30 Times African Safari Trips Went Horribly Wrong

  • last year


00:00 of a lifetime after a horrifying leopard attack.
00:05 The clip begins with Richard Jones, a cameraman for BBC's "Spy in the Wild" series, attempting
00:11 to track a pack of wild dogs.
00:14 After a long time of scouting, the camera crew eventually spots a pack of dogs antagonizing
00:20 an enormous and angry male leopard.
00:23 A male leopard.
00:26 "Richard senses trouble."
00:33 The large animal proceeds to climb the trees to avoid the wild dogs, but just as they thought
00:38 it was over, the leopard looks at the crew and does this.
00:42 "Then it happens."
00:45 "Okay."
00:46 "Hey!
00:47 Go away!
00:48 Why?"
00:49 The cameraman drops the camera out of fear, but due to Richard's experience and quick
00:57 thinking, the crew managed to get out of this encounter alive.
01:02 On a nice evening in Zimbabwe, a group of tourists on a carriage had an encounter with
01:08 a young male lion that didn't quite go as planned.
01:13 While peacefully riding through the safari, one of the men spots a lion in the distance
01:19 that unfortunately appears to be heading towards them.
01:23 "Oh my gosh."
01:26 "It's coming faster!"
01:29 "Oh my gosh, there's a lion chasing us!"
01:36 With the lion refusing to give up, the terrified tourists decide to pick up the speed in hopes
01:42 to lose the animal.
01:43 "Yes, go, go, go.
01:44 He's slowing down."
01:45 "Oh, I'm so scared."
01:52 Eventually, they pick up enough speed where they manage to lose sight of the animal and
01:57 are able to safely go on with their ride.
02:03 What was supposed to be a normal encounter with an elephant quickly turned horrifying
02:07 after it decided to ruin these tourists' trip to Kruger National Park.
02:13 At the beginning of the video, a convoy can be seen trying to get past a giant elephant
02:18 blocking the road.
02:20 Moments later, the elephant proceeds to go off the road and into the grass, giving space
02:25 for the first car to drive off while the others decide to stay.
02:39 As the animal walks further from the road, the second and third vehicles decide to drive
02:44 off thinking that it is already safe to move forward.
02:47 While driving past the elephant, the unexpected happens after the giant and unpredictable
02:53 animal decides to do this horrifying thing.
03:00 Unfortunately, the clip ends prematurely, leaving the status of both the human and elephant
03:13 unknown.
03:16 Right off the bat, an enormous hippo can already be seen charging towards the tourists at the
03:22 beginning of this shocking encounter.
03:24 Naturally, the driver starts to speed away, hoping to escape the animal in time and ensure
03:30 the safety of his passengers.
03:32 Too bad for them, hippos can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour in a snap, which
03:37 leads to this happening.
03:49 After the charge, the animal quickly flees in the opposite direction as the tourists
03:54 process what just happened.
04:06 It's probably safe to say that the tourists learned a very valuable lesson that day.
04:14 Tourists in Medicue private game lodge came across a terrifying sight after they caught
04:19 an extremely protective mother leopard off guard.
04:29 The heart racing video picks up with the leopard bluff charging and threatening the tourists
04:41 recording it from afar.
04:42 As they record the animal, despite it being aggressive, they eventually get the scare
04:44 of a lifetime after it does this.
04:53 Luckily, after a minute and a half encounter, the predator eventually loses interest in
05:02 the tourists and proceeds to back off into the bushes.
05:07 The idyllic river safari of Chobe suddenly became hostile after a group of tourists got
05:14 too close to an elephant, agitating it and triggering an unfortunate turn of events.
05:20 The video opens with a boat filled with tourists approaching an elephant half submerged in
05:26 the river as the tourists take pictures and videos of the animal.
05:31 The boat does not stop drifting towards the animal, eventually getting close enough to
05:36 the elephant, unsettling and upsetting it, making it do something extremely terrifying.
05:52 After the large animals charge, the group stands their ground, which adds fuel to the
05:58 fire, angering the elephant more, leaving it with no choice but to do this.
06:15 Bashing the boat several times, the tourists become terrified, which eventually makes the
06:21 tour guides steer the boat in another direction, away from the aggressive tusker.
06:36 Fortunately for them, the animal does not pursue the tourists, ending the encounter.
06:43 A South African safari, a group of tourists thought it'd be a good idea to park their
06:48 car right next to a group of lions trying to relax.
06:53 Unfortunately, they quickly regret their decision after getting the attention of one of the
06:58 more curious lions.
07:16 Still in utter shock, they now, thankfully, decide to lock their doors and proceed to
07:22 drive away before anything else occurs.
07:27 A sunny day in Valewater, South Africa, these men had their enjoyable safari ride take a
07:33 truly unpredictable turn when they got charged by a furious hippo.
07:39 Before anything, they begin recording when they notice the curious animal slowly approaching
07:44 their car from the road behind them.
07:55 Not expecting much to go wrong, they attempt to continue their unusual observation while
08:00 they have the chance, when things very suddenly go south.
08:13 Luckily for them, they gain sufficient speed where the animal gives up on the chase and
08:18 they continue driving away altogether.
08:23 Kalanisberg National Park, a group of tourists and their safari guide had a dangerously close
08:29 call with a dangerous elephant and the outcome is terrifying.
08:34 The clip starts out with the explorers and their tour guides calmly observing a giraffe
08:39 in the distance from the safety of their bus.
08:42 Out of nowhere though, an elephant emerges from the bushes and after taking an interest
08:48 in the tour bus, the animal makes a beeline for it.
09:05 On reaching the vehicle, the humongous mammal starts circling it, walking from one end to
09:11 the other and sizing up the tourists.
09:27 Moments later, the elephant decides that it has had enough and starts to walk away.
09:31 However, in a surprising turn of events, the beast returns and does this.
09:52 Noticing that things are getting out of hand, the bus driver immediately moves the vehicle,
09:57 abruptly ending the encounter.
10:01 In Kruger National Park, a few tourists in a car felt comfortable enough to drive right
10:07 next to a huge male lion trying to mind its own business.
10:13 Eventually though, the lion gets fed up and decides to let them know.
10:29 Out of shock, they unfortunately stop recording and most likely just drove away.
10:38 On a sunny day in South Africa, a group of men's average safari expedition quickly
10:43 turned for the worst after being chased down by a territorial male lion.
10:49 At first, things seemed to be going according to plan as they simply observed the predators
10:55 roaming around the plains up ahead.
10:58 Out of nowhere though, they notice one of the lions beginning to walk in their direction.
11:13 Even after backing away quite a bit, the hungry predator sadly decides that he won't let
11:19 them go so easily.
11:28 Now fighting for their lives, the men continue to fire warning shots towards the animal,
11:34 all while running as fast as they can.
11:50 Eventually the lion thankfully decides to spare the men and they simply proceed to record
11:56 it from a safer distance.
12:00 A fun trip on a safari became extremely terrifying after a safari vehicle filled with tourists
12:08 came face to face with a herd of elephants.
12:11 This encounter starts off intensely as the video shows a large herd of elephants running
12:17 towards a jeep, leaving the passengers terrified and concerned.
12:32 The driver surprisingly remains calm and maneuvers through the dirt road carefully despite the
12:38 herd of towering elephants running towards the group.
12:52 Fortunately the elephants stop chasing the group after they get far enough away.
12:58 In a Tanzanian safari, a seemingly average lion spotting quickly turned into a nightmare
13:05 for some tourists when their car got surrounded by a whole group of male lions.
13:12 Initially they parked their car on the side of the road after spotting the predators lurking
13:17 around the tall grass up ahead.
13:21 Unfortunately the tension quickly rises when they realize that the lions are now walking
13:27 right in their direction.
13:44 Understandably a few of the tourists begin to seriously panic as the three huge male
13:51 lions begin walking around just a few feet from their truck.
14:07 For safety purposes the tour guide, thankfully, decides to drive away from the predators in
14:13 order to continue their observation from a safer distance.
14:20 At Kruger National Park, these tourists had their seemingly average safari trip take a
14:26 truly horrifying turn when a white lion suddenly decided to leap into their bus.
14:45 Now full of panic, the tourists are immediately told to relax and attempt to slowly make their
14:51 way out of the vehicle.
15:02 They continue recording as the tour guides attempt to help out the remaining tourists
15:08 still unfortunately stuck inside with the lion.
15:26 They eventually manage to get everyone out of the bus safely and simply stop recording
15:31 altogether.
15:34 At Kruger National Park, South Africa, an average safari drive quickly turned into a
15:40 terrifying experience when these tourists encountered some territorial elephants.
15:46 This nerve-wracking clip opens up with a group of tourists driving around in a game viewing
15:52 vehicle in search of the huge animals.
16:04 After hearing one of the mammals trumpet in the distance, the driver quickly begins to
16:08 reverse all while following the sound.
16:21 Upon reaching the spot, the explorers spot an elephant in the distance.
16:27 However, another elephant suddenly emerges from the nearby bushes and steals the show
16:33 by doing this.
16:48 Thankfully the well-trained safari guide is able to avert the impending danger in the
16:53 nick of time and the animal wanders back into the bushes.
16:59 At the beginning of this terrifying video, lions can be seen swarming a blue sedan during
17:06 a trip to South Africa.
17:07 Unsurprisingly, most of the lions seen in the video are female since they are the primary
17:13 hunters of the pride.
17:21 As the lionesses investigate the vehicle, another lion approaches the area which makes
17:27 the driver do this.
17:42 Despite being startled, the predators continue to swarm the car, biting and scratching its
17:47 surface continuously.
17:49 The driver finally decides to press on the gas, despite the threat of angering or activating
17:55 the pride's prey drive.
18:09 Although once the car gains enough speed, the animals wisely leave it alone.
18:15 The video begins by showing a group of tourists on a trip to South Africa taking pictures
18:21 of a male lion minding its own business.
18:25 At first the animal doesn't seem to mind the tourists taking pictures and videos of
18:29 it as it scouts the area.
18:41 But as a territorial and protective animal, it decides to do what it does best and scare
18:48 the soul out of the tourists.
19:00 The animal does stop halfway, which is extremely lucky for the tourists.
19:07 In northern Botswana, a safari tour went south after a tourist encountered a terrifying leopard
19:14 that did the unexpected.
19:16 This petrifying encounter starts with a man recording a leopard walking closer and closer
19:23 to the truck where he and his tour guide are sitting.
19:36 With the predator right beside his door, the man becomes rigid as he realizes the amount
19:42 of danger he is in when suddenly the animal decides to do this.
19:58 Despite the animal scratching his leg, the man remains calm and collected, refusing to
20:03 make any sudden moves that could escalate the situation and make things worse.
20:18 Thankfully the tour guide decides to turn the jeep on, scaring the leopard away.
20:24 While walking around in Zimbabwe, a group of innocent tourists came across a very territorial
20:31 female lion who didn't seem so happy about having visitors.
20:37 After spotting the animal staring at them up ahead, the armed tour guide quickly orders
20:42 the group to slowly back up.
20:51 Unfortunately, the predator only seems to get angrier by the second.
21:01 Now seriously worried about their safety, the tourists continue to walk backwards.
21:22 Sadly they stop recording and what happens next remains unknown.
21:28 In a South African safari, this woman's seemingly normal evening drive quickly turned
21:36 into a nightmare when she came way too close to a hungry group of lions.
21:42 At first, nothing seems out of the ordinary as she parks her car in order to observe the
21:47 predators walking down from the road up ahead.
22:04 Contrary to what most would do, she decides to remain completely still as the group of
22:10 lions now begin walking right past her.
22:29 For many more tense minutes, she and her cameraman avoid any sudden movement, all while many
22:36 more predators continue to walk past them.
22:51 Feeling like she's had enough, she finally decides to start up her engine and drive away
22:56 from the area while she still can.
23:02 Kruger National Park, South Africa, a brave safari guide was forced to face off against
23:08 a vicious elephant to save the lives of his tourists.
23:12 This intense clip starts out with an elephant charging right towards an armed man and his
23:17 group.
23:31 Rather than shrink away in fear, the brave man raised up his hand and miraculously stopped
23:37 the elephant in its tracks.
23:39 In the moments that follow, the two engage in an intense stare down, with neither of
23:45 them agreeing to back down.
23:55 In the end, the elephant gives in and walks away, leaving the guide and his group to continue
24:00 their adventure.
24:03 On a ride in Kruger National Park, a brave man on a search for lion footprints came across
24:09 something truly shocking.
24:12 After driving around for a little bit, he finally manages to spot what appears to be
24:17 freshly made footprints in the dirt and tries to show them off to the camera.
24:34 He gets back to driving around and eventually reaches another area where lion tracks seem
24:40 to be on the ground.
24:42 Not expecting much to happen, he gets out of his car once again and begins looking around
24:48 the dirt when the unimaginable happened.
25:06 Fearing for his safety, he quickly starts up his car and begins driving away completely.
25:15 What was supposed to be a fun trip to Kruger National Park, South Africa, turned for the
25:21 worse after a group of tourists were the victims of a horrible elephant attack.
25:26 This bone-chilling clip shows a blue car leading a convoy attempting to drive past an enormous
25:32 elephant that is blocking the road, preventing them from moving forward.
25:46 Suddenly the group starts to panic due to the danger of the situation and tries reversing
25:52 away but they unfortunately catch sight of the horrors happening ahead.
26:10 Unfortunately the clip ends abruptly and what happens next remains a mystery.
26:16 Kruger National Park, a group of tourists on an exciting safari drive, unfortunately
26:21 had a few hungry lions come and ruin the fun.
26:26 Initially everyone on the tour bus seems to be peacefully observing the animals up ahead
26:31 when they suddenly notice a group of lions to their left.
26:46 As time goes on, the predators appear to be tensing up and adopting a more hostile position
26:51 which unfortunately triggers one of the buffaloes to get defensive.
27:09 Unfortunately for the lions, the rest of the herd also decides to get involved and join
27:14 the fight.
27:30 Eventually the predators manage to get left alone and proceed to walk away from there
27:34 in one piece.
27:38 Kruger National Park, a group of tourists paid the price for venturing a little too
27:43 close to a herd of elephants.
27:45 The clip starts out with a herd of elephants emerging from the bushes and walking out onto
27:51 the road but when some onlookers get a little too comfortable, things take a horrifying
27:57 turn.
28:10 Luckily for the tourists, no one is harmed and the elephants simply head deeper into
28:15 the parklands.
28:18 A mesmerizing yet unnerving experience greeted a group of tourists after they got a close
28:24 meeting with a large leopard on a safari.
28:27 This adrenaline-inducing clip shows a few tourists following a leopard while it's
28:32 walking around, most likely hunting for prey.
28:46 The predator can repeatedly be seen approaching and going past the tourists' ride, leaving
28:52 the tourists both amazed and yet terrified at the same time.
29:06 The encounter ends with the leopard finally disappearing into the bush away from the tourists.
29:13 In Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, a group of tourists came dangerously close to being
29:19 attacked by an overprotective male lion.
29:23 This chilling clip picks up right as this man notices a lioness curled up beside the
29:28 vehicle and he suddenly gets the heart attack of his life.
29:43 Moments later, a lion who has just noticed his female is missing comes out in search
29:48 for her.
29:49 Upon seeing her, he begins to eye the vehicle suspiciously.
29:54 Before he has time to act, the driver revs the engine to life, startling both animals
29:58 and they instinctively head towards the other vehicle.
30:17 After a few tense minutes, the tour guide of the other car starts seeing the male lion
30:21 as too much of a threat and he tries to scare it off as well.
30:37 Thankfully both predators retreat back towards the tall grass and the tourists simply move
30:42 on with their expedition.
30:46 On November 24th, 2021, wildlife enthusiast Ewan Wilson got up close and personal with
30:54 a herd of giant elephants when he tried to retrieve a camera trapped in the bush.
30:59 This heart-racing clip starts off with Ewan sitting on the jeep's hood while a herd
31:04 of enormous elephants walks closer to him, making him freeze in fear.
31:20 Unable to move from being terrified, he stays on the hood of the jeep, sitting as still
31:25 as possible to avoid shocking or irritating the herd in front of him.
31:36 Eventually, his team, driving the jeep, decides to slowly drive in reverse after seeing the
31:47 elephants gradually lose interest in Ewan, walking away from him.
31:57 Luckily, no one was harmed during this long encounter with a herd of elephants.
32:08 On a sunny day in Tanzania, these tourists felt rather excited after noticing a female
32:15 lion approaching their car when things suddenly took a very unexpected turn.
32:34 As even more female lions begin to join the scene, the tourists attempt to save themselves
32:39 by driving away when this happens.
32:55 Really not wanting any more trouble, they decide to leave those lions alone and drive
33:00 away altogether.
33:04 A group of tourists got the experience of a lifetime after they were greeted by an aggressive
33:10 and angry elephant during a trip to Serengeti in northern Tanzania, Africa.
33:17 This clip begins with a group of tourists riding a jeep, getting up close to a herd
33:22 of enormous elephants, attempting to get to the other side of the road.
33:38 Unable to keep up with the herd, an enormous male bull does this after its path is blocked
33:44 by the tourist, making it unable to catch up with its herd.
33:57 The towering bull attempts to scare the tourists multiple times, but to no avail, making him
34:04 angrier and more aggressive as he tries to charge again and again.
34:09 In an attempt to calm the aggressive, raging animal, the tourists decide to drive far away
34:14 from the spot as the huge animal keeps chasing them despite their efforts.
34:30 Thankfully it loses interest and stops chasing the tourists, leaving no one harmed.
