10 Wrestlers Who Are In The Wrong Promotion

  • last year
Some of the best wrestlers on the planet could do with a change of scenery.


00:00 Remember how when you were younger and your parents would come up to you and scream "we
00:03 never wanted to have you, you were an accident"?
00:06 Well that's basically what we're going to do today with wrestlers, but far less
00:10 mean and life changing.
00:11 Hello, my name is Simon Mellor, welcome to World Culture Wrestling, hit that subscribe
00:15 button and see what happens.
00:17 And that's right, this is 10 wrestlers who are in the wrong promotion.
00:22 10.
00:23 Evil
00:24 A lot of people don't like evil and the house of torture in New Japan, and I understand
00:27 this, and if you're not up on all of it, it's because nearly every single one of
00:32 their matches ends in shenanigans and it ends in distraction finishes, or there's interference,
00:37 or there's just some kind of nonsense going on outside of the ring.
00:40 Now if you predominantly watch Western wrestling, which is fine by the way, you are allowed
00:44 to pick and choose, this may sound par for the course, but New Japan doesn't really
00:49 head down this path, although for the last few years it most certainly has.
00:53 People also think that people in the group like Show, Dick Togo and of course Evil are
00:57 being wasted because of this, and if this is what NGPW does want to do, why don't we
01:03 just take all these guys and put them in the WWE setting?
01:06 Because let's be honest, let's be truthful with each other, when it comes to Vince McMahon,
01:11 he does that kind of finish all the time.
01:13 And that's why I think you can argue maybe it's okay for New Japan, because it does
01:17 mean we're doing something a little bit different, but that's also not true, because
01:21 my word, this has gone a little bit overboard.
01:24 9.
01:25 Brian Cage
01:26 I'm intrigued to see what's going to happen with Brian Cage in All Elite Wrestling and
01:28 Ring of Honor, because recently Cage did pop up in ROH and seems to be treated like a big
01:35 deal.
01:36 Ever since he did leave Lucha Underground and Impact though, it kind of feels like he's
01:39 been trying to find his way.
01:41 Like when he debuted for AEW he was like "oh man that makes sense", but over the last
01:45 few months he hasn't really done much of anything.
01:47 This of course leads people to go "well why doesn't WWE sign him up given that he
01:51 is the sign of a house", but just go and listen to every single conversation Brian
01:55 Cage had with World Wrestling Entertainment, and honestly if I was him I'd be a little
01:59 bit upset too.
02:00 This is why it comes back to a promotion we've already mentioned or Impact Wrestling.
02:04 If he did return to that and once again we made him the super-duper dominant world champion,
02:09 then nobody could be beat.
02:10 I mean you'll have to excuse my language, but he could basically be their Roman Reigns.
02:15 But like I've already said we don't have to worry about that for the time being because
02:18 it does seem like he has a new lease of life for Ring of Honor.
02:20 I like Brian Cage, I did an interview with him a few years ago and he very nicely chatted
02:25 to me about protein and lifting weights, so I'm rooting for him.
02:28 8.
02:29 The Varsity Blondes
02:30 I just want to get this out of the way straight away, I really like Brian Pillman Jr. and
02:34 I really like my man Griff Garrison.
02:36 I think they get better each and every single week and in the future are going to be one
02:41 of the best Dag Deens on the planet.
02:43 The only real issue they do have at the moment in AEW, which is a really great problem to
02:46 have, is that there are so many good tag teams on the roster.
02:50 Sometimes they're on Dynamite, sometimes they're not on Dynamite.
02:53 The point is, it's difficult to get some TV time.
02:56 This is why if they were to get an offer from WWE or once again Impact Wrestling, maybe
03:00 it would be a really good idea to jump ship, because they could get a bunch more experience,
03:04 increase their star power before returning to their home of homes and everybody waving
03:09 their Varsity Blondes flag.
03:10 So what I'm basically saying is that any single North American promotion or someone
03:13 like New Japan could probably pick them up and they'd have themselves a damn good tag
03:17 team.
03:18 But even if they do stay in AEW, once again I'm putting my money where my mouth is, I
03:23 bet sooner or later they're going to fly.
03:26 Ricochet
03:27 I totally believe that Ricochet could be a success in WWE, the problem being that WWE
03:33 doesn't really seem to want to make him a success.
03:36 He was the Intercontinental Champion during WrestleMania 38 and they didn't even put
03:40 him on the damn show.
03:42 And even though it's now months removed from WrestleMania, I still stare out my window
03:46 and go, wait a minute, Ricochet is a great wrestler, the Intercontinental title is brilliant,
03:51 why didn't we just put these two things together?
03:53 He is always going to struggle in World Wrestling Entertainment too because they have a very
03:57 specific style which doesn't really allow him to show all his super duper good moves,
04:02 so imagine he did go to New Japan where he could do crazy stuff with Will Ospreay or
04:06 AEW.
04:07 Because do not forget that is the USP, when it does come to Ricky, he can do moves the
04:14 likes that you've never seen so he really should be in a company that goes, here's what
04:18 we want you to do, go out there and show the world that you're probably not human.
04:23 Butch
04:24 Alright, it's honesty time once again.
04:26 Butch, as I'm saying these words, has been on Smackdown for around 3 or 4 weeks and he's
04:31 won me over.
04:32 I know it's stupid and I know it's weird, but do I look forward to seeing him, yes, and
04:37 do I find it entertaining, yes.
04:38 The thing is though, if you do know Pete Dunne's history and just how good he is in the ring,
04:44 you're going to have to figure that this character may hold him back a little bit.
04:47 Like are we ever going to get to the WrestleMania main event where the announcer goes, I'm the
04:51 winner, Butch?
04:53 Probably not.
04:54 So really he does need to be somewhere where he can constantly remind you that he is the
04:57 bruiser weight so once again we can throw AEW in there, oh yes, brr, brr, New Japan.
05:02 There is no bad fit for Pete Dunne as long as he is allowed to go in the ring, but once
05:07 again I don't have a leg to stand on, I've totally bought into the sports entertainment
05:12 presentation of him, so maybe I should just go walk into a door.
05:16 Chad Gable
05:17 Now this one is a lot like Butch, because if we do look at the last few months, Chad
05:21 Gable is one of the best people in all of WWE and he has been doing terrific work.
05:26 The thing is, eventually his whole shoosh and thank you gimmicks are going to come to
05:30 an end and if WWE, repeating myself here, doesn't allow everyone to see how good he
05:35 is in the squared circle, well he may once again find himself on main event and I don't
05:40 want this.
05:41 Which is why this time I'm just going to throw out the initials NJPW, because they have so
05:46 many good workers that when I think about Ospreay vs Chad Gable or Tata Hashi vs Chad
05:51 Gable, I get excited in my tum tum.
05:54 There's also Zack Sabre Jr and I tell you, if they ever are able to wrestle and they're
05:58 allowed to do whatever the flub they want, I bet straight away people are going "oh
06:03 my gosh it's a match of the year contender" because both of those guys are just operating
06:08 on a different level.
06:09 Gunther
06:10 I don't want to get ahead of myself here, because Gunther/Walter/whatever you want to
06:14 call him has only just arrived on Smackdown of me saying these words, and he does fit
06:19 the WWE mould, e.g. he's flipping massive.
06:22 So we do need to be patient and we do need to wait and see, because if all of a sudden
06:26 he is fighting for the top belt and allowed to chop the ship out of people, I'm going
06:30 to be invested.
06:31 But when it comes to Gunther/Walter/whatever the hell we want to call him, it shouldn't
06:35 be a wait and see, it should be "right, you know all those matches he's done in the past,
06:39 let's just replicate them on the biggest stage puzzle."
06:42 This is why I would actually like to see him in Ring of Honor, he's much like a Samoa
06:45 Joe situation.
06:46 Would I have tuned in to ROH if I didn't have familiar names?
06:50 Maybe maybe not.
06:51 But if all of a sudden Joe is there, and all of a sudden Jay Lethal is there, and all of
06:54 a sudden Walter is there, well I'm going to find an extra hour in my schedule.
06:58 I mean right here you have a ready made, serious main event competitor that anybody, both new
07:04 fans and old fans, will completely buy just by looking at them, and that kind of stuff
07:09 doesn't go on trees.
07:10 Imagine it did, he wouldn't go outside.
07:13 3.
07:14 Will Ospreay
07:15 This one is just me being a massive nerd and massive geek and fantasy booking, but really
07:18 Will Ospreay has achieved every single thing he could want to achieve in New Japan.
07:24 I mean his exploits there have put him into the conversation of "oh man, maybe he's
07:28 the best wrestler in the world and you can't go higher than that".
07:31 Which is why, and this is going to spark the comments, I want to see him go to WWE.
07:35 Now I do have my reasonings, I do have my evidence, because look at what they did for
07:39 Cody Rhodes when he returned at WrestleMania.
07:42 I have been loving the shib out of that, and I want to see more people jump ship and I
07:46 want to feel that feeling again.
07:48 So the dream match that nobody wants but everybody should need is Will Ospreay vs. Roman Reigns.
07:53 I can't even comprehend what would happen here, which is why I'm standing on my fantasy
07:58 box and hoping it happens.
08:00 You can even put him against the likes of Edge, Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar, and once
08:04 again I need this in my life.
08:06 Although I will level with you, you can put Ospreay anywhere and he'll find a way to smash
08:12 it.
08:13 2.
08:14 Kenny Omega
08:15 I'm not kidding what I just said, and if Kenny Omega wants to stay in AEW for the rest
08:18 of his days, I will absolutely love it.
08:21 I mean he has barely scratched the surface, and I tell you, in around about 5 years we're
08:25 going to look at Kenneth and go "he probably won at the best ever".
08:29 But once again, I want to see him in WWE.
08:31 I just do.
08:32 I can't help it.
08:33 I have this dark side of my personality, this dark side of my stomach, because he is so
08:37 creative and he approaches things in such a mature and such a smart way, I bet he would
08:42 do something that we would never think that he was going to do.
08:45 I'd also love it to be at WrestleMania, so he has got this massive entrance, but again,
08:49 it's a win-win, I can't lose.
08:51 He stays on one side I'm happy, he goes to the other side I'm happy, and this is why
08:55 it's important that we do have competition, because it breeds all this craziness, and
08:59 craziness is where success lies.
09:01 I don't even know what that meant.
09:03 1.
09:04 Mustafa Ali
09:05 I still cannot believe that this hasn't happened, because a few months ago or whenever it was,
09:10 Mustafa Ali said "hey, I would like my release WWE", they said no, and ever since have proceeded
09:16 to do absolutely nothing with him.
09:19 I mean, that just ain't right.
09:21 This has happened so many times before with the likes of Neville or Luke Harper, and it
09:25 never goes the way that WWE is expecting it.
09:28 So if they do want to bring him back into the fold and push him, hey that's a couple
09:31 of thumbs, but if not, set the man free and let him fly.
09:35 And he could go anywhere too, if you told me he was going to be in the G1, I'd go watch
09:38 the G1.
09:39 If you told me he was going to be the new champion in Impact, I'd go watch Impact.
09:42 And of course if he turned up in AEW, I would keep everything crossed that finally, finally,
09:48 he was allowed to show everyone how good he is.
09:50 I mean, sometimes things just don't work out.
09:53 So if WWE and Ali aren't getting on right now, just let him wrestle.
09:58 I don't care where it is, so tying into the name of his list, the answer is anywhere but
10:03 WWE, just so I can admire his many many talents.
10:07 Now if any of the wrestlers are in the wrong promotions, let us know in the comments below,
10:11 and don't forget to like the video, share the video and subscribe, and do a dance as
10:14 you're doing it.
10:15 Also head over to whatculture.com where you can read articles like this with your eyes.
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10:22 We have so many videos, it's crazy, all I'm asking you to do is watch one and you can
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10:30 It counts as a view, I am joking.
10:32 My name is Simon from WhatCulture, thank you for joining me as always.
10:35 make sure you have the best day of your life. I'll see you soon.
