00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - I mean, the more we study them,
00:13 the more we'll be able to find something
00:15 that we can use to help ourselves with.
00:19 So don't squash that spider, it could save your life.
00:22 One way that venom's used in the coronary artery
00:25 is to use a stationary vessel
00:29 to keep that open to give medication.
00:32 There's another venom-derived medication
00:36 that's being used to dissolve the viper venom
00:41 that's from the Malayan pit viper venom.
00:46 Another one is a medication that's being used
00:49 to treat high blood pressure.
00:52 Treat high blood pressure,
00:53 that's also a venom-derived medication.
00:56 (dramatic music)
00:58 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02 - The Chilean roseberry,
01:05 there's a venom-derived medication
01:07 that's used to treat arrhythmias.
01:10 The highly toxic venom is used to treat pain and pain.
01:14 Scorpion venom limits the spread
01:18 of brain as well.
01:21 There's actually a venom that's being used
01:23 to treat the rectal trauma.
01:27 So we kind of have a venom viper
01:29 and it's from the banana spider.
01:33 (dramatic music)
01:36 I think that venom has extraordinary
01:44 to play in the discovery and development
01:48 of medications and drugs
01:52 that can help all of humanity.
01:54 (whooshing)