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00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:16 I'm gonna pray, God let the words of our mouth, let the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight.
00:00:22 And in the name of Jesus God, I pray that they will not see me, but they will see you.
00:00:26 That they won't hear me, but they will hear you.
00:00:29 And I thank you for great is your faithfulness, morning by morning, new mercies we see.
00:00:34 All we've ever needed, your hands has provided.
00:00:38 God, I pray that they will not see jazz, but they will see Jesus.
00:00:41 That they won't hear jazz, but they will hear Jesus.
00:00:44 And when all is said and done, I thank you that your name will be glorified, your people will be edified.
00:00:49 And the very devil will be horrified.
00:00:53 For we ask it all in Jesus precious name, and the people of God say amen, and amen, and amen.
00:00:59 1 Samuel chapter 18, 1 Samuel chapter 18, amen, amen.
00:01:04 1 Samuel chapter 18, let me see if my digital device works up in here, amen.
00:01:10 1 Samuel chapter 18, amen, 1 Samuel chapter 18.
00:01:15 And when you found it, if you can stand for the word of God and then holler back, "Word."
00:01:21 Amen, 1 Samuel chapter 18, oh what I love this crowd already.
00:01:25 1 Samuel chapter 18, time will not allow me to read all of it in its entirety.
00:01:31 So let me just read a couple of verses and we all will land safely.
00:01:36 1 Samuel chapter 18, and David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan,
00:01:42 because one in the spirit with David, and he loved him as his own.
00:01:49 That's 1 Samuel 18, are you all there with me?
00:01:52 In 1 Samuel 18, from that day Saul kept David with him,
00:01:56 and did not let him return home to his father's house or to his family.
00:02:01 I'm reading from the New International Version.
00:02:03 And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.
00:02:09 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David along with his tunic,
00:02:14 and even his sword, and his bow, and his belt.
00:02:17 Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful,
00:02:22 that the church says successful.
00:02:24 David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army.
00:02:29 Displeased all the troops and Saul's officers as well,
00:02:33 when the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine,
00:02:37 the women, let the women holler at me, the women.
00:02:41 The women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King David
00:02:46 with singing and dancing, with joyful song and with timbrel and lyrics.
00:02:52 As they danced, they sang, Saul has slain his thousand, and David his ten thousand.
00:02:59 Saul was very angry, this refrain displeased him greatly.
00:03:05 They have credited David with ten of thousand, he thought, but me with only thousand.
00:03:12 What more can he get but the kingdom?
00:03:16 Look at you and say, what more, what more, what more, what more can he get but the kingdom?
00:03:21 And from that time on, Saul kept a close eye on David.
00:03:29 Would you look at your neighbor and tell him, I got a sneaky feeling somebody is looking at you.
00:03:33 Come on, come on, come on.
00:03:35 And from that day, Saul kept his eyes on David.
00:03:42 Just back it up, particularly the verse number seven.
00:03:46 As they danced, they sang, Saul has slain his thousand, and David his ten thousand.
00:03:53 As they danced, they sang, Saul has slain his thousand, and David his ten thousand.
00:04:01 On this six year anniversary, I want to put a tag on those verses and I want to preach from the subject,
00:04:07 Our praise goes right here.
00:04:10 Look at your neighbor and say, Our praise goes right here.
00:04:13 Okay, I thought I had some people celebrating an anniversary.
00:04:17 I said, Our praise go right here.
00:04:20 Our shout go right here.
00:04:22 Our scream go right here.
00:04:24 Our holler go right here.
00:04:26 Our dance go right here.
00:04:29 Our praise go right here.
00:04:32 Help your neighbor take your seat.
00:04:33 Let me preach it out so you can work it out.
00:04:36 All of us are familiar with David who was anointed at an early age to become king.
00:04:42 And while he was anointed, he was waiting for the appointment.
00:04:46 He was anointed at an early age to become king.
00:04:50 But while he was anointed, he was waiting for the appointment.
00:04:54 And that's a word for somebody on this morning, that just because you've been anointed on Monday,
00:05:00 Don't mean you get the appointment on Tuesday.
00:05:03 Just because you're qualified on Wednesday, doesn't mean you're going to have it on Thursday.
00:05:08 David is anointed at an early age, and one of the ways that David exemplified that he's been anointed,
00:05:16 Is that David was tending another man's flock.
00:05:20 All of us know that in order for God to upgrade you, before he can upgrade you to your own stuff,
00:05:27 He got to see that you're faithful, taking care of another man's stuff.
00:05:31 In fact, David is attending to his father's flock.
00:05:35 He's taking care of his father's flock, and the Bible tells us that David, while he's waiting on the appointment,
00:05:43 The man who does not have the anointment, got the appointment.
00:05:47 I'm going somewhere. Saul, the first king of Israel,
00:05:51 Saul is the people's choice, but he's not God's choice.
00:05:55 You want to make sure in this season and time, that you're not the people's choice, but you're God's choice.
00:06:01 Because when you are God's choice, it doesn't matter who's against you, it doesn't matter who's for you.
00:06:07 He prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemy.
00:06:11 He anoints your head with oil, your cup run it over.
00:06:15 Saul is not God's choice, he's the people's choice.
00:06:19 The people wanted to be like the other nations and the other churches.
00:06:24 And so they asked for a king. God gives them the desires of their heart.
00:06:29 And they raised up, or they instituted, or installed the current king by the name of Saul.
00:06:35 Saul has the appointment, but he lacks the anointment, God.
00:06:40 Nothing worse than following lack of leadership without the anointment.
00:06:45 Nothing worse than somebody got the position, but ain't got the power.
00:06:49 Hello somebody. They got the title, but they ain't got the testimony.
00:06:53 Hello somebody. They got the clothes, but they ain't got the credential.
00:06:57 Am I talking to anybody?
00:06:59 You know somebody on your job that ain't supposed to even be in that position.
00:07:05 There is somebody that is the least qualified, and it may be you, and yet God is blessing you.
00:07:12 And that's why every time they look at you, they're trying to figure out.
00:07:16 You ain't got the title, but you know how to do it.
00:07:19 You may not have the money, but you know how to make it.
00:07:22 Hello somebody. Because when the hand of God, somebody call the hand of God.
00:07:27 When the hand of God is on your life, it doesn't matter who don't like you.
00:07:33 He'll use your enemy to pay your bills.
00:07:35 Hello somebody. He'll use somebody to promote you.
00:07:39 Am I talking to anybody in here?
00:07:41 Saul has the appointment, but David has the anointment.
00:07:46 But David is waiting for the appointment.
00:07:49 And one of the ways that David is waiting for the appointment,
00:07:53 is that he's faithful over another man's flock.
00:07:57 He's faithful over another man's sheep.
00:08:00 He's taking care of another man's church.
00:08:03 Lord help me.
00:08:04 He's growing another man's ministry.
00:08:07 I'm not surprised that God give you your own,
00:08:10 because you have been faithful over a few.
00:08:13 Hello somebody. Hello somebody.
00:08:16 I'm not surprised that God opened this opportunity for you to pastor your own sheep.
00:08:22 You are faithful taking care of another man's sheep.
00:08:26 Hello somebody.
00:08:27 And when you can, if God can trust you to take care of another man's sheep,
00:08:33 He know He can trust you with your own.
00:08:36 Would you slap five at your neighbor?
00:08:38 God wants you to ask them,
00:08:40 Can I trust you to be faithful taking care of another man's house?
00:08:46 Can you take care of my Mercedes while you're waiting on yours?
00:08:50 Can you clean my mansion while you're waiting on yours?
00:08:54 Can you shout for my miracle while you're waiting on yours?
00:08:59 Slap five at your neighbor and say,
00:09:01 This shout ain't even for my stuff.
00:09:04 It's for your stuff.
00:09:06 Because I have not seen.
00:09:10 Here it is.
00:09:11 Take your hands off that keys.
00:09:12 I'll come get you.
00:09:14 Come on y'all.
00:09:15 Sit down.
00:09:16 Y'all going to mess the DVD up.
00:09:17 You're going to mess YouTube up.
00:09:19 Here it is.
00:09:20 The Bible says that Saul is the current king.
00:09:23 He has the appointment but not the anointment.
00:09:27 But the Bible said that David has the anointment,
00:09:31 But he's waiting for the appointment.
00:09:33 That's a prophetic word for at least 300 of y'all.
00:09:37 You got the anointment, you just waiting for the appointment.
00:09:41 You already got the breakthrough, you just waiting for the manifestation.
00:09:45 You already a millionaire, you just waiting to see it.
00:09:49 Would you look your neighbor in the eyes and say,
00:09:52 I don't have to see it to shout.
00:09:55 I'll shout before I see it.
00:09:57 Because I have not seen.
00:09:59 I have not heard.
00:10:02 What has been entered, what has been entered, what has been entered.
00:10:06 I need everybody in here to shout for the building that's on its way.
00:10:10 You ain't seen it yet, but it's on its way.
00:10:13 I need somebody to scream for the property.
00:10:16 Get them something right.
00:10:18 I need somebody to holler for it to happen.
00:10:23 The Bible said, the Bible said, come on sit down.
00:10:26 The Bible says that Saul has the appointment and David has the anointment.
00:10:33 And the only way that David steps into his destiny,
00:10:37 The only way that David steps into his divine alignment,
00:10:42 Is that he has to face a battle.
00:10:44 Somebody say a battle.
00:10:46 The only way that David gets to where he needs to gets to,
00:10:50 He has to face a battle.
00:10:52 That's the chapter before it.
00:10:54 He kills Goliath, but don't miss it.
00:10:56 Before he kills a giant, he kills a lion and a bear.
00:11:00 Because lions and bears are prerequisite to handling your giant.
00:11:06 You're not ready for a giant yet, until you've killed a lion and a bear.
00:11:12 You're not ready for Mercedes, until you take care of the hoopty.
00:11:16 You're not ready for a big house, until you clean the one bedroom apartment.
00:11:21 You're not ready for nine less, until you can shout in payless, which passages.
00:11:27 You're not ready for the miracle, until you can scream when you ain't got the miracle.
00:11:32 The prerequisite to handling giants, is that you've killed a lion and a bear.
00:11:39 But here's where you're going to really shout over it.
00:11:42 As soon as you kill a lion, and as soon as you kill a bear,
00:11:47 It's confirmation that you're on your way to where you need to get to.
00:11:51 But as soon as you kill your giant, you will never have to fight a lion and a bear again.
00:11:58 Would you look at your neighbor and say, "This battle you're fighting,
00:12:02 This enemy you're facing, you will see it no more.
00:12:06 After this next shout, you will never look at it no more.
00:12:10 You will never have to go at it no more.
00:12:13 You will never have to cry over it no more.
00:12:16 Would you slap fight with your neighbor and say,
00:12:19 "When you come through what you're going through,
00:12:22 You will never have to face this very thing no more."
00:12:28 He kills a lion, he kills a bear.
00:12:31 And I know in the six years you've killed lions and you've killed bears,
00:12:36 But you're a giant slayer, hell of somebody.
00:12:39 I said you've killed lions and you've killed bears, but you're a giant slayer.
00:12:44 He kills the lion, he kills the bear, and he kills the giant.
00:12:49 And the Bible said from that moment on, Saul would not let David go back to his house anymore.
00:12:57 Oh God, y'all got to know this.
00:13:00 The Bible said the moment he killed Goliath, Saul would not let him go back no more.
00:13:08 I need everybody who belong to the shepherd's house to look back,
00:13:12 'Cause God told me you ain't going back, God help me.
00:13:16 I said I need everybody in the shepherd's house to look back,
00:13:21 'Cause God said you ain't going back.
00:13:24 Forget him, those English are behind us.
00:13:30 Oh my God, I just came back from preaching in Virginia,
00:13:36 And some bishop said, "Well Dr. Jairus, if Jericho ever becomes available, would you go back?"
00:13:42 I said, "No, I ain't going back, because what's ahead of me is greater than what's behind me."
00:13:48 I need you to slap fight with three people and say, "If you can see yourself in the future, you won't even cry over your past."
00:13:56 If you can see where God has taken you, you won't even cry over your past.
00:14:04 The Bible says that after David had killed, come on sit down, we're just talking.
00:14:11 After David, after David, after David had killed Goliath,
00:14:16 The Bible said that Saul would not let him go back home anymore.
00:14:22 I know I'm in Bible country, because the question is why?
00:14:26 Because remember he was taking care of his daddy's flock.
00:14:31 He goes down to the battle and kills Goliath.
00:14:34 The daddy sends him to do one thing, but God sent him to do another thing.
00:14:40 He was supposed to just take lunch to his brothers.
00:14:44 That's what his physical daddy said.
00:14:47 But his heavenly daddy said, "No, you're going to kill the enemy of the church."
00:14:51 He goes and he kills Goliath, and he was supposed to make a U-turn and go back home.
00:14:57 But the moment he kills Goliath, the Bible says that Saul would not let him go back home no more.
00:15:06 Somebody holler, "Why?"
00:15:09 I love an intellectual church, it's because remember when he was facing Goliath.
00:15:15 Goliath had four other brothers, but on that day David only killed one giant.
00:15:22 That means four other giants are pissed.
00:15:25 That means they're out to kill David.
00:15:28 Sometimes God will keep you from going back.
00:15:32 Not as punishment, but protection.
00:15:35 God, somebody got to catch it.
00:15:37 I need you to look at your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, you're trying to go back into that relationship."
00:15:43 It's not punishment, it's protection.
00:15:46 You're trying to go back into that friendship.
00:15:49 It's not punishment, it's protection.
00:15:51 You're trying to go back to the job you left.
00:15:54 It's not punishment, it's protection.
00:15:57 Sometimes God will keep you from going back.
00:16:04 Not as a part of punishment, but rather as a part of protection.
00:16:09 Saul would not let David go back home any more.
00:16:14 My God, look at your neighbor and say, "Any more."
00:16:16 Saul would not let David go back to the place that he was delivered from.
00:16:22 And the Bible said, "And Saul would not let David go back."
00:16:27 But David and Jonathan made a covenant of water, Lord.
00:16:33 Y'all got to catch it.
00:16:34 They made a covenant.
00:16:36 God will always set you up with somebody who is not in competition with you.
00:16:41 But somebody who's in covenant with you.
00:16:44 I came because we are in covenant.
00:16:47 There is no competition.
00:16:49 We are not stealing one another's sheep.
00:16:52 I came to celebrate what God is doing in your life.
00:16:56 Because what he's doing in this house, he's doing in my house.
00:17:00 And when you secure in who you are, you'll shout over somebody else's blessing.
00:17:06 Would you just nudge your neighbor and say, "This holler is for your house."
00:17:10 "This holler is for your miracle."
00:17:12 "This holler is for your breakthrough."
00:17:15 "This holler is for yours."
00:17:17 "I need victory to holler and I need shepherd to holler."
00:17:22 Open your mouth!
00:17:26 In this season and time, in this season and time, God is raising up covenant relationship.
00:17:34 You and I have two things in common.
00:17:37 We are a church without a building.
00:17:40 And we were standing back there and I heard God saying, "As soon as y'all started touching and agreeing,"
00:17:46 "I'm going to release it for him and release it for you."
00:17:49 I need somebody to open your mind.
00:17:52 I need 10 seconds right here.
00:17:54 I need a 10 seconds right here.
00:17:56 I need a shout right here.
00:17:58 I need to act like it's already done.
00:18:06 I need you to holler like it's already done.
00:18:11 Come on, touch Him and say, "We are in covenant."
00:18:13 "We are in covenant." Come on, touch Him and say, "We are in covenant."
00:18:17 And treat me not to leave you.
00:18:19 We are in covenant.
00:18:20 The days for casual relationship is over.
00:18:24 The days for competition is over.
00:18:27 We are in covenant relationship because there is enough sinners going around.
00:18:33 We ain't got to steal nobody's sheep.
00:18:35 We don't have to beg nobody to come.
00:18:38 We don't have to manipulate nobody.
00:18:40 Because there is enough sinners going around.
00:18:43 And oh, I believe that if God can do it on this side, He can do it in Bowie, Maryland.
00:18:49 I need somebody to holler for what He's doing in this house.
00:18:53 And then I need 10 seconds to holler what He's doing in my house.
00:18:57 Because it is no secret what God can do.
00:19:03 Somebody holler, "We are in covenant."
00:19:06 That's what you did this morning.
00:19:09 You had communion.
00:19:11 When you got around the communion table,
00:19:14 you reminded yourself of the covenant that you're making.
00:19:18 That we the people and the pastor will follow the plan and the purpose and the will of God.
00:19:25 The Bible said that David and Jonathan made a covenant.
00:19:29 Oh, you ain't got to worry about Saul when you got Jonathan.
00:19:33 Oh, Jonathan got a preview of coming attraction.
00:19:38 Jonathan got the inside scoop.
00:19:42 David, you can sleep at night because Jonathan is going to look out for you.
00:19:47 I prophesied to a thousand people that God told me you can go to bed tonight.
00:19:52 I raised up a Jonathan to hear what they're deciding about you.
00:19:57 God told me to tell you you can sleep tonight.
00:20:00 I put people in places who may not look like you.
00:20:04 They're not your color, but they're your kind.
00:20:06 I put people in judges places.
00:20:09 I put people in the boardroom who's going to know when the building is available.
00:20:15 And they're going to call you and give you advance warning.
00:20:18 I need somebody up in here to holler for divine connection.
00:20:24 Come on somebody, holler for divine connection.
00:20:27 I need you to do me a favor.
00:20:29 You better check your connection.
00:20:32 In the next three months, you better check your connection.
00:20:36 Because you don't want to be connected to nobody who can't celebrate what God is doing in your life.
00:20:43 You don't want to be connected to nobody that when you start breaking out in a shout.
00:20:48 They roll their eyes at you, look down your section and say, "I want to make sure I'm in the right section."
00:20:55 When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me, my soul cries out, "Hallelujah!"
00:21:05 Look down your row and say, "Neighbor, everyone in my section ought to put a praise on it."
00:21:13 "Ought to put a shout on it. Ought to put a prayer."
00:21:22 He is in covenant. Somebody holler, "Covenant."
00:21:27 David and Jonathan is in covenant.
00:21:30 And this covenant didn't just start. It started when we were doing boot camp.
00:21:37 Y'all don't know anything about it.
00:21:40 It started, in fact, the first time I came to the DMV.
00:21:44 It was not through First Baptist Church of Glen Arden.
00:21:47 It was through boot camp. Hello, somebody.
00:21:50 Oh my goodness, boot camp is when I'm mastering my craft in preaching.
00:21:56 It's in boot camp. We need to pay those people some money.
00:21:59 We didn't know what we were doing.
00:22:01 But we were in covenant relationship, me, you, and Peyton.
00:22:05 We will always be on the platform together.
00:22:08 Because God had already established years ago that we were going to be upgraded.
00:22:15 We started from the bottom. Y'all ain't ready for me.
00:22:18 Look at it, we started from the bottom but we're on our way to the top.
00:22:22 David and Jonathan are in covenant.
00:22:25 And the Bible says that Saul would not let David go back home anymore.
00:22:31 This is just a sidebar. Somebody call a sidebar.
00:22:34 One of the ways of success is that success brings confinement, God.
00:22:40 What did I say? Success brings confinement.
00:22:44 He would not let him go back home anymore.
00:22:48 And as wonderful as success is, and you've had success in the last six years,
00:22:53 it brings confinement. Success brings restriction. Hello, somebody.
00:22:59 But not only does it bring confinement and restriction, but success also brings separation.
00:23:07 In fact, can I call it painful separation?
00:23:11 He would not go back home anymore.
00:23:14 It's not that he could not go back to a particular place,
00:23:18 but the emphasis is he could not go back home anymore.
00:23:22 What is at home that the Lord would not let him go back home to?
00:23:27 Well, remember the last time Samuel showed up with the oil.
00:23:31 Samuel was looking for the next king of Israel.
00:23:35 And Samuel knocked on the door of Jesse,
00:23:38 and said, "The Lord told me the next king of Israel is in your house."
00:23:43 Jesse brought all of his sons before Samuel,
00:23:46 and Samuel said, "It's not any of them."
00:23:49 Samuel is scratching his head because he knows he hears from God
00:23:53 that the future king of Israel is in his house.
00:23:57 And yet Jesse said, "It's all of these are my sons."
00:24:01 And Samuel said, "It's none of them."
00:24:04 And just then when Samuel was about to leave,
00:24:07 Jesse said, "Well, wait a minute. I got this boy.
00:24:10 He a little bit strange.
00:24:13 Oh, come on. I wish I had somebody.
00:24:16 I got this boy. He's on the back side of the mountain.
00:24:21 He got all white on with sneakers on his feet.
00:24:24 He's back there worshiping."
00:24:27 And Jesse said, "I don't think it's him,
00:24:30 but let's just call him anyway."
00:24:33 And as soon as he walked in the house, the oil started jumping.
00:24:38 Oh, that's why you can't go back to the places where people doubted you.
00:24:43 God, I feel God in this place.
00:24:46 I said, "You cannot go back to the place where people didn't believe in you.
00:24:51 You can't go back to the place where people underestimated you."
00:24:56 I came to prophesize a thousand people.
00:24:59 He's about to let your haters see him promote you.
00:25:04 Oh, I need somebody to open your mouth,
00:25:07 throw your head back,
00:25:09 and act like you lost your mind.
00:25:12 If he pays a table for me in the presence,
00:25:21 he would not let him.
00:25:26 He would not let him go back to a degrading, dehumanizing, toxic relationship.
00:25:38 Your own daddy don't believe you.
00:25:46 Because success brings restriction.
00:25:49 Success brings confinement.
00:25:52 And success brings out painful separation.
00:25:56 And you plan to be successful,
00:25:58 but many of you will never get there because you can't let go.
00:26:04 Oh my God.
00:26:05 I said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You plan for it.
00:26:08 But it's hard for you to separate. Hello, somebody.
00:26:12 But if you want to be successful in this season,
00:26:15 it requires painful separation.
00:26:18 Oh, when I left Jericho, it was painful.
00:26:21 I'm not going to lie.
00:26:23 It was publicly embarrassing.
00:26:26 It was downright humiliating.
00:26:29 Oh, locks was changed.
00:26:31 Newspapers was there.
00:26:33 They called me everything but a child of God.
00:26:36 But can I tell you, I didn't lose one night's sleep.
00:26:40 Because I learned, y'all ain't ready for me.
00:26:43 I learned that wasn't mine in the first place.
00:26:46 And I learned if I lose it all, and I got King Jesus,
00:26:50 I got more than enough to start all over with.
00:26:54 Slap fight with your neighbors, say, "You got five seconds
00:26:57 to cry over the stuff you had to leave.
00:27:00 You got four seconds to cry over the people who walked out on you.
00:27:05 You got three seconds to open your mouth and make the devil mad.
00:27:11 You got two seconds to throw your head back and holler.
00:27:16 You got five seconds to say, "I've been through it,
00:27:21 but greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
00:27:27 I won't go back."
00:27:30 [music]
00:27:37 He could not.
00:27:40 He could not go back home anymore.
00:27:43 Success brings out, oh my goodness, it restricts you.
00:27:48 It confines you, and it requires painful separation
00:27:53 because everybody on level one can't go to level two.
00:27:58 And everyone on level two can't go to level three.
00:28:01 And everyone who's on level three can't go on level four.
00:28:05 Oh, y'all ain't hearing me up in here.
00:28:08 Painful separation.
00:28:12 It brings out, but not only that, you have to think about it in the text
00:28:16 because the Bible said that while it brings painful separation,
00:28:20 it brings divine alignment.
00:28:22 God, that Jonathan and David hard were knitted together.
00:28:27 Now y'all know who Jonathan is.
00:28:29 Jonathan is the son of the current king.
00:28:33 My God, he's the son of Saul.
00:28:36 He is in line to become the next king.
00:28:39 But even Jonathan can see the hand of God on the life of David.
00:28:45 And Jonathan backs out of his plane, and he's promoting God's agenda.
00:28:51 Oh, I know Jonathan might have felt disappointed,
00:28:55 but listen, Jonathan understood the will of God,
00:28:58 and he made such a covenant with David.
00:29:01 The Bible said because he loved him.
00:29:04 Oh, y'all don't miss that key.
00:29:06 This is not law, this is love.
00:29:09 Oh, pastor, God's about to raise up people who ain't gonna do it
00:29:15 because you wrote it in the bylaws and the constitution.
00:29:19 God is going to raise up people who love you
00:29:22 just because of who you are.
00:29:25 That's why even when you preach a bad sermon,
00:29:27 they won't be able to leave because they're joined to you.
00:29:32 Even when the internet is not working and everything is not right,
00:29:37 the people that God is covenant in relationship with you,
00:29:41 on your worst day, first lady, on your bad day,
00:29:45 and we all have bad days and worst days, they won't be able to go nowhere.
00:29:50 You can rest assured, that's why I tell my members,
00:29:54 you can visit any church you want, I'll see y'all next Sunday,
00:29:58 because the people who are in covenant with me,
00:30:01 I don't have to put them, come on, on a plantation.
00:30:04 I don't have to shackle their feet and shackle their hands,
00:30:08 because when you are in covenant, I wish I had somebody in here,
00:30:12 look at your neighbor and say, "We in covenant."
00:30:15 Where shall I flee from you?
00:30:17 Where shall I go and treat me not to leave you?
00:30:21 Your God will be my God.
00:30:23 Your people will be my people.
00:30:26 The only thing that will separate us is going to be death.
00:30:31 And God is raising up the kind of people in your ministry,
00:30:35 who will fight for you.
00:30:37 I said God is raising up some people who will fight for us.
00:30:43 We ain't got to raise a finger, we ain't got to say anything.
00:30:47 If they talk about your pastor in the grocery store,
00:30:50 and you overheard it, it's going down.
00:30:54 Look at your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, you can talk about the president,
00:30:59 but you better not talk about my man of God,
00:31:02 because it's going down.
00:31:05 I'll kill you and tell God you died."
00:31:08 Pull your neighbor by the hand and say,
00:31:11 "That's the mouthpiece that God is using to perform miracles in my life."
00:31:18 If you are in covenant with your pastor,
00:31:21 open your mouth and shout.
00:31:27 I said open your mouth and shout.
00:31:38 Man, I got some mothers at my church,
00:31:43 that you better not say anything about me in front of them.
00:31:48 I got some people at my church, they saved, they sanctified,
00:31:53 but they still got a sword.
00:31:54 Hello somebody, look at you and say, "Don't mess with my pastor.
00:31:58 Don't mess with my church, don't mess with my ministry,
00:32:01 because this is the place that God feeds me.
00:32:04 This is the place where God heals me.
00:32:07 This is the place where God rules me.
00:32:09 This is the place where I feel the power of God.
00:32:12 And if you know what I'm talking about,
00:32:15 you refuse to allow anybody to say anything negative,
00:32:20 not just about the man of God.
00:32:22 But let me level the playing field.
00:32:25 Don't you touch my first lady.
00:32:27 Oh, come on, look at your neighbor.
00:32:29 And say, "You can't love him and hate her.
00:32:32 They are one.
00:32:34 You got to love him and you got to love her.
00:32:37 You got to serve him and you got to serve her.
00:32:40 You got to celebrate him and you got to scream for her."
00:32:45 [Applause]
00:32:48 Whatever, whatever, oh my God, my time.
00:32:51 Whatever mission, I don't know where the clock is.
00:32:54 Whatever mission Saul sent him on,
00:32:57 David or Pastor Matthew was successful.
00:33:01 I'm in verse 5.
00:33:03 Y'all got to catch it.
00:33:04 Whatever mission, whatever assignment you were given to,
00:33:09 whatever assignment you were given down through the years,
00:33:12 you were successful.
00:33:17 And the Bible said because you were successful,
00:33:20 the Bible said Saul give him a high rank in the army.
00:33:25 Oh, y'all got to catch this revelation.
00:33:27 I said because he was successful in the little things,
00:33:31 he started being promoted.
00:33:33 I'm not surprised, man, that I'm standing before you.
00:33:37 Because I've seen your successful story.
00:33:40 I've seen your sacrifice down through the years.
00:33:44 I've seen your commitment to excellence.
00:33:47 I've seen God use you when nobody knew your name.
00:33:51 You know, people just got to know our name, Dr. Jazz.
00:33:54 But before that, I was in the backside of York, Pennsylvania.
00:33:58 I was preaching to our storefront church.
00:34:01 I was serving my pastor.
00:34:03 Hello, somebody.
00:34:05 I didn't just show up like these new kids on the block.
00:34:08 I've been on the backside of the mountain killing lions in beer.
00:34:13 I may be new to you, but don't get it twisted.
00:34:15 I got scars.
00:34:17 I've been through something.
00:34:19 I didn't just get saved.
00:34:21 I didn't just join the church.
00:34:23 I've been working on coming up the ranks.
00:34:26 And the Bible said promotion does not come from the east or the west,
00:34:31 but it comes from the Lord.
00:34:34 When you're faithful over a few things,
00:34:36 he will make you rulers over many.
00:34:39 The Bible said that Saul kidnapped Eve and helped promote David
00:34:44 because his gift made room for him
00:34:47 and brought him before great men.
00:34:50 It's a word for thousands of you.
00:34:52 Your enemy is going to try to stop you, but they'll promote you.
00:34:56 Or your enemy is going to be your free advertisement.
00:35:00 They're going to talk about this church so much that people will have to come and see if it's for real.
00:35:07 Look at them, say, "Talk now or talk later."
00:35:10 Come on, say, "Hate on me now or hate on me later."
00:35:13 God is going to let them talk about you so much.
00:35:17 Half the people who came to my church,
00:35:19 it's because they were talking about me in the streets so bad.
00:35:23 Somebody said, "I got to go and see if she all that."
00:35:27 Look at your neighbor, she all that and some more.
00:35:30 Come on, tell them.
00:35:31 Say, "All that." Come on, it's not arrogance.
00:35:34 It's God's confidence.
00:35:36 I know who I am, who am I talking to.
00:35:39 I know who God has called me to be.
00:35:42 And while Saul was trying to break David,
00:35:45 God used Saul to elevate David.
00:35:48 God used Saul to lift him among the ranks.
00:35:52 And the Bible said, "Displease all the troops."
00:35:55 And Saul's officers as well.
00:35:57 I'm in verse 6.
00:35:59 And when the man was returning, oh God.
00:36:02 When the man was returning home,
00:36:04 after David had killed the Philistine,
00:36:07 I got to pause right here and give a shout out to the brothers.
00:36:11 Look who went to battle the men.
00:36:14 Okay, you all miss your cue.
00:36:16 I said, "Look who went to battle the men."
00:36:19 Ladies, you all just sit there cute and watch your nails.
00:36:22 But I need the brothers to holler at me.
00:36:25 I need the brothers to roar at me.
00:36:28 I need a brother to jump up right here.
00:36:31 The Bible said when the men went to battle,
00:36:34 they went to battle with David.
00:36:37 And the Bible said that when the men went to battle with David,
00:36:41 "Brothers, don't you ever let your David go to battle by himself.
00:36:46 Don't you ever let your leader stay on the prayer wall by himself.
00:36:51 Don't you let your preacher, don't you let your prophet or your pastor stand in the gap.
00:36:58 And there's no man in the gap."
00:37:01 When David went to battle, he had an army of men.
00:37:06 Pharaoh needed a million.
00:37:08 Jesus just had 12.
00:37:11 And he turned the wall upside down.
00:37:14 I prophesied to you, before this year is over,
00:37:18 your men is about to double.
00:37:21 I prophesied to you, he's going to bring men from different places.
00:37:26 Husbands are coming to this ministry.
00:37:29 Uncles are coming to this ministry.
00:37:32 I need every woman who got a man in their house.
00:37:35 Now open your mouth.
00:37:37 He's raising up men who will hold your arms.
00:37:42 He's raising up men who will increase your faith.
00:37:47 I need every woman in here to holler "God send a man."
00:37:52 I need every woman in here to open your mouth and scream for your man.
00:37:59 Scream for your husband.
00:38:01 Scream for your son.
00:38:03 Scream for your nephew.
00:38:05 Somebody open your mouth.
00:38:07 [Screams]
00:38:15 I've been believing God this year for 23 men.
00:38:19 I've been believing God for my church for 23 men.
00:38:23 Just a few good...
00:38:28 It's year 23.
00:38:29 And so I've been believing God for 23 men.
00:38:33 It's year 23. It's your year. The Lord is my shepherd.
00:38:37 Okay, y'all miss your cue.
00:38:39 It's year 23.
00:38:41 It's the 23 Psalms.
00:38:43 What's the name of your church? Y'all got it.
00:38:46 Everything you need is already provided.
00:38:49 Somebody open your mouth and throw your head back.
00:38:54 And say everything I need, it's already done.
00:38:58 The Lord is your shepherd.
00:39:00 You will lack for nothing.
00:39:02 You want means? He'll give it to you.
00:39:05 You want buildings? He'll give it to you.
00:39:07 He said I'll give you houses.
00:39:09 You didn't steal.
00:39:11 I'll give you land you can't afford.
00:39:14 I'll give you opportunity you never imagined.
00:39:18 Somebody holla get out of here.
00:39:21 Come on scream in power.
00:39:24 [Music]
00:39:35 When the man was returning.
00:39:43 When the man comes back to church.
00:39:53 I feel a release of men in this place.
00:39:57 God told me to tell the devil, let the men of God go.
00:40:02 I need somebody to go to war right here.
00:40:05 Because the men have left the church.
00:40:07 But God told me they're coming back.
00:40:09 I need somebody to wave and say they're coming back.
00:40:13 They're coming off of drugs.
00:40:15 They're coming out of jail.
00:40:17 They're coming off the street.
00:40:19 They're coming from being Muslim.
00:40:21 Somebody open your mouth and say they're coming.
00:40:27 Somebody holla for the men.
00:40:33 [Music]
00:40:41 I feel a release of somebody's husband.
00:40:43 You've been praying for your husband.
00:40:45 The Lord told me before this year is over.
00:40:48 He's going to get the liver from drugs.
00:40:51 I hear somebody been praying for your son.
00:40:53 The Lord said this next shout.
00:40:56 I'm going to break the case out of their mouth.
00:40:58 I need somebody to open your mouth and holla for your men.
00:41:04 Scream for your men.
00:41:06 Shout for your men.
00:41:08 Somebody open your mouth.
00:41:11 [Music]
00:41:18 I don't hear the clock.
00:41:20 Oh, I see it.
00:41:21 I don't know if it's, is that counting down?
00:41:23 I was listening to the singer back there.
00:41:26 I was listening to her when I was back there preparing.
00:41:28 And she said, "Oh, I want to give a shout out for my boo."
00:41:32 That's what she said right before she started singing.
00:41:35 And I said, "Okay."
00:41:37 I said, "I'm going to start practicing that."
00:41:39 I'm waiting for the manifestation.
00:41:41 So I want to give a shout out to my boo.
00:41:44 [Music]
00:41:48 I need every single woman in here to open your mouth and shout for your men.
00:41:56 [Music]
00:42:04 And when the man was returning home.
00:42:12 And when the man was returning home.
00:42:17 That man's heart is going to turn towards home.
00:42:20 [Music]
00:42:25 He's gone cold on you.
00:42:27 But God told me by the end of this service, his heart is coming back to the house.
00:42:33 I don't know who I came to prophesy to.
00:42:36 There is a woman you've been crying over your man.
00:42:39 God told me I'm about to turn his heart towards his shul.
00:42:44 I'm about to turn his heart towards the marriage.
00:42:48 I'm not talking to anybody.
00:42:50 I need somebody to clap. I got the devil on the run.
00:42:53 I said I need somebody to clap. I got the devil on the run.
00:42:57 Devil, you're going to let go our spouses.
00:43:00 Devil, you're going to let go our men.
00:43:03 Devil, you're going to let go our nephew.
00:43:05 Devil, you're going to let go our uncles.
00:43:08 Oh, I didn't tell you to shout for Gucci.
00:43:10 I said shout for your man.
00:43:12 I didn't tell you to holler for Louis Vuitton.
00:43:15 I said holler for your man.
00:43:17 If you are in close proximity of a man, just wave at him.
00:43:22 And say God's about to use you to build this house.
00:43:27 God's about to use you to mature this house.
00:43:32 You're the step man in the house.
00:43:34 You are the preacher of your...
00:43:37 [Music]
00:43:40 When you return home after David had killed the Philistine,
00:43:51 brothers, go ahead and sit down.
00:43:53 The women.
00:43:55 [Music]
00:43:58 You got to... Don't miss it.
00:44:00 The women came out from Bowie, from Waldorf, from Baltimore,
00:44:08 from DC, from Virginia.
00:44:13 The women came out.
00:44:15 And the Bible said they met King Saul with singing and dancing,
00:44:22 with tambourines in their hands.
00:44:24 I don't know if everybody brought a tambourine to church.
00:44:28 But I hear it shaking.
00:44:30 Oh, they had something in their hands.
00:44:33 When they met you, they came out singing and dancing with joyful song.
00:44:38 And they opened their mouth and started saying,
00:44:41 "Saul has killed his thousand, but David has killed his ten thousand."
00:44:47 Now here's where every woman wants to shout.
00:44:50 None of the women went to battle.
00:44:52 The women stayed at home.
00:44:55 But when they looked out the window and they saw the men coming back,
00:45:00 they started shouting for what the men have done.
00:45:05 Brothers, you all take a seat.
00:45:07 I'm looking for a thousand women who said, "I don't have to go to battle."
00:45:12 Just like he won the battle, I'm going to shout for my men.
00:45:17 Because if he got victory, I got victory.
00:45:21 I need a dancing woman.
00:45:23 I need a running woman.
00:45:25 I need a screaming woman.
00:45:28 I don't know what the protocol is in this house,
00:45:31 but ladies, you ought to meet me on the dance floor.
00:45:34 I said, "Ladies, you ought to meet me on the dance floor."
00:45:37 I need a woman in here who knows that God protected you.
00:45:44 God kept you.
00:45:47 All the women, get to the dance floor.
00:45:51 Open your mouth.
00:45:53 Shake that tambourine and put a praise.
00:46:12 Six years, twice.
00:46:14 Six years.
00:46:16 Come on, ladies.
00:46:37 Listen, listen.
00:46:38 I was out of town this weekend,
00:46:40 but they told me Beyonce was in town.
00:46:43 And Beyonce has something called the Beehive.
00:46:46 That's where the radical people who love Beehive,
00:46:49 always next to her.
00:46:51 Well, there ain't no Beehives in here.
00:46:53 There's a Shepherd Hive.
00:46:55 I need somebody to open.
00:47:08 And our praise goes right.
00:47:28 And our praise goes right.
00:47:42 Put a praise on it.
00:47:44 Six years, put a praise on it.
00:47:47 For every victory, for every battle,
00:47:50 put a praise.
00:48:19 God told me you better tear this place up,
00:48:25 because you ain't going to be here too long.
00:48:27 Come on.
00:48:28 And our praise goes right.
00:48:31 Right here, right here, right here.
00:48:47 And our praise goes right.
00:49:16 And our praise goes right.
00:49:32 For every mountain you brought us over,
00:49:42 for every, you've seen us through,
00:49:49 for every, for every blessing,
00:49:55 hallelujah, for this, for this, I give you praise.
00:50:06 Come on, lift your hands.
00:50:08 For every mountain you brought us through,
00:50:16 for every valley, for every trial,
00:50:22 you've seen me through, for every blessing,
00:50:33 hallelujah, for this, I give you praise.
00:50:44 For every mountain, for every mountain,
00:50:51 you brought me over, for every trial,
00:51:00 you've seen me through, for every blessing,
00:51:09 hallelujah, for this, I give you praise.
00:51:22 Hallelujah.
00:51:32 Oh, you're a good shot.
00:51:39 Hallelujah.
00:51:43 We bless your name.
00:51:48 You've been so good.
00:51:53 That's why we give you praise.
00:52:02 For every mountain, for every mountain,
00:52:07 you brought me over, for every valley,
00:52:13 for every trial, you've seen me through,
00:52:23 for every blessing, hallelujah, for this, I give you praise.
00:52:40 Hallelujah.
00:52:45 Oh.
00:52:45 We are in a high school, but we give you praise.
00:52:51 Oh, the word.
00:52:57 We've had some difficult days, but we give you praise.
00:53:00 Oh, the word.
00:53:06 And the Bible says, and Saul looked, and Saul looked at David
00:53:19 and said, what more can you have but the kingdom?
00:53:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:29 Because God is always about advancing the kingdom.
00:53:50 What more can you have?
00:53:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:58 What more does God want to do?
00:54:06 Man, you know, you know our story.
00:54:09 I passed at a great church for one year, Jericho City of Praise.
00:54:18 I had to leave that church.
00:54:20 And I got to that church just on a word, real soft music,
00:54:23 just a word, just a word.
00:54:27 A great door has been opened unto you.
00:54:30 I never preached there, never did a Bible study,
00:54:32 I never even met many people.
00:54:36 Just a word from T.D. Jakes.
00:54:39 And then after a year, I had to leave.
00:54:42 Of course, I had to leave because that was not mine.
00:54:46 So I was a little bit pissed.
00:54:51 Because I was like, God, what kind of word this is?
00:54:55 A great door, I walk in the door,
00:54:59 and then after a year, I had to leave.
00:55:01 It's a little bit confusing.
00:55:03 And First Lady, you know Bishop Jakes hears from God.
00:55:07 So I know he didn't miss God.
00:55:08 I may miss God, but I know Bishop Jakes don't miss God.
00:55:12 There's a father, the son, the Holy Spirit, and T.D. Jakes.
00:55:20 I was trying to figure this thing out.
00:55:21 Me and I'm in my house.
00:55:23 I'm trying not to go into depression
00:55:25 'cause I know I heard God.
00:55:27 Didn't do anything, didn't preach, teach.
00:55:30 One hour, two hours interviewing,
00:55:32 here I am, Jericho City is this.
00:55:35 You can Google it.
00:55:37 And then after a year, I had to leave.
00:55:39 I was so confused and was processing the grief
00:55:42 and the disappointment until the pandemic came.
00:55:48 (congregation chattering)
00:55:50 And in my house, I said,
00:55:51 God, we need to talk about this thing.
00:55:53 'Cause when I started my church after I leave there,
00:55:55 I'm in a school, Bladensburg High School.
00:55:58 Had to leave Bladensburg and then Springdale High School.
00:56:01 We are a church without walls.
00:56:03 And so I said, God, we need to talk about the prophecy.
00:56:09 And he said, let's talk about it
00:56:10 'cause I see you got a chip on your shoulder.
00:56:12 God talked to me like that.
00:56:13 I said, yeah, you said a great door.
00:56:16 I walked in the door and then I had to leave.
00:56:20 You open it, you closed it.
00:56:23 And he says to me,
00:56:24 who told you that the door was the church?
00:56:30 (congregation cheering)
00:56:33 Well, I said, well, you say a great door.
00:56:37 How many of you know where Jericho is?
00:56:41 That's a great door.
00:56:42 It's 10,000 seats.
00:56:46 That's a great door.
00:56:47 I mean, it got all these buildings.
00:56:50 It's a great door.
00:56:51 God told me, who told you?
00:56:54 He said, you from Trinidad.
00:56:57 And because you from a small island,
00:57:00 you consider that big.
00:57:03 (congregation cheering)
00:57:07 Come get my stuff, Alicia.
00:57:09 You consider that big.
00:57:11 Now, it's big, it's great.
00:57:12 It's a great place.
00:57:14 He said, but that wasn't the door.
00:57:16 'Cause if it was the door, you would still be there
00:57:21 'cause I'm not a man that I should lie.
00:57:23 I said, well, if Jericho is not the door, what's the door?
00:57:27 He said, the city, God help.
00:57:29 I prophesied to you, God's about to give you the city.
00:57:32 Hey, Katana.
00:57:33 God is raising up new pastors.
00:57:35 Y'all ain't ready for me.
00:57:37 He's raising up new leaders.
00:57:39 That's why he hasn't given you a building yet
00:57:41 'cause he's about to give you the city.
00:57:44 Somebody open your mouth.
00:57:46 I said, somebody open your mouth and give God a praise.
00:57:51 The city is ours.
00:57:55 The city is ours.
00:57:57 The city is ours.
00:57:59 The city is ours.
00:58:01 The city is ours.
00:58:02 (congregation cheering)
00:58:13 Somebody reach up and pray.
00:58:15 Oh yeah.
00:58:18 God is building ministries
00:58:28 out of established ministries
00:58:32 to give them a part in the city.
00:58:36 His church is six.
00:58:39 Mine's is seven.
00:58:43 Okay, y'all missed it.
00:58:45 Six, seven is the number of completion.
00:58:51 Y'all ain't gonna get it.
00:58:54 I got a flight to catch.
00:58:56 And I pray for every new ministry in this city.
00:59:02 Pastor Peyton, Victory Grace, all new ministry.
00:59:06 God is raising up new ministries
00:59:10 from established ministry
00:59:12 to give them a place in the city.
00:59:16 Oh, y'all ain't hearing me.
00:59:18 Y'all hear.
00:59:20 That's because the kingdom is about taking the city.
00:59:24 And we taking it by force.
00:59:31 I said, we taking the kingdom suffering violence
00:59:35 and the violence take it back.
00:59:38 We came to take over.
00:59:40 Yeah.
00:59:42 One more.
00:59:51 What more can he have but the kingdom?
00:59:53 And man of God, here's the last thing
00:59:54 I would say to you and to your wife.
00:59:56 And from that moment on, Saul I David.
01:00:00 I got a sneaky feeling somebody's watching you.
01:00:09 - Oh yeah.
01:00:09 - And he said, oh, if I will pin him to the wall.
01:00:15 Daggers.
01:00:18 If I can just pin him and pin her to the wall.
01:00:24 And my friend and first lady, don't worry about the spears.
01:00:29 Don't worry about the daggers.
01:00:31 And yes, she got intercessive, but he got more than that.
01:00:34 Here's what he got.
01:00:36 If you don't even have intercessors,
01:00:38 if you don't have anybody,
01:00:39 all the Lord told me to tell you to do is do what David did.
01:00:44 He kept on moving.
01:00:45 Just keep moving because you cannot pin a moving target.
01:00:53 Lord help me.
01:00:56 I'll see y'all later.
01:00:58 (upbeat music)
01:01:00 (upbeat music)
01:01:03 (upbeat music)
01:01:06 (upbeat music)
01:01:08 (upbeat music)
01:01:11 (upbeat music)
01:01:13 (upbeat music)
01:01:16 (upbeat music)
01:01:19 (upbeat music)
