'We're here to win' says All Blacks coach as team arrives in France for Rugby World Cup

  • last year
"We're here to win a tournament" says All Blacks coach Ian Foster as his team arrive in Lyon for the 2023 Rugby World Cup. The three-time champions play their first game against hosts France on Friday September 8, with Foster saying the "All Blacks French game has always been a special one."
00:00 [Background noise]
00:21 Yeah, it's pretty awesome, you know. I suppose the dream has always been to play on the world stage
00:26 and to be fortunate enough to be in a position where that could potentially happen next week is,
00:30 it's pretty mind-blowing to actually think about, to be honest.
00:33 But, yeah, really looking forward to the challenge and getting into our work for that French prep.
00:37 You know, I get butterflies in the stomach because as a kid this is what you dream for.
00:41 And, you know, all my whole professional career, you know, this is the first World Cup I've been in.
00:46 Besides from the under-20s, but this is the first big World Cup that we're going to be playing in.
00:50 And this is where you get to showcase what you've got.
00:53 At the end of the day, this is the most prestigious trophy there is, the Webala.
00:59 So, I can't wait. Yeah, can't wait.
01:01 The all-black French game is always a special one.
01:04 And we have a similar relationship, I think, with South Africa.
01:09 Like, the respect is very mutual.
01:11 And it comes out of, you know, us both having victories, both having defeats on the field.
01:18 And yet, when we walk off the field, I think both teams have a lot of respect for how teams handle each other.
01:25 So, look, I'm sure we'll have a great relationship with France as a people.
01:31 We promise to do what we can.
01:33 But, at the end of the day, we're here to win a tournament.
01:36 win a tournament.
