• 2 years ago
Ep. 22: The Things We Said Today
Andrew and Paul hear news reporting a feud between nations about a controversial soccer verdict threatening to erupt into an international conflict. Meanwhile, Ursula tells Akko that the seventh word lies within her heart in order to find it. Diana notifies Akko to meet in town with Andrew, who returns her witch hat previously left in his limo. However, she notices some Pixels hovering around the rioters, soon coming across Croix on top of a building. Akko discovers that Croix has been manipulating people's emotions in order to convert them into noir fuel spirit, magical energy fueled by negative human emotions. Just as Akko is attacked by Croix, Akko is saved by Ursula, whose identity as Chariot is finally revealed in the process. Croix further reveals that Chariot drained dream fuel spirit, dreaming power converted into magical power, from her attendees during her magic show ten years ago. This deprived Akko of her natural magical abilities since that time. When Ursula denies none of this, Akko is left devastated.

