00:00 Hi I'm Lynne, I'm the unit commander for Marine Rescue Newcastle. So this is the hub of our
00:06 brand new building, purpose built, that we have for Marine Rescue Newcastle.
00:09 It's our radio room where we monitor the flesh craft that are on the water around the Newcastle
00:17 area or might be passing by from different parts of the state, up and down the state.
00:22 So we have two workstations set up and we can monitor
00:27 those vessels. We can call them on the radio, they can call us if they need assistance,
00:32 we can go and help them or coordinate help for them. We have one of our very capable radio
00:39 operators over here on shift at the moment, so we have a morning shift and an afternoon shift every
00:44 day monitoring the flesh craft in the Newcastle part of coastal water area.
00:54 you
00:54 you
00:54 you
00:54 you