Why WWE Vs AEW PPV Will Never Happen

  • last year
Simon predicts whether the real forbidden door will ever be opened!


00:00 Why am I even doing this video?
00:02 Do you know what happens to me when I go outside these days?
00:06 It's not fun, people call me an asshole.
00:13 Leave me alone, alright?
00:14 Leave me alone.
00:15 See?
00:16 And I'm not going to pretend it doesn't bother me.
00:17 Words hurt.
00:18 But yes, the idea of a WWE and AEW pay-per-view was actually discussed this week by none other
00:23 than Tony Khan after he was asked about it when he appeared on the Ringer podcast.
00:27 And this is one of the reasons that I love this man.
00:30 You can throw any kind of question at him and he will entertain it in an interesting
00:35 manner because he said, and I quote, "I'm not sure if that's going to happen, but I
00:38 would be open to talking about that type of thing.
00:42 It's not crazy, but it's a bold prediction."
00:45 So there's a man who has remembered you never say never at wrestling.
00:48 I am not a smart-o, obviously.
00:51 Look at me.
00:52 So I am saying there will never be a WWE and AEW joint pay-per-view.
00:57 Here's why.
00:58 Now the first problem is that neither side would be able to agree on what they were going
01:09 to call it.
01:10 I mean, WWE would be going premium live event and AEW would be going pay-per-view.
01:14 So before we even got the damn thing off the ground, everybody would be bickering.
01:18 On a more serious note though, it's actually because Vince McMahon, if you can believe
01:23 it, had been offered this before with basically no strings attached and Vince turned around
01:29 and said no.
01:30 I am of course talking about WCW and while we got a kind of version of that in 2001,
01:34 but that doesn't count, this all goes back to the days when Jim Hurd was running World
01:38 Championship Wrestling and because he was more business focused than he was wrestling
01:42 focused he thought, "Well I know how we can make a ton of money.
01:45 Why don't we do WWF versus WCW?"
01:48 As we know, McMahon does not think this way though and the WWF has to beat everybody else
01:53 up so even though Hurd said to him, "Vinny, I will let you have full control", meaning
02:00 that Vince McMahon could decide on all the wins and all the losses, he was still all
02:04 like, "It's a negatory, buddy."
02:05 So all of his guys could have gone over, they could have won in about 8.2 seconds, although
02:09 I'm sure they would have chatted that one out, but just because once again he wants
02:13 those three initials to be bigger than everything else and he wouldn't degrade himself by teaming
02:18 up with someone else, he wouldn't do it.
02:20 Now this was 30 years ago, but go and watch the WWE product today, do you really think
02:25 much has changed?
02:26 And I would say the answer is no.
02:28 Even though we are in 2022, if McMahon could have it his way he would still go around and
02:34 crush everybody into dust while shouting, "Well it's not my fault, it's just what's
02:38 good for the industry."
02:39 I mean it would be awesome, but let's say we now put Tony Khan and Vince McMahon in
02:42 the same room with this mentality in mind, do you really think there's going to be a
02:46 conversation where it's like, "Oh, maybe Kenny Omega can go over Roman Reigns, or
02:50 Wardlow can beat Randy Orton?"
02:52 Of course there's not.
02:53 Now I'm getting excited thinking about it, because I'm a mega nerd, especially with
02:56 the Cody Rhodes tie-in, oh my gosh, that would be incredible.
03:00 Sometimes you've got to be a negative Nancy and I just can't see it going down.
03:03 So I am sorry to be the pallbearer of bad news, but there is more evidence for this,
03:07 because actually in 1990, WWF did change their minds and they said, "Oh hey, old Japan,
03:13 hey new Japan, why don't we do a mega show?"
03:15 And this went down in the Tokyo Dome, and it was a success, but honestly, when you go
03:19 and read about what happened before and what happened afterwards, well it was a little
03:24 bit of a mess.
03:25 The twist is, the event itself was actually alright, although you did get lots of stuff,
03:28 like the WWF Champion, The Ultimate Warrior, taking on Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar
03:33 Man, because once again they couldn't come to an agreement here, so we just had WWF matches.
03:38 This did balance out though, because Hulk Hogan defeated Stan Hanson, Tenryu beat Randy
03:43 Savage and Bret Hart went to a draw with none other than Tiger Mask.
03:47 So this was like Christmas, it was so crazy, but again, everything around it just left
03:52 all parties to go, "No, I don't want to do it again."
03:54 We still did get another relationship with another Japanese company, this time Super
03:57 World of Sports, but they were so small compared to the WWF, they weren't going to kick off,
04:03 so once again Vince McMahon knew he had all the power, and it was different because he
04:08 wanted to grow his brand in the East.
04:10 And yes, for the geeks amongst you, like my good self, it was on one of the year's events
04:19 when Katow was wrestling Earthquake and halfway through the match just told everyone, "Oh
04:24 yeah, by the way, wrestling's fake", and then he tried to shoot on John Tenter.
04:28 If you don't know that story, Google it right now, it's going to blow your mind.
04:32 Zoom forward a few years and it did kind of happen again, we had an exception because
04:35 ECW guys started turning up on Raw, but when you read about this, one, McMahon basically
04:41 saw them as a developmental territory, and two, he thought they were no threat whatsoever
04:47 and actually it would benefit to him because he could send his young up and coming stars
04:51 to go and get some work.
04:52 It also meant you had the likes of Taz and RVD going the other way, but every single
04:56 time they made an appearance, they've talked about this, they had their backs up because
05:00 they felt like everybody else was just going to bury them.
05:03 Does that sound like a good working relationship?
05:05 No.
05:06 And even when you get two parties that are happy to work with each other, such as Ring
05:09 of Honor and New Japan, which was a pretty successful relationship for a long time, there
05:14 are still issues.
05:15 Do you remember that Madison Square Garden show in 2019?
05:19 Believe you me, when it came to officials, not everyone was happy.
05:21 And this extended out to fans as well, because we all remember the conversation of people
05:25 going, "Oh man, well this match went too long, and why was that match there?"
05:29 And again, it was because people were going tit for tat, because they wanted to make sure
05:33 that their promotion didn't look like a pile of crap.
05:36 Obviously since then, AEW and NJPW have smashed it with things like Forbidden Door and a bunch
05:40 of surprise appearances, but you could also make the debate that maybe, just maybe, if
05:45 New Japan hadn't been really damaged by the pandemic, they never would have done this.
05:49 And even if Vince McMahon was in the same boat, he would rather sink his ship than reach
05:54 out for some help.
05:55 Meaning if he does get moved to one side, which probably should happen by the time you
05:59 are seeing this, I think there's such a culture that just run through the hallways of world
06:04 wrestling entertainment, that even the successor would be like, "No, we're above these jabrones,
06:10 we do our own thing."
06:11 I mean it'd be like Disney reaching out to Netflix.
06:13 It's not going to happen.
06:14 And do not get me wrong, I want this to happen more than anything in my entire life, to the
06:20 point I've sat down and thought about it, and I have come up with a 10 match card that
06:25 I'm going to share with you right now.
06:26 Number 1 - The New Day vs The Young Bucks.
06:28 Number 2 - Drew McIntyre vs Wardlow.
06:31 Number 3 - Thunder Rosa vs Sasha Banks.
06:33 Wink wink nudge nudge, maybe happening soon.
06:35 Number 4 - Roman Reigns vs Kenny Omae.
06:38 Number 5 - John Moxley vs Seth Rollins, because I'm that guy.
06:41 Number 6 - The Street Profits vs The Lucha Brothers.
06:43 Number 7 - Hangman Adam Page, and I mean it, vs Baron Corbin.
06:47 Number 8 - Becky Lynch vs Britt Baker.
06:49 Number 9 - AJ Styles vs MJF.
06:53 And Number 10 - Orange Cassidy vs Sami Zayn.
06:57 So that's a good way to finish.
06:58 You're now flipping out in the comments saying "Simon, how could you not mention this person,
07:03 and how could you not mention this match?"
07:04 That's the whole point, man.
07:06 Bro.
07:07 Dude.
07:08 Lady.
07:09 Kid.
07:10 Auntie.
07:11 I want to stoke your fires, and I want you to get commenting.
07:13 It's called being on YouTube.
07:15 Now please do leave a comment below and let us know, seriously, what do you think about
07:18 this?
07:19 Could we ever see a WWE vs AEW PPV, a joint one where they're both working together, and
07:24 if so, what should be the card, and also, what should be the win percentage?
07:28 Because you'd have to imagine it's going to have to be 50% one side, and 50% the other
07:32 side, and how the flub do you get away with that?
07:35 Then make sure you like the video, share the video, and subscribe.
07:37 Head over to whatculture.com where you can read yourself some articles, and make sure
07:40 you come follow us on social media @whatculturewwe and @simonat316, and look, we've got a ton
07:45 of videos like this where we're just trying to have fun.
07:49 Don't take it too seriously, because that's not the point.
07:51 Go check them out.
07:52 My name is Simon from What Culture, thank you for joining me as always, and I will say,
07:55 given that we did bring up the Invasion briefly, I actually think you would get a better show
08:00 when you have separate company and separate company, because the problem when WCW was
08:04 folded into WWE was that for the last five or six years, WWE fans have been told, "WCW
08:11 is a pile of crap.
08:13 If those guys came over here, we'd whoop them."
08:15 So when it was time to pull the trigger, they didn't have anybody in their corner, so they
08:20 got whooped.
08:21 If you had someone like a Tony Khan, he could be like, "No, I'm going to put in some protection
08:25 here."
08:26 Well, you take my point.
08:28 But again, I wouldn't hold your breath, mostly because you'll die.
