• last year
The AI technology situates the 3D object within a 2D scene and applies textures based on user-provided prompts. These 2D images offer users a rapid method for prototyping and visualizing different textures, styles, and materials for their 3D models.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Good morning, how y'all doing?
00:05 - Doing great.
00:06 - Morning.
00:07 - Good morning, good morning.
00:09 Evan, I know you and I have talked before,
00:10 but it's a pleasure to have you on as well.
00:13 You know, glad we can kind of go ahead
00:14 and have this conversation.
00:15 I know we've got a couple of demos coming up
00:17 in just a moment here as well.
00:20 So excited for that, 'cause the last time
00:21 it was kind of cool as you all did with the furniture thing.
00:23 So I'm excited to see what y'all have in store.
00:24 But before we kind of get things going here,
00:27 Evan, I'd love for the viewers at home to find out.
00:29 So if you could explain it to me, I look 'em five.
00:31 What is it that your company does?
00:33 - Sure, so we use generative AI
00:36 to essentially create a 3D modeling studio
00:40 that's focus is on textures.
00:43 So you bring a CAD file onto Toggle 3D,
00:48 and you're able to essentially point and click
00:51 on pieces and parts of the CAD file and texture it.
00:54 CAD files, if you've ever seen one,
00:56 they're like this very boring gray metal kind of color.
01:01 So we bring it all to life in Toggle.
01:04 Again, it's AI powered, so everything's point and click.
01:07 It's quite magical.
01:09 And Dasha has an amazing demo for you guys
01:12 to see what it's all about.
01:14 - You know, it's interesting,
01:15 'cause I'm in the middle of trying to,
01:18 I'm trying to start this podcast thing.
01:19 I'm trying to have the podcast bug.
01:21 And I'm like trying to figure out what logo
01:23 I wanna go with.
01:24 And of course, instead of going to Fiverr
01:26 and trying to get a designer,
01:27 I'm trying to get AI to do it.
01:28 I'm trying to tell them, hey, here's what I wanna do.
01:30 Here's what I'd like to see.
01:32 So I'm in that process.
01:32 So it is very intriguing,
01:34 but Dasha, I'd love to hear from you
01:36 in terms of how AI is specifically suited
01:39 in these types of applications
01:40 and what is, you know, for what y'all do as well.
01:42 And then of course,
01:43 we can kind of go into the demo whenever you're ready.
01:45 Now you can share your screen, by the way.
01:47 I believe you hit present on the bottom.
01:49 You should be able to share your screen.
01:51 - Yeah, so I'll start sharing my screen here
01:54 in a short second,
01:54 unless you had anything to add on before that.
01:57 But I just wanted to kind of go first to your questions,
01:59 and because, you know, you bring up an interesting point,
02:02 and Evan brought up Cat files.
02:04 Cat files, that first industry
02:06 was really started in like the 1970s.
02:08 And a lot of that software is kind of,
02:11 that's kind of the era that it took its rise.
02:15 And so now that we're in a different era completely
02:18 with 3D modeling AI,
02:19 we've noticed that, you know, these Cat files exist.
02:22 They're still being made.
02:23 A lot of the times they're sort of regulated,
02:26 that where you have to have a Cat file before you design.
02:29 So how can we take something that's already there
02:31 and make it really easy for people
02:33 to take it out of that software,
02:35 convert it to a web-friendly 3D format,
02:37 and then use AI, being an AI-first platform,
02:41 to help you texture it,
02:42 help you get it ready for presentation mode,
02:44 whatever that means for the end user.
02:46 And one way that we're doing this,
02:48 as Evan mentioned today,
02:49 is by letting you generate textures,
02:51 not just textures, but PBR maps,
02:53 which ultimately mean textures that are photorealistic.
02:58 So they react to light the way that this texture would
03:00 in the real world.
03:02 And we're doing this, a couple of seconds,
03:04 you have it on your model and you're ready to go
03:07 and kind of take it beyond toggle.
03:08 We're answering this question of,
03:10 what do you do with 3D models?
03:12 We're doing this in an AI-first platform.
03:14 - Yeah, yeah.
03:15 - Evan, did you have anything to add to that?
03:17 - Yeah, I would just add that, you know,
03:21 it's important to put things in perspective as an investor,
03:24 you know, and I've been in the market,
03:27 you know, going all the way back to the 1990s,
03:30 and seeing, you know, mega trends emerge.
03:32 And if you think about AI,
03:35 AI really is, you know,
03:38 the computer industry being reinvented.
03:42 If you think about how powerful a statement that is,
03:45 I mean, and that's not even me, that's NVIDIA CEO,
03:49 and I'm just echoing that.
03:51 - Yeah.
03:52 - In every way, like this is a rebirth.
03:53 And so toggle is using AI.
03:56 We are taking full advantage
04:00 of this immense new opportunity.
04:03 Toggle could not exist two years ago.
04:06 It couldn't, because it's an AI-first platform.
04:10 - Right.
04:11 - So, you know, it's important for investors to understand
04:13 that toggle is part of this birth
04:16 of this whole new industry.
04:19 And without the industry,
04:20 there would be no toggle.
04:22 We're leveraging all the latest
04:25 and greatest generative AI technologies in toggle.
04:29 In fact, you know, one of the things to think about,
04:33 you know, again, for investors,
04:34 think about how big this AI industry has become.
04:39 Graphic processing units,
04:42 GPUs are considerably harder to get than drugs these days.
04:47 I'm just saying.
04:49 It's like, you know, if you look at the marketplace
04:53 and you're like, you know,
04:54 how do I actually get computing power?
04:57 It isn't easy.
04:59 It's actually become a very, very hot commodity.
05:03 And so we're leveraging AI.
05:06 Toggle is, you know, right place, right time.
05:09 - Right.
05:10 - So there's two megatrends happening here.
05:13 AI is the newest megatrend.
05:16 But, you know, we've been in the 3D modeling space,
05:19 which is what, you know,
05:20 AI is being used for on the toggle platform.
05:24 We've been in the 3D modeling space
05:26 going all the way back to 2018.
05:28 And the 3D modeling megatrend has just exploded.
05:32 So it's a combination of 3D modeling and AI.
05:37 And with that, I think it's a good segue
05:43 to maybe do a demo.
05:45 - Yeah, yeah.
05:46 Again, feel free to go ahead and share your screen
05:48 whenever you're ready.
05:49 And while we set up that demo there,
05:52 interested if one of y'all wants to talk about the market
05:55 that this space is looking to disrupt as well,
05:57 especially 'cause you mentioned,
05:58 hey, we just started a couple of years ago.
06:00 So as we get the demo set up on y'all's end,
06:03 what's the market share that you're looking to take here?
06:05 What's that look like?
06:06 - So, you know, there's a massive, massive opportunity here
06:11 worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
06:12 Just look at Adobe, look at AutoCAD,
06:16 look at these big platforms from big tech companies.
06:20 They all have some kind of a design studio.
06:24 Primarily it's been 2D.
06:26 And AutoCAD is CAD, right?
06:30 We're basically coming in to disrupt that ecosystem
06:35 using, again, an AI-first platform.
06:39 They're all bringing AI onto their 2D platform.
06:44 They've also been using legacy technology,
06:47 legacy computing power,
06:49 and all of that is very clunky
06:52 compared to the new tech, right?
06:55 AI, what's so amazing about AI,
06:58 and the reason why AI has just exploded,
07:02 the reason why the rate of progress is exponential
07:06 is because it's so easy to use.
07:11 You type in a text prompt and it gives you a whole story,
07:16 or you can even talk to it,
07:19 or you could show AI a picture
07:21 and it'll actually turn that picture into a 3D model.
07:25 So AI is just so easy.
07:27 It's so, the lift is effortless.
07:31 If you think about it,
07:33 you used to have to hire programmers to program.
07:37 You can now have what's called a text prompt programmer.
07:42 - Right. - Right?
07:43 I mean, think about that.
07:45 It's just massive, massive, massive.
07:50 So that's kind of what's driving this.
07:53 And so when you look at the opportunity,
07:56 it is in the hundreds of billions.
07:59 And when you compare that to Toggle's market cap,
08:02 right now we're undiscovered.
08:05 There's only a small number of investors.
08:07 Next Tech, the parent company spun it out.
08:10 Next Tech is public and still owns almost 50%
08:14 of the shares of Outstanding.
08:15 I own about 1.7 million shares.
08:19 So I'm the single largest shareholder
08:22 with about a 6% stake.
08:24 But the market cap is only like 12 million US,
08:27 16 million Canadian.
08:28 It's kind of a joke.
08:30 I mean, it's so undervalued.
08:32 - Yeah. - It's insane.
08:33 So I actually went into the market
08:35 and bought 15,000 shares just, you know,
08:39 because I couldn't take it anymore.
08:41 It's not- - Yeah.
08:42 - You know? - Yeah.
08:43 - So I might actually buy more just because it's so cheap.
08:47 You know, you look at any tech company,
08:49 I challenge you, find me any tech company
08:53 that has legit AI that's signing up 500 people a day,
08:58 which is what's happening.
09:00 We're signing up 500 people a day.
09:04 Do the math on that, right?
09:05 It's a lot. - Yeah.
09:06 - And our market cap's only, you know,
09:09 12 million US, 16 million Canadian.
09:12 You can't find other companies like that.
09:14 It's only because we were like a spin out from a parent
09:18 and there's only a handful of investors
09:21 that actually know about it, which is why, you know,
09:22 we're here.
09:23 - Yeah, so, you know, you mentioned
09:25 about you purchasing the shares and obviously,
09:27 as they say, not me, not my words, but talk is cheap.
09:30 You're putting money where your mouth is
09:31 in terms of what you believe in the company.
09:33 So that's great to see, and it'll be great to see
09:34 if you do pick up some more shares.
09:36 I know you mentioned that you had a demo to share.
09:39 So if you'd like, whoever's gonna lead that way,
09:41 it looks like Dasha, you've got your screen ready to share.
09:45 So you just give us a thumbs up
09:46 and we'll go ahead and put that on screen.
09:48 - I'm ready.
09:49 - All right, what we got?
09:51 - Awesome, so I'm just gonna verify,
09:54 you guys see the toggle platform right now?
09:56 - We sure do, welcome back.
09:58 - Yeah. - Okay, perfect.
10:00 So here is toggle and let me actually just start off
10:03 by kind of showing you what a CAD file looks like
10:05 post conversion on the platform, right?
10:08 So we've talked about manufacturing files.
10:11 We've kind of talked about them being sort of
10:13 this great asset because CAD is not really known
10:16 to make things look photorealistic
10:18 on sort of a design perspective.
10:19 They're more focused on the engineering part of the product.
10:23 So you bring it on to toggle,
10:24 we will decrease the size of that.
10:26 We've done up to 95% lighter files post CAD conversion.
10:30 I mean, you got sort of this gray mesh that looks like this.
10:34 - Looks like my living room couch though.
10:37 Except no design, right?
10:41 - Yeah.
10:42 - Exactly, so you have it all separated into parts.
10:45 We have a massive PBR library that's already built.
10:49 So just a quick reminder, PBR is those photorealistic,
10:52 physically based rendered materials that will react to light
10:55 that they do in the real world.
10:57 And we have thousands available for you.
11:00 And I'll just kind of go ahead and just grab a fabric here
11:03 as kind of what we're usually, we know couches to be
11:05 and it gets applied instantly.
11:07 So point and click texturing, that's easy.
11:09 - Right.
11:10 - But here's kind of where the magic happens
11:12 because it's great to look through all of these thousands
11:17 of different sort of examples,
11:19 but sometimes you're looking for something very specific
11:22 and perhaps it doesn't exist in our library.
11:26 So here I don't kind of want to show you
11:27 where we take texturing, which used to be a very,
11:32 very manual, very sort of layered process.
11:35 You have to kind of create all of these different effects
11:39 together, layer by layer.
11:41 PBR creates all of these effects for you at once.
11:44 And we're doing this using generative AI.
11:46 So I'm gonna get to the fun stuff right away
11:49 and then we'll backtrack and kind of talk about
11:51 a couple other use cases.
11:52 But here's a typical text prompt that you would expect
11:56 as we know generative AI to be today.
11:59 So in that couch example, I can really look for anything.
12:02 So maybe I'm looking for a red leather sort of couch.
12:07 I don't see it in the pre-made library.
12:12 I want it to kind of look a certain way.
12:16 What you see here is the AI in real time
12:19 generating for you what it thinks is red leather.
12:22 - Yeah, so I just wanna pause there
12:24 for a half second, Dasha.
12:26 If you were listening, what the AI thinks,
12:31 this is the AI thinking.
12:34 This isn't from our library that it's searching.
12:37 This is net new.
12:39 The AI is creating this, which is, again,
12:43 blows my mind every time I see this.
12:46 Like it took me a few times of listening to Dasha
12:48 before I'm like, wait, wait, wait.
12:50 Who's making, what's making it?
12:52 Oh, this is it.
12:53 (laughs)
12:54 This is actually-- - The library
12:55 that has a tag of, hey, if someone types in red
12:58 and leather, pull this up,
13:00 or else it would have been part of your offering
13:02 in the beginning.
13:02 So this is completely-- - New.
13:05 - Generated by AI in that sense.
13:07 - Yes, yes, that's the magic here
13:09 is that it'll literally generate that
13:11 and then Dasha will just easily and effortlessly
13:15 put this on the couch.
13:17 - Yeah, so right before we do that,
13:20 I just want to point out here.
13:24 Sorry, let me regenerate this here.
13:28 Screen sharing.
13:29 - Regenerating.
13:30 (laughs)
13:33 Just because we can.
13:34 - And you'll actually, I'll prove to you right now
13:37 that it's AI because those swatches
13:39 that you'll see right now will not be the ones
13:41 that you originally saw.
13:42 But I wanna point-- - You can keep regenerating.
13:45 Like you could just keep asking for more variations
13:48 of the red leather.
13:50 It's like, show me more red leather.
13:52 - Yeah, and something that I wanna point out here.
13:55 So a difference between this and Midjourney
13:57 because a lot of us are really familiar with Midjourney.
14:00 You'll give it a text prompt and it gives you an image,
14:02 a 2D image, which is beautiful and it's great,
14:06 but for 3D modeling, you need more than just that.
14:09 So I can't just take a kind of a picture of red leather
14:12 and put it onto my 3D model.
14:13 I have to make it react to light and make it look,
14:17 have the properties of a real material
14:20 or else it's gonna look pretty flat on my 3D model.
14:23 So I just wanna explain that process a little bit
14:25 'cause oftentimes it just kind of looks like
14:27 we draped a 2D image over top of a cube.
14:30 But what you'll see here, for example,
14:32 is different properties of that PBR material
14:36 that I'm able to manipulate on the spot.
14:38 So on top of that 2D image,
14:41 we're layering up different properties.
14:43 A property example could be like metallic.
14:45 So if your leather is metallic,
14:48 it'll have a metallic map that you can adjust
14:50 in real time using these knobs.
14:52 If you have roughness,
14:54 I'll actually show you this right here
14:56 'cause it's really easy to see.
14:58 You'll see kind of all of a sudden I decreased roughness
15:01 and my material's a lot shinier
15:03 as I kind of move it through the light here.
15:06 So these are the layers that make up that PBR texture,
15:09 which gives it that photorealistic effect.
15:11 And it's not just, again, creating that 2D image anymore.
15:15 The reason I really wanna bring this up and stress that
15:17 is because there's not a lot of competitors in the market
15:20 that are making PBR materials.
15:23 And if you compare kind of the process of making a PBR
15:27 using AI versus doing this manually,
15:31 it's quite a massive difference in time.
15:33 So we're talking seconds versus hours.
15:36 And this is kind of one way that Toggle
15:38 is changing the industry of 3D texturing
15:41 and adding these new AI-first tools.
15:43 - Yeah, so just back to disrupting,
15:46 minutes versus hours.
15:50 That's disruptive technology, right?
15:52 Like that's the difference between
15:54 if you were working on an Adobe Studio platform,
15:59 it would take you hours.
16:01 Here, it's just minutes.
16:03 And that translates into increased productivity.
16:08 And ultimately, this is a SaaS platform.
16:12 Everybody that comes on this platform
16:14 is looking for productivity for 29 bucks a month.
16:18 They get all this latest and greatest AI features,
16:22 which, you know, there's some wood now.
16:27 - Yeah, and then, so you would just apply this
16:30 to the couch, is that correct?
16:32 - Yes, let me just make one more kind of material here
16:35 so we can put together the red leather
16:37 and then the wooden sort of finish
16:39 on top of the couch as well and get a finished product.
16:42 So I showed you text prompt to PBR material,
16:46 but I also wanna show you image to PBR material
16:49 because, you know, sometimes it's,
16:52 you wanna create from scratch,
16:53 but sometimes you already have
16:55 sort of the materials that are pre-picked
16:57 or you're a manufacturer
16:58 and you have partners with your vendors
17:00 and those vendors have very specific examples
17:02 of fabrics or wood samples that you can use
17:06 for your product.
17:08 And this is kind of a really popular use case
17:10 for seeing among sort of product designers
17:13 on a top of 3D today.
17:15 They're a manufacturer and they have vendors.
17:17 So I do wanna show this use case here
17:19 because again, this is the 2D image.
17:21 So we're just taking the swatch that I just uploaded,
17:23 which is a JPG, you see right here,
17:26 I'm putting it on the cube
17:28 and I'm letting the algorithm know it's a wood.
17:31 The algorithm then suggests finishes for me,
17:34 which are ultimately those PBR maps
17:36 that we've been talking about
17:37 that will make this wood look more photorealistic.
17:41 So we really narrowed it down
17:42 to four main finishes for wood.
17:45 I go ahead and press generate.
17:47 Again, we're creating these PBR maps in the background.
17:49 You see they instantly get applied to my cube here.
17:53 And then again, I have these properties
17:55 that I'm able to adjust.
17:56 If I want it to be more glossy, sort of less glossy,
18:00 I can go ahead and actually, you know,
18:02 change the color of it as well to match my swatch here
18:05 a little bit better after the PBR maps were applied.
18:08 And then I go ahead and I save it to my library.
18:11 So once I've got all ready these materials,
18:15 whether I'm starting from an image or from a text,
18:17 I can go back to my 3D model in that case.
18:20 So I'll go back to this couch
18:22 and we'll see that I'm able to apply these materials now
18:27 that are going to be saved in my material collection.
18:32 So I'll go ahead and apply red leather to my couch.
18:35 And then I'll go ahead and also apply the wood to my couch.
18:38 - Whoa, look at that.
18:40 - So now you're applying both of them there.
18:43 Now I'm curious, as you go ahead and add these
18:46 to your library as a user, as an individual,
18:50 does it add to the library for other users
18:52 to go in and access as well?
18:54 - No, not yet.
18:56 So right now this is all proprietary
18:59 because we are dealing with manufacturers
19:00 and product designers and because CAD files are proprietary,
19:04 everybody has their own library.
19:06 - Got it, okay.
19:07 - There's definitely a side of Toggle
19:09 and we'll see it kind of come to fruition
19:11 in the next few months here,
19:13 where we're gonna be building a community of users
19:15 where they can share and make these different materials,
19:19 these different scenes,
19:20 and kind of really take that power of community
19:24 to spread word of mouth and get people engaged among.
19:27 - Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
19:29 And you know what else,
19:30 Dash and I were talking a little earlier about the roadmap,
19:35 and before the end of this year,
19:36 there'll be a whole photography studio.
19:38 So imagine you have this couch that you've just created
19:43 and you wanna take photos and use that for your website.
19:48 You're able to do that on the platform.
19:51 Just think about all the time and money you save
19:55 not having to hire a photographer.
19:57 You can't really fit this couch in a light box.
20:00 (Dash laughing)
20:01 So, right?
20:03 So you'd have to hire somebody
20:05 and look at how shiny that is.
20:07 Now, is this 1K, 2K right now, Dasha?
20:12 - This is 1K.
20:14 So right now we're generating at 1K,
20:16 but we have a lot of upgrades that are coming
20:19 actually next week that will be able to generate
20:22 these PBR materials in 4K as well.
20:24 And then that's when we go from prototyping
20:27 with these different materials to actually being
20:30 a 4K photorealistic kind of representation
20:34 of these materials.
20:35 - Yeah, 4K is the holy grail.
20:38 I mean, if you wanna have photorealism,
20:40 you need the 4K.
20:42 So this is just like, again,
20:44 for visual representation on the platform,
20:47 but then when you export it,
20:50 you export it as a 4K photorealistic model.
20:55 But I mean, this is ridiculously cool.
21:00 If I go back in time a couple of years
21:03 and I start thinking about how much time we used to spend
21:08 on creating these 3D models and then texturing them.
21:14 Texturing oftentimes is more complicated
21:17 than the 3D model itself.
21:20 Just creating all these textures and wrapping it
21:23 around every single piece of the couch,
21:27 the front, the back, the chairs.
21:30 And then again, the legs.
21:32 I mean, if you just think about all the variations
21:35 of everything that's in your house, right?
21:38 And being able to just do that point and click
21:42 on this platform, it's super exciting for us.
21:47 - It's interesting that we're doing this
21:48 'cause I had a friend come over the other day
21:50 and she told me that I could really use an interior designer
21:52 'cause I'm on my mind like a minimalist.
21:53 Like I don't really have a lot of things.
21:54 I don't have a carpet under my living room space
21:57 or whatever, so I might have to be a user after this.
21:59 That's interesting me on this.
22:01 And then I assume the process from here is
22:03 for the individual to just go ahead
22:05 and kind of have these text files
22:07 and send it to their manufacturers
22:08 or whoever they're working with,
22:10 and then go ahead and just have it made.
22:12 I don't wanna say printed, but have it made.
22:14 Is that the process?
22:15 - Yeah, let's actually talk about a few use cases here
22:17 because there's a couple of things that you can do.
22:18 So now that you have kind of a 3D model that you like,
22:22 there's a couple of different,
22:24 even in this process of creating this 3D model
22:27 on the platform, what we've been hearing a lot
22:29 is one of the hardest things about sort of finishing off
22:32 a product is working with, let's say your end consumer,
22:36 to come up with a design that you both like,
22:38 and then sort of agree on that design,
22:40 you price it, you manufacture it,
22:43 and then you sort of have this kind of couch ready to go
22:47 because a lot of what we're hearing from manufacturers
22:50 is that people like customizations.
22:52 They wanna be able to personalize their items
22:54 and having kind of offering that experience in 3D
22:58 with your customer is a lot more powerful
23:02 than trying to customize a couch, let's say in 2D.
23:05 So that's kind of one use case is right on the platform,
23:07 you kind of make these design decisions together.
23:10 But then we also have it where the same asset
23:13 could be used on your e-commerce site
23:15 or for your marketing assets,
23:17 or even kind of more so now we're hearing the use case
23:20 of VR.
23:22 So a lot of people are now staging environments
23:25 and staging games with these 3D models
23:29 in a virtual reality scene.
23:31 People are exporting it for that.
23:32 We also have augmented reality that come
23:35 with all of these objects as well.
23:37 So if you're trying to envision what this couch now looks
23:39 in your space, the end consumer,
23:42 or you just wanna kind of be able to, as a designer,
23:44 assess this kind of couch in the physical world,
23:48 with physical items around it,
23:50 you have that experience in AR as well.
23:52 - There's a share button right there.
23:56 You could share.
23:57 Yeah, you could literally share a link right now
24:02 with whoever, I don't know if you wanna give us your email.
24:06 - Yeah, I can do that, no problem.
24:08 It's my name at zunade@benzinga.com, easy enough.
24:12 - Yeah, so we can literally send it to you.
24:14 But we also just, we're starting to do more integrations
24:20 in 8, where, I don't know if you've heard of Sketchfab,
24:24 but they were acquired by Epic Games,
24:27 the creator of Fortnite, I think.
24:30 And so those guys have a community
24:35 of 10 million 3D artists,
24:39 and they have, I think, 5 million, actually,
24:44 3D models on their platform, something like that.
24:47 Anyway, toggle just, oh, she's got it up on screen.
24:51 There it is.
24:52 So, look at the screen, upper right-hand corner,
24:55 you'll see Sketchfab, okay?
24:57 She's in a Sketchfab account.
25:01 We could pull the Sketchfab 3D models
25:04 into the toggle studio and change the texture
25:09 on any of these models.
25:12 So, think about what I'm saying.
25:14 You have one model that all of a sudden
25:17 turns into many models, right?
25:21 Because you could change the color, the texture, the look.
25:24 So, she just brought in this model from Sketchfab.
25:29 And what's so cool about it is,
25:31 you notice how she just puts the cursor
25:33 over the different parts and it lights up?
25:37 It comes in in parts, right?
25:41 So, you can texture the hood, the window,
25:45 the door, the tires, all different.
25:48 It's very, very customizable.
25:50 - Is there a way that you would be able to possibly,
25:54 and again, I'm just thinking out loud here, use cases.
25:56 Is this how you'd be able to transform it
26:00 into a file that could then be kind of like 3D printed?
26:02 Or is that something that's in the works as well?
26:04 Or what are we looking at there?
26:06 - Yeah, so 3D printing file is a format called STL.
26:09 And we actually recently did add support for it.
26:12 And so now any of these things you can export in STL
26:16 and then use as part of 3D printing.
26:17 - See, Evan, your team's killing it.
26:18 Look at that.
26:19 - I didn't even know that.
26:20 (laughing)
26:21 I'm like, no.
26:22 - That's the first thing I thought of
26:25 is when I see these cars and when I see like these,
26:28 immediately when I saw that, I thought of like a toy.
26:29 I thought toy for my nephew or my niece.
26:32 And so that's why I'd asked that question.
26:34 But that's really cool.
26:37 - That is cool, right?
26:37 So you could basically design your 3D printable object
26:42 in toggle and then just export into a 3D printer
26:49 and boom, you got your, that's very cool.
26:51 I didn't know we could do that.
26:52 That's awesome.
26:53 - There you go, hey, learn new things every day.
26:56 And that is definitely gonna be another use case.
26:59 - I had a couple of more questions before we did wrap up,
27:02 but I definitely don't wanna interrupt the demo.
27:03 Was there anything else y'all wanted to show us?
27:06 - Well, I just would also say that it goes beyond,
27:11 this is something you only find out
27:12 when you get into the business,
27:14 but we're finding like builders and landscape designers
27:19 that are actually using the platform
27:23 beyond what maybe we had in mind,
27:27 where they're using it.
27:30 I mean, you could think about a kitchen
27:32 and you could do kitchen countertops.
27:34 You could do your kitchen cabinets, right?
27:37 All those things that go into home renovations
27:42 can also be used on the platform.
27:45 And we're creating templates so that you can have,
27:48 let's say, a template of an island in a kitchen
27:53 and you're just changing the granite
27:56 to whatever granite you want it to be.
28:00 So there's just so many use cases for this.
28:04 And we're kind of beyond excited with where this is headed.
28:10 It's still just the first inning.
28:14 We're just getting this much.
28:16 We just launched in, I think we went public in June.
28:20 Stock went as high as like $4.50.
28:25 It's trading now at like a 90% discount.
28:30 It's trading at like 50 cents or 75 cents Canadian.
28:35 And the stock is really not reflecting
28:40 all this great potential.
28:44 And if you think about all these people that are signing up,
28:48 maybe one day they become shareholders.
28:51 Yeah, yeah, especially if they like what they see,
28:53 they see the use case of it
28:55 and they kind of see the market share that y'all can take.
28:57 But Evan, a question for you from the chat
28:59 that I told him I would ask,
29:00 are you able to talk about the financial health
29:03 of your company and give us a little insight
29:04 in terms of revenue and where you stand there?
29:06 Yeah, we raised a little over $2 million,
29:10 just self-funded, just self-financed.
29:14 This in, again, in June.
29:17 So we're cashed up.
29:18 We just hired, so the first phase,
29:22 we're doing this in phases,
29:24 was build the product in beta.
29:27 So we spent like six, seven months in beta with Dasha,
29:31 really working with the users
29:34 to create a product market fit.
29:37 So that was like the first six months of the year.
29:40 Then we raised a couple of million, went public.
29:44 Then we spent time getting signups.
29:47 And it's a freemium model,
29:48 so you basically get some features for free
29:52 and then you move up to the paid.
29:54 So our goal was just to get people on the free
29:58 for the first couple of months.
30:01 And we're now pivoting.
30:03 So we announced over 10,000 people have signed up
30:07 that we've seen like 300% growth in the number of signups.
30:12 We haven't released financials yet,
30:15 but again, this is phased.
30:18 So, and this is purpose,
30:19 we're doing this on purpose, right?
30:21 Because the last thing you wanna do
30:24 is get people onto a platform,
30:25 get them paying and then stuff's not working
30:27 the way they want it to.
30:29 We spent a lot of time working with our user base
30:33 to make sure that it fits their needs.
30:36 And so we've recently hired a marketing director
30:41 from Amazon.
30:44 And so, she's a blue chip hire
30:48 and she's now brought her team together.
30:52 And so the goal now is to start to drive more people
30:57 onto the platform and focus on revenue and converting them.
31:02 So, in Q4, I mean, we're almost done with Q3,
31:07 we are going to start to see a significant increase
31:12 in the signups and also in revenue.
31:14 And this is all by design, Sunil.
31:16 This is like, we've mapped it out.
31:18 So, we feel like we're in a great position.
31:22 The fact that we're getting 500, 600 people a day
31:27 onto the platform, I mean,
31:29 that is a testament to the demand that's in the market.
31:33 That's with limited to no marketing.
31:35 That's again, like you didn't hear of us before today.
31:40 - Last time. - Our last conversation.
31:41 Yeah, yeah.
31:42 No, but you're right though,
31:43 'cause I didn't know this technology kind of existed,
31:45 especially with the 3D aspect of it,
31:47 as I mentioned as well.
31:49 So, no question about that.
31:51 I did wanna go ahead and give a final floor to y'all.
31:53 Dasha, we can start with you.
31:54 If you had anything to add, Evan, and we'll end it with you.
31:57 So, Dasha, it's all yours.
31:58 - Awesome.
31:59 So, kind of out in the product perspective,
32:01 I'm super excited for where we're currently at,
32:03 but also the things that we have on the roadmap
32:05 that maybe we'll get a chance to also share.
32:08 You'll definitely hear more about it.
32:10 The team is doing an amazing job.
32:12 We're seeing a lot of testament from our users,
32:14 and we are really building this as a user-first platform,
32:17 listening to all the feedback and making sure
32:18 that we are hitting these pain points in the market
32:21 that we're told by our current users,
32:23 they're not being solved right now.
32:26 So, we're very excited,
32:27 and I'm excited to show you all what's to come.
32:30 - Yeah, looking forward to that roadmap
32:31 that you talked about in the near future as well.
32:33 Evan, what about you?
32:35 - Yeah, I would just say that Toggle's goal
32:40 is to become a key player in this first generation
32:44 of AI-first platforms.
32:48 And if you look at AI, Toggle's running towards it,
32:53 and you need to run, because if you don't run towards AI,
33:00 you will be left in the dust.
33:01 You will be left behind.
33:03 So, this platform is geared towards
33:08 this whole AI revolution.
33:10 And if you look at Nvidia,
33:13 which is the world's most valuable
33:18 listed semiconductor company, right?
33:20 That everybody all of a sudden exploded onto the scene.
33:24 They're the major supplier of computer chips.
33:27 We use their chips, and our goal is to be
33:30 the major supplier of software for the 3D modeling industry.
33:35 - Well, hey, I definitely look forward to that journey.
33:38 I look forward to more conversations with you.
33:40 Evan, Dasha, thank you so much
33:41 for hanging out with us here today.
33:43 - Thank you, Zuniga.
33:44 (upbeat music)
33:47 (upbeat music)
