When Calls the Heart S10E06
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00:00 Previously on "When Calls the Heart".
00:02 I am more tired than I have ever been.
00:04 You need to take some time for yourselves.
00:06 No, you don't need to remind me of my situation.
00:09 I just need a little more time.
00:10 There's a piece of land. It's my land.
00:12 And I want to sell it to you.
00:13 I accept.
00:14 It's a deal.
00:15 I want to give you a house on a hill.
00:16 A castle for you and Jack.
00:18 I don't want a castle.
00:19 Having my best friend over while our babies sleep upstairs.
00:22 There's just no house on a hill that could make up for that.
00:25 I'm not going to let you have it.
00:26 I'm not going to let you have it.
00:27 I'm not going to let you have it.
00:28 There's just no house on a hill that could make up for that.
00:31 There's so many people.
00:38 And they're hogging all the pools.
00:40 Is there enough room for us?
00:42 Not a chance.
00:44 Mr. Hickam.
00:45 How are we supposed to swim when everyone else is here?
00:48 Will you children keep it down?
00:51 Some of us are trying to enjoy the experience.
00:56 Maybe you better come back later.
00:58 We have to go to school.
00:59 That is a problem.
01:01 Because the tourists come here for the hot springs.
01:03 We're the ones who discover the hot springs in the first place.
01:06 This is so unfair.
01:08 Oh, there she is.
01:16 Big day. First day into town.
01:19 That's right. And it's going to be a wonderful day.
01:22 Don't forget these.
01:23 Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got 'em.
01:24 We're going to see Auntie Faith.
01:26 Normally she comes to our place, but today we're going to see her at the office.
01:31 Oh, V, where's the baby's hat?
01:34 The hat?
01:35 The hat, the hat. I had it. I saw it.
01:36 In there?
01:38 It's on her head.
01:41 Well, then we have everything.
01:43 Oh, oh, by the way, I have a new name to try out.
01:46 Tell me what you think.
01:48 Gussie.
01:49 After my great-grandmother, remember?
01:51 Yes.
01:52 Let's try it on for size.
01:54 Fantastic. Let's go.
01:56 Joseph, I don't think I realized how good a month we've been having.
02:02 With all these tourists, business has been great.
02:05 We should celebrate, give back to our friends.
02:08 I think it's time for another community dinner.
02:11 And what did we say this place could learn a thing or two about?
02:14 Barbecue.
02:15 So let's do it.
02:16 A St. Louis barbecue right here in Hope Valley.
02:19 Just like the ones we used to host when we first got married.
02:22 Oh, okay, okay. But you said St. Louis.
02:25 Surely you meant Kansas City barbecue like my mama made.
02:28 Oh, now don't start that.
02:30 These tourists sure are annoying.
02:36 Toby, that isn't nice.
02:37 They've been a good thing, too.
02:39 Mama's never been busier at the cafe.
02:41 Well, it doesn't mean they can't just take over.
02:43 Mrs. Thornton.
02:45 Good morning.
02:46 We have to do something about all the tourists up at the hot springs.
02:49 Yeah, they shouldn't be allowed.
02:50 Who's not allowed?
02:51 The tourists are at the hot springs all the time.
02:54 I see.
02:55 Well, the tourists are great for the town's economy.
02:58 And it's a free world, so they can go wherever they like.
03:01 But they won't share.
03:02 And they're on holidays. They've got all day to be up there.
03:05 And we've only got before and after school.
03:07 They make a good point.
03:08 They certainly do.
03:10 If you four can come up with a solution, maybe I can be of help.
03:14 But what would it be?
03:16 Well, we'll have to figure that out.
03:18 Why don't we go to school and we can discuss it there?
03:20 Yes.
03:21 Okay.
03:22 Cheer up.
03:24 That was very generous of you to offer to help.
03:30 I like making people happy. Hopefully.
03:33 So if they bring you a solution, you'll help them make it a reality?
03:38 Even if it crosses your guests?
03:40 In my experience, a good solution is a deal everyone wants to take.
03:44 Well, I'll be excited to see how this turns out.
03:48 Have a good day.
03:52 You too.
03:54 [♪♪♪]
03:57 [♪♪♪]
03:59 [♪♪♪]
04:28 Hello, ladies.
04:29 Hello.
04:30 Hello, Lee. Hello, Rosemary.
04:32 Let me see her.
04:33 Oh, hello, baby Myrtle.
04:36 Oh, we've actually changed it to...
04:38 Gussie.
04:40 Gussie?
04:41 Yeah, Gussie.
04:42 Gussie?
04:43 Yeah. I thought it was Dimple.
04:44 When was it ever Dimple?
04:46 For a moment there, after my great-aunt Dimple from Ohio.
04:48 You remember? I told you about her.
04:50 Yes, yes.
04:51 Your family has so many unique names that I'm only hearing about now.
04:55 Hmm.
04:56 Whatever your name is, I'm sure it will be beautiful.
04:59 Just like you.
05:00 Aww.
05:02 See you later.
05:03 Bye-bye.
05:04 Hey, Constable.
05:07 Hi.
05:08 Anything I can do for you?
05:09 Uh, no. I'm just getting a package from Ned.
05:11 I'm actually headed up to Eagle Creek.
05:13 A constable up there has been reassigned, so I'm just going to cover for him.
05:15 You can pass by my family's farm, up top South Hill Road.
05:18 It's a sad sight.
05:20 Whoever can move on is moving on.
05:22 Even the pastor left a couple months ago.
05:25 Oh, that's terrible to hear.
05:27 Yeah.
05:28 I wonder if Joseph knows anybody.
05:30 Oh, I'll be sure to ask Minnie.
05:31 All right, young man. Let's put these over there.
05:34 Some problems are more complicated than others.
05:38 And solutions can be very hard to find.
05:40 Especially when there are a lot of different points of view.
05:44 For example...
05:45 There are too many tourists up at the Hall Springs?
05:47 Yes.
05:48 And...
05:51 What is the source of the problem?
05:56 There isn't enough room for us.
05:58 Right. So the problem is...
06:01 Sharing the hot springs?
06:06 Oh, anybody talks about us, how the tourists have a right to be up there.
06:09 But a lot of people have benefited from the tourists.
06:12 Including our parents.
06:13 Good point.
06:14 Now your assignment is to come up with a solution that is fair, and to which everyone can agree.
06:20 That is called compromise.
06:23 Mmm.
06:25 That's delicious.
06:28 I wouldn't change a thing.
06:29 How does it compare to...
06:31 Joseph's? Well, his is quite good.
06:33 But it pales in comparison.
06:35 Pales.
06:36 By the way, everyone loves the idea of the barbecue.
06:40 Oh, good.
06:41 It's a rather last minute, so you only expect a dozen or so guests.
06:46 Nice and intimate. We can just pull two tables together.
06:49 Yes, maybe you could have it outside here at the cafe.
06:52 Oh!
06:53 That's a wonderful idea.
06:57 Anyone have any ideas?
07:03 I have one.
07:05 There are two pools to swim in.
07:07 How about we each take one?
07:09 Let's ask Mr. Bouchard.
07:11 Ask me what?
07:13 We have a solution to the hot springs.
07:15 How about the kids take one pool and the adults take the other?
07:20 A children's pool? What a ridiculous idea.
07:23 I will not be splashed by a bunch of miscreants.
07:26 There should be no children allowed. Period.
07:29 But that's not fair. We were the ones who found them.
07:32 We are not miscreants.
07:33 But I am the paying customer.
07:35 I sincerely hope that my wife and I shall not be forced to pack our bags and move on over this matter.
07:41 Surely it won't come to that, Mr. Mitchell.
07:44 See? They won't listen.
07:47 Or compromise.
07:48 We need to find a solution everyone will agree to.
07:50 That's what Mrs. Thornton said.
07:52 And she's right.
07:53 A compromise is just a negotiation.
07:57 Each side needs to feel like they are getting what they want.
08:00 So, you want time at the hot springs.
08:02 How much time will you settle for?
08:04 An hour a day?
08:05 A few hours a day.
08:07 Plus, all day Saturday and all night.
08:10 And holidays.
08:11 Toby, the tourists aren't going to agree to that.
08:14 You don't know what they'll agree to until you ask.
08:16 But don't show them your cards.
08:18 Show your cards?
08:20 Find out what the tourists will agree to before you tell them what you will agree to.
08:25 And that way, they can't lowball you.
08:27 Just find out what they want.
08:36 Find out what they want.
08:39 [sighs]
08:42 [music]
09:09 You are such a beauty.
09:11 Florence mentioned that you changed her name again.
09:15 Uh, oh, Elizabeth.
09:17 What a lovely surprise.
09:19 Hello, Ned.
09:20 Hello, Rosemary.
09:22 Hello, you.
09:25 So, what's on the agenda?
09:27 Well, we are having a mother-daughter shopping day.
09:32 And then a trip to see Faith, just for a check-up.
09:34 And if we're feeling really adventurous,
09:36 a tour of the Valley Voice to see Dad.
09:40 Oh, what a perfect plan.
09:42 What about you?
09:44 Just getting some new pencils.
09:45 Oh, trying to stay sharp?
09:47 [laughter]
09:49 Oh, look at all these wonderful things for little children just like you.
09:59 Oh.
10:05 Huh.
10:06 That was a lovely song.
10:18 Rosemary?
10:20 Is something wrong?
10:22 No, not at all.
10:24 But thank you for being such a good friend.
10:26 I don't want to keep you.
10:27 I see you have found your pencils.
10:29 And we should be on our way to.
10:31 Say goodbye.
10:34 Goodbye.
10:35 Harry, I had no idea just how bad it was out there.
10:51 It started about a year ago.
10:53 About the time some Union City bigwigs started buying up all the land.
10:58 What do city folk want with farmland?
11:01 Beats me.
11:02 Someone from the Union City holding company came out,
11:05 sat on the porch with my Pa and offered him about twice what the farmers were.
11:10 Pa sure wishes he'd said yes.
11:12 Because the next thing we knew, the river went dry.
11:15 That's a tough break all the way through.
11:20 I'm sorry for your troubles.
11:22 Joseph, that is so good.
11:28 Mm-hmm.
11:29 Better than the-
11:30 Minis?
11:31 Absolutely. Hands down.
11:32 That being said, I should probably try it again just to be sure.
11:35 What are you two doing?
11:36 Nothing.
11:38 I will remind you of your pastoral duties to tell the truth.
11:41 Are you trying to sway the jury?
11:43 But Mama, didn't you let Florence and Molly taste it?
11:45 Oh, but as there wasn't a rule, no harm done.
11:50 Yeah, um, I think I'm going to get going.
11:53 Joseph, good luck.
11:54 Bye.
11:55 See ya.
12:00 This is nice.
12:01 Oh, you accepting that my sauce is superior?
12:04 That's very refreshing.
12:05 Cooking together.
12:07 Oh, that. Yeah, that's very nice.
12:10 I heard some sad news.
12:14 Eagle Creek lost their pastor and with the drought they don't have much hope of recruiting a new one.
12:19 Yeah, that's a shame.
12:21 I wish I could do something to help, but I don't have the time with everything I'm doing.
12:25 Last Sunday I barely made it from the sawmill to the service.
12:29 I saw you brushing off the sawdust beside the church.
12:32 Caught that, did you?
12:33 Do you need to do it all?
12:37 Yes.
12:38 We had a good month this month, but what if something happens? What if the kids need something?
12:42 This place isn't like St. Louis or Jameson or any of the other places.
12:46 Hope Valley is different.
12:48 Maybe you can finally focus on one thing.
12:51 What would Lee do without me?
12:53 What would any of us do?
12:56 [music]
12:58 Us kids want to go to the hot springs in the morning, so we're going to have a sign-up sheet and...
13:04 What's this?
13:13 It's impossible is what it is.
13:15 We're conducting a survey trying to get more kid time at the springs, but nobody wants to give up any time.
13:22 The man in the hat wants mornings, and the woman with the parasol wants afternoons, and Mr. Mitchell, he wants all day, every day.
13:29 In case I'm inspired to take the waters.
13:32 Hi, Allie. How's it going with the tourists?
13:36 Taget put them in jail.
13:38 I don't think that's gonna happen.
13:39 They refused to compromise.
13:41 Mr. Bouchard says we should be careful not to show our cards.
13:45 Um...
13:46 Well, he did, did he?
13:47 Are those your words, Bouchard?
13:48 That way they can't lowball you.
13:50 All I mean is that in any negotiation...
13:53 Keep your cards close to your chest.
13:55 Maybe lead the teaching to Elizabeth, huh?
13:58 Next thing you know she's gonna want to play poker.
14:01 Really? Can I, Dad?
14:03 No. You can't. Come on.
14:06 I suppose I'm still new to this kid thing.
14:12 You're a natural. We were just teasing you.
14:15 Thank you for teaching them how to solve a real-world problem.
14:19 I'm excited to see how it turns out.
14:21 Bye. Bye.
14:25 Good news.
14:30 The contracts from Union City have arrived.
14:34 That was faster than we expected.
14:37 I made a few calls.
14:38 I hope not on my account. I wouldn't want you to rush anything.
14:41 No, not at all. It's all set. Just need your signature.
14:45 But Sebastian's lawyer needs to go over these as well.
14:47 Well, of course. Take all the time you need.
14:49 Just know that it's there for you and Jamie.
14:51 I just need to go up there and fix a few things.
14:55 One last thing.
15:01 Now that you're staying in Hope Valley,
15:06 I think it's time that you attend a Hope Valley event.
15:09 A community dinner.
15:11 Community dinner?
15:12 Yeah. The Canfields are hosting. Barbecue.
15:16 Are you asking me to go with you?
15:18 Well, yes. You and Jamie.
15:22 To go with me, along with everyone else who's going.
15:25 It's a big thing.
15:27 You should join now that you're officially a member of the community.
15:32 I wouldn't want to intrude.
15:34 Well, you wouldn't be intruding.
15:35 But thanks anyways.
15:36 I'll have the lawyers look these over.
15:40 Thank you again, Bill.
15:42 For everything you've done.
15:44 Thank you.
15:45 Baby seems to be in perfect shape.
15:53 Good job, Mama.
15:55 Is everything else alright?
16:02 It's been quite hard.
16:09 A lot of new mothers feel overwhelmed.
16:13 Especially in the first few weeks.
16:15 It gets easier.
16:17 It's not that, exactly.
16:20 I just have so many questions and no one to answer them.
16:25 Not medical questions, Faith.
16:27 Motherhood questions.
16:31 And I know I have wonderful friends who are also mothers.
16:35 But for some reason, I...
16:39 I want to ask my own mother.
16:43 [soft music]
16:45 Rosemary, you are a daughter without a mother.
16:53 I'm one too.
16:57 Faith.
16:59 You know, when I was in my residency, in the maternity ward,
17:03 I came to understand that one of the hardest roles to play is a motherless mother.
17:10 [soft music]
17:12 I've never heard that term before.
17:15 [baby cooing]
17:17 [sigh]
17:19 Yes, I am.
17:22 Yeah, it makes sense.
17:24 I've never had more love inside me.
17:31 But I've also never felt so free.
17:37 [soft music]
17:39 [baby cooing]
17:41 When did you lose her?
17:45 I was five when she left. I barely remember.
17:49 And then she never came back.
17:52 I was 18 when I found out she had passed.
17:56 [sigh]
17:59 I don't know why all these feelings are coming up now.
18:02 Grief is unusual in that way.
18:04 It doesn't know time.
18:06 Grief?
18:07 Rosemary, I think you might be grieving the loss of your mother.
18:11 [soft music]
18:14 [sigh]
18:16 [soft music]
18:19 Yeah.
18:21 [soft music]
18:23 I miss her.
18:25 [soft music]
18:27 [sigh]
18:29 [soft music]
18:31 [soft music]
18:32 [knocking]
18:37 [soft music]
18:39 Hi.
18:41 Elizabeth.
18:42 Just wanted to check on you.
18:43 Let me put the kettle on.
18:44 [soft music]
18:46 Well, hello, sweetheart.
18:54 Oh, my goodness.
18:56 You know, I'd forgotten how much they change day to day.
19:00 Hmm. She does, doesn't she?
19:02 You know, she's been sleeping for over an hour.
19:05 I thought maybe I should wake her up so she'd sleep better tonight, but...
19:09 Someone this beautiful and peaceful.
19:15 Maybe it's best to just let her be.
19:20 Rosemary.
19:23 [knocking]
19:24 Will you please tell me what's wrong?
19:32 We went to see Faith today.
19:44 And she thinks I'm grieving for my mother.
19:51 [soft music]
19:52 Well, I think she may be right.
19:55 It's ridiculous. I'm a grown woman.
20:00 I can barely picture my mother. She left when I was so young.
20:04 She rarely even came into my thoughts.
20:08 But...
20:10 Ever since she came along...
20:13 Of course she's on your mind.
20:17 It's only natural.
20:20 [soft music]
20:21 Today at the mercantile, I found that music box.
20:27 And when I opened it, I heard that song.
20:31 I had this sudden memory of my mother singing it to me.
20:36 How can I help?
20:42 Oh, Elizabeth.
20:45 I have so many questions.
20:50 But most of all...
20:52 How could she leave me?
20:58 [soft music]
21:00 Bill.
21:13 Oh, sorry to intrude.
21:17 That's all right.
21:19 What's going on?
21:22 Uh, do you think you could go up to my land with me tomorrow?
21:25 Give me a hand fixing up the porch at my cabin.
21:28 Sure, yeah.
21:30 Couldn't this wait until tomorrow?
21:33 Well, I was walking by.
21:35 Is something on your mind?
21:38 Not really. Why?
21:40 Because you're walking around in the dark asking me if I can go fix your porch.
21:43 Okay, maybe there's something.
21:46 Maybe it's Madeline.
21:47 Why would you say that?
21:49 Because first off, Bill, it's clear that you like this woman.
21:51 Well, I...
21:53 And second, Bill, I think...
21:55 I think you're afraid of putting yourself out there.
21:57 [sighs]
21:59 Something just doesn't make sense here.
22:02 Call it Mountie intuition.
22:05 You can call it whatever you want, but take it from me.
22:07 Missing out...
22:09 It's the worst feeling of all.
22:12 [soft music]
22:15 Thank you for coming.
22:16 Of course.
22:18 Minnie stopped in next door to check on Rosemary and the baby.
22:21 Joseph, I wish there was something I could do for her.
22:24 Well, we all grieve in our own way.
22:26 [chuckles]
22:28 How is she?
22:35 She's better, I guess.
22:37 Joseph, thanks for coming over.
22:40 Elizabeth, I...
22:43 I don't know what to do.
22:44 How are you supposed to help somebody
22:46 grieving someone they barely knew?
22:49 Blessed are those who mourn,
22:51 for they shall be comforted.
22:53 I mean, that's all we can do.
22:55 While she's hurting, make sure we're there for her.
22:58 She lost someone she loves, but she has us.
23:01 Her family, her friends.
23:04 Together, we can help her get through this.
23:07 When I'm missing Jack,
23:09 I have a couple things to put him through.
23:12 I have a couple things that bring me comfort.
23:14 There's a note he left on my desk at school
23:16 inviting me to dinner at the jail.
23:18 And a handmade Christmas tree ornament.
23:21 Well, it's the little things that help us feel close to those we've lost.
23:24 Does Rosemary have anything from her mother?
23:27 When her father passed,
23:32 the executor sent us a trunk that was her mother's.
23:35 But Rosemary wouldn't open it.
23:37 She wouldn't even crack the seal.
23:40 Before the baby was born, she had me get rid of it.
23:42 Is that the trunk you asked me to get rid of?
23:44 Do you still have it?
23:46 Lee, I can't believe you let me sleep in that long.
23:53 We need to thank Minnie for...
23:55 I thought we threw this away.
23:59 Joseph held on to it.
24:01 He always seems to know when something's important.
24:04 Thank goodness.
24:09 He didn't listen to me about getting rid of it.
24:11 You know, Elizabeth said that sometimes mementos
24:15 can be helpful when you're grieving someone.
24:18 So, maybe we should have a look.
24:21 Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to.
24:38 It's not just me that will want answers.
24:40 Our daughter deserves
24:43 to know who her grandmother was as well.
24:46 Sweetheart,
25:02 these are all addressed to you.
25:05 They're from your mother.
25:07 They're from your mother.
25:08 I mean, all of them.
25:11 I never knew she wrote.
25:13 Why would my father get these from me?
25:16 I don't know. Maybe he was trying to protect you.
25:19 [somber music]
25:20 [somber music]
25:48 Are these all from your mother?
25:50 She loved me, Elizabeth.
25:54 And I know that now.
25:56 I feel more connected to her than I ever have.
25:59 I am so happy for you.
26:01 What do they say?
26:03 Oh, well.
26:05 This one.
26:09 "My dearest Rosemary, my beautiful daughter.
26:12 Words cannot describe how much I miss you.
26:14 Even though we cannot be together,
26:17 I miss you always."
26:18 Oh, Rosemary.
26:20 "My father was a good man,
26:24 but traditional,
26:26 and when they separated,
26:28 the laws of the day allowed him to claim sole custody."
26:31 I had no idea.
26:33 I don't think she even realized.
26:35 And then when he was transferred,
26:37 she wasn't allowed to visit.
26:40 [sighs]
26:42 "I think my father regretted it.
26:47 And paid me back by trying to be the world's greatest dad.
26:50 She wrote to me
26:53 on each birthday.
26:55 And she planned to visit when I turned 18.
26:58 But then she passed."
27:00 She looks just like you.
27:05 "I may have felt like I didn't have a mother.
27:09 But I think she was always with me."
27:13 [sighs]
27:14 How are you?
27:29 Have you and the children found a compromise?
27:32 Oh, not even remotely.
27:34 I don't think the tourists are going to budge.
27:36 I wonder why.
27:38 Currently, they already have everything they want.
27:42 Hmm.
27:43 Well, what I always tell my students,
27:46 keep going upstream until you find a source to the problem.
27:50 You are a very good teacher.
27:52 Why, thank you, Mr. Bruchard.
27:54 In fact, I think we could use your help.
27:56 Hi. Hi.
28:03 [sighs]
28:07 This park's really coming along.
28:09 Thanks to you.
28:11 You know, you were right.
28:12 I gotta say, I thought that you and Bill were a little touch.
28:15 You suggested it, but it feels good.
28:18 Well, it's nice being right all the time.
28:20 Yeah, I bet. I wouldn't know anything about that.
28:23 [laughs]
28:25 Listen, Minnie and I are hosting a barbecue dinner.
28:27 And if you have the spare time,
28:29 I wouldn't mind, you know, another hand,
28:31 strong arms to help move furniture,
28:33 or serve food.
28:35 You know you may be right,
28:37 but you're still a terrible liar, right?
28:40 Are you inviting me to your barbecue?
28:41 Yes.
28:43 I would like to come.
28:45 Well, all right, I'll see you there.
28:47 All right. [laughs]
28:49 [laughs]
28:51 Jamie.
28:53 Mother, look, my sweet potatoes are sprouting.
28:55 That's wonderful.
28:57 Have a seat.
28:59 I have some good news.
29:02 We've settled your father's estate,
29:04 and now we can go home.
29:06 Go home? I like it here.
29:09 And so do I.
29:10 But your father's estate had some complications
29:12 and entitlements,
29:14 and I was finally able to settle them, and...
29:18 And what about your school and your library?
29:24 You have hundreds of books to read in Peru.
29:27 I'm alone there.
29:29 Here I have friends and the hot springs,
29:32 and I can ride a bike.
29:34 Of course.
29:37 And I want that for you as well, but...
29:38 What?
29:40 Nothing.
29:43 I just love you so much.
29:48 So, what did the tourists have to say for themselves?
29:56 The only thing they can agree on
29:58 is they want to go to the hot springs whenever they feel like it.
30:01 And they won't have enough to do.
30:03 So, the source of the problem
30:06 is that the tourists are bored.
30:07 You sound a lot like Mrs. Thornton.
30:09 Should I take that as a compliment?
30:11 Most definitely.
30:13 We're talking tourists, man, ladies.
30:17 These city types get antsy.
30:19 They want to be constantly entertained.
30:21 One lady said, "Saratoga Springs has badminton and calisthenics."
30:25 Whatever that is.
30:27 What, it's jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges?
30:30 I've been doing calisthenics every day,
30:35 ever since Faith recommended it.
30:36 Well, what if the tourists had more to do than just go to the hot springs?
30:41 Can the tourists go with you, Mr. Hickam?
30:43 Well, sure, but I don't know if they'll want to.
30:47 It takes a lot out of you.
30:49 That might not be such a bad thing.
30:51 A tired tourist isn't an antsy tourist.
30:54 Do you think they'd take that deal?
30:56 There's only one way to find out.
31:01 Excuse me?
31:04 Mr. Mitchell?
31:05 We have a proposal.
31:07 I'm all ears.
31:09 Would you be okay with a schedule at the hot springs?
31:12 If, during the rest of the time, there were other things to do?
31:17 Like Calet.
31:19 Calet...
31:21 Calisthenics?
31:23 I hear it's all the rage.
31:25 So if the Queen of Hearth provided additional activities, you'd be flexible, continue your stay.
31:30 I'll entertain the idea.
31:32 Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall like to take the waters before sunsets.
31:36 Progress.
31:42 How many people did you invite?
31:55 I guess word got around.
32:01 I'm going to ask Nathan and Bill to help me get some tables and chairs out of the cafe.
32:04 Okay.
32:06 I am glad you made more food.
32:09 And that we didn't come empty handed.
32:11 Thank you.
32:13 Hi, Minnie.
32:15 Oh, hello. Thank you for inviting us.
32:17 This really is quite the turnout.
32:19 The more the merrier. Though this is merrier than expected.
32:22 Oh, it smells delicious.
32:24 Thank you. Enjoy.
32:26 Thank you.
32:29 I'll take that, Joseph. You can go help Minnie.
32:31 Thanks, Bill.
32:33 Well, it's about time to welcome everybody.
32:36 Yes.
32:38 And I was thinking, since this was your idea, would you like to do the honors?
32:42 I would.
32:44 Everybody, can I have your attention?
32:48 Welcome.
32:51 We would like to thank you all for coming, and thank God for your presence.
32:57 And thank God for this great food and community to share it.
33:01 We are so excited for everyone to get a little taste of our home.
33:06 With my mother's St. Louis vs. Joseph's mother's Kansas City Barbecue.
33:12 We hope you all like our family recipes as much as we do.
33:18 And there will be a poll to see what you think.
33:20 So don't forget to vote for St. Louis.
33:26 Or Kansas City.
33:27 All right, y'all. Who's hungry? Come get some barbecue.
33:31 All right.
33:33 You want some?
33:36 Yes, please.
33:37 Jamie, come here.
33:42 I think I'll need to get a few more chairs.
33:48 It's all right. Hey, I got it. I got it.
33:55 Madeline.
33:56 I'm glad you decided to come.
33:58 Thank you for inviting us, Bill.
34:01 My parents make the best barbecue sauce.
34:04 Kansas City and St. Louis are two homes.
34:07 Two of our three homes. Nowhere has felt more like home than Hope Valley.
34:13 I can't argue with that.
34:14 Here you go, buddy.
34:16 For you.
34:19 Thank you. Say thank you.
34:21 Whoa, look at that.
34:23 Lucas, look who it is.
34:25 Mr. Mitchell, join us, please.
34:28 Mr. Mouchard, we heard there was a gathering of some kind.
34:31 Hey, Mr. Mitchell. Glad you can join us.
34:34 Pull up a chair.
34:38 Please.
34:52 Mrs. St. John?
34:53 Must be a far cry from Philadelphia high society.
34:57 Ah, yes.
34:59 But the people of this charming town seem to be having a lot more fun.
35:03 Yes, we are very lucky here.
35:06 But Bill says you're staying, so this is only just the beginning.
35:09 Welcome to town, Madeline.
35:11 Come on. Come on.
35:16 Jamie, go, go.
35:18 Yes, touchdown!
35:21 Hey!
35:22 Henry!
35:40 I'm so glad you came.
35:42 Well, Joseph invited me, so...
35:44 I couldn't be more grateful, my friend.
35:46 Well, I'm honored by the invitation.
35:48 I'm going to get some barbecue.
35:50 Oh, yeah.
35:51 Right here.
35:59 Well, it looks like everybody liked both our sauces.
36:04 Should we count up the votes?
36:06 Or we could declare it a tie.
36:09 Did I hear there were two sauces?
36:13 Must have missed that because I mixed them together and they were delicious.
36:16 St. Louis and Kansas City?
36:19 And a little Hope Valley.
36:20 Everybody, to Minnie and Joseph!
36:24 Will you let me help on this?
36:34 I have had some experience with this game.
36:36 With this game?
36:38 Mm-hmm.
36:39 Here we go, ladies.
36:47 Do this?
36:48 I like our chances.
36:49 Congratulations.
37:01 Great!
37:02 Well done.
37:03 For us. As a team.
37:04 Fun all around, Mr. Bouchard!
37:06 Upon reflection, I am willing to accept your deal.
37:10 Wonderful news.
37:12 The Queen of Hearts will host you as long as you like this day.
37:15 I'll be back in a bit.
37:17 I'll be back in a bit.
37:18 Well done.
37:23 It was a team effort.
37:25 The kids needed to go upstream until they found a source of the problem.
37:28 Apparently, a few games and activities was all that was required.
37:32 Didn't you say from the beginning you like to make people happy?
37:35 I did.
37:36 But mostly just you.
37:38 Hey.
37:43 There you go.
37:44 Thanks.
37:45 Ah, thought I'd see you at the tug-of-war.
37:47 You can't. My shoulder.
37:49 You know what that tug-of-war reminds me of?
37:51 Basic training.
37:53 Every Friday afternoon.
37:55 Oh, yeah. Us too.
37:56 Some things never change.
37:57 I had such a tough instructor.
37:59 It was tough to fare.
38:01 So many times I wanted to quit, you know.
38:04 My body hurt everywhere.
38:05 But he had a saying.
38:07 Either you're in or you're out.
38:11 And the thought of being out was terrifying, so...
38:15 I kept going.
38:16 That's good advice.
38:18 It's still good advice.
38:21 Faith, do you, uh, do you want to dance?
38:33 I'd love to.
38:35 Enjoy.
38:39 [music]
38:40 Oh, this has been so lovely.
38:56 It's just perfect.
38:57 Um, we're gonna go off to the library.
39:00 Does Little Jack want to come with us?
39:02 Would you like to go?
39:03 Sure, go ahead.
39:05 Have a good time.
39:06 [chatter]
39:07 Oh my goodness!
39:12 Oh, let's go see that baby.
39:15 Hi.
39:17 Hello, ladies.
39:18 Oh, look what we have here.
39:21 You made it.
39:23 We did.
39:24 So, we've all been on pins and needles.
39:27 Have you landed on a name yet?
39:29 Goldie.
39:31 Oh, Miss Mary, that is a beautiful name.
39:35 I would like to introduce you all to Goldie.
39:39 [awing]
39:40 Hi.
39:42 Hi, sweetie.
39:44 Marigold Elizabeth Coulter.
39:46 [music]
39:48 [music]
39:57 [music]
39:58 Thanks, Mr. Brichard.
40:09 You kids got the ball rolling.
40:10 We couldn't have done it without you.
40:12 If you hadn't taught us to be card sharks.
40:15 They're joking.
40:16 I'm joking.
40:17 I'm very proud of all of you for finding a way for everyone to win.
40:23 Early bird.
40:26 Oh, I know I'm early.
40:28 I can respect the schedule.
40:30 Oh, wait.
40:32 You can go on the other one if you'd like, Mr. Mitchell.
40:35 That's a very generous offer.
40:37 I don't mind if I take you up on that.
40:40 I'm so proud of them for finding a solution.
40:48 All it took was a little compromise.
40:50 Hmm, and negotiation.
40:55 [water splashing]
40:56 Oh, perfection.
40:59 [splash]
41:01 [laughing]
41:03 This is fine.
41:09 [laughing]
41:11 And so the young Princess Rosie Sparkle escaped the dragon and saved the kingdom and herself.
41:24 [music playing]
41:25 Grandmother Goldie wrote that story and so many others so that one day I could read them to you.
41:36 [laughing]
41:38 She loved me very much.
41:41 And that is why we named you after her.
41:46 Oh, yes.
41:48 I love you, my little Goldie.
41:52 [kissing]
41:53 [laughing]
41:55 More than life itself.
41:58 Time for bed.
42:02 Time for bed.
42:04 Yes.
42:06 Oh, there you go.
42:07 Oh, my goodness.
42:09 There you are.
42:11 [laughing]
42:13 Here.
42:15 [music playing]
42:18 [music playing]
42:19 [laughing]
42:35 [music playing]
42:40 [music playing]
42:42 [music playing]
42:44 [music playing]
42:46 [music playing]
42:47 [music playing]
42:50 [music playing]
42:56 [music playing]
43:00 [music playing]
43:05 you