Billionaire’s bid to remake Mumbai slum spurs doubts

  • last year
Indian billionaire Gautam Adani's plan to rehouse a million people living in one of Asia's biggest slums is fueling worries among residents about his capacity to deliver.



00:00 The Dharavi slum in India's Mumbai is home to one million people, making it one of the
00:07 world's biggest.
00:08 It has a complicated history, dating back to the 1800s.
00:13 Now a plan to overhaul the area is causing residents to get jittery about what the future
00:19 holds and where they fit into it.
00:23 You might recognize Dharavi from the Oscar-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire.
00:28 The slum is known for producing leather goods and many residents run small businesses out
00:33 of their homes.
00:35 At the helm of plans to redevelop Dharavi into a modern city hub are Indian billionaire
00:41 Gautam Adani and the Adani Group.
00:44 In July, the state government approved his $614 million contract bid to overhaul the
00:50 slum after years of failed attempts.
00:54 The Adani Group says it will demolish what it describes in legal documents as an area
00:58 of unhygienic, deplorable conditions and build new towers on state-owned land to accommodate
01:05 residents and their businesses.
01:07 Adani stands to make billions from the project.
01:11 Residents worry the redevelopment will take away their livelihoods.
01:16 We also want to live in a bigger house.
01:18 However, we are scared that the tailoring business we are running here, whether it will
01:22 be able to grow or not.
01:27 The overhaul will come with free homes, but only for those who lived here before 2000.
01:34 About 700,000 residents are considered ineligible and will be offered units up to six miles
01:41 away.
01:42 That could require them to pay upfront costs or higher rents.
01:47 The project comes at a tumultuous time for Adani, who has acknowledged the project presents
01:52 colossal challenges.
01:55 He was considered the world's third richest person until January, when allegations by
02:00 a U.S. short-seller of improper dealings wiped $150 billion off his group's market valuations.
02:08 In interviews with Reuters, some Darra V residents said the billionaire's financial troubles
02:13 contributed to their mistrust, with some wondering where they would go if the project fell apart.
02:20 A fresh threat to the project is a legal challenge from rival bidder SecLink Technologies Corporation.
02:27 It alleges that an original 2018 tender was improperly canceled and restarted with new
02:33 terms last year so that Adani could win, according to court papers reviewed by Reuters.
02:39 The current state government and Adani are contesting the case.
02:43 For more information, visit
