"I've done 41,000 steps a day for the last YEAR - it's not that difficult"

  • last year
A fitness fanatic has done a staggering 41,000 steps a day - for the last YEAR.

Jack Manchester, 29, smashed out 15,188,963 steps in the last 12 months.

It's widely accepted that 10,000 steps a day is the figure to aim for - just a quarter of Jack's total.

The chartered surveyor loves a challenge and recently ate 10,000 calories in just 36 minutes.

He posts videos about his exploits on his JackedEats TikTok account, which has more than 32,000 followers.

Jack has been bodybuilding for 11 years but fell in love with walking during Covid.

He said: "I started walking in lockdown because there was nothing else to do - you couldn't go to the gym.

"It increased and increased - 10,000, 15,000, 20,000...People say it's so much, but it's only four hours of walking.

"I get up at 6 am every morning and have my first meal. I then walk for two-and-a-half hours before work and spend 45 minutes on the bike.

"I then go for an hour-and-a-half walk at lunch at around half five I go to the gym. After that, I spend another 45 minutes on the bike."

Jack, from Leeds, regularly uploads clips about his fitness lifestyle.

And some social media users had cast doubt on his steps claims - until he produced the evidence.

Footage posted a week ago shows Jack logging into his fitness app - which shows the impressive stats.

Another popular video sees Jack eat 10,000 calories - a challenge people usually do in a day - in just over half an hour.

He ate four 1,300-calories pizzas, four 1,000-calorie muffins and a 1,080-calorie ice cream for a total of 10,280 calories.

Jack says he consumes nearly 9,000 calories on a "high day" and 4,500 on a "low day".

'Cheat days' are when he tops 10,000 calories.

But, despite the numbers, Jack says he doesn't count the calories he burns - as it's something he'd become "obsessed with".

And he wants to promote a healthy lifestyle around eating and fitness.

Jack said: "There's lots of negativity in the fitness industry, saying 'sugar gives you diabetes, sugar gives you cancer'.

"Sugar is not the enemy, calorie surplus is the enemy. My ethos is: 'You can't get fat in a day.'

"Life is for living - you can't go through life and not have a cheeseburger. Life's worth going for a meal and not worrying about it.

"It's all about moderation, you just need to go back to the plan the next day."


00:00 Yes guys to the dweebs I don't think I do 30,000 steps a day in an hour and a half on the bike.
00:04 I'm going to show you my step up.
00:08 My step up, it's got a year, that is me, look at this, oh that's me look, look how ripped I am.
00:17 Anyway let's go.
00:26 45,000 that's including the bike, oh look at that 47, 45, 46, 41.
00:34 Yeah you can shut up now guys those who don't believe me.
00:37 Join me for a day in the life.
00:38 I start my day off around six, got a nice two and two and a half hour walk.
00:41 Walking is so therapeutic guys, then I come back and do 45 minutes on the bike.
00:44 After that I go get scrubbed up and no you're not gonna come walk.
00:47 Yeah after that I then have a shave which you can view, this is safe for viewing.
00:52 Then I have my favourite breakfast, peanut butter oats with jam, yum, followed by some Harry Potter.
00:56 Am I right in herd mate?
00:57 Food prep time because I'm gonna go play golf, so I've borne the grounds of frosties.
01:01 On my way to golf and I hate ubers.
01:03 We got there and this is the club, yes I am quite posh guys, but as you'll see this is how my game went.
01:07 Yep that is my dad laughing at my swing, I didn't play very well.
01:11 Garfield where about? I'll always get my food in.
01:13 I got my frosties in, easy.
01:14 Unfortunately they didn't improve my game.
01:16 I played like a fagginackers there, fagginackers.
01:19 Nonetheless it was nice to get around on the couch with my mum and dad.
01:23 After golf I nipped into town and stopped off at Mrs Aspen's for a lovely cup of coffee.
01:27 And then there was a market on so I saw this and I was like,
01:31 oh my god I need to get myself some and this is my order.
01:34 But can I have a jammy dodger, salted caramel, oreo, biscoff, kinder please, I'll have the mars bar please.
01:40 When I got back it was food time and I made myself some chicken and rice.
01:43 Because you know what guys, chicken and rice is life.
01:45 This is genuinely how I dance guys.
01:47 If you guys haven't heard of kimchi or sauerkraut you've lived under a rock your entire life.
01:52 These are unreal.
01:54 Anyway I'm sure it's time for a little bit of a taste test.
01:56 Oh, oh, so hot.
01:59 It was very hot.
02:02 Anyway went to the gym and changed shoulders and back.
02:05 Look at that back.
02:06 I'm huge guys, I'm absolutely massive.
02:09 Choking, choking.
02:10 Anyway, churning videos are coming soon.
02:12 You're a real fan if you've already watched me eat this because I ate it on a live the other day.
02:16 Octopus and potato.
02:17 It was lovely and it was great to spend some time with you guys on a live.
02:21 Taste test.
02:21 Yum, yum.
02:25 It was a nice evening at the docks and my dad gave me a book so I decided to go read it.
02:28 He wound off the evening I needed some urgent necessities.
02:31 Does anyone else feel really awkward when they're buying these things?
02:34 Anyway that rounded off my day.
02:35 I hope you enjoyed it guys.
