• last year


00:00 [Music]
00:25 Peeking through the knot hole in Big Joe's wooden leg.
00:30 Who milked the cows when I am gone?
00:34 Who cut the knees out of Grandpa's BVDs?
00:39 What are BVDs, Roy?
00:41 Oh, Ann, you wouldn't understand.
00:43 Just something us men folks wear.
00:45 Oh, I drunk it up and married my Aunt Dora.
00:50 Poor Aunt Dora.
00:52 Oh, it's just a song.
00:54 I'm glad.
00:55 You know, Roy, after you asked me to marry you,
00:58 I couldn't hardly sleep a wink.
01:00 Me neither. Funny, ain't it?
01:03 Why do folks get married, Roy?
01:05 Doggone if I know.
01:06 Unless it's sort of like branding cattle.
01:09 So everybody know who belongs to who.
01:11 [Music]
01:33 Don't look like he aims to be any too friendly.
01:35 He don't have to.
01:37 [Music]
01:43 If this is a friendly call, Tester, you're welcome.
01:45 Why shouldn't it be friendly, Rogers?
01:47 We can't get anywhere fighting each other.
01:50 I'm glad you've come to realize that.
01:52 Come on in.
01:55 Sure, it's a friendly call.
01:57 I came to tell you goodbye.
01:59 Are you going somewhere, Tester?
02:00 No.
02:01 You had a chance to admit that survey you made of the Upper Canyon was false.
02:05 Why I can't admit that? It's a lie.
02:06 Why, I'd lose my land and the only water supply for miles around.
02:09 Yeah.
02:11 That's why I came to tell you goodbye.
02:14 Turn toward the road, Brace.
02:16 I don't need a witness to this.
02:18 [Music]
02:30 Looks like you got a witness after all.
02:32 But it's a good thing he's too young to know what it's all about.
02:36 Bring him along.
02:38 I'll use taking chances.
02:40 [Music]
02:45 Put me down!
02:47 [Music]
03:12 Dad!
03:13 Dad!
03:14 [Music]
03:36 [Music]
03:46 Where are we riding to, Uncle Ed?
03:48 Don't ask so many questions, Jerry.
03:50 Now, the next time we ride, you'll be left over the border.
03:57 You ask me, Tester, I think you're crazy for letting that kid ride along on these shindigs.
04:01 I didn't ask you.
04:02 But he's liable to get hurt.
04:04 He's a tough little monkey.
04:07 [Music]
04:23 Good work, Jerry.
04:25 Another five years and I'll be putting you in charge of these little parties.
04:28 [Music]
04:53 Listen, Pete.
04:54 Shh.
04:55 What's the matter? A wreck, Summers?
04:57 I'll be on in just a minute.
04:58 It's going to be a wreck.
04:59 Why in tarnation don't somebody stop it?
05:01 Where's it going to be at?
05:03 Why, that's it.
05:04 That water wreck.
05:05 James J.
05:06 Good old James J. Jeffers, he done it again.
05:08 Knocked him out in the tenth round.
05:10 And there's one wreck he ain't going to wake up till fall.
05:13 Yeah?
05:14 Well, you ain't going to take no rocking to sleep yourself
05:18 if you don't tell me whether that train's going to be on time or not.
05:22 Now, is it or ain't it?
05:25 Well, wait a minute now, Gabby.
05:26 Well, wait a minute.
05:28 [Train whistle]
05:32 [Music]
05:41 She's on time, Gabby.
05:42 Right on the dot.
05:43 Yeah, I see she is.
05:45 Know anything about the new boss coming in on the train?
05:48 Yeah.
05:49 Yeah?
05:50 Thought he was a stranger.
05:52 He is.
05:55 Fool besides.
05:57 [Train whistle]
06:07 [Train whistle]
06:28 Well, I guess you're it.
06:30 What?
06:31 Him.
06:32 Who?
06:33 Listen.
06:34 Are ye or ain't ye the new owner of the Circle R Ranch?
06:38 Mr. Roy Reynolds, if I read the name correct.
06:42 I guess you're Gabby Whittaker, foreman of the Circle R.
06:44 Yeah.
06:45 Smart, ain't ye?
06:51 Here, let me do that.
06:52 I'm younger than you are.
06:53 Is that so?
06:55 A bike crackie, I'll bet you can't prove it.
06:58 Come on, get in there.
07:04 Get up!
07:05 Get out of there!
07:07 All doodied up, ain't ye?
07:08 You like these duds?
07:09 No.
07:10 Durn funny, that's all I gotta say.
07:12 Funny?
07:13 What's funny?
07:14 Buying a ranch by me without ever seeing it.
07:15 Don't make no sense at all.
07:17 Anything wrong with the Circle R?
07:18 Nope.
07:19 One of the best ranches in the valley.
07:20 Then it does make sense, doesn't it?
07:23 Get in.
07:29 I promised to wait here for the Merediths.
07:31 That is, if you ain't got no objections, Mr. Reynolds.
07:35 Merediths.
07:36 Live on the ranch next to mine, don't they?
07:38 How do you know that?
07:39 Thought you a stranger in these parts.
07:41 I just heard they were my nearest neighbors.
07:43 Told me you was from Wyoming, didn't ye?
07:45 I am.
07:46 Funny they know so much in Wyoming about folks down here in Death Valley.
07:49 What's the mayor of Wyoming?
07:50 Couldn't you make a living there?
07:52 Sure, I made a good living.
07:53 Well, why didn't you stay there?
07:55 I ain't saying right now.
07:57 Maybe I thought I could make a better living down here,
08:00 or maybe I've got another reason.
08:02 Well, I wish you'd make up your mind.
08:11 I know all about that, Meredith.
08:13 But now I'm all worn out listening to your sad stories.
08:16 They make me unhappy.
08:18 I tell you, I haven't got the money, Mr. Tasker.
08:20 I can't get it right now.
08:22 No money, no water, and no protection.
08:27 We've been paying for your protection for years.
08:29 Well, so have a lot of folks, Miss Anne.
08:32 And found it to their advantage.
08:34 Then why can't you wait a little longer?
08:36 Well, maybe I could, if you'd ask me real pretty.
08:41 Please, Mr. Tasker.
08:44 Consider that I'm waiting.
08:46 Thank you, sir.
08:47 Sure.
08:57 Little Anne, and she hasn't changed a bit.
09:00 What's that?
09:01 Nothing.
09:03 The new owner of the Circle Iron?
09:04 I guess so.
09:06 He's kind of young, ain't he?
09:09 Howdy, Mr. Reynolds.
09:11 Welcome to Sundown.
09:13 I'm Ed Tasker.
09:14 Howdy, Mr. Tasker.
09:15 I'm Mr. Meredith, Miss Anne Meredith.
09:17 Hello.
09:18 I'm mighty interested in Death Valley folks, Mr. Reynolds.
09:22 I'll be coming out to see you before long.
09:24 Anytime, Mr. Tasker.
09:28 Here.
09:33 You should have got a nice, easy price on the Circle Iron, Mr. Reynolds.
09:36 I did, I hope.
09:38 Didn't suspect why she was cheap, did you?
09:40 Well, they said it wasn't paying.
09:42 No.
09:43 And it won't pay another.
09:44 No?
09:45 No.
09:46 Don't pay to make her pay.
09:47 The more you make, the more you have to pay Ed Tasker for protection.
09:50 To keep your stock from being raided.
09:52 You buy it, Tasker?
09:53 Oh, certainly not.
09:54 It's a band of raiders from across the border.
09:56 Yeah, Mr. Tasker protects us from them.
10:00 Looks like that would be up to the law.
10:02 There's a right pretty word, son, the law.
10:05 We got us a high sheriff, and he's got himself a whole squadroon of deputies.
10:11 The sheriff was elected by Ed Tasker, and the deputies are Tasker men.
10:15 Please, child.
10:16 Well, it's the truth, and everybody knows it.
10:18 Yeah, but he don't dare say nothing about it.
10:20 Brother Tasker controls every drop of water outside his sundown.
10:25 Right pretty picture, ain't it, son?
10:28 Then I guess it's safer to go on paying for protection, isn't it?
10:32 You always so eager for safety, Mr. Reynolds?
10:34 Well, I try to be, Miss Ann.
10:36 Now, the man who craves safety, you sure picked out a funny place to lie.
10:43 Get up there.
10:44 Get up there.
10:48 I may be dumb and all of that, but I still--
10:50 You are dumb, Bryce.
10:51 And all the years you've been with me don't seem to teach you any better.
10:54 But I still don't see why we have to go jumping on young Reynolds right away.
10:57 You promised to go see him.
10:59 Well, I'm keeping that promise.
11:02 That's Jerry.
11:03 Let him in.
11:12 Hello, Bryce.
11:13 Hello, Jerry.
11:14 Howdy, Uncle Ed.
11:15 You're early, Jerry.
11:17 Never like to be late.
11:18 It's bad luck.
11:19 How about the boys?
11:20 Rounded up and waiting and spawning for some fun.
11:24 Including a trip across the border.
11:26 And also including some tequila and maybe some señoritas, Uncle Ed.
11:31 That go for you too, Jerry?
11:33 Just señoritas, Uncle Ed.
11:37 Jerry, poor old Bryce here has got himself worked into a lather.
11:41 He can't understand why we're visiting Reynolds' outfit tonight.
11:45 Nothing to puzzle about.
11:47 Nothing to fret about.
11:49 Uncle Ed believes in acting first and talking later.
11:53 Folks pays more attention that way.
11:55 Reynolds is giving a little shindig down at his place tonight.
11:58 Sort of a get acquainted party.
12:00 He wants to meet all his new neighbors.
12:04 If I figure right, there won't be more than a couple or three of the Reynolds cowhands watching the outfit.
12:09 Oh, I guess I am dumb.
12:16 You and the boys got everything you need?
12:18 Sure.
12:20 You've been asking me that for years, Uncle Ed.
12:23 Don't you know by now I never ride empty handed?
12:28 Don't ever let anybody put lead into you, Jerry.
12:31 I'd miss you.
12:33 Little drink before you ride?
12:35 No thanks, don't need it.
12:36 Well, round up the boys and get started.
12:38 Make a good job of it, Jerry.
12:40 I'll be watching you.
12:42 In case you forgot to mention it, I need a drink.
13:02 Go ahead.
13:03 I'll join you.
13:32 Uncle Ed.
13:34 I never hear those words from that young buck without wanting to bust my sides.
13:39 If Jerry was to ever guess that he was Tim Rogers...
13:44 Wait a minute, boss.
13:47 I didn't mean that.
13:49 There's only two men in the world that know that.
13:52 Maybe that's one too many.
13:54 I'm telling you, boss, that's something that's going to die with me.
13:58 I know that breath.
14:02 Gee, Ed, there for a minute, I thought maybe that...
14:05 Say that you keep right on thinking after this.
14:22 Why don't that fella Parsons think him up a new song?
14:51 Them stairs seem to like it.
14:53 Gives me the creeps.
14:54 Yeah, always reminds me that everything is wrong in this old world.
14:58 Nothing's right.
14:59 Reckon they'll be having some new music up at the ranch house tonight.
15:03 Waltzes and everything.
15:04 Wish I was there.
15:05 Sure like to dance.
15:07 Start dancing, partner.
15:15 I wouldn't do that.
15:19 Get up and face the rocks.
15:22 [music]
15:28 [music]
15:34 [music]
15:40 [music]
15:46 [music]
15:54 [music]
16:02 [music]
16:10 [music]
16:18 [music]
16:28 Good work, Jerry.
16:29 Anybody get hurt?
16:31 Somebody always gets hurt.
16:33 Get them across the border before sunup.
16:35 Harkness is waiting for you.
16:37 And hurry back, son. I may need you.
16:40 [applause]
16:44 [music]
16:56 It's all right for some of these young fellows to talk about fighting Tasker,
16:59 but I'm too old for anything but peace, whatever it costs.
17:03 Peace is fine when it can be had, but it's costing us too much.
17:07 Why talk about it? That's all we've done for years.
17:11 In a way, it don't seem to be bothering our new neighbor too much.
17:15 ♪ And the sun slowly fades from view ♪
17:22 ♪ Shadows on the prairie tonight ♪
17:28 ♪ Soon the moon will be in the blue ♪
17:35 ♪ Got my cattle safe in the old corral ♪
17:42 Don't you just love the new waltz, Mr. Gabby?
17:45 No, ma'am, I don't. Now, just look at that.
17:48 ♪ Shadows on the prairie tonight ♪
17:52 Oh, yes. Ain't they just too dear?
17:54 No, ma'am, they ain't.
17:56 They can call it waltzing if they want to,
17:58 but if you ask me, it's just plain hugging in public.
18:02 Oh, let you and me give it a twirl.
18:05 Quit trying to make a fool out of me, Miss Minnie.
18:08 Oh, come on. Please, Mr. Gabby.
18:11 Oh, all right. I ain't hugged a female for 30 years,
18:15 but I reckon I ain't forgot how.
18:18 ♪ Tonight ♪
18:21 [laughter]
18:22 There goes Gabby.
18:23 ♪ Soon the moon will be in the blue ♪
18:30 ♪ Got my cattle safe in the old corral ♪
18:37 ♪ Got a date to see my gal ♪
18:44 ♪ Shadows on the prairie tonight ♪
18:48 ♪ Dreams are coming true ♪
18:54 [applause]
19:03 [music]
19:23 Did you invite them here?
19:25 I forgot to.
19:27 I hope we're not intruding.
19:28 Not at all, Mr. Tasker.
19:30 Just dropped in to talk a little business.
19:32 If it's business, we'd better--
19:33 It'll only take a minute.
19:34 Everything's open and above board with me.
19:36 Always has been.
19:39 I guess you know that all the water on the Circular
19:41 comes from my property.
19:43 You're being paid for it, aren't you?
19:44 Naturally.
19:45 But there's not enough water to go around.
19:47 Some of the folks have to do with less than they need.
19:50 Cutting my water supply?
19:52 That depends.
19:53 Now, the folks that owned this place before you
19:55 had an arrangement with me.
19:57 For protection.
19:58 I see you've been talking to the folks.
20:01 Now, if you want to go on with that protection deal,
20:04 there's no reason why you should suffer for water.
20:07 We might even arrange to increase your supply.
20:10 That would mean some of the other ranchers
20:12 would have to do with less, wouldn't it?
20:14 Well, they'd have to make out the best way they could.
20:20 But you look like a businessman.
20:22 So am I.
20:24 I'll think it over, Mr. Tasker, and let you know later.
20:26 Fair enough.
20:27 Jenkins caused a lot of trouble around here.
20:31 Drop in to sundown when you have time, and, uh--
20:34 [music playing]
20:37 We've been raided.
20:44 There ain't a steer left in the south herd.
20:47 Parsons got a bad shoulder wound.
20:48 I left Chet with him.
20:49 You hurt much, Ben?
20:50 Put him to bed, Gavin.
20:51 Go after Chet and Parsons.
20:52 I was eaten to.
20:54 I'm sorry about this, Reynolds.
20:56 It looks like I got here a little too late.
20:58 I wish I could have talked to you sooner, Mr. Tasker.
21:00 Cattle just about means a man's life in these parts,
21:03 and I reckon I'm mighty fond to live.
21:07 For a stranger around here, you're
21:09 a mighty smart young fella.
21:11 Drop in to my office tomorrow morning
21:13 where we can talk terms.
21:15 Women just naturally don't understand business,
21:17 eh, Reynolds?
21:18 I guess you're right, Mr. Tasker.
21:20 Night, Miss Ann.
21:21 Come on, Brace.
21:23 [music playing]
21:25 Good evening, folks.
21:33 I'll have to be going, Mr. Reynolds.
21:40 Good night.
21:42 It is getting late.
21:43 We must be going.
21:44 Good night.
21:45 Good night, Roy.
21:46 We had a nice time.
21:47 Is it worth it, Roy?
21:51 Worth it?
21:52 Isn't your self-respect too great a price
21:54 to pay for Tasker's security?
21:55 Well, I only aim to stay with the other ranchers,
21:57 your grandfather--
21:58 Grandfather?
21:59 He's an old man.
22:00 He's too tired to fight anymore.
22:02 If he were your age--
22:03 What about the other ranchers?
22:04 Wilson and Phillips, they're all paying Tasker's price.
22:06 They have to pay, don't you see?
22:08 They've got families, wives, and children.
22:10 They can't fight.
22:11 You're young and strong.
22:12 You have nothing to hold you back.
22:13 No one.
22:14 Ann, you're right.
22:16 I am a doggie without a brand so far.
22:19 I've been kind of saving myself up to now in case it's someday that--
22:23 well, you'd hate seeing me stop one of Tasker's bullets, wouldn't you?
22:26 Oh, you must understand.
22:27 If you were fighting Tasker, I'd probably try to stop you.
22:30 But I'd be proud of you.
22:32 You must see.
22:33 They need a leader, someone with strength and courage.
22:35 But why me?
22:36 I'm a newcomer here, and I--
22:37 But you're the only one, our only hope.
22:40 Oh, if only.
22:45 Only what, Ann?
22:48 [music playing]
22:51 Oh, boss.
22:58 Uh, I--
23:02 What is it, Gabby?
23:03 Well, it's like this, boss, uh, Mr. Reynolds.
23:07 Death Valley's got a rotten smell to her here lately.
23:11 Me and the boys figured we'd best be moving on to the green pastures.
23:16 Well, it's not only sundown, but the whole dag-nab valley
23:19 stinks like Tasker, Mr. Reynolds.
23:21 We ain't had no pay in nigh on to three months.
23:24 That's the dying truth.
23:25 No money and no credit for drinking whiskey.
23:28 Let Tasker have Death Valley.
23:30 We're through.
23:32 Kind of bucking and kicking before a fellow gets the feel of the saddle,
23:35 ain't you boys?
23:36 Figure you can't wait and give me a chance to make the Circle
23:39 Army make a living for us, huh?
23:40 It ain't only the back pay.
23:42 We've been hanging around here hoping that when the new boss come,
23:45 maybe he'd be the kind to stand up to Tasker
23:47 and give the sidewinder a taste of his own rattles.
23:50 I told him it wasn't no use to wait,
23:52 but Mississippi here had to hunch it.
23:54 Maybe things will change when the new boss come.
23:57 Thanks for the hunch, cowboy.
23:59 It's a little early for the showdown,
24:00 but looks like you're forcing my hand.
24:06 You see this gun?
24:07 It belonged to my father before he was killed.
24:09 That was 15 years ago.
24:11 My name's Rogers, not Reynolds.
24:13 Let me tell you about it.
24:16 [singing]
24:18 [singing]
24:21 [singing]
24:24 [singing]
24:26 <i>♪ Oh, sunny neighbors, hear our song ♪</i>
24:30 <i>♪ We're out to help the ones who need us ♪</i>
24:33 <i>♪ And make oppressors fear and heed us ♪</i>
24:36 <i>♪ It's one for all, all for one ♪</i>
24:38 <i>♪ And we won't stop until the job is done ♪</i>
24:43 <i>♪ Wipe out the curse ♪</i>
24:46 <i>♪ Use your purse ♪</i>
24:47 <i>♪ Come on and ride, ride, ride ♪</i>
24:51 <i>♪ Ride ♪</i>
24:53 <i>♪ Side by side, get in a fight ♪</i>
24:55 <i>♪ And ride each wrong ♪</i>
24:58 <i>♪ Ride ♪</i>
25:00 <i>♪ Far and wide, let friendly neighbors hear our song ♪</i>
25:04 <i>♪ Wipe out the curse ♪</i>
25:07 <i>♪ Use your purse ♪</i>
25:08 <i>♪ Come on and ride, ride, ride ♪</i>
25:13 I told you men to put a stop to this.
25:22 I'm running this outfit.
25:23 For 15 years, my word's been the law in Death Valley,
25:25 and that's the way it's got to go on. You hear me?
25:27 - You can count on us. - Count on you?
25:29 That's what I've been doing.
25:30 Up to now, the ranch has been like so many sheep.
25:33 Well, we'll make them be like sheep again.
25:35 Maybe you better try to do that, Jerry.
25:38 I guess every man in this room knows where we're heading
25:41 if we don't win out.
25:42 Well, I ain't never been hung, but...
25:45 Say, I don't think I'd like that.
25:47 Things like this don't just happen.
25:50 Somebody makes them happen.
25:51 - They got a leader. I know that. - So do I.
25:53 - Find out who he is. - I'm aiming to.
25:55 - That's what you said yesterday. - Well, I'm saying it again.
25:58 Until we find out who it is,
26:02 there's only one way to put a stop to this nonsense.
26:05 To teach little old Death Valley, it needs protection.
26:08 - That's your job, Jerry. - Beginning now?
26:12 Beginning now.
26:15 Come on, boys.
26:17 ( music playing )
26:21 ( gunfire )
26:49 Fighting's my line, and I like it.
26:51 But I don't like picking on women and old folks.
26:54 Well, it ain't a question of what we like no more.
26:57 Old man Meredith's no different from anybody else.
26:59 He's got to be taught his lesson.
27:01 I've been taking orders from you a long time, Uncle Ed.
27:05 I'm still taking them.
27:07 That's all I want to hear you say, Jerry.
27:10 When the job's through, right into town.
27:13 ( footsteps )
27:16 There's something I must tell you.
27:25 Something I did today.
27:27 Maybe I was wrong.
27:29 - Quarreled with Roy? - Roy? What does he matter?
27:32 He matters a heap to you.
27:34 More than you'll admit to him or to yourself.
27:36 No, I don't care about him. I hate him.
27:40 ( water bubbling )
27:43 ( music playing )
27:51 The raiders.
27:54 There they are. Let's ride.
28:00 ( whispers )
28:03 Hurry up. Get it over with.
28:09 ( music playing )
28:13 ( grunting )
28:16 ( gunshots )
28:23 ( gunshots )
28:38 ( gunshots )
28:41 Roy.
28:49 ( gunshots )
28:52 ( gunshots )
28:55 ( gunshots )
29:17 ( gunshots )
29:20 ( gunshots )
29:45 ( gunshot )
29:48 ( gunshots )
30:02 ( gunshot )
30:13 ( music playing )
30:16 ( music playing )
30:20 ( music playing )
30:23 ( music playing )
30:26 ( music playing )
30:29 ( music playing )
30:32 ( music playing )
30:35 ( music playing )
30:40 ( music playing )
30:50 ( music playing )
31:00 ( music playing )
31:03 ( music playing )
31:06 ( music playing )
31:09 ( music playing )
31:12 ( music playing )
31:15 ( music playing )
31:19 ( footsteps )
31:22 What is it, son? Are you hurt?
31:45 No, I'm all right.
31:48 I don't know. I... I can't...
31:51 Death Valley is no place for a girl anymore.
32:01 Sell out, honey. Get away.
32:06 Dr. Ward. Dr. Ward.
32:11 ( music playing )
32:14 ( music playing )
32:17 ( music playing )
32:20 ( music playing )
32:23 ( music playing )
32:26 ( music playing )
32:29 I did it.
32:32 I told Tasker we were through. It's all my fault.
32:35 You mustn't blame yourself.
32:39 ( footsteps )
32:42 You know, I got me a plumb uneasy feeling, Roy.
32:55 As if something was bound to happen.
32:57 Yes, and I got a feeling this is the last payment
33:00 Tasker's gonna get from me.
33:02 - What do you mean? - Just a feeling.
33:04 Well, if you'll excuse me, son,
33:06 I'm gonna go over and get me a great big drink of sarsaparilla.
33:09 I want to take the skunk taste out of my mouth.
33:12 I don't scare easy, Uncle Ed. You know that.
33:17 But I think we ought to ease up for a while.
33:19 Yeah, I've got the same notion.
33:21 Yeah? Well, I got a different notion.
33:23 I think about one more lesson's all these cow farmers will need.
33:26 Just as you say, Uncle Ed.
33:30 Howdy, folks.
33:33 ( footsteps )
33:35 Hiya, Reynolds.
33:38 You know Brace? This is my nephew, Jerry.
33:41 I think we've met once before.
33:43 I reckon you're wrong there, partner.
33:46 I don't forget faces very easy.
33:48 ( clears throat )
33:50 I guess you came on business, eh, Reynolds?
33:53 Yes. I think you'll find it all there.
33:56 There's your receipt.
34:00 It's all made out and ready for you.
34:02 Reynolds is smart. Never been a day late.
34:05 I learned my lesson early.
34:07 Too bad other people can't profit by your good sense.
34:10 I reckon I'd better be getting along.
34:13 Goodbye, Mr.
34:15 Goodbye.
34:17 See you next month, eh, Reynolds?
34:20 You might be seeing me sooner than that.
34:29 I, uh, think I need a drink.
34:32 Say, that was sure peculiar.
34:37 What?
34:39 The way those two howled at each other.
34:41 Ah, quit getting notions.
34:43 I've been a fool.
34:56 What do you mean, this time?
34:58 I've been here for six months.
35:00 We never had any trouble till he got here.
35:03 Well, you don't think he organized the riders, do you?
35:06 Get Jerry. Tell him I want every man he can find here tonight by 9 o'clock.
35:10 And tell Bill to close the bar early. We'll meet you in there.
35:13 Howdy, Miss Ann.
35:26 Is Roy at home?
35:28 Well, he is and he ain't. He went forking off down that way a minute ago.
35:31 Thanks. Will you take care of my horse?
35:33 Sure will. Gladly, Miss Ann.
35:35 Digging through the knot hole in Big Joe's wooden lag
35:54 Who milked the cows when I am gone
35:58 Peeking through the knot hole in Big Joe's wooden lag
36:03 Who milked the cows when I am gone
36:07 Who cut the knees out of Grandpa's BVDs
36:12 What are BVDs, Roy?
36:14 Oh, Ann, you wouldn't understand. It's just something us men folks wear.
36:18 Roy Rogers.
36:23 Little Ann.
36:25 I was thinking about you.
36:27 I've been thinking about you, too, Roy.
36:29 I recognized you the night our ranch was raided.
36:32 I came to tell you that I know about you and the riders.
36:35 I couldn't tell you. We promised not to say anything.
36:38 Excuse me, folks, for butting in.
36:42 What's the trouble?
36:44 Trouble ain't no name for it.
36:46 I just seen a hulk during Cox's army and there was more of 'em coming when I left.
36:50 Who were they?
36:51 Two men. They're regimenting for trouble.
36:53 I've heard tell Tasker's gonna meet 'em down at his saloon tonight.
36:56 Saddle my horse, Gabby.
36:58 I'll see you later, Little Ann.
37:01 Where are you going, Roy?
37:02 Oh, I'll be back.
37:03 Take me with you?
37:05 Nope. You'll have to wait.
37:08 [♪♪♪]
37:10 Get the boys, Gabby. All of 'em.
37:23 And wait for me in Silver Canyon.
37:24 We'll wait, but you won't be there.
37:26 If you gotta commit suicide, do it painless.
37:28 Don't give Tasker the satisfaction of killing you.
37:31 Don't worry about me. I'll be there.
37:33 [♪♪♪]
37:35 [♪♪♪]
37:37 [♪♪♪]
37:45 [♪♪♪]
37:47 [♪♪♪]
37:49 [♪♪♪]
38:01 [♪♪♪]
38:03 [indistinct chatter]
38:20 Ah, the jury tells them it's gonna be busy.
38:23 Where are the others?
38:25 Coming.
38:26 [♪♪♪]
38:28 Hiya, boys.
38:37 What's up, boss?
38:43 There's work to do.
38:44 Stop that, Grace.
38:45 I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little nervous.
38:49 [helicopter whirring]
38:51 What time's Roy meeting us?
39:04 He ain't.
39:05 Well, why are we supposed to--
39:06 Roy told us to be here, and here we are.
39:09 Anyway, he's planning to visit Tasker first.
39:11 Tasker? The young fool? Why didn't he tell us?
39:14 Oh, I don't know.
39:15 Anyhow, we'll pick him up a right pretty funeral.
39:18 I know, boss.
39:20 Running off a bunch of steers or burning up a barn or two is not so bad.
39:24 But when it comes to blowing up that sundown dam--
39:26 That's going too far.
39:28 Anybody else got any objections?
39:30 I seen a star fall in the west tonight as we was riding in.
39:33 What are you talking about?
39:34 And at the same time, I seen an owl fly across the new moon.
39:38 Oh.
39:39 Them's mighty bad signs.
39:41 I've shot a lot of folks in my day,
39:43 so I ain't a-kicking when it comes my time to get shot.
39:46 You talk like a fool.
39:48 I am. Always have been.
39:50 Now, the only water in Death Valley that I don't own is what's behind Sundown Dam,
39:54 and I don't want that water there tomorrow morning.
39:56 What'll the folks here in town do for water?
39:58 I'm keeping company with a mighty pretty woman here in Sundown.
40:01 Not sure I hate to think of her going thirsty.
40:03 There's plenty of water.
40:04 All the town has to do is hook onto my eastern reservoir,
40:07 and they can do that before noon tomorrow.
40:09 And pay twice as much as they're paying now.
40:11 You're smart, Uncle Ed.
40:13 That all?
40:14 No. I know who's gonna end the trouble in Death Valley.
40:17 Yeah, and I know who started all the trouble.
40:19 You know who got the riders together?
40:21 Roy Reynolds, the new owner of the Circle R.
40:23 Now, when you finish that work at the dam, I want you to ride to the Circle R.
40:26 It's about time Mr. Reynolds met with an accident.
40:29 And I don't want much left on that ranch when you get through.
40:32 I thought Mr. Reynolds was a friend of the outfit. Guess I was wrong about him.
40:36 Yeah, you were wrong.
40:37 Just do what I tell you.
40:39 Just as you say, Uncle Ed.
40:41 Rex, you used to be a miner.
40:43 You ought to know how to handle blasting powder.
40:45 I reckon I know about all there is to know about it.
40:47 Go ahead.
40:48 Get some powder.
40:49 Take Foster and Blake with you.
40:51 We'll cover the trail to see that you're not interfered with.
40:53 I shoot better when I've had a shot.
40:55 What do you say we have a drink all round?
40:57 Sure, boss.
40:58 Sort of celebrate our victory in a bit.
41:00 I wish I'd led me a good life.
41:04 I'll get a bottle.
41:07 [music]
41:19 [gunshots]
41:30 [music]
41:47 Get to the dam and do your job.
41:49 You'll hear a blow, boss.
41:50 There he goes!
41:52 [gunshots]
42:02 [music]
42:28 Oh, I told him not to go.
42:30 Let's go.
42:31 Look, Roy said you stay here and bite Cracky where he's staying.
42:34 [music]
43:03 [gunshots]
43:10 [music]
43:25 It's no use.
43:26 We'll never catch him now on these rocks.
43:28 You know who that is, don't you?
43:29 Reynolds.
43:30 It's either him or us.
43:31 After what he heard back there, he'll head for the dam.
43:33 So will we.
43:34 Come on!
43:35 [horse neighing]
43:47 It's him!
43:52 Come on!
43:53 [horse neighing]
44:13 [whistling]
44:23 Hey, cut out that whistling.
44:25 Huh.
44:26 Sounds like he's commencing to believe in bad signs himself.
44:29 [horses galloping]
44:34 What do you mean with this fool talk about owls and fallen stars?
44:39 Death signs, them is.
44:40 Never seen it to fail.
44:44 Keep your eyes open up there.
44:52 Can't you hurry that up?
44:53 I want to get out of here.
44:54 Too late to hurry now.
44:56 Maybe.
44:59 There's somebody riding our way.
45:01 Let's get him.
45:02 [horses galloping]
45:10 Wait a minute.
45:11 [horses galloping]
45:21 Why ain't you at work?
45:22 Just took out a minute for a good breath.
45:25 That dam's on her way up.
45:28 When we heard you coming, we thought you were them riders.
45:30 You turning yellow, Foster?
45:36 She's about ready.
45:37 Where's the firecrackers?
45:38 Here.
45:39 [horses galloping]
45:56 The riders.
45:57 Reynolds must have had them waiting.
46:06 Stand out and let them have it.
46:19 [gunshots]
46:33 [gunshots]
46:57 [gunshots]
47:03 We'll mow that casker down at the hocks.
47:06 [gunshots]
47:11 Darn that old hoo-ha anyway.
47:13 [gunshots]
47:22 They got us outnumbered.
47:24 [gunshots]
47:31 Oh, well.
47:32 Dog gone and guns getting hot.
47:34 [gunshots]
47:43 Ain't no use of my little bell going thirsty.
47:46 [gunshots]
47:50 Let's get out of here.
47:51 What about the others?
47:52 Let them manage.
47:53 Just as you say, Uncle Ed.
47:55 [gunshots]
48:17 Quite a young whippersnapper.
48:46 We got to hurry, Jerry.
48:47 We got to get across the border.
48:49 I'll say we got to get across the border.
48:51 Hey, look at this, boy.
48:54 I wouldn't have a chance around here.
48:57 Just as you say, Uncle Ed.
49:07 You always was smart, Uncle Ed.
49:10 You're a pile against a rainy day.
49:12 Our pile against a rainy day.
49:17 I'd like to introduce a fellow, Mr. Tapsker.
49:20 Me, Roy Rogers.
49:22 You always introduce yourself with a six gun?
49:25 You ought to remember that name.
49:27 My father's name was Roy Rogers.
49:29 He owned the Circle R up until the day he was killed.
49:32 Yeah, I remember.
49:34 I suppose you've come here to get even.
49:36 I came here to bring you to justice.
49:41 Well, I'd like to introduce a fellow, your brother, Tim Rogers.
49:45 You remember him?
49:47 I remember.
49:49 Is what you just said true, Uncle Ed?
49:52 Why don't you shoot, Rogers?
49:55 I asked you a question, Uncle Ed.
49:57 Shut up.
49:58 The payoff is you're helping me to get out of here.
50:05 For a long time, I've been wondering.
50:09 Seems like sometimes I can almost remember things.
50:12 Oh, wait a minute.
50:14 You taught me to always get the drop on a guy, Uncle Ed.
50:18 Now, how do you like it?
50:20 Stop it, Jerry.
50:21 Don't do it.
50:23 Reach for your gun, Mr. Tapsker.
50:37 Hello, Roy.
50:39 Now I do remember.
50:43 Tim, is it all right, fella?
50:47 I didn't feel him, but I reckon I know now why he turned me loose that day.
50:53 And I know why he didn't turn me over to Tapsker.
50:57 It's been a long time, Roy.
51:01 Too long, Tim.
51:03 Awful long time, Tim.
51:07 Hello, Roy.
51:15 [music]
51:43 [music]
51:53 [music]
52:03 [music]
52:23 [music]
52:43 [music]
53:06 [MUSIC]