Sean Strickland previews his UFC 293 clash with Israel Adesanya

  • last year
Sean Strickland (27-5, fighting out of Corona, Calif.) looks to spoil Israel Adesanya’s plans and shake-up the division by securing the biggest win of his career
No. 5 UFC middleweight
11 wins by KO, four by submission
Nine first-round finishes
Has won in five of last seven bouts
Holds wins over Abusupiyan Magomedov, Nassourdine Imavov, and Uriah Hall


00:00 Hello they pay me now, so let's for the sponsors
00:06 Sure welcome to Australia
00:10 Well, I just knew you here, and I knew you'd call me out on it, so I thought I'd try to spice it up
00:18 Not the apex anymore. Oh man. That's fucking loud
00:23 Kind of sucks you hear yourself. Talk. Yeah turn that bitch down
00:26 Yeah, now you're looking sharp today, man. You're looking gonna get all the Australian pussy
00:30 That's why I did it
00:33 You might be looking for some
00:37 Figure that was gonna happen Sean I was asking was gonna ask you if you've been behaving yourself on enemy territory
00:43 But then this story comes out in the ribs and what's going on there listen you guys let me let me clear this up for
00:49 You guys it was more in jest it was fun. He had a giggle about it
00:54 I had a giggle about it, but you know me you gotta you gotta do the right things I continue
00:59 How are you feeling about this Israel Adesanya matchup on paper most people would say oh you need to go in there and grapple this
01:05 Guy to win, but we saw them say that about the Alex Pereira fight
01:08 And you didn't you didn't do that so what are you thinking about your game plan ahead of Sunday?
01:12 I mean here's the thing guys. I'm wrestling my ass off
01:14 I've been wrestling my ass off
01:16 But I also wrestle my ass off with Alex
01:18 Problem is man you get in there and your dick gets a little bit hard and actually know you're gonna turn to a boxing match
01:22 So you know maybe maybe I'm gonna try to be completing the Mayfied er, but no promises no promises
01:28 Did you learn anything from Alex when you sparred with him that can help you in this fight?
01:32 Or was it kind of you were there to help him so you weren't really learning things from him
01:35 It was the other way around I mean it was kind of both
01:37 You know like you you ask a guy that level like hey, what do you see?
01:40 What do you see world champion kickboxer?
01:43 And you know he gave me some insight, and you know we we change and adjust accordingly, but at this level man
01:49 There's no mistakes you make one mistake. You're fucked
01:51 Yeah, what do you think is the biggest threat is he composed to you this weekend?
01:55 What'd you grow a beard out you look a little bit more masculine?
01:57 Is that what it is? I'm trying to emulate you you have a beard is that what's going on you have a beard now, right?
02:02 Yeah, you look like the top now. You don't like it, bro
02:04 No, you're good-looking other women in here, bro. Give me give me a little better, right?
02:09 Do you look like you look like you got some hair in your nuts now? Thank you um?
02:13 Well actually that brings my next question you shave you talk
02:18 You talk you know a big game and all this but then we watch the embedded and you're there with your girlfriend going along
02:23 Walk, I guess I'm a I'm a soft motherfucker you guys
02:26 I'm telling you my girl go away for a week
02:28 And then like you'll find me in my apartment
02:31 Looking around and all my furniture and shit in my bed frame like cleaning guns like a fucking weirdo
02:37 And I started thinking like who the fuck am I why do I have all this shit?
02:40 Where the fuck you I don't even recognize myself, so here's the thing guys women are the glue to society
02:45 And this is why I try to tell you guys yeah women don't need to work
02:48 They need to stay home and raise a family, but women are the glue to society
02:51 If right now all women were to vanish off this fucking world. I would eat you motherfuckers
02:56 I would go straight cannibalism one day would go by
02:59 There you think I'd be right now you take all the you take all women off this planet
03:03 Do you continue doing what you do I take the earring out?
03:06 Now but no you take all women off this fucking planet, dude
03:12 And I mean I might just put a bowl to my head. What is the fucking point at this point?
03:17 No pussy. You know I got to make my own food for my own laundry. What is the fucking point right?
03:21 So what sort of woman does it take to be with Sean Strickland?
03:25 I wonder no, I do actually if you ever met my girl. You'd be like what the fuck are you doing?
03:29 She's actually two degrees you know East Coast girl actually solid you guys what I do though
03:35 I don't tag her anything, and I'm fucking put her my interviews
03:38 I hide her I hide her away as far as she knows I got a double life
03:42 So against Israel Adesanya you planning on coming out there and shooting a WGF to mix it up and try and you know sort of
03:48 Get his game and read with his I mean here's the thing about is he man the China man
03:52 If we could set calm to the China man the China or Chinese war would be nicer
03:56 You you fight a guy like that dude fucking little twinkle toes running around dance around as hard as shoot
04:01 You know you're gonna have to go nose and nose dick to dick and make it a war
04:04 How do you start doing that against the guy who is moving like that?
04:09 Do you just have to cut off the ring you know fucking take some jabs take some punches get some blood give a little bit
04:14 to the gods
04:16 But last one for me, how are you finding being in Australia?
04:20 Do you feel like you're an enemy terrorist warrior? Do you feel like no man?
04:23 I thought you'd think the Australians won't fucking the China man to win
04:26 They don't want the fucking China man to win nobody likes fucking Izzy is he's a fucking cringelord
04:30 No, I mean you know it's actually kind of funny kind of funny right because I always think that America
04:36 I always think America is the greatest in the world and we are the greatest in the world by the way
04:39 But I always think this but then you come here. There's no fucking fat people. I look at this audience
04:45 There's no fat people you're a little on the thick side of you American Australian. Oh
04:49 Well, man, he's that but again for the most part. There's only like one of them
04:53 You know man if you want to go work out afterwards. I got you, but everybody's happy. No one's staring at their phone
04:59 You know there's no whores running around. It was moderately dressed that titties aren't out
05:03 Go to Miami go to Miami go to any place in America so guys. I'm starting to think I'm starting to think that America might
05:10 Be the fucked up one
05:11 But yeah continue America greatest country in the world will be Covington. You know I fucking that little fucking whore
05:17 In the embedded Zans the countdowns you use the phrase is he just fucking sucks
05:23 Oh, man, this dude. You got all the piercings, bro. You got a period your dick pierced
05:26 Yes, it is you dirty motherfucker
05:29 Yes, it is yes it is
05:33 It is not oh yes, it is don't play
05:36 I wish somebody could put a post a picture this man somewhere all right continue use the phrase is he just fucking sucks quite often
05:43 Yeah in the countdowns. Do you actually believe he sucks, or is it just you know?
05:46 I mean, I don't say he's one of the best kickboxing world, but is he is a man sucks
05:49 Is he has a man sucks you guys?
05:51 You guys I gotta ask I gotta ask the black man. What was your name in what's your name?
05:56 Lee are you American were you?
05:59 UK London how much would it cost for you to hold up a Chinese flag and say I'm not black
06:04 I'm Chinese how much what's your dollar amount?
06:06 No fucking comment. No fucking comment you guys
06:09 So does that answer your question?
06:12 Israel also said the UFC might not have wanted you in this main event
06:17 He's the one that kind of talked to them into getting you know. Thank you is yeah
06:20 I'm Tony I would probably like it you guys you know. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy. No. Yeah, thank you
06:26 Thank you Izzy. Thank you for the paycheck sir. I can't wait to fight you
06:29 You see a guy that you'll have to be twice considering like when Alex beat him it was an immediate rematch
06:34 I'll fight. I'll fight him in the fucking parking lot afterwards. You know again guys
06:38 I like is y'all fighting about fighting buddy in here. I like fighting. It's fun
06:41 And the last one for me you tweeted about the open workout you invited fans to bring gloves. Oh, yeah
06:46 No, I'll give you guys some work if any you guys want to get some fucking work
06:49 You know we could we could we could we could do the man dance. I got you
06:54 Ah mr. Canada, what's up, dude? Not much by the way. You know you're you don't do your fucking hair
07:00 You don't dress you don't wear overalls. You don't even dress up to talk to me. That's the kind of fucking professionalism
07:06 I expect from you fucking people
07:08 Continue there you go want to meet your standards
07:10 We've seen Jared can here around here as the backup fighter. Oh, yeah, Jared's a solid guy man good fucking guy
07:17 He seems to be one of the few people you have nice things to say about I mean how do you not man?
07:21 He's a good. He's a good husband. You know he's a he's a good father. You know good father
07:26 He let you know he he supported a family well his wife could raise good kids
07:31 How do you not like that fucking guy? You know he's a solid motherfucker
07:34 I got robbed got robbed 100% Rob so funny after the fight after the fight you guys this fucking guy, man
07:41 You're a sharp-dressed motherfucker. You just kind of see things from up here. You know after the fight
07:45 They go Sean Strickland Sean Strickland took damage motherfucker. I am white and pasty
07:51 Cold weather damages me you could have fucking win you Australians know this shit
07:56 You could have wind come down next you know my face starts fucking bleeding
08:00 So if that's your metric you guys score judge fights on winning new judges
08:03 Do they talk to you about the backup role like if something happened crazy during the week
08:09 Are you more than happy to fight Jared again? Yeah sure what I'll fight Jared. I like the guy
08:13 I mean, you know it's actually kind of funny, man. I don't really want to fight Jared. I like Jared
08:17 It's kind of like there's no desire in me that wants to try to like hurt him
08:21 You know he's a nice fucking guy if you met Jared. He's a nice fucking guy
08:25 You guys are we want to be making fun of fucking dick piercing over here if he's up here
08:29 He'd be trying to have like a crystal seance with you having to fucking have a good day talk about your positive energy mr.
08:36 overalls
08:36 All right, you said you don't want to hurt Jared
08:39 Who are the people in the division that you want to hurt the most outside of Izzy?
08:42 Oh, man, you know other than other than Jared. You were all good dude line them up
08:46 You know line them up. Let's fucking do it pay me and
08:49 Pay me there's nobody I'm not down to hurt, but yeah, I mean Jared's all fucking guy people might look at the fight with Alex
08:56 Pereira and like criticize you know your tactics and stuff on paper in the stats you have the best defensive striking
09:03 Yeah statistics. You know I'll tell you with Alex
09:06 There's a lot of pressure that fight and again. You know maybe it's my own weakness as a man
09:11 I let it get to me, but you have everybody saying you know you beat this guy you beat this guy
09:15 And you get a and you get a world title so like in the fight. I'm just kind of like I don't know
09:21 I just I wasn't fighting how I should have I mind you Alex is one of the best fires in the world not taking away
09:26 His W. No fucking a hats off Alex him the next
09:28 heavyweight champion -
09:31 But I just kind of let the pressure get to me a little bit too much more than I should have
09:34 Do you think in that sense you think people maybe miss?
09:38 Overlook your defensive ability going into a fight like this. Yeah, I mean here's the thing it makes me laugh
09:43 Do I could go train with the world champion boxer best kickboxer?
09:46 And I'll fucking put hands on so just just makes me laugh man
09:49 I think I run my mouth so much people forget that I could fight
09:52 And I spoke to your coach Eric Nick sick yesterday after I talked to you
09:56 And we were talking a bit about you know this opportunity you weren't supposed to be the guy originally it seems like there was some reluctance
10:01 How cognizant are you of like how big this opportunity is and these title shots don't come around often and that you need to take?
10:08 Advantage of this moment you guys it's all bullshit man. It's all fucking bullshit. Just ask fucking you know
10:14 cockering over there like
10:17 Like I'm in it to get a check and it means so much to me to fight like fucking you know it means so much to
10:24 me, but
10:25 It's a fucking piece of metal. I'm in it for the paycheck. I love this shit like
10:29 Having a piece of metal around my waist doesn't define me doesn't make me who I am it doesn't make me fucking happy
10:34 It'd be nice, but the day it's just a fight. It's just fun
10:38 I
10:40 Mean what's your name by the way?
10:42 Jose Jose the cock ring got you
10:44 Just over here Sean so look over at extreme couture. I got some great training partners guy dressed up. Thank you, man
10:50 You wore a button up. Thank you exactly gotta dress up the talent so yeah
10:53 I'm Sean I wrote extreme couture. You know you got some great training partners particularly in Chris Curtis
10:58 Who's you know being an instrumental training partner for you? I don't train with Chris Curtis
11:02 No, no, I know I love Chris. He's like my best friend, but I don't spar him
11:07 Sure well my next question
11:09 When do you think that you know we could start to maybe see you and Chris Curtis do a live tour of the podcast?
11:14 Oh, man, no, I got to get more on it, man
11:17 You know life just life just fucking throw shit at you. You know everything you get in a fight
11:21 They call you for another fight, but I
11:23 Gotta get it set up, and I gotta get done right so at some point
11:27 It will be professional, and then we'll maybe we'll bring some guests on you know
11:30 But as of now we're just kind of fucking off being bored
11:33 *Question from the audience*
11:35 Really got everybody excited for this fight everybody just seems to talk about the press conference is gonna happen this week on Thursday
11:44 Two questions here first off when you had that initial press conference with Izzy
11:49 Did you know how much did you have a feeling how much that was gonna blow up?
11:52 And how I guess iconic that press conference would get for a lot of the fans
11:56 I mean Izzy's just a fucking cringe Lord like I mean everything that guy does is like it makes you fucking win
12:02 So like oh, did he really do that like are you really race baiting Drakis right now like how in your brain?
12:08 Does this make how does this how does this play out for you?
12:10 So I mean think about Izzy man when somebody sucks to that degree
12:14 It's pretty fucking easy to make fun of them
12:16 The I guess excitement is pretty high for this one. Are you feeling the kind of depression?
12:23 No, and some of this I don't care dude. It's not like a comedian doing a tour and everyone's yeah, dude
12:28 It's not about that man. It's like Izzy is just such a fucking basic whore
12:32 You know, I hope he wears his nail polish. I hope he dresses up
12:35 I hope he wears his pearl necklace just to show fucking how the fucking cringe Lord shows up
12:40 She's probably gonna start talking about Disney movies now. He's jerking off to anime and shit my god
12:45 Like Danny, I think I've known I'm didn't he admit to like jerking off to anime at one point this fucking cringe Lord
12:51 Fucking it even talking about it makes me want to go fucking take a shower. I feel dirty
12:56 And how do you feel about kind of being the honorary Aussie here?
13:00 Cuz it feels like you're walking down the street people are trying to get photos with you. You're enjoying yourself
13:05 I guess I guess that just means how much people hate Izzy, you know, but uh, no, it's good, man
13:10 You guys are all good fucking people man. You fucking Aussies
13:13 Well
13:16 It must be talked about it must be talked about
13:19 It must be talked about you guys did throw a pregnant woman in jail over a Facebook post
13:26 During kovat that must be talked about
13:30 Shame on you guys. How do you feel about that?
13:32 Yeah, how do you feel about that?
13:35 You had he it was all over the news man. How do you not know that?
13:37 Here's the thing Australia
13:39 I would like you guys so much better if you had a freedom of speech
13:41 So if you get a if you could go ahead and make a freedom of speech like the greatest country in the world
13:46 Would you long better? I mean, how is that not standard with you guys? How do you not have a freedom of speech?
13:55 Yeah, but it's but it's like but the you as a country as a whole like you literally like you you have a government could
14:01 Say if you say something we don't like we will throw you in prison. Like how the fuck do you rationalize that?
14:06 No, I'm no, I'm not I'm saying that there is a pregnant woman who was thrown in jail during kovat
14:14 I mean who else do you guys remember that anybody else remember that he fucking remembers that shit
14:18 That was all over the fucking news man. So and again, I love Australia and I love the Australian people
14:23 but
14:24 But you guys have done some fuckery and so is America, but I think the moment Australia gets a freedom of speech
14:31 I'll like it more
14:33 Sure one over here
14:36 This guy so you've come into the press conference, you know, you're it's always it's always interesting when you're on the mic
14:42 You know people are laughing. Yeah, sometimes funny funny guy
14:45 There's a couple girls in the answer like fuck this guy. What a piece of shit you you misogynistic
14:52 Show, you know man's plain legs spread. I it's okay woman. I support you guys
14:56 I hope you all have children and and make great mothers one day
14:59 When you come into something like this or the press conference later this week
15:04 Are you coming in off the cuff? Do you have stuff in your head? You know, you want to say no
15:09 I just wing it man as you guys just give me fucking material wing it like fucking cock ring over here, man
15:14 What part of that man's not pierced you Jesus Christ broke like about don't worry
15:19 I'll give you the attention that your father never gave you what do you want to talk about sir?
15:22 Tell me about your feelings. Tell me about your tattoo that you have no, but it's
15:27 You just look around you just make comments like this fucking sharply dressed man this guy takes his fucking job serious, Canada
15:37 Talking about that that press conference. It's kind of been spoken about here a lot of buzz online about
15:43 Looking more forward to the press conference than the fight. I've heard some people say yeah, I guess it's funny
15:48 People don't realize that we could fight right? Um, it's in a day man. You just go up there
15:53 You just you know
15:57 You just brace the you just embrace the autism and you know
16:00 Like I always tell people like I'm not really much of a liar, you know, I won't belish as we all do
16:06 You know, I'm a showmanship
16:07 But I always tell people like I always thought I had some moral high ground because I usually sell the truth
16:12 But then I'm starting to realize I'm just fucking autistic and I just can't shut the fuck up
16:18 But yeah, I know it'll be a good time. It'll be a good time you guys with that
16:21 The job is to fight, you know, this is all around it. But the job is to fight. Do you feel?
16:26 Underestimated or disrespected at all? Yeah, you know, I mean again is is he's one of the greatest box in the world
16:34 It's always an uphill fight. You know, it's it's a fucking uphill fight. It's gonna be a fucking war
16:39 I do think people forget how good of a fighter I am because how much I talk but you know
16:45 We'll find out Sunday to the death right? Let's go China, man
16:48 Thank you
16:50 Sean just over here - that's a that's a that's a UFC call him. We got to get this fucking guy out of here
16:57 We spoke with coach Nick sick last month, where are you from? What's your what's your organization from the stands from the way from the stands?
17:06 Yeah, give you guys some credit man. You guys are out here with the laptops. You're doing work, man
17:10 Give yourself a fucking plug. Go look at this guy. He's actually dressed up - he has a fucking haircut. We're in a gold fucking chain
17:17 Thank You Sean, um, look we spoke with with coach Nick sick last month
17:20 Leading into this fall. You're asking me a fighting question. All right
17:24 Well what I'm gonna do guys, I'm gonna go on there. I'm gonna hit the guy in the face
17:27 I'm gonna grab a single leg and then I'm gonna try to hit him again
17:30 Well, look he sort of said that you're gonna have to create a lot more chaos in this fight because he believes if you stay at
17:37 Range or at length with with Izzy, then it could be a long night
17:40 What kind of chaos are you gonna try and implement come Sunday? You know, man
17:44 I just gotta I gotta embrace my inner Kelvin Gaslin and just go nose and nose dick to dick
17:50 I think we all know that you don't want to stand at range with Izzy
17:52 You want to fucking go toe to toe?
17:54 Make it a war make it a dogfight and accept that either when you get knocked out and you know what?
17:58 Let's fucking go. Let's have that party
18:01 And just one quick one before you go
18:04 Obviously Alex and Izzy have similar skill sets and like you you've trained with with Alex previously
18:10 How do you write Israel as an opponent compared to Alex heading into this fight Sunday? You know, man, Alex is just a fucking
18:17 Izzy's crafty Alex is just a savage Alex. One of those guys like you hit me. I hit you. Let's you it's harder
18:24 He's not really that way. He's the kind of guy that gonna be like the China man's a run twinker toes around and be crafty
18:30 So, you know, I'd fucking way rather fight Izzy than Alex. Thank you for your time
18:35 That's all she wrote. Anyways, you guys are awesome, man. Clap yourselves on the shoulder you guys the media you guys fucking amazing
18:41 All of you fucking guys man, Canada next time wear a suit dude. I'm not gonna take questions from you anymore
18:46 (Izzy's dad) That wasn't bad right? The UC's not gonna call me afterwards? Is Izzy gonna call me afterwards? They're not gonna call me afterwards.
