Le bonobo, cousin tropical du chimpanzé

  • last year


00:00 They look like chimpanzees, but under the influence of the rainforest, they are distinguished.
00:06 It is therefore its cousin, the bonobo.
00:09 Bonobos are characterized in particular by their pink lips,
00:18 their darker faces and their hair longer on the head.
00:26 Their social organization is different too.
00:30 The group is led by females, but without power struggle.
00:34 Their greatest originality is at the level of aggressiveness.
00:50 They prefer peace to war, yet privileged by their chimpanzee cousins.
00:54 A distinction that they owe entirely to their habitat.
01:09 Here, bonobos have access to vast reserves of food.
01:19 They are not in competition,
01:22 and can naturally share their food between the members of the group.
01:28 And can naturally share their food between the members of the group.
01:33 (music)
01:37 (whooshing)
