• 2 years ago
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Laurène (N'oubliez pas les paroles) avantagée grâce à son poste à la Sacem ? Elle nous répond

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA


00:00 [Typing]
00:02 [Popping]
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00:08 [Speaking French]
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00:19 [Speaking French]
00:21 [Speaking French]
00:23 The Master with 101,000 euros in the bank, employed at the SACEM, answered our questions.
00:31 The competition of the Masters is back. The 32 greatest Masters in Nagi's game will
00:39 face each other in the hope of reaching the top spot.
00:42 But before that, a preliminary round is organized. The production of "Don't Forget the Words"
00:50 gives the opportunity to the 8 best Masters of the year to participate in the competition,
00:56 even if they are not part of the top of the ranking.
00:58 Only one of these candidates will have the chance to join the Masters, if he also succeeds
01:06 in defeating the 32nd greatest Master, also in the bottom of the list to access the competition.
01:11 Monday, Melody and Joe launched the competition and Ciesti the latter who ceased to impose.
01:20 But the competition is far from over. This Tuesday, August 29, Ciesti around Lorenda
01:30 faced Aurore. The 30-year-old employee at the SACEM had won 101,000 euros in 30 victories
01:38 in May. Could his work help him for the competition? She answers us.
01:45 Lorene can't wait to participate in the Master 2023 of "Don't Forget the Words"
01:54 What state of mind are you in for this preliminary round of the Masters? Lorene, impatient.
02:00 I was excited to see some candidates again that I was able to meet and get to know the others.
02:09 I knew we were going to have a great day and then we have a lot of fun.
02:16 We go through a lot of emotions, but we take a lot of pleasure.
02:23 How did you revise? Finally between my first passage and the tournament announcement,
02:32 very little time had passed. I tried to learn a few songs like that quickly,
02:40 see what I had already seen, but it was mostly to reassure me.
02:43 I just had to trust myself, Ciesti always says that the most complicated.
02:53 My method will really depend on the type of song.
03:00 That is to say that there are those that we must know by heart, so those, I will either recite them to me
03:06 in karaoke, or if it's a song a little difficult and I'm going to do it with karaoke.
03:15 The others, I tend to recite them in my head a little.
03:22 I take my notebook again, because I have them all written down, and I read them again.
03:29 I also train with friends who have created an application for the game.
03:36 You work at the SACEM, do you have easier access to the lyrics of the songs? Not at all.
03:45 We have no access to the lyrics at all and I think there are specific requests to make to be able to see them.
03:54 It is not at all in free access. We have a database, but which does not list the lyrics at all.
04:03 I have the names of the authors, but it is very limited in the end.
04:09 So no, it was absolutely useless to me and Ciesti is very sad.
04:17 I can potentially come back next year, I hope Lorraine will have her preliminary round before you are a new teacher,
04:24 did you have time to sympathize with the other teachers before the master's preliminary round?
04:29 I had the pleasure of having messages from some great teachers who came to congratulate me, who were looking at me.
04:38 After I became friends with Frank who is a great teacher.
04:44 He, Ciesti different since he followed almost all my journey, whether it is revisions to the TV pass.
04:54 After I knew others like Manon and Charlotte.
05:00 I had the opportunity to talk to several of them and it was always very kind and very benevolent messages.
05:09 Do you have a goal for these masters? No, I have no goal of gain.
05:17 The dream I have, it is not even a goal, it is to say, OK, I am in the preliminary round, so Ciesti cool.
05:29 I can potentially come back next year and the following years.
05:36 I am more in the optics of coming back on the set and having a good time.
05:43 Ciesti a little unreal.
05:49 [Music]
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05:59 [Music]
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06:38 (upbeat music)
