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Piper Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Liz and her daughter Amy move to Hamelin where a dark secret in Liz's past is uncovered by the restless spirit of the Pied Piper, who seeks out those who have gotten away with a crime, and punishes them by taking away their children.

DIRECTOR: Anthony Waller
STARRING: Elizabeth Hurley, Mia Jenkins, Jack Stewart

- Fantasy, Horror
- 2022
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:03 - What happened?
00:04 - It's our new home.
00:05 - When you freshen up,
00:06 I'll show you around your new school.
00:09 - It's a prison.
00:09 (dramatic music)
00:11 - Look, Amy, the Pied Piper.
00:13 (audience applauding)
00:15 - I miss my friends.
00:16 And looking at those children's faces.
00:19 - Quiet.
00:20 There will be consequences.
00:23 Three, two.
00:24 - Welcome to our school, Mrs. Haines.
00:28 Please, proceed.
00:29 (dramatic music)
00:30 - Why did we actually come here?
00:32 - I chose the best option for us.
00:35 Let's leave it at that, okay?
00:37 - Good night.
00:38 - Amy?
00:41 What have you done?
00:43 - You've been marked as a medium
00:46 for someone else's penance.
00:47 You'll see things others don't.
00:52 Rats are guilty.
00:53 Insects are in.
00:55 (woman screaming)
00:56 - You're gonna see Cassandra?
00:58 (glass shattering)
00:59 - There she is.
01:00 (dramatic music)
01:03 - Cassie said that she knew she was going to die
01:05 because of something bad her parents did.
01:08 - You've seen him?
01:09 - Who?
01:10 - Piper seeks her ghosts.
01:13 They have gotten away with crime.
01:14 - What?
01:15 - Punish them by taking away their children.
01:17 - When all fingers have left,
01:19 she'll be fully under the spell.
01:21 (dramatic music)
01:23 You paid five bucks.
01:25 - Zuka?
01:26 (dramatic music)
01:29 (baby laughing)
01:30 (dramatic music)
01:32 - How big a sacrifice are you willing to make?
01:34 - I want to confess.
01:35 (dramatic music)
01:36 - I found a stash.
01:38 - You don't know what you're messing with.
01:39 (dramatic music)
01:42 - Amy, no!
01:43 - It's in his blood!
01:44 (glass shattering)
01:45 (dramatic music)
01:46 - You're always running.
01:48 He'll always get you in the end.
01:50 (dramatic music)
01:52 (horse galloping)
01:55 (dramatic music)
01:58 (dramatic music)
02:01 (dramatic music)
02:04 (dramatic music)
02:07 (dramatic music)