00:00 It must feel different not having Charlie Watts
00:03 in the studio with you playing.
00:06 What was that like?
00:07 - It's all, ever since Charlie's gone,
00:10 it's different, of course.
00:12 You know, I mean, he's number four.
00:14 He's missing, he's up there.
00:16 - Yeah, I do see a lot of number fours around.
00:18 - Yeah, of course he's missed, I mean, incredibly.
00:21 But thanks to Charlie Watts also,
00:25 we have Steve Jordan, who was Charlie's recommendation
00:28 for if anything should happen to him,
00:31 Steve Jordan's your man.
00:33 - He picked Steve Jordan.
00:34 - Yeah, and yeah, just out of way, way, way back.
00:38 And also, you know, he's been a friend of ours.
00:41 I've worked with Steve.
00:42 So it was a kind of natural progression.
00:45 You know, it would have been a lot harder
00:46 without Charlie's blessing on that, you know.
00:50 But at the same time, it's a hard team, you know.
00:52 - Did you get to do any tracks with him on the album?
00:54 - With Charlie?
00:55 - Yeah.
00:56 - Couple of days, right?
00:57 - There's 12 tracks on the album and 10,
01:00 well, I think actually it's not true,
01:03 'cause it's not on there.
01:04 But most of it's Steve,
01:05 but two are tracks we recorded in 2019 with Charlie.
01:09 And so we used two of the tracks
01:12 that we recorded with Charlie before.
01:14 - Yeah, "Man You Bought A Sword" and "Mess It Up."
01:17 - Yeah.
01:18 - Those are the two tracks.
01:19 - Yeah.
01:20 - And also I heard a rumor of Bill.
01:21 - Yes, Bill, and we asked Bill to come into the studio.
01:24 - Bill was creeping.
01:25 - Did he get it?
01:25 - Yeah, "Live By The Sword."
01:26 - Two of them.
01:27 - And Bill came in and did one track.
01:29 So we had the original "Rolling Stones"
01:31 were in the sections, is on one track.
01:33 - Wow, that's so funny.
01:35 - But most of it's new, but this is that from 2019.