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Nandor Fodor And The Talking Mongoose Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Simon Pegg, Minnie Driver, and Christopher Lloyd star in this wildly entertaining adventurebased on a (possibly) true tale set in 1935 London. When famed paranormal psychologist Dr.Nandor Fodor (Pegg) investigates a family's claims of a talking animal, he uncovers amysterious web of hidden motives. Soon, everyone becomes a suspect in Dr. Fodor'srelentless pursuit of the truth.

Director Adam Sigal
Writers Adam Sigal
Actors Simon Pegg, Minnie Driver, Christopher Lloyd, Neil Gaiman
Genre Comedy
Run Time 1 hour 36 minutes
00:00 [silence]
00:07 I am Dr. Nandor Fodor.
00:09 The world's foremost parapsychologist.
00:12 I am not a skeptic.
00:14 This is the strangest case I have ever encountered.
00:18 A family living in a farmhouse claim a talking mongoose lives in their barn.
00:23 The creature's name is Jeff.
00:25 What do you think about that?
00:27 [silence]
00:31 A talking mongoose.
00:33 The Irving family are peculiar.
00:36 Did you observe this creature?
00:38 No.
00:39 No.
00:40 I did hear it.
00:41 We are going to the Isle of Man.
00:43 I have almost 20 years of research in this field.
00:46 [music]
00:48 You're here to see Jeff.
00:49 Is the creature here?
00:50 Well, because we can't see him, doesn't mean he ain't here.
00:53 I see.
00:55 [music]
00:56 The daughter is a ventriloquist.
00:59 Dr. Fodor has a tremendous skepticism.
01:02 Indeed.
01:03 [music]
01:04 This is an inexplicable farce.
01:07 I'd say the way Rascal's probably watching us right now.
01:10 Everybody on this island has their Jeff story.
01:13 Tell me yours.
01:14 You and I both know there ain't no Jeff.
01:17 [music]
01:22 Girlie speak, please speak.
01:24 Can you tell him to come out so we can see him?
01:27 [screech]
01:28 Is that him there?
01:30 What is the Irving's motive?
01:32 Don't strike me as con artist.
01:34 [music]
01:36 We hear with our eyes as much as we do our ears.
01:39 These people are lying.
01:41 I think he exists.
01:42 I'm certain of it.
01:43 [music]
01:44 Just show yourself.
01:46 I mean you no harm.
01:47 Please.
01:49 Jeff!
01:51 Just show me that you're real.
01:53 [music]
01:54 [phone ringing]
01:56 Dr. Fodor, there's a call for you.
01:59 It's from him.
02:03 Hello?
02:05 Tomorrow.
02:06 [music]
02:08 Tomorrow I shall let you see me.
02:14 [music]
02:20 [music]