00:47 Unlike pro bowler Bill O'Neill who bowled a strike only to have one of the pins land fully upright making it officially a spare
00:55 Until his record is defeated Ben is planning some other bowling stunts as he said in an interview next time
01:00 I may set up all spares on the lanes and see how fast I can make those
01:04 What do you think of Ben's record-setting stunt for more trends like these go to what's trending calm?
