3rd Part in Urdu | Biography of Hazrat Muhammad SAW | سیرت حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم | @islamichistory813



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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about..THIRD PART

Ideal Islamic Order

From early days, the Prophet gradually established an Islamic system of governance and a way of life. In its first years, the nascent Muslim community in Medina had to contend with a number of attacks and onslaughts by the Quraysh and their allies. The Prophet used every opportunity to teach the Muslims the right code of conduct for a Muslim in times of war and peace; from personal and ethical qualities they must aspire for, to social, political and fiscal policies.

On the political front, the Prophet enjoined the community to avoid wars and violence as far as possible, and it should only be the absolute last resort, when all other avenues have been exhausted. The Prophet Muhammad went out of his way to avoid conflict and violence, and it is recorded that in the ten years that the Prophet was in Medina, despite the many battles that the Muslims were drawn into, a total of some 800 men were killed on both sides throughout the period.

The Prophet instructed his army against destroying houses or pillaging or cutting down trees bearing fruits. He ordered them not to draw out their swords except when in dire need. He used to rebuke some of his generals and physically amend for their mistakes.

Another social-political principle instilled by the Prophet Muhammad was that “Land belongs to Allah and whoever develops it”4. This had a very significant impact on the development of the country both socially and politically, not to mention the economic progress and revival it entailed.

Another socio-economic policy was established by the Prophet's declaration “I am responsible for them”5. He who died and left behind a family who would not have enough to make ends meet, then the Prophet would be responsible for them and they should go to him. On the other hand, “he who died and left a wealth behind, it was for his heirs”6. All the wealth was for the family the departed left behind, i.e. there was no inheritance tax in Islam.

This policy did not stop there, and it went further when the Prophet announced that if a person died and left behind a debt, then he (Muhammad, and subsequently the leader of the Islamic state in general) was responsible for repaying it 7.

The Prophetic legislation also addressed the interest of the non-Muslims living under the Islamic state, referred to as dhimmy; literally means “the responsibility of”(the Islamic state): “He who hurts a dhimmy, then indeed he has hurt me”8. Such laws, and the peaceful liberation of Mecca,#biographyofMuhammmadPBUHinenglish