• 2 years ago
For Marisol Rivera, a first generation Mexican-American, college is everything she's worked toward. She spent mornings c | dG1fWmlnZ1VUQVlJUFU
00:00 Hi, I was hoping to confirm my college admission interview tomorrow.
00:04 Name?
00:05 Marisol Rivera.
00:06 What is this?
00:13 You did it!
00:15 Oh my god, congratulations Riha!
00:18 She won the grand, Jaime.
00:20 Oh my god, there's a party at the lot tonight.
00:22 We gotta go, celebrate your money!
00:24 And what about my tia?
00:25 Just tell her you're studying later.
00:27 Fine.
00:30 Does Marisol Rivera live here?
00:32 Marisol? What is this about?
00:34 I'm officer Hector Ramirez.
00:36 There was an incident at a party she attended.
00:38 This guy bothering you?
00:40 Look, we're fine. Just go.
00:42 Mr. Brooks.
00:47 You apprehended her?
00:48 No.
00:49 I'm gonna press charges.
00:51 What the hell was that all about, Jaime?
00:52 You say my fault, mom.
00:53 Oh, it's not your fault.
00:54 It's not your fault.
00:55 What the hell was that all about, Jaime?
00:56 You say my fault, mom.
00:57 Oh, it's not your fault.
00:58 Where is she?
00:59 Marisol?
01:01 Are you okay, Mari?
01:03 I'm illegal.
01:06 I have a friend who can help.
01:08 When you get to the next stop, you'll get new instructions.
01:13 Stop. No, no, no. I have my interview tomorrow.
01:15 I think I should go back.
01:16 Mari, no!
01:17 You've got money and a phone.
01:19 It's going to be okay.
01:22 [car alarm]
01:24 So where are you going from here, Marisol?
01:32 What's your plan?
01:33 Somebody call an ambulance!
01:35 Someone help me!
01:36 Marisol, let me help you.
01:38 Please, let me help you.
01:43 [screaming]
01:44 [music]
01:47 [crunching]
01:49 [music]
01:51 (music)
