Detective Lets Man Die - June 22, 2023

  • 11 months ago
On June 22nd, 2023, a Caldwell Parish Sheriff's Office narcotics detective was dispatched to a call of a car in the ditch and the driver acting erratically.

Nearby homeowners advise me that once the detective arrived, she berated the driver of the car, put him in handcuffs, and laid him down in the road ditch. They advised me that he was clearly overdosing on some combination of drugs (later determined to be fentanyl-laced meth), but the detective never even attempted to administer Narcan, and didn't call for EMS until he stopped moving some 30 minutes later. It then took about 20 more minutes for EMS to get there.

"Officially" the man coded in the ambulance and died at the ER, but ER and ambulance personnel told the man's family that he was most likely dead (in handcuffs, meaning in police custody) before EMS was called. The death was covered up and the detective remains on the force.
