"High Court Ne Magistrate Se Poocha Ke...," Jahangir Jadoon opens up on Elahi's arrest

  • last year
"High Court Ne Magistrate Se Poocha Ke...," Jahangir Jadoon opens up on Elahi's arrest
00:00 the court. In the court, it was said that no authority should arrest the agency and the office of the requestor.
00:07 Parvez Alahi should not be taken into custody under the law of surveillance. The single bench of Lahore High Court had stopped Parvez Alahi from being arrested.
00:14 NAB arrested Parvez Alahi when the decision of the single bench was fatal. After the decision of the two-deck bench, NAB's custody was illegal.
00:24 When Parvez Alahi was there, he was asked if there were any meetings. Because a big concern is that meetings are held inside the jail.
00:34 When the question was asked, what was his answer?
00:37 You are standing firmly. It took four months.
00:42 There are some meetings inside the jail.
00:44 The beginning is different, the end is different.
00:46 Parvez Alahi is saying that there are no meetings. We saw that he was arrested. He was taken to Islamabad.
00:56 Islamabad police tweeted. What did they say in the tweet?
01:00 They said that Parvez Alahi has been arrested on the orders of the district magistrate under three MPOs.
01:06 He is being transferred to jail.
01:09 The tweets of Islamabad police are a case study. Does the police in any other country tweet so fast in these cases?
01:19 The Islamabad police and Punjab police have made a big case in many cases.
01:25 When these questions will be raised in the courts, there will be a discussion of these Twitter accounts.
01:31 Parvez Alahi is among those people who have been arrested several times in the past few weeks.
01:39 Where did this whole matter start?
01:41 Parvez Alahi was first arrested on 1st June 2023 for taking kickbacks in progressive plans.
01:49 On 2nd June, his case is discharged.
01:52 And after that, he is arrested again the next day.
01:56 The pressure is that he should hold a press conference. He says that he will not hold a press conference.
02:02 That is why he is arrested in the second case and transferred to Gujranwala.
02:06 Then we see that on 11th July, Lahore's Banking Court accepts Parvez Alahi's request for bail.
02:13 And gives him relief again. But still he is not released and he is kept under arrest again.
02:19 And in this case, the High Court has said that if anything happens to Parvez Alahi, then IG will be responsible for it.
02:29 But despite the court's clear order, he is not released.
02:33 On 16th July, he is issued a formal notification to close his eyes for a month.
02:38 During this time, when he gets relief from the courts, he is not released.
02:42 He is arrested in more notifications, more cases, in alternate cases.
02:49 On 14th August, when his detention period ends, he is arrested again.
02:56 And this time, he is arrested on kickbacks in progressive plans on corruption.
03:04 Apart from Parvez Alahi, there are many other cases.
03:08 I will talk to my guests and ask them, people say that such situations have happened before.
03:13 Have they seen such repeated arrests, release, arrests, releases in their legal careers?
03:20 There are many other PTI agents who have been granted this honor.
03:23 For example, Chaudhary Parvez Alahi has been arrested only four times.
03:26 But he is not a topper in this category.
03:30 Ali Muhammad Khan has been arrested eight times.
03:33 And when he got relief from the courts, he is now roaming around like a free man.
03:38 Sheryara Freedi is arrested three times.
03:41 Shiri Mazari Sahiba is arrested five times.
03:43 And this was over the span of three days.
03:45 She is arrested five times.
03:47 Malika Bukhari Sahiba is arrested twice.
03:50 And after that, I saw that those people who left the parties, they are out today.
03:55 Those who did not leave the parties, except Ali Muhammad Khan, are in jail now.
04:01 The order of MPs under which she was arrested, there were very clear instructions from the Islamabad High Court.
04:07 Judge Babar Sattar, when there was the Shandana Gulzar case and the Sheryara Freedi case,
04:13 he gave very clear remarks, there was a very clear decision on this.
04:15 He said that the court declares this order as a 'Kaladam' and then a new MBO order comes.
04:22 The report of the special branch is just a joke.
04:25 Where is that notification on which Sheryara Freedi has been arrested?
04:28 The order of arrest was issued later and the arrest was done earlier.
04:32 How can a person be arrested while in jail?
04:36 So, we do not know in the case of Pravez Ali Sahib that under three MPs,
04:40 what he did in the last two and a half months in jail, due to which the peace of Islamabad has been ruined.
04:46 He is 77 years old.
04:48 The only question is that if he does the press conference today, then all these matters will be over.
04:53 His problem will be over.
04:55 And the way the court is being disobeyed,
05:01 then what will be the trust left on justice and police?
05:06 We will talk about this in the first part of the program.
05:08 Jahangir Jidoon Sahib, a law expert, is present with us.
05:10 Shabaz Khosa Sahib, a lawyer is also present.
05:13 Today I saw that Senior Khosa Sahib was present in the car from where Pravez Ali Sahib was arrested.
05:20 It was very disgraceful. He was dragged by a 77-year-old man.
05:25 What kind of traditions are we setting?
05:27 And how will we pay for this?
05:29 Jidoon Sahib, first of all, tell us about the case of three MPs.
05:32 A person who has been in custody for two and a half months,
05:36 sometimes in the court,
05:37 after the order of the Lahore High Court, he is taken to Islamabad in a helicopter.
05:42 Very VIP service, very VIP treatment.
05:45 He is a very lucky prisoner.
05:47 MPOs law was introduced in 1960.
05:53 In the PLD 2003 Supreme Court, page no. 442, the parameters of this have been set by the Supreme Court.
06:00 If you retain someone in an MPO, what will be the parameters?
06:04 They said that the material is more reasonable than that.
06:08 Consider that there is a threat to us.
06:10 He is inciting us.
06:11 Or preventive detention is necessary for this.
06:14 He wants to create a situation of law and order in the society.
06:17 Secondly, he said that if there is not even one ground of satisfaction,
06:22 then the whole case will go.
06:23 That means you have given grounds, one, two, three,
06:25 this person is a threat, he will incite,
06:28 he wants to create unrest in the society,
06:30 he is related to a group.
06:32 If not even one of those grounds is valid, then the whole case will go.
06:36 Then after that, there is another ground,
06:38 if there is a privileged document,
06:40 like you said, special reports are made by agencies.
06:42 They said that the court will look at that privileged document
06:45 and that privileged document can also be kept secret from the court.
06:48 It will also see what is there in it,
06:51 on which a mind has been applied by the district magistrate.
06:54 That power is with the district magistrate,
06:56 he issues a detention order for a person.
06:58 So as you said in the intro, there are a lot of things left to say.
07:02 Now there were different cases in Islamabad.
07:04 The case you gave as a reference,
07:06 the district magistrate asked how you made the order.
07:09 He said that he made the order on the police report.
07:12 He said that you have applied your mind on this.
07:15 If the police ask you to arrest this person,
07:17 you have to apply your mind.
07:19 Then in that case, there was a contempt issue,
07:22 both the SSP and the Deputy Commissioner,
07:24 that you have issued a show-case,
07:27 they replied to that,
07:29 then they said that they are not satisfied with this show-case notice,
07:32 now they have to reply again.
07:34 So that is why, a double responsibility,
07:36 whether it is the NAB case or the MPO case,
07:39 the most important responsibility is on the prosecuting agency,
07:42 and the person who made that order.
07:44 But that is under the government's jurisdiction.
07:47 But I want to ask about MP3O.
07:49 In Islamabad, the allegation of 'Nax-e-Aman' has been put.
07:52 What is the problem in Islamabad?
07:54 And where did MP3O come from?
07:56 When the district magistrate gives this order,
07:58 he mentions the ground in it.
08:00 For example, Parvez Dalai says that,
08:02 he is in Lahore, this is a prism.
08:04 Now, I am not saying that he is doing any favor to anyone,
08:07 or against anyone.
08:08 It is a factual thing.
08:09 He has been in jail for 2.5 months.
08:11 He has also said that he should satisfy a reasonable person.
08:14 Now, a person is in jail,
08:16 that is your failure.
08:18 For example, if he has an incitement,
08:20 he has a phone available,
08:22 what all things does he have,
08:24 with which he can incite?
08:26 If he has, then it is the negligence of the jail administration.
08:28 Then it is the weakness of the government.
08:30 What facility did he give him to incite people?
08:32 If he is giving a threat to MP3O,
08:34 then he is not able to stop him.
08:36 This is your charge sheet.
08:38 What are you doing in 2.5 months?
