4 Mountain Lion Encounters You Should Never See (Part 3)

  • last year


00:00 These four frightening mountain lion encounters could honestly cause you to become paranoid of the outdoors.
00:07 Number four.
00:09 In Western Canada, a terrified dog owner stood in the safety of his house as both his dogs, unfortunately, attempted to fight off an aggressive mountain lion.
00:21 At first, the predator seems to be investigating the property while the brave husky does its absolute best to fight it off.
00:30 Clearly unfazed by the dog, the cougar continues to roam around the driveway when a large German shepherd decides to join the fight.
00:51 [dog barking]
00:59 [speaking German]
01:01 Now being continuously circled by these two brave dogs, the mountain lion appears to become increasingly desperate for a way out.
01:11 [dog barking]
01:14 [dramatic music]
01:17 The man stops recording and the outcome, sadly, remains unknown.
01:22 Number two.
01:24 In Yosemite National Park, a very unlucky man was unfortunately caught in the middle of an intense confrontation between an aggressive coyote and a mountain lion.
01:36 While walking down a path, he hears coyote screams in the distance and decides to follow the noise.
01:43 [dog barking]
01:54 Eventually, he spots one not too far away that weirdly appears to be barking at nothing.
02:01 As it begins running around the valley, he tries to follow it around with his camera when he finally finds out what it's been barking at this whole time.
02:13 [dog barking]
02:26 Seemingly trying to avoid a fight, the cougar remains in the tree for a few more minutes, but eventually gets fed up and decides to jump down towards the coyote.
02:38 [dog barking]
02:44 [dramatic music]
02:50 [beep]
02:51 For the next few minutes, the man stands there filming the mountain lion on top of the gate as the relentless coyote keeps trying to find a way up.
03:05 [dramatic music]
03:10 [beep]
03:12 Eventually, with the cougar refusing to get down from the fence, the coyote simply walks back towards its pack and the man proceeds to stop recording altogether.
03:24 Number one.
03:26 On a beautiful day in Nebraska, a group of men went out on a deer hunting expedition that unfortunately didn't quite go as expected.
03:37 After a few hours of walking around, they eventually stop in the middle of the forest due to spotting what appears to be a deer laying down in the distance.
03:47 Well, we're walking through these oaks, and I could have swore I just saw the butt of a deer.
03:53 It just moved.
03:55 You see this?
03:57 [dramatic music]
03:59 After getting to look at it for many minutes, one of the men unfortunately mentions the possibility that it might not be just a deer.
04:08 Dude, that's a freaking mountain lion.
04:11 [dramatic music]
04:13 It is.
04:14 It's a mountain lion.
04:16 It's a big one too.
04:18 That's no small cat.
04:20 Ready?
04:21 Yeah, what are you going to do?
04:23 As a safety measure for the rest of the day, they decide to get their courage together and yell at the cougar to scare it off.
04:31 Hey!
04:32 Hey, cat!
04:34 [dramatic music]
04:36 Hey!
04:37 It's just standing there looking at us.
04:40 You're a good boy.
04:43 Thankfully, the predator doesn't get angry and simply walks off in the opposite direction, leaving them both standing there in utter disbelief.
04:54 Thanks for watching until the end.
04:56 Check out this other video that is sure to give you the chills.
05:00 I'll see you there.
