反对中国新版地图纳入东马海域 外长:将提出抗议照会

  • last year
八点最热报 | 中国近期公布2023年版标准地图,将东马沙巴和砂拉越附近大部分海域纳入其管辖范围,引起大马抗议反对。外交部长赞比里今日表示,大马会依照惯例,将向中国发出抗议照会(protest note),但并未提及何时向中国移交抗议信。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:04 The Ministry of Natural Resources of China announced the 2023 Standard Map on Monday.
00:09 The new map covers areas in Taiwan, the South China Sea Pearl Island, and areas with border disputes with India.
00:16 China's South China Sea sovereignty area is also overlapping with the exclusive economic zone along the Polo Island, Sabah and the Sarawak coast.
00:26 After the announcement of this new map, neighboring countries, including the Philippines and India, have come out to protest,
00:32 accusing China of not following the rules.
00:34 This action will only make the border issue more complicated.
00:39 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also issued a statement yesterday,
00:43 saying that Malaysia does not recognize the 2023 Standard Map of China.
00:49 This map has no binding force on the Malaysia.
00:53 The statement states that, as the Malaysian government has always argued against the South China Sea issue and the watersheds,
01:00 Malaysia opposes any country's claim to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of our watersheds.
01:06 At the same time, it also believes that the South China Sea issue is a complex and sensitive issue,
01:11 and needs to be dealt with in a peaceful and rational manner,
01:14 including by international law.
01:19 Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Zan Bili, further stated that
01:22 the Malaysian government will issue a statement in accordance with the tradition,
01:25 indicating that the Malaysia government will not take any action against the issue.
01:33 However, Zan Bili did not say when he would submit a letter of protest to China.
01:38 (Music)
01:42 (Music)
