Man Beats Twitter Record For Chicken Nuggets

  • last year
Well, he did it. Twitter user Carter Wilkerson got his nuggs, and all he had to do was set a record for the most retweets ever. It all started when Carter asked Wendy's what it would take to get free chicken nuggets for a year. The world record for retweets was only 3.4 Million, which was held by Ellen Degeneres for her star-filed Oscars selfie. If Carter could beat that record, Wendy's agreed to give Carter his nuggs.
00:00 Well, he did it. Twitter user Carter Wilkerson got his nugs. And all he had to do was set
00:04 a record for the most retweets ever. All of this stuff started when Carter did the unthinkable.
00:09 He asked Wendy's what it would take to get free nuggets for a year. That's all you gotta
00:12 do. Carter asked, "Yo Wendy's, how many retweets for a year of free chicken nuggets?" Wendy's
00:17 responds with, "18 million." Which Carter accepts, saying, "Consider it done." That's
00:23 a brave dude. Here's the thing. Wendy's knew what they were doing. 18 million? Nobody's
00:26 ever even gotten that close. They were setting the bar too high. The world record for retweets
00:31 was only 3.4 million, which was held by Ellen DeGeneres for her star-filled Oscar selfie.
00:37 If Carter could beat that record, Wendy's agreed to give Carter his nugs.
00:40 Why you trying to sabotage my selfie? Why you trying to do that? I worked really hard.
00:45 That holds the record and you're trying to pass me up. I just want chicken nuggets.
00:50 Carter's tweets started building. Retweets, here they go. They're coming in. Stars, celebs.
00:56 Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad, he's retweeting it. Let's see what he had to say. "It's good
00:59 to have dreams." When it got to 1 million, Wendy's commemorated the tweet by saying,
01:04 "Officially shook." Carter, you got 'em shook. At 1 million. But 18 million, you know, you're
01:11 not gonna get there. But it was nice of them to say. Carter started the hashtag #NugsForCarter,
01:15 'cause of course he did. And Wendy's took that and they turned it into a charity thing.
01:19 #NugsForCarter began raising money for the Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption. Carter
01:24 earned $100,000 for the foundation, as well as his free nugs.
01:28 Congrats Carter. You did it. You raised a ton of money for a great cause. You got your
01:32 nugs. Everything went your way. Now, the only thing left, it's time to battle that heartburn
01:37 and indigestion. Ooh, I can feel it already myself.
01:40 Okay guys, what would you do for a year of free nugs? Would you take it this far? Huh?
01:43 For more trends like this, go to
