6 Huge Marvel Questions Hugh Jackman's ‘Deadpool 3’ Wolverine Return Raises

  • last year
Ryan Reynolds has confirmed that Hugh Jackman will reprise his role as Logan a.k.a. Wolverine in “Deadpool 3,” and that raises a lot of questions. Reynolds and Jackman tried to answer some of them in a video posted online. However, naturally, there are still a million questions surrounding the project and what it means for the larger happenings in the MCU. Here to answer some of those questions is CinemaBlend Managing Editor, Sean O’Connell.
00:00 (claps)
00:02 - Hi. - Hi.
00:03 How are you? - You have questions.
00:05 - No (beep)
00:06 (upbeat music)
00:09 - Hey guys, it's Sean O'Connell,
00:17 the managing editor here at Cinema Blend,
00:19 hopping on to do a video to discuss
00:21 all of your burning questions
00:23 about the fact that Hugh Jackman
00:25 is returning to the role of Wolverine
00:27 for the previously announced "Deadpool 3".
00:30 Like you guys, totally stunned by this announcement.
00:33 Feels like something that they should have done at D23.
00:36 Reynolds even sort of addresses that
00:37 in the video that they both put up on social media,
00:40 saying we didn't really have an idea for a sequel.
00:43 - Completely empty up here.
00:45 - But that's bogus because Rob Liefeld,
00:48 who's the creator of "Deadpool",
00:49 says that he's known for a little while now.
00:51 Sean Levy, who's directing the movie,
00:52 knows that he's known for a while
00:54 that Hugh Jackman's coming back.
00:56 So we have a ton of questions about like what this means.
00:58 What does this mean about the big picture about the MCU?
01:01 What does it mean in terms of
01:03 Hugh Jackman's involvement in the role?
01:05 And hey, didn't he die in "Logan"?
01:07 And all these questions
01:08 that I'm sure that you guys want answered.
01:09 So I'm gonna do my best to try to go through
01:11 the biggest ones and provide answers for all of them.
01:14 Now, needless to say, we're gonna cover "Deadpool 3"
01:17 all the way through its production,
01:19 leading up to its release in 2024.
01:20 So you're gonna wanna make sure
01:21 that you keep it here on Cinema Blend.
01:24 - Hey Hugh, you wanna play Wolverine one more time?
01:26 - Yeah, sure Ryan.
01:29 (upbeat music)
01:31 - First question that I wanna ask
01:35 regarding this version of Hugh Jackman
01:38 coming back as Wolverine is,
01:39 is it going to be a multiverse Wolverine?
01:42 We saw Professor Xavier show up in "Doctor Strange"
01:45 in the multiverse of madness,
01:46 and he was part of a different earth.
01:48 On that earth, we saw a Reed Richards,
01:51 played by John Krasinski,
01:52 and various versions of familiar characters
01:55 that were played by some of the same actors
01:57 and some of the different actors.
01:58 Which leads me to believe that sure,
02:00 if they're going to bring Hugh Jackman
02:01 back into this universe,
02:03 it will be a multiverse Wolverine
02:05 coming from a different earth.
02:06 That's always been one of the theories
02:08 about how the MCU is gonna be able
02:10 to bring mutants into the fold,
02:12 is just by saying they've existed this entire time.
02:15 We've just never had a chance to really interact with them
02:18 in the MCU prime on the timeline
02:20 that we've been following for all of these years
02:23 now at this point.
02:24 That would allow you to bring mutants in
02:26 without having to go through the whole,
02:28 how do we introduce them?
02:29 Where do they come from?
02:30 Where have they been this entire time?
02:31 - Where the (beep) is everyone?
02:34 - It is the first time that the MCU
02:36 is going to sort of fully embrace
02:38 one of the former Fox characters.
02:40 They've flirted with it before
02:42 by bringing Evan Peters into "WandaVision."
02:44 Of course, we see a little bit with Charles Xavier
02:46 in "Doctor Strange" in the multiverse of madness.
02:48 But this is the first time
02:49 that one of the former Fox characters
02:51 is going to be a significant part of the MCU.
02:54 And I think making a multiverse version
02:57 is the cleanest way for them to possibly do that.
02:59 - These timelines are so confusing.
03:01 - In addition, we don't necessarily expect the MCU
03:04 to involve mutants or especially the X-Men teams
03:07 or all the various teams that spawn from mutants,
03:10 whether it be X-Force or the New Mutants
03:13 or all these sort of periphery teams
03:14 that have been part of the Marvel mutant universe
03:17 that's happening over at Fox.
03:18 Because Kevin Feige has said in interviews
03:21 that it's going to be a while
03:22 before we see the X-Men introduced into the MCU.
03:25 And if they're going to happen,
03:26 it looks like it's going to be phase seven and beyond,
03:28 which is putting us into at least late 2024, 2025.
03:32 So we're talking several years
03:34 before the X-Men become a factor.
03:35 This could be a potential way for them to at least
03:38 remind people that the X-Men are part of the Marvel universe,
03:41 that Hugh Jackman, of course,
03:42 is a significant role as Wolverine,
03:45 and that they're coming
03:46 and there's ways to sort of pull them in,
03:48 again, with the Charles Xavier reminder
03:50 and now Wolverine being part of Deadpool 3,
03:52 before we potentially get maybe a whole complete reboot.
03:55 (explosion)
03:57 (beep)
04:01 - Wolverine.
04:02 First, he rides my coattails with the R-Rating.
04:06 Then the hairy mother (beep) ups the ante by dying.
04:11 What a (beep)
04:12 (upbeat music)
04:15 (crowd cheering)
04:18 Now I want to talk about the fact
04:19 that the Logan timeline continuity
04:21 has gotten people all up in arms,
04:24 and they think that this is tying everything into a knot
04:26 by introducing Wolverine.
04:28 Well, before Ryan Reynolds was able to drown out
04:32 what he and Hugh Jackman were saying in their video
04:34 with the dulcent sounds of Wham!
04:39 Wake me up before you go, go,
04:40 which was a hilarious joke about how to sort of cover up
04:43 what they were saying.
04:44 But it does specify for all you timeline nerds out there.
04:47 - Logan takes place in 2029.
04:50 - And so, you know, you can drop a Wolverine story
04:52 into this timeline and it's not going to affect
04:55 what happened in Logan.
04:56 And they say that Logan-
04:57 - Totally separate thing.
04:58 Logan died in Logan, not touching that.
05:01 - But also, stop being nerds.
05:03 Like this is a great opportunity for them
05:04 to bring Hugh Jackman into this movie
05:06 and have him interact with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.
05:09 I'm an avid reader of Marvel comics,
05:12 and I can tell you that characters have died all the time
05:14 and come back.
05:15 I love Spider-Man.
05:17 - Thank you.
05:18 - Aunt May has died numerous times.
05:20 She's still in the current run.
05:21 You can do this.
05:22 You can bring people back.
05:23 Now, does it cheapen the end of Logan?
05:26 No, I don't think it cheapens the end of Logan at all.
05:28 I think it's fantastic that James Mangold
05:30 was able to give us a dramatic finale
05:33 to that version of the character.
05:34 But do I want that to prevent them
05:36 from having Hugh Jackman come back to Deadpool 3
05:38 and have as much fun as possible
05:40 in the sort of winking at the camera,
05:42 meta humor universe that Ryan Reynolds has created?
05:46 No, of course I don't want it to distract from that.
05:47 I want them to be able to have as much fun as possible.
05:49 - You're absolutely right.
05:51 - So don't worry about it being part of the Logan timeline.
05:53 It might be.
05:54 It might be existing on that one
05:55 where Logan is eventually going to die,
05:57 or it could just be its own separate thing.
05:59 Let it be.
06:00 That's okay with Deadpool.
06:01 They're allowed to do that.
06:02 They bend the rules all the time,
06:03 and I hope they continue to do so in this upcoming movie.
06:06 - Rules are meant to be broken!
06:07 (upbeat music)
06:10 - All right, for our third point,
06:14 let's bring up another way that they can get into this,
06:16 which is time travel.
06:17 At the end of Deadpool 2, in the end credits,
06:21 Deadpool had figured out how to go back in time
06:24 and essentially fix things that had happened on the timeline.
06:26 And it was played for a joke, of course.
06:28 They played shares, if I could turn back time.
06:30 - We're definitely naming our kids Cher!
06:33 - As Ryan Reynolds was doing this in Deadpool character,
06:36 he was able to clean up the timeline
06:37 that involved the X-Men Origins Wolverine
06:40 version of the character.
06:41 - Hey, it's me!
06:43 Don't scratch!
06:45 Just cleaning up the timelines.
06:46 - He was able to potentially stop Ryan Reynolds
06:49 from being in Green Lantern.
06:51 - You're welcome, Canada.
06:52 - And there's not to say that there isn't some way
06:55 that using the technology that Wade was using
06:57 throughout the end of Deadpool 2,
06:59 that he could figure out a way to sort of drop himself
07:01 into a story where Hugh Jackman is Wolverine.
07:04 I would be able to go with that just as long as, you know,
07:07 it makes as much sense as anything else
07:08 that we're seeing in Deadpool.
07:10 - Ah, fake laugh, hiding real pain.
07:13 - And by giving the character the ability to do that,
07:16 as you saw in the clip that we sort of mentioned
07:18 at the beginning of this thing,
07:19 Wade is saying to Logan.
07:21 - One day, your old pal Wade's gonna ask you
07:23 to get back in the saddle again.
07:25 When he does, say yes.
07:28 - Do it that way, make it a time travel thing
07:30 where you're dropping Deadpool and Wolverine
07:33 into significant eras of the MCU up until that point.
07:36 - Let's see Captain America do that.
07:38 - We saw a time heist in "Avengers Endgame."
07:40 - Oh my God, just kill me now.
07:41 - And again, in a franchise that sort of prides itself
07:45 on bending the rules until they break in half,
07:48 time travel's a great way for these two to get together.
07:50 - Love you.
07:51 - One question that I heard a lot of people asking
07:59 with regards to this announcement was,
08:01 can they do this without disrupting the core MCU timeline?
08:05 And yes, of course I think they can.
08:07 As I've stressed in these earlier points,
08:09 I feel like the Deadpool franchise already exists
08:12 kind of outside the MCU.
08:13 And if they're figuring out a way to bring it in
08:16 to the timeline that we've been following up to this point,
08:19 they have a couple of challenges
08:20 because everything that Deadpool has done up to this point
08:22 has been tied to the Fox universe.
08:24 Even in "Deadpool 2," when they did have a cameo,
08:26 they showed the X-Men class from the sort of first class
08:30 and Apocalypse universe, which goes against the earlier,
08:35 like the Fox X-Men movies had their own timeline issues.
08:38 So how do you bring Wolverine in
08:40 and how do you bring Deadpool into the MCU timeline
08:42 without sort of making things a complete mess?
08:45 - You know, historically, mischief has been my mistress.
08:48 So I understand.
08:50 - That's where we get into the multiverse.
08:51 And I think that the multiverse is going to either
08:54 create massive ripples for the current MCU
08:57 or open up a bunch of portals
08:59 that you can do almost anything that you want,
09:01 heading into the "Avengers Secret Wars" movie
09:04 where we expect everyone to be teaming up
09:06 from all different locations.
09:08 So the multiverse allows you to sort of bring in characters
09:11 from places where they shouldn't have been
09:13 or didn't belong previously
09:15 and drop them into this timeline.
09:17 - Wow.
09:18 - So yes, I totally understand
09:20 that for people who are into continuity,
09:22 there are some ways that they could really mess up
09:26 what has happened on the MCU timeline.
09:27 But because we've already discussed things like time travel,
09:29 because we've already talked about the multiverse,
09:31 and because when Kang the Conqueror
09:34 becomes a significant part in the MCU,
09:36 there are a lot of ways that Marvel
09:38 is almost riding themselves out of corners
09:40 and giving themselves plenty of possibilities
09:42 for them to go forward,
09:43 which leads me to believe that they have an idea
09:45 for "Deadpool 3" that is going to be able to drop
09:48 into the middle of that timeline and open up phase six
09:51 and not disrupt majorly, or at least, you know,
09:54 just sort of hop into the choppy waters of the multiverse
09:58 and figure out where things are going from there.
09:59 So listen, I trust in Kevin Feige.
10:02 I trust in Ryan Reynolds
10:03 and the love that he has for "Deadpool."
10:05 And again, I don't think Hugh Jackman comes back
10:07 for any movie if he doesn't think
10:08 it's gonna be handled properly.
10:10 So I trust in Hugh Jackman
10:11 and his decision to join "Deadpool 3."
10:13 - The Lord works in mysterious ways, don't I?
10:16 (upbeat music)
10:19 - So let's get to the biggest question that everybody had
10:24 once this was announced, which is,
10:26 is Hugh Jackman going to play Wolverine
10:28 in "Marvel's Secret Wars?"
10:29 So let's talk about a bit what "Secret Wars" is.
10:33 There have been two different major versions
10:35 of "Secret Wars" in the Marvel comics,
10:37 but primarily they are an event that's so large
10:41 that it requires every Marvel superhero known to mankind
10:45 to get together to fight a major villain.
10:48 And in the initial one,
10:50 it was a character named the Beyonder
10:52 who brought every Marvel hero and every Marvel villain
10:54 to another world, to an off-planet world,
10:57 where they fought and essentially had to get together
11:00 against Dr. Doom and bring him down.
11:02 The second "Secret Wars" also involved Dr. Doom,
11:06 but was a much more significant and expansive storyline
11:10 that covered multiple generations.
11:12 And again, a fight on a different planet.
11:15 And it was very, very complicated.
11:18 There's a Reed Richards involved in that second "Secret Wars"
11:20 that essentially the MCU is not ready to dive into.
11:23 So I'm curious what they're gonna do with "Secret Wars,"
11:26 because there's a lot of ground to cover
11:28 and they're only giving it one "Avengers" movie so far
11:31 that's dropping in November, 2025.
11:33 In addition, there's an "Avengers" movie called
11:35 "Kang Dynasty" that's coming out before "Secret Wars"
11:38 in May of 2025.
11:40 So it almost feels like "Secret Wars" needs a two-parter,
11:43 the way that "Infinity War" and "Endgame" was,
11:45 because of the scope of what a "Secret Wars" movie
11:47 should encompass.
11:49 And is Wolverine going to be part of that?
11:50 Well, you would believe so.
11:52 Like legitimately, "Secret Wars" should involve
11:54 every single hero who has been introduced in the MCU
11:58 up until this point.
11:59 - Trust me, I know how these things play out.
12:00 - If you've been part of the multiverse,
12:02 you should potentially have the ability
12:03 to come back through "Secret Wars."
12:05 It would mean that Kevin Feige and his team
12:07 is like signing contracts left and right
12:09 to get actors involved in this.
12:11 And because the Fantastic Four are going to be introduced
12:14 before "Secret Wars" happens,
12:15 because their movie is down for November of 2024
12:18 at this point,
12:19 they should be a significant part of it as well.
12:21 - Can we focus?
12:22 - Yeah, do I think that Wolverine's
12:23 gonna be in "Secret Wars?"
12:24 Yeah, I do, honestly, because again,
12:27 Hugh Jackman has talked about in interviews,
12:30 lengthy interviews, where he says, you know,
12:32 he knew Logan was gonna be his swan song,
12:35 and that he gave it everything that he had,
12:36 and he was very content to leave the character behind
12:39 after all the years of playing him,
12:41 and he thought that that was the proper ending for him.
12:43 But if they're bringing him back,
12:44 and as cavalier as he was in the video of just like,
12:48 "Sure, Ryan."
12:49 You know, that was done for humor, that's a joke,
12:50 but it had to weigh heavily on Hugh Jackman
12:52 about whether he wanted to come back to this character
12:54 and mess with the legacy that he's left behind.
12:57 Do I think he's doing it for the benefit
12:59 of a "Deadpool" movie and nothing else?
13:01 No, if I had to sort of weigh in on that,
13:04 I would think that him coming back to be part of "Secret Wars"
13:07 would also be something somewhat significant,
13:09 because "Secret Wars" as a movie
13:12 is essentially going to be like that final battle
13:15 at the end of "Endgame,"
13:16 where just everyone was involved.
13:18 - Yeah.
13:18 - But over the course of an entire movie,
13:20 with, you would assume by the time we get to that point
13:22 in November 2025, massive, massive stakes.
13:25 So there are a bunch of other projects
13:28 that have to be filled into phase six,
13:29 and we will see how they will almost lead us
13:31 into "Secret Wars."
13:32 But yeah, I'm gonna say that
13:34 if Hugh Jackman's coming back as Wolverine,
13:35 I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than just "Deadpool 3."
13:38 And if the MCU is really gonna get everybody
13:41 as involved in "Secret Wars"
13:42 as I believe that they need to be,
13:44 then yeah, I think he's gonna be part
13:45 of that movie as well too in 2025.
13:48 I like it.
13:48 (upbeat music)
13:51 - Let's get to the very last point,
13:55 which is do I think this is a good idea?
13:58 Yes, I do.
14:00 Because it scratches that nostalgic itch.
14:02 And listen, if Hugh Jackman wants to play Wolverine again,
14:04 I'm never gonna fault him
14:05 because I thought he was terrific at it.
14:07 But I did hear plenty of people talking about the fact
14:09 that they were ready for a new actor
14:11 to get cast as Wolverine.
14:12 And I also think that that should happen.
14:15 Like, I don't want Hugh Jackman to become Wolverine
14:17 for the next 10 years.
14:18 I do think the MCU needs fresh blood in that role.
14:22 And if they're gonna bring the full X-Men back
14:24 at some point in the future,
14:26 then a different actor should be playing Wolverine.
14:28 - Go (beep) yourself.
14:29 - However, if there's an opportunity
14:32 for the existing classic legend Wolverine
14:35 that we know to interact with a younger version
14:40 of himself essentially through multiverse sort of magic
14:43 in a "No Way Home" kind of scenario,
14:46 and we learn who is cast as the new Wolverine that way,
14:49 and you see the two of them, you know,
14:51 share a scene or have some sort of confrontation,
14:54 that's a terrific way for them to do it.
14:56 So it's almost like having your cake and eating it too.
14:58 You're giving Hugh Jackman the ability
15:00 to go back to the character
15:02 that he helped to really visualize in live action
15:06 through the X-Men movies that he participated in
15:08 and his different X-Men movies.
15:09 But it also gives Marvel the opportunity
15:11 to find the next face that's going to carry
15:14 the very, very important character
15:16 of Wolverine moving forward.
15:17 You know, you've heard names like Daniel Radcliffe
15:19 and Taron Egerton,
15:21 and whether they're going to be cast in the role.
15:22 They've played coy about, you know,
15:25 they've met with Marvel for certain things
15:27 or it's been a completely different part.
15:29 I truthfully would love to see an unknown,
15:32 similar to the way that Hugh Jackman
15:33 was not necessarily a household name
15:36 when he was cast in the very first X-Men movie,
15:38 but he just fit the part really well.
15:40 And, you know, listen, while we're here making this movie
15:43 about Wolverine coming back to the MCU,
15:45 put him in the costume, put him in the damn costume.
15:47 - Fine!
15:48 - If you have other questions
15:49 that you would like me to answer
15:50 regarding Hugh Jackman coming back to the role of Wolverine,
15:53 drop them in the comments down below.
15:54 I'll keep up to date with them
15:55 and answer as many of them as I can.
15:57 And in the meantime,
15:58 we'll see you back here on CinemaBlend.
