Jerry Brown: The Disrupter | movie | 2022 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Governor Jerry Brown has had a storied political life, and Marina Zenovich’s tremendous portrait of him captures the h | dG1fS29ReVVqcUlReGs
00:00 (crowd chattering)
00:01 - I'm trying to get you to-
00:04 - What?
00:05 - Explain who you are.
00:07 - Well, that's, I find that kind of a non-question.
00:10 - I know.
00:10 - So I don't know what it means.
00:11 - Well, how would you describe yourself?
00:12 - I wouldn't, I wouldn't.
00:14 (upbeat music)
00:15 - I started talking to Jerry
00:17 about thinking of running for governor.
00:18 Now, Pat Brown, his father, he said,
00:20 "Tom, you're destroying my son's career,
00:23 and you're destroying your career."
00:24 Said, "You'll never recover."
00:26 - He was so new, and he was so attractive.
00:29 As a candidate, following what we all experienced,
00:33 what the candidate is.
00:34 - The cabinet was half women, people of color,
00:37 first gay judge.
00:38 It was, we're the people by the people, and that was real.
00:42 - We have Bernie Sanders, we have Elizabeth Warren,
00:44 focusing on climate change,
00:46 and that's something Jerry Brown was talking about in 1975.
00:50 - Ray called me and said, "Jerry wants to run his campaign."
00:53 I said, "His campaign for what?"
00:54 He says, "His campaign for president."
00:56 I said, "You're kidding."
00:57 Long shot, well, I wouldn't say
00:59 that I've got it locked up yet.
01:01 (audience laughing)
01:02 - You would just show up, and there was 20,000 people
01:05 in Maryland at a rally,
01:07 and celebrities that were flying on planes,
01:09 and being his spokespeople everywhere.
01:11 He was like, for real, a rock star.
01:13 - I'm sitting in a holding room, but I could see,
01:16 oh God, Clinton is really getting angry.
01:20 I hope he doesn't hit him.
01:21 (upbeat music)
01:24 - I come to the idea that you can have an idea,
01:27 and you can be clear about it,
01:29 and certain about it, and completely wrong.
01:31 - He went back into the practical arena for the second time
01:34 and worked his way up.
01:36 That made him this master craftsman.
01:38 - When Jerry was elected the second time,
01:40 I said, "That is fantastic."
01:43 - Governors, you're governing for your time
01:46 and maybe five years down the road,
01:48 but he is decades down the road, decades down the road.
01:51 - There was never a light touch with Jerry.
01:54 He was a disruptor from the beginning.
01:56 (upbeat music)
01:59 (upbeat music)
02:02 (upbeat music)
02:04 you
