DC Comic Books with Samurai Comics

  • last year

As we continue our Big Bang Theory Launch, we head to Samurai Comics to delve into the DC Comics universe. Learn more at https://samuraicomics.com
00:00 (silence)
00:02 With us launching the Big Bang Theory on AZTV7,
00:10 we wanted to stop into a comic book store
00:12 because that is where the guys hang out quite a bit.
00:16 So we stopped off at Samurai Comics and Cody here.
00:20 Let's talk about this because I think Big Bang Theory
00:23 really showcased comic book stores coming back
00:26 into the picture of people's lives,
00:29 which is really cool.
00:30 And these guys spend a lot of time in the comic book store.
00:32 They do, and I would agree with you.
00:35 When that show started and they started hanging out
00:37 in the comic shop, there was definitely an uptick
00:39 of people who were like, "Oh, Nerdy's cool again.
00:40 "We can go into comic shops and not get judged too harshly."
00:45 So that has definitely had an effect.
00:47 And yeah, Nerdy is way more mainstream than it was
00:50 even 10, 15 years ago.
00:52 What I love is that people feel like they are part
00:54 of the Big Bang Theory set when they walk in here
00:57 because this is kind of like what it looks like
00:59 on the show.
01:00 - Yeah, we have quite a large space,
01:02 similar to what they have on the show.
01:04 And we carry a lot of the same things,
01:05 a lot of the same books that the characters are referencing
01:07 or reading we either have or have had in the shop
01:10 at one point or another.
01:11 - So now, do you have any actors that now work
01:14 in the bookstore or own the bookstore like on there?
01:18 - No, nothing quite like that,
01:19 unless you count like high school plays.
01:22 In which case, yes, yes we do.
01:23 - There you go, so that's it.
01:24 'Cause they have, what's it from Star Trek?
01:27 What's the guy's name?
01:28 Oh my God, Will--
01:30 - Will Wheaton.
01:31 - Will Wheaton, there it is.
01:32 So that's kind of funny there with that.
01:34 So okay, and we talk about of course comic books
01:36 and how they are pretty cool.
01:38 And you guys have a big selection of DC comics
01:40 what these guys are really into.
01:41 - Yes, we have a huge amount of DC graphic novels,
01:44 single issues, pretty much whatever your favorite
01:46 DC character is, there's a way to jump into it
01:48 at your local Samurai Comics.
01:50 - So pretty cool.
01:51 And then what I love too is that these guys play games
01:53 on the show and it's kind of interesting.
01:55 They're bringing back a lot of Dungeons and Dragons,
01:58 it's around different little games.
01:59 You guys have game nights here, right?
02:01 - Yeah, we have tournaments and different game nights
02:03 pretty much every day of the week.
02:05 Not D&D at the moment, but we're looking at
02:07 maybe bringing that back soon too.
02:09 - Yeah, all right, what do you guys have?
02:10 What kind of--
02:10 - A lot of card games, Digimon, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh,
02:13 a little bit of Magic, all sorts of stuff.
02:15 - Nice, all right, well listen, I wanted to test
02:18 your knowledge on the Big Bang Theory.
02:19 - Okay, okay.
02:20 - See how it is and see how you do.
02:22 So here goes in close, you don't know
02:24 what these questions are.
02:24 - Nope.
02:25 - So, all right, so do you know what Sheldon's IQ is?
02:29 - High, 135.
02:31 - Ooh, so close, 187.
02:33 - Ooh.
02:34 - So, all right, Penny, who is not the typical nerd,
02:38 but actually she is a beautiful nerd in the show.
02:41 Why did she move to Los Angeles?
02:43 - Not to pursue a career in waitressing, I don't think.
02:46 - Well, you're close.
02:47 - Oh, she wanted to be an actress.
02:48 - There it is, yes, that's it.
02:49 - And then she ended up working at the restaurant,
02:51 that's what it was.
02:52 - There you go, okay.
02:53 - It's been like two years.
02:53 - That's a very cool thing, and this is talking about,
02:56 of course, nerds win at the end, nerds win at the end,
02:59 because who does Leonard marry on the show?
03:02 - Penny.
03:03 - There you go, I love it.
03:04 So, all right, and this is pretty cool here.
03:06 Where did Howard get his engineering degree?
03:09 - Ooh, MIT?
03:11 - Yes, there you go, look at that, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:14 - Well, that one was a guess.
03:15 - That was a guess, that's cool, so I love this.
03:17 Well, of course, there's no guessing
03:19 and finding all kinds of fun comic books to check out,
03:22 especially the ones you see on Big Bang Theory
03:25 by stopping off at Samurai Comics,
03:27 and again, tell 'em the location you guys have.
03:29 - We got four Valley locations,
03:31 one in Chandler at Almusco and Warner,
03:32 one in Mesa at Broadway and Lindsay,
03:34 one in Glendale at Glendale and Dice Art,
03:37 and then the Superstore here at 16th Street
03:40 and Indian School.
03:41 - There you go, and don't forget,
03:42 you can see The Big Bang Theory,
03:44 Monday through Fridays, right here on AZTV7.
