• 2 years ago
Follows Elsbeth Tascioni, an unconventional attorney, that will give her singular point of view to make observations to | dHNfU1EyV1g5OVFYWFk


00:00 [music playing]
00:01 I love New York.
00:04 I've always wanted to live here.
00:06 All those lights.
00:08 Ah, it's magical.
00:10 Oh, this is my stop.
00:12 You know, this is not an Uber.
00:13 Yeah, but you were heading up this way.
00:16 [music playing]
00:20 Hi, I'm Elsa Fassioni.
00:22 I'm the thingy thing.
00:24 The thingy thing?
00:25 The outside observer.
00:27 [music playing]
00:29 I think you should--
00:31 Oh, my god.
00:32 I didn't even remember I was wearing that.
00:34 Wow, what is all this?
00:36 A suicide.
00:37 I mostly see crime scene photos.
00:39 This is very different.
00:42 Better.
00:45 Excuse me?
00:47 Oh, don't worry.
00:47 I can see it.
00:49 What am I supposed to do with this lady?
00:50 City Hall wants her there.
00:51 She's easily amused.
00:52 What is that, purple?
00:54 One second.
00:55 She'll get bored and move on.
00:56 I'm not sure this is a suicide.
00:59 And are you with the police?
01:01 I think so.
01:02 I'm either with the police or watching the police.
01:05 [music playing]
01:07 The intent is to follow our officers.
01:11 Said they appear to be following you.
01:13 We found old Irish deodorant at the crime scene.
01:16 Are you trying to sniff me, Miss Fassioni?
01:20 You're not a defense lawyer anymore.
01:22 The truth means putting people in jail.
01:26 I have ideas, but no proof.
01:30 [music playing]
01:33 You've been a very busy little bee.
01:35 Buzz, buzz.
01:36 She found something that we didn't.
01:38 I love playing chess against a good adversary.
01:41 Mode in.
01:42 Wow!
01:43 Yeah, we did that just for you.
01:47 You are a funny one.
01:48 Not as funny as you.
01:51 I took this job because my work could be all about the truth.
01:56 [music playing]
01:58 [screaming]
02:01 [screaming]
02:04 Welcome to New York.
02:07 [screaming]
02:10 (whooshing)