PDM government exposed | PDM gave 10 billion worth advertisements to channels | Big New

  • last year
PDM government exposed | PDM gave 10 billion worth advertisements to channels | Big New
00:00 The PDM government has been caught in the economic turmoil.
00:05 In 16 months, the 13-party government has issued 10 billion copies of the media.
00:12 The Senate's Committee on Climate Change has been informed that in the last year and a half,
00:17 the government has issued 9.6 billion copies.
00:21 The Secretary of State has said that the print media has been issued 3.5 billion copies.
00:26 Electronic media has been issued 4.89 billion copies.
00:30 Digital media has been issued 1.23 billion copies.
00:34 The Convener's Committee has asked what are the criteria for issuing copies.
00:38 The PIO has said that the rate is determined according to the rating of the TV channel and the circulation of the newspaper.
00:44 The committee has asked for details of the prices of the copies of the different channels.
00:48 The committee has asked for details of the channels and the rates of the advertisements.
00:56 So, the PDM government has been caught in the economic turmoil.
01:00 We will talk to Mr. Beorji Sinha and Mr. Tadzikar Khawer Ghoman.
01:04 Mr. Khawer, it was said that the situation is difficult.
01:08 The country is being expelled from Diwali.
01:10 They are running an austerity campaign.
01:12 Was this the austerity campaign?
01:14 Mr. Khawer, when you see the figures and what you have read and told,
01:20 these are the advertisements worth about 10 billion rupees.
01:25 And how many zeros are put in front of 10 billion, how much amount is made,
01:30 you can guess from this that the current government has been trying to give relief to the poor people for 15 billion rupees on electricity.
01:42 They are not able to give because the supply is empty.
01:45 All this information has come to us and the questions and answers have been asked about it in the committee.
01:53 At least it should be known that during these 16 months,
01:57 this is the average amount of 1 billion rupees that you have given to the media every month.
02:03 So, what was that work?
02:05 What was that work that you did? You sent a ship to the moon.
02:12 What is the department of the country that convinced itself in front of the world and you ran an austerity campaign on it?
02:21 The world had to tell that look, this sector in Pakistan is running so successfully and the world should follow us.
02:28 Every department has stories of destruction.
02:32 If you look at the whole world, from the biggest cities of Pakistan to the smallest cities,
02:41 you will find that from the big industries to the middle class and small industries,
02:46 the country is now on the verge of inflation.
02:50 Unemployment in the country has never happened in the history of Pakistan for 76 years.
02:54 So, the question is, at least we should give the people the information.
03:00 We expect the information from the Minister, Jaisalmer, because he has a previous relationship with the media.
03:05 The Nigrahan government also gives him this mandate and his mandate is that all this information should be kept in front of the people.
03:14 Because the 10 billion rupees that were given to the media, no one gave it from their pocket.
03:19 This money has been given from my and your tax.
03:24 This is the money of those taxes that are included in our electricity bill, which is about two dozen.
03:31 This is the money that you have taken from the whole world in the name of poor people.
03:36 Therefore, the people should be told, what purpose did you invest this 10 billion rupees?
03:43 Because we see different media houses with extreme respect, there is no salary there, there is unemployment, people's jobs are being terminated.
03:52 So, if so much money has been given to the media, the media print has been given, the parade has been given, the television has been given, the digital media has been given,
04:01 so at least tell me who has been given, if that money has been given to them, then why did people not get their salaries there?
04:08 Why did people lose their jobs? There are a lot of questions and we hope that the government does not do any more work.
04:15 At least, this theft that has happened during the past 16 months, all that has been given to the media.
04:20 So, Mr. Akram, this money of mine and your tax, which is about 1000 crore rupees,
04:25 from which hospitals, roads, schools, I don't know what else could have been made,
04:29 did this money reach out to which special media group?
04:33 First of all, a committee has put questions on this and the next committee meeting will be promised to tell how much money was given to which media house.
04:47 Obviously, you know that this is a business of ratings, which is also used.
04:52 Some channels are seen by the whole world, they put it at the bottom, no one sees any channel, they take it up.
05:00 How much money was given to whom? And all this detail, we will also try to find it through our own means.
05:07 And the committee has also asked for all this information and has given this order to the information ministry.
05:13 And Mr. Sulengi, we hope that this is all the information, we will not hide it at all.
05:18 And we will hold a press conference in the next few days and will keep all this information in front of the public.
05:24 Where did this money go, how did it go, which criteria were used, which media house it went to, which channel it went to, which newspaper it went to,
05:33 in what month, how much money went, share one more information with you,
05:38 that a very interesting situation is coming up, that there are some special campaigns,
05:44 special focus, which was previously on the Prime Minister, he is moving forward and backward.
05:51 We are going to do it.
05:52 We are going to do it.
05:53 We are going to do it.
