00:00 John Jordan has five calves that he has to castrate.
00:04 That is to avoid the blows of his boat.
00:07 John Jordan is known for his turbulent cattle.
00:15 As long as they don't hit you, there's nothing to fear.
00:18 If they are not castrated, their calves will become even more aggressive.
00:23 Let's go, Charles.
00:27 Ready for the rodeo?
00:29 Yes.
00:30 Sometimes, when you arrive, it rolls by itself.
00:34 And sometimes, it's a big mess.
00:36 Today, we will have to work without a cage.
00:40 Go, Charles.
00:42 No!
00:44 It's always a little complicated when you only have a gate.
00:47 Close the gate.
00:50 And hold his tail.
00:53 Without a cage, Charles has to improvise a method to immobilize the calf while Dr. Paul handles the clamp.
00:59 My job is to hold his tail.
01:03 Holding the tail is like holding hair.
01:06 You don't have to pull too hard, otherwise it hurts.
01:10 But it prevents the animal from moving back.
01:13 In theory, anyway.
01:18 Get down!
01:22 You know, these calves have never been caught, never been touched by a human being.
01:27 They are always free.
01:29 And when you try to immobilize them, they don't like it.
01:32 If you see someone approaching with clamps, wouldn't you be a little nervous?
01:38 Next!
01:46 Open the gate a little bit.
01:48 Ready?
01:50 Yes.
01:51 The big one?
01:52 Yes.
01:53 He went in directly and almost crushed Charles.
01:58 It would be nice if we could stuck their heads, but we can't.
02:03 At this rate, the castrations will take hours.
02:15 For now, we are 2 to 0.
02:20 It's time to speed things up.
02:22 Dr. Paul will improvise his own cage.
02:25 We put the barrier in this corner, so they can't climb it.
02:30 We moved the barrier to the other side, so they can pass their heads in the jaws.
02:36 That way, we can hold them more easily.
02:39 Get in the head!
02:41 Come on, hold the tail!
02:47 Tail!
02:48 It's good.
02:53 Let go!
02:54 Let go!
02:55 Ok.
02:56 He has his head stuck.
02:59 It's not about getting the calves in, which is a problem, it's about getting them out.
03:06 They can force their head in the hole, but when they want to get out, their ears block.
03:14 Get your foot out!
03:17 Come on!
03:18 Dr. Paul will have to free the calf.
03:22 He tries not to leave any pieces.
03:26 If you stick a finger between his head and the board, he will crush you like that.
03:34 I pushed his head with my foot and he got stuck.
03:44 I thought taking the calves out would make them smarter.
03:47 Not so fast!
03:49 Dr. Paul always arrives and leaves like a rocket, and he does the job.
03:57 He doesn't do things half-way, he does.
04:01 I told you it was rodeo.
04:03 What?
04:04 [Music]
04:10 [Sound of a jet engine]