00:00 [music]
00:14 The members of the 4th DPR RI committee,
00:16 as well as the White House,
00:17 have reiterated the commitment of the Ministry of the Coast and Fisheries
00:19 in the control of the efforts to prevent and recover
00:22 the damage to the coast and islands.
00:24 In a joint work meeting of the Ministry of the Coast and Fisheries
00:27 in the building of the DPR RI Senayan Jakarta,
00:29 on September 5, 2023,
00:32 Saadiyah emphasized the implementation of the budget for prevention
00:36 and recovery activities of damage to the coast and small islands.
00:39 The DPR RI's work is quite varied,
00:41 the average is 51.82%.
00:45 Of the 6 main activities,
00:48 prevention and recovery activities of damage to the coast and small islands,
00:53 the implementation of the budget is only 28% real.
00:57 This shows the low attention of the KKP
01:00 in the efforts to prevent and recover the coast and small islands.
01:05 Therefore, the DPR RI should have responsibility
01:09 to the damage to some small islands in all parts of Indonesia.
01:15 For example, in the islands of Obi, Wawoni and Kabayena,
01:19 there are many small islands that have been expanded by damaged mining.
01:24 This is an illustration of the low role of the KKP in illegal exploitation on the islands.
01:31 Also in Buru Island, Maluku Province.
01:34 On September 1, 2023,
01:37 this activity was held by the Directorate General of the KKP Marine Administration.
01:41 The budget implementation is only about 28%.
01:45 Showing the low attention of the KKP in the efforts to prevent and recover
01:49 the coast and small islands.
01:51 When he said the strategic function of the KKP Marine Administration Directorate
01:55 has been regulated by the Minister of the Sea and the Republic of Indonesia.
01:59 Responsible for creating a management of the exploitation of potential and resources
02:03 small islands become the focus of attention of the Marine Administration Directorate.
02:07 Visit or read more complete news on the website
02:14 [Music]