Daniel Of Sweden On Illness: "It's Terrible Not To Be Healthy"

  • last year
In February 2009, Prince Daniel became engaged to Princess Victoria of Sweden, followed two months later by his organ transplant. Now he talks about his illness.
00:00 For his upcoming 50th birthday on September 15th, Prince Daniel gives a very private interview.
00:07 Swedish journalist Carina Bergfeld had the chance to ask him questions.
00:12 He doesn't mince his words and talks about his marriage to Princess Victoria, but also about his kidney disease.
00:19 More open than ever, he shares details on his illness.
00:24 Princess Victoria's husband has suffered from a serious kidney disease since childhood.
00:30 In 2009, the year he got engaged, he had to undergo a transplant.
00:36 It was announced in February that he and Victoria were getting married, and in May he had to undergo kidney surgery.
00:43 The donor was his father Algunar Westling.
00:47 Before the surgery, he felt sick but thankfully felt better right after.
00:52 "I don't notice it today, any more than you take medicine every day for the kidney to thrive."
00:58 Today he is grateful that there was never a setback after the transplant.
01:03 The prince has to take medication every day to keep his replacement kidney working.
01:09 The incident shaped the former fitness trainer and he has been the owner of an organ donor card ever since.
01:15 "I was lucky, there are hundreds of people waiting in line to get an organ."
01:20 With the organ donor card, he wants to be a role model for many Swedes.
01:25 Daniel was very lucky, but he is well aware.
01:29 "This stress, it's terrible not to be healthy and then have to wait year after year."
01:35 Some do not survive because of the wait for their organ, says Daniel.
01:40 [Music]
