How A Launch Monitor Could Improve Your Game

  • last year
Golf Monthly technical editor Joel Tadman highlights eight compelling reasons why you need to use a launch monitor if you want to improve your game and lower your scores! He uses the Foresight Sports GCQuad to demonstrate how a launch monitor can improve your driving, chipping, putting and even strategy choices and range time.
00:00 (electronic music)
00:02 Hello everyone, Joel Tadman here from Golf Monthly,
00:06 and in this video we're gonna highlight
00:08 some of the reasons why you need to use a launch monitor.
00:12 There's an awful lot of technology and innovation
00:14 in golf recently, and a launch monitor
00:17 is one of those bits of kit you really shouldn't overlook.
00:21 A lot of you are probably wondering
00:22 what is a launch monitor?
00:23 Well, it's essentially a bit of kit that measures or tracks
00:27 what the club is doing into impact,
00:30 and then what it's doing as it strikes the ball
00:32 and what the ball is doing after impact.
00:34 And it kind of quantifies what it's doing
00:36 into various forms of data that can be then used
00:39 for club fittings, lessons, and a variety of applications
00:42 outside of that that we're gonna cover in this video.
00:45 Now at this point I need to remind you
00:47 that if you're new to the Golf Monthly YouTube channel,
00:49 make sure you click that subscribe button
00:51 so you don't miss any of our other equipment review videos,
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00:56 if you like what you're watching.
00:58 So I think it's about time we get into
00:59 the various different reasons why you need
01:01 to use a launch monitor, starting with knowing
01:03 how far you hit your clubs.
01:05 (upbeat music)
01:08 It's on a good line, but it's come up short,
01:24 and that's the main reason.
01:25 Number one why you need to use a launch monitor,
01:28 and it's to work out exactly how far you hit your clubs.
01:32 The majority of golfers out there
01:34 overestimate how far they hit their clubs.
01:36 So if they think they hit a seven on 150 yards,
01:39 more often than not, they actually hit it
01:40 about 130 or 140 yards, and that's a really crucial mistake
01:44 because the majority of hazards on a golf course
01:47 are short of the green, so that's gonna get you
01:50 into a lot of trouble, and it's gonna really
01:52 affect your scoring.
01:53 You really need to avoid these hazards
01:54 by hitting the appropriate club for this shot
01:57 that's in hand, and that's where using
01:59 a really good launch monitor like the
02:00 Foresight Sports GC Quad can help you out
02:03 because it'll tell you exactly how far you hit your club,
02:06 how far they carry, and also how far the total distance is,
02:09 which is really important with a driver on a hole
02:10 if you're trying to avoid hazards.
02:12 So get yourself on a launch monitor,
02:14 hit a number of shots with each club in your bag,
02:16 make a note of the average distance,
02:18 and keep that with you for safekeeping as a record.
02:21 If you don't remember it, you can refer to it
02:22 out on the golf course.
02:23 So when you're over the ball, you know how far you've got.
02:27 These reputable GPSs and laser range finders
02:30 give you the distance you need to hit the shot,
02:32 but if you haven't got the club to do it,
02:34 or you hit the wrong club, you're gonna get yourself
02:36 into trouble, so use the right club for the job in hand,
02:39 and you should see a more positive result
02:41 more often than not.
02:43 (upbeat music)
02:52 When working on our game or analyzing our own swing,
02:55 we tend to have a pretty good idea
02:56 about what the club is doing through the ball
02:59 based on the ball part that we see down the range,
03:02 but we're never 100% sure,
03:04 and that's why you really need to use a launch monitor
03:06 to give you that immediate feedback,
03:08 and a camera-based launch monitor
03:10 like the Foresight Sports GC Quad we've got here
03:13 is really clever because it uses four high-speed,
03:16 high-resolution cameras to measure and capture
03:19 exactly what the ball is doing just after impact,
03:22 so it'll tell us the ball's launch and spin and speed,
03:26 and then it'll use accurate ball flight models
03:28 to predict things like the curvature of the flight
03:32 and the carry distance and the height of the flight as well,
03:34 so it's really important to give you a clear picture
03:37 about what the club and ball are actually doing,
03:40 and the GC Quad can actually also capture club data
03:44 because it's positioned in front
03:46 and on the target side of the golf ball.
03:47 It has a direct view of that collision
03:49 between club and ball, so it can tell us things
03:52 like angle of attack, the path of the club,
03:55 and also the loft and the line,
03:56 and that's also really important,
03:58 but it measures it independently
03:59 from what the ball is doing,
04:00 so that's another key, crucial difference
04:03 between camera-based launch monitor like the GC Quad.
04:07 It's really easy to collect that data and interpret it
04:09 because the GC Quad, for example, has in-built Wi-Fi,
04:13 so the pairing process, whether you're using a laptop
04:15 or an iPad, is really seamless,
04:17 it's really quick and easy to do,
04:19 but then once you've got all that data,
04:20 it can be quite confusing.
04:21 There's an awful lot of ball and club data
04:23 to get your head around, and that's why it's really important
04:26 to get that data in front of a PJ Pro
04:29 who can really then use their knowledge
04:31 to interpret the data and put you
04:33 on the best course of action, and if you do that,
04:36 I think you'll be pleasantly surprised
04:38 about how quick the improvement is,
04:40 and it basically takes the guesswork out of what you're doing
04:43 and how you're trying to change your swing.
04:45 There's no point basing your changes
04:47 on something that you see or that you think is happening
04:50 that isn't actually accurate,
04:52 so the fact that it's based on facts
04:54 should definitely speed up your improvement.
04:56 (upbeat music)
04:59 Now, one of the common pitfalls golfers fall into
05:08 is not taking into account the outdoor conditions
05:11 when hitting balls on a driving range.
05:14 You can see today, maybe from the clouds,
05:16 there is a bit of a crosswind from right to left,
05:18 but if you don't take that into account
05:20 when you're hitting balls, obviously,
05:21 you're gonna be hitting shots on the range
05:23 and the balls are gonna be drawing,
05:24 so maybe you go out on the course thinking
05:27 that for today you're gonna be hitting a draw,
05:28 so maybe you aim slightly to the right to allow for that,
05:31 but then you hit on the course
05:32 and actually your ball goes dead straight
05:34 or even cuts off to the right,
05:36 and that's because you haven't taken into account
05:38 what those conditions are doing downrange,
05:40 but that's where using a launch monitor
05:42 can really help you out,
05:43 especially one like the Force Sports GC Quad
05:45 because this uses closed data,
05:47 which isn't affected by downrange conditions,
05:50 so basically what you can do is use its alignment tool here,
05:53 which I've got here.
05:54 It's just a kind of little fold-out stick,
05:56 and it'll basically automatically calibrate
05:58 to wherever you want it to be pointing to,
06:00 so you can basically,
06:01 so I'll pick out that yellow flag down there,
06:04 and if I line the stick up to where I want it,
06:07 you can see it's already calibrating.
06:08 Gives you a little beep,
06:10 so there, it's targeted now right at that yellow flag,
06:13 just a little beep there,
06:14 so then you can take the stick away.
06:15 You know it's pointing.
06:17 The launch monitor is set up at the target
06:20 that you want to be hitting to,
06:21 so even if you do hit a shot
06:23 and it is affected by the crosswind,
06:25 that won't come out on the data on the launch monitor,
06:28 so let's hit a shot here at that yellow flag.
06:32 Oops, move it into the hitting zone.
06:36 The other good thing about the GC Quad
06:39 is that it does have a large hitting zone,
06:41 so you can have a full session using it on grass.
06:45 You haven't got to keep moving it
06:46 based on where your divots are.
06:47 You can basically hit a full range bucket on grass
06:50 and off the mat, of course,
06:51 so right, let's hit this six iron towards that yellow flag.
06:55 Pretty good shot.
07:01 Did drift a little bit on the wind,
07:03 but that won't be reflected in the data,
07:06 so again, gives you a clearer picture
07:08 of how you're hitting the ball on the day,
07:10 which should help you then out on the golf course.
07:12 (upbeat music)
07:15 Now, there are certain types of shot around the green
07:23 that we all want to pull off,
07:24 and it's only through experimentation during practice
07:27 that we work out exactly the best way to master them,
07:30 but actually using a launch monitor
07:32 can really speed up that process.
07:34 For example, if you want to play
07:36 that low flying, high spinning,
07:38 that chip shot that really checks up quickly
07:40 that Phil Mickelson plays so well,
07:42 you might adjust your technique in a certain way.
07:44 For example, you might decide to lean the handle forwards
07:48 as well to get the ball launching really low,
07:49 or you might move the ball position back.
07:51 There's different things you could try,
07:53 but actually you might find that hitting shots
07:55 on the launch monitor,
07:56 that immediate feedback's telling you
07:57 that maybe the shot doesn't actually spin quite as much
08:01 with that shaft leaning forward
08:02 than if you had it in a more neutral position,
08:04 so that process of experimentation
08:06 is just sped up significantly,
08:08 so it allows you to kind of master
08:10 how you're going to play that shot a bit quicker,
08:12 and gives you that feedback as to
08:14 how you're going to get the most spin
08:15 and the best ball flying result for your game.
08:18 I'm pretty happy with that one,
08:25 so like I said, using a launch monitor
08:27 can speed up that process of experimentation
08:29 and help you pull off those difficult shots
08:32 around the green.
08:33 (upbeat music)
08:36 (upbeat music)
08:39 Now, wedges are your scoring clubs,
08:43 and a decent launch monitor can really help you
08:45 make sure you have even distance gaps
08:48 between the wedges in your bag,
08:50 whether you carry two, three, or four.
08:51 It's really important to have even distance gaps
08:54 between those wedges to make sure you're covering up
08:56 as many distances as you can.
08:58 But where a launch monitor can also help you out
09:00 is on those really awkward kind of half swing
09:03 or three-quarter swing wedge shots.
09:05 You know, if you've hit a good drive on a short par four,
09:07 or maybe you're close to the green on a par five,
09:10 you really need to make the most of those opportunities,
09:12 you know, maybe even make a par or even a birdie,
09:15 and by mastering those different distances,
09:17 it's really going to help you out,
09:18 and launch monitor's going to help you do that.
09:20 There are a number of methods out there to help you,
09:22 so there are some teachers and golfers out there
09:25 that recommend, say you have three different wedges,
09:27 you then have three different swings
09:29 with each of those wedges.
09:30 So for example, you could have all your hands
09:31 go to waist height, chest height, and shoulder height,
09:36 and so therefore you've got nine different distances
09:38 across all your different wedges covered off.
09:41 But it's only by using a launch monitor
09:43 you would then know exactly how far
09:45 each of those shots go.
09:46 So for example, I've got my 54 degree wedge here,
09:48 and we're going to do a chest high swing with the wedge.
09:51 And the launch monitor's telling us that that goes 62 yards.
09:58 So you get, again, immediate feedback
10:00 from the launch monitor to tell you
10:02 how far you're hitting those shots,
10:04 and that should certainly help your scoring
10:06 around the greens.
10:07 (upbeat music)
10:09 Now you might be surprised to hear
10:17 that it's not just your long game
10:18 where a decent launch monitor can help you out.
10:21 No, there are some out there that can provide
10:23 an analysis of your putting.
10:25 One of those is the Foresight Sports GC Quad,
10:27 and that's really important if you're maybe going through
10:30 putter fitting or simply want to know
10:32 that the putter you're currently using
10:33 is giving you the best performance.
10:35 There are a couple of key areas of performance
10:37 you're looking at with putter,
10:39 most notably the launch angle,
10:41 but also how well it's rolling.
10:43 So we're looking at things like skid
10:45 and the distance from when you strike it
10:47 to when the ball is achieving true roll,
10:50 so when it's rolling end over end.
10:52 And obviously the shorter the better,
10:53 the more likely it is to stay on line
10:55 if it's got a shorter skid distance.
10:58 And the GC Quad will give you that skid distance
11:01 with its putting analysis.
11:02 So, you know, for example, if I just hit a putt here,
11:05 hopefully hold it for you.
11:07 There we go.
11:09 And we can see on the screen here
11:10 it's got a variety of numbers,
11:12 but like I mentioned, the launch and the skid
11:14 and distance to roll are the most important.
11:17 So if you're looking to change your putter
11:18 or just want to kind of see if your putter
11:20 is performing as well as it should do,
11:22 get on a launch monitor and hopefully those numbers
11:24 will really help you out.
11:26 (upbeat music)
11:28 Now just because it's raining, freezing cold,
11:37 or pitch black outside doesn't mean
11:39 you can't work on your game if you have a launch monitor.
11:42 That's right, you can practise in total comfort
11:44 when others can't, giving you that competitive edge.
11:47 And you don't need a room like this to do it in.
11:50 Really, all you need is a mat, a net,
11:53 and some sort of compatible device
11:55 like a laptop or iPad to work with the launch monitor
11:58 to give you all the relevant numbers and ball flights.
12:01 So whether you just want to hit various shots
12:03 on a virtual range, or maybe you want to compare
12:05 two different demo clubs that you're thinking of buying
12:07 to see which one works the best,
12:09 you can do that with a setup like this.
12:11 And if you're lucky enough to have Foresight's FSX software,
12:14 that kind of takes it one step further
12:16 and provides a lot of different skills challenges
12:18 for you to really hone in certain areas of your game.
12:21 There's a short game one where you can chip and pitch
12:23 to under six feet challenge.
12:25 There's nearest to pin challenges.
12:27 There's online long drive championships
12:29 where you can compete with other online users.
12:31 So that's a fantastic way to really keep playing
12:34 when the weather's bad outside
12:35 and you can't hit balls outside.
12:37 You can come inside, work on your game,
12:39 and hopefully improve ready for the start of next season.
12:42 And that's the benefit of using
12:44 a camera-based launch monitor
12:45 like the Foresight Sports GC Quad.
12:48 It captures shots within a relatively small space.
12:50 And basically, all you need is a room
12:52 that's big enough to swing a club in, and you're good to go.
12:55 (upbeat music)
12:58 Now, using a launch monitor doesn't always have to be
13:06 about the serious process of improving your game.
13:09 It can also be about having fun.
13:11 And there are various software packages out there.
13:13 If you have a setup similar to this with a screen,
13:16 you can undertake various different games.
13:19 For example, Foresight have a really good software package
13:22 where you can go through various different fairground games.
13:25 They're really, really fun to do.
13:27 We've done some bullseye challenges on dartboard.
13:30 We've done some putting challenges with ten pin bowling.
13:33 And we've also done a shooting range as well
13:35 where you're trying to kind of punch targets
13:37 and knock them down.
13:38 It's a really, really fun thing to do.
13:39 And it can also get different people into the game
13:42 that maybe hadn't considered playing golf before
13:45 'cause they thought it was too boring.
13:46 You get them along into a similar setup like this,
13:48 you know, socialize together
13:49 and get them playing these games.
13:51 And I'm pretty confident they'll really enjoy the experience
13:54 and potentially get them hooked on golf
13:56 and get them keen to play proper golf
13:58 out on the golf course.
14:00 Another thing you can do is also play
14:02 some of the world's best courses
14:04 from the comfort of your own home.
14:05 And you can see here, we've got the 18th hole
14:08 at the famous Wentworth West course.
14:10 Second shot into this par five.
14:12 I'm 225 yards away.
14:14 And I'm gonna have a go at trying to hit the green.
14:16 And it's a great thing you can do with your friends,
14:18 get them all round, play around together on a famous course,
14:22 have a few drinks, it's a lot of fun,
14:24 and really put them under pressure
14:26 like I feel like I'm under pressure now.
14:28 So 225 yards into this par five.
14:31 Let's see if we can hit the green.
14:33 Oh, it was a good strike.
14:41 It's gotta go.
14:42 Oh, it was wet.
14:46 Unfortunately, that's so annoying.
14:48 But as you can see, it's a lot of fun
14:50 to play courses like this.
14:52 And I think you'll agree,
14:53 it's really gonna bring people together.
14:55 So hopefully you'll agree,
14:56 we've highlighted some pretty compelling reasons
14:58 as to why you need to get yourself
15:00 on a launch monitor in this video.
15:02 And yes, it's true that the best launch monitors
15:04 on the market do come in at a very premium price.
15:08 There are some options out there
15:09 that make them easily accessible to you.
15:11 For example, on the Foresight Sports website,
15:13 you can click on their venue finder feature,
15:16 type in your postcode,
15:17 and it'll give you a rundown of all the PGA pros
15:19 in your area that own a launch monitor.
15:21 There are also a variety of finance options available.
15:24 So through Foresight, you can own a GC2,
15:27 which is a slightly older version
15:29 of their top quality launch monitor
15:31 for just four pound a day.
15:33 So you can own a launch monitor.
15:35 There are affordable ways you can do that.
15:37 Guys, I'd love to hear from you.
15:38 So make sure you comment on this video.
15:39 Tell me, have you used a launch monitor?
15:41 And what do you think of it?
15:42 And if you haven't used a launch monitor,
15:44 has this video convinced you to go and use one,
15:47 whether on the driving range
15:48 or maybe even out on the golf course
15:49 with your local professional?
15:50 I'd love to hear from you.
15:52 So whether it is club fittings, lessons,
15:54 whatever it might be,
15:55 hopefully you'll agree that getting on a launch monitor
15:57 is the perfect starting point for improving your game.
16:00 (electronic music)