Bonanza S2E5-The Hopefuls

  • last year


00:03 Morning, Mr. Blair.
00:16 Be with you in a minute, Adam.
00:17 Welcome to Virginia City, Reverend.
00:27 I thank thee, sir.
00:29 Oh?
00:29 Planning on staying?
00:32 No, sir.
00:33 Just long enough to water our animals.
00:36 You're very welcome, Reverend.
00:38 Just help yourself.
00:40 I thank thee.
00:42 And may God bless your day.
00:45 Yeah.
00:46 Our people have had a very long journey.
00:48 We've come all the way from Ohio.
00:57 Adam.
01:08 I'm glad you rode in today.
01:10 Come on in.
01:14 How's Ben these days?
01:24 Adam.
01:25 Oh, uh, he's fine.
01:27 Here's your bill of lading, Adam.
01:44 Tell Ben I want the cattle shipped
01:46 by the first of the month.
01:47 He'll be there.
01:49 Good.
01:50 Time for a little drink?
01:51 No, thanks.
01:52 It's a little early for me.
01:54 I like my cards from the top.
02:03 You've been getting them from the top.
02:05 That card you were just going to deal me
02:06 came from the bottom of the deck, mister.
02:09 It's the five of clubs.
02:11 Mister, you're just asking for trouble.
02:14 Hold it.
02:15 [DOOR OPENS]
02:19 Get out of here, the both of you.
02:30 And stay out of here.
02:31 Mine.
02:43 Get him off to the sheriff, you tin-box gambler.
02:45 Had to beat him anyway.
02:54 Why did you step in?
02:56 Uh, he was going to shoot you.
02:58 Well, I guess that's as good a reason as any.
03:07 But now I owe you.
03:55 Which way you riding?
04:08 West.
04:10 Ride a piece with you?
04:12 Fine.
04:12 Last time I saw one of them sick trains
04:17 was just outside Salt Lake City.
04:20 Funny thing about them people.
04:22 They don't use guns.
04:23 I know, they don't believe in them.
04:26 Where's your horse?
04:27 Livery.
04:27 I didn't get the name.
04:37 Cartwright.
04:38 Adam Cartwright.
04:39 From the Ponderosa, huh?
04:41 That's right.
04:42 You in the ranching business?
04:44 Not yet.
04:46 But I'm looking for a stake.
04:49 I want some land and some cattle that
04:50 don't belong mostly to a bank.
04:54 I don't like owing anybody.
04:55 I throw my saddle on the calico.
05:05 Well, I rode the edges of Ponderosa yesterday on my way
05:11 here, a mighty big place.
05:14 How does a man get a place like that?
05:16 He works.
05:18 I'm going to shape that horse, and then I'd
05:20 say you've been looking for that stake a pretty long time.
05:22 I have.
05:24 But then it takes a lot of looking.
05:27 Well, we can always use good help at the Ponderosa.
05:29 You offering me a job?
05:31 40 a month.
05:32 At the end of the year, you get your pick
05:34 and 10 head of stock, bonus.
05:37 You make this offer to everybody?
05:39 No.
05:40 Why me?
05:42 You look like you can handle it.
05:45 You talk right out, don't you?
05:47 I try to.
05:49 That's a mighty tempting offer.
05:51 Well, you think about it.
05:53 I'm doing just that right now.
05:55 Black hat, black coat, beard like a billy goat.
06:17 We are weary.
06:18 We must find a campsite and rest for the night.
06:21 Camp right here.
06:23 Sure, you can have a prayer meeting tonight.
06:25 We'll get Hoopla Sal and her gals to come and join in.
06:30 I know thou art seeking amusement,
06:32 but please allow us to pass.
06:34 How do we know you ain't desperate characters?
06:36 My friends, I assure thee, we wish every man
06:40 good days and a long life.
06:42 And ask, and ask only to pass in peace.
06:47 Pass in peace.
06:49 [laughs]
06:50 He's asking.
06:52 Ask them for nothing, father.
06:54 Well, what do you know?
06:56 You're kind of pretty to be with this kind of outfit.
06:59 I bought them clothes.
07:01 What do you say, honey?
07:02 You and me have a drink of whiskey, huh?
07:04 Yeah.
07:05 And maybe I'll buy you a new dress, huh?
07:11 Come on, honey.
07:13 Ain't you got any life in you?
07:16 Come on, honey.
07:17 Let's have a little fun, huh?
07:19 You all right, ma'am?
07:26 I believe so, yes.
07:28 Hold it.
07:30 Get him out of here.
07:33 We was just funning.
07:34 Get ready to move.
07:38 Hurry.
07:39 Please, Matthew, before there's more trouble.
07:43 I thank thee very kindly.
07:44 Thou art a very brave man.
07:46 Is everything all right, sir?
07:48 Yes, thanks to thee and thy friend.
07:52 I'm Jacob Darien.
07:55 I'm Adam Cartwright.
07:56 This is my daughter, Regina.
08:01 Oh, this is my daughter, Mary.
08:08 This is Sam Bord.
08:11 You're riding west, sir?
08:19 Why, yeah, yes.
08:21 So are we.
08:22 Maybe it would be a good idea if we rode along with you.
08:26 Thou art going that way.
08:28 We are.
08:30 Then thou art indeed welcome.
08:32 Indeed.
08:36 [CHUCKLES]
08:38 Nice girl, that.
08:44 Yeah.
08:47 Sam Bord, huh?
08:49 Your name is familiar to me.
08:51 I figured it might be.
08:53 You could have used another name.
08:54 Don't see any reason to.
08:57 I figure I owe a man something.
08:58 The least I can do is be honest with him.
09:01 Thanks for the job offer.
09:03 It still goes, Sam.
09:07 My friends.
10:13 Give thee thanks for the protection
10:21 and the guidance thou hast given us this day.
10:25 And especially we give thanks for our new friends
10:29 who have served us so well.
10:31 And for this earth, and this sky, and this water.
10:40 And we wish thee, Lord, a peace-filled night
10:45 as we wish it for ourselves and our fellow men.
10:50 Amen.
10:51 Amen.
10:52 Amen.
10:53 Here, let me help you.
11:03 No, thou art a guest.
11:05 And thou art a most pretty young woman.
11:09 Thou art a strange man, Adam Cothwright.
11:33 Strange?
11:35 Why do you say that?
11:38 Thou had much to say to me every time thou looked at me today.
11:42 And yet, now that the opportunity is here,
11:44 thou sayest nothing at all.
11:46 Well, maybe-- maybe I just don't know what to say
11:55 or how to say it.
11:58 Simple, indirect.
12:01 As is everything under God's sky.
12:03 What puzzles thee?
12:10 Um, your father, them, your customs.
12:18 All disturb thee, Adam?
12:20 Yes.
12:21 Well, no.
12:22 I mean, um-- well, if, for instance, if it were my train,
12:28 I'd-- I'd circle the wagons at night
12:31 instead of stringing them out.
12:34 Oh.
12:35 I'd pin the stock inside in case of trouble.
12:38 What trouble?
12:39 Well, any trouble.
12:41 Well, look, uh--
12:44 Yes?
12:45 Well, I think and do things one way and--
12:54 And-- and we do things the other way.
12:57 And-- and we do them differently, is that it?
13:01 Well, isn't every man entitled to his-- his own beliefs
13:06 or his own manner of living?
13:09 Yes, but, uh--
13:12 But what, Adam?
13:14 It's you.
13:15 You disturb me very much, Regina.
13:21 Oh?
13:24 Why?
13:26 Because I'd like to know more about you.
13:30 Because, um--
13:32 Well, we're right back where we started, aren't we?
13:44 Oh, no.
13:46 We've come a long way from there.
13:48 I'm disturbed by thee also, Adam.
13:55 [music playing]
13:57 Children.
14:03 Children, go help thy mother.
14:06 Susan, go along with thy brother.
14:10 Where is thy friend Adam?
14:13 He's with your daughter, helping her to get some water.
14:17 My daughter allowed a guest to help?
14:19 Ah, Reverend.
14:21 I kind of got the idea he wanted to be with her.
14:25 And, uh, I kind of got the idea that, uh,
14:29 perhaps she wishes to be with him.
14:32 No objections?
14:33 A man might as well object to the wind and the sun
14:37 and the rain.
14:38 What are you carrying here, Reverend?
14:47 Hymn books?
14:48 No, my friend.
14:50 Not exactly.
14:52 Jacob.
14:54 Jacob.
14:55 The visitor's coming.
14:57 [music playing]
14:59 Welcome.
15:09 Welcome, friends, to our humble campsite.
15:11 Welcome.
15:17 Peace be with you, my friends.
15:19 And with you.
15:21 Who's in charge here?
15:22 I am.
15:23 Call me Jacob.
15:25 This is my friend Matthew.
15:27 Hey, that fellow sure got a face full of hay, ain't he?
15:30 I'm Ben Contrite.
15:40 You're on Ponderosa Land.
15:42 Ah, then these men are-- are thy sons.
15:47 Oh, we are indebted to thee.
15:49 All of thee.
15:51 Is that so?
15:52 Indeed, sir.
15:53 Why, we have all this fine grazing for our stock,
15:57 plenty of water to take care of them.
15:59 What more could a man ask?
16:02 Well, a man could ask how long you're planning to stay here.
16:05 We leave on the morrow.
16:07 Oh.
16:08 Is something amiss?
16:14 No.
16:15 No, no, no, you're most welcome.
16:18 If there's anything that my sons and I can do to serve you, please--
16:22 Oh, thou art most kindly.
16:25 May God bless thee often.
16:27 Thank you.
16:28 Oh, there is one thing more we would ask of thee.
16:32 Oh?
16:35 That thou remain and dine with us.
16:39 Oh, well, I--
16:41 Yes, sir, sure do.
16:42 Thank you.
16:44 [footsteps]
16:46 Hi, Pop.
16:51 Well.
16:53 Uh, these people are--
16:55 I know.
16:56 Adam, thy father has just bid us welcome on the Ponderosa.
17:00 Well, I'm glad of that.
17:02 Oh, this is Regina Darien, my father.
17:06 Ma'am.
17:12 Now, this is Sam Bord.
17:14 Now, Mr. Bord, these are my sons, Horace and little Joe.
17:22 Howdy.
17:24 Mr. Bord, don't we know each other?
17:27 We do now.
17:28 Howdy.
17:29 The chow smells mighty good.
17:34 Then thee will remain, Mr. Cartwright?
17:36 We insist.
17:38 Well, then, we will remain.
17:40 Splendid.
17:42 Come, friends.
17:44 Hold, Joe.
17:46 Boss, what would you say to a man of war who'd gotten that easy?
17:50 Nothing.
17:54 History is nothing I couldn't back up.
17:58 [music]
18:08 Gina, give me a little more of that.
18:10 Certainly.
18:11 You folks been eating this kind of food all the way from Ohio?
18:13 We have, sir.
18:14 You keep shoveling out to him, you're not going to have any left.
18:17 Where are you headed?
18:19 We hope to be in Slatersville by week's end.
18:22 We have word of a large, fertile valley there.
18:25 And God willing, we hope to buy land and settle in peace.
18:29 Buying land?
18:31 That could be pretty expensive.
18:33 But we've worked for many years and put all of our money together to do it.
18:38 It is our dream to start a fresh new life, free of debt.
18:43 All of your money?
18:45 All of it.
18:47 You travel 2,000 miles across the United States...
18:52 to settle in a land that you've never seen.
18:57 I've been there. We've all been there many times in our minds.
19:02 My daughter speaks truly.
19:05 Before all this, the Ponderosa belonged to thee.
19:10 Was it not a dream in thy mind also, Mr. Cartwright?
19:14 Yes, of course.
19:19 Very much a dream.
19:22 [music]
19:28 [music]
19:30 How was the prayer meeting?
19:38 What do you want?
19:40 You'll never make a preacher, Sam.
19:44 You know what I want.
19:47 What's the matter?
19:50 Don't you want to let us meet your hymn singers?
19:53 Take them and get out of here.
19:55 Who do you think you're fooling, Sam?
19:57 Not them, not me.
20:00 We want our cut of that five.
20:03 It's gone.
20:05 I lost it.
20:07 Mm-hmm.
20:09 Well, we figured you'd do that, Sam.
20:12 But we figured you'd like a chance to make it up instead of getting killed.
20:16 You can make it up.
20:20 Can't you, Sam?
20:23 There's a meadow about a half a mile from here.
20:26 I'll meet you there in the morning.
20:30 You've got an hour, Sam.
20:39 [music]
20:42 [music]
20:44 Thou art a strange woman, Regina Darien.
21:09 [dog barking]
21:11 What is it?
21:19 The coyote bother you?
21:21 You read me well, Adam.
21:25 What do you mean?
21:27 They would think me faithless and hate me if I spoke of it.
21:38 You could never be faithless.
21:40 I know that much about you.
21:42 And I could never hate you.
21:45 I know that much about myself.
21:47 Oh, Adam, I do have faith, but I...
21:51 But what?
21:53 Well, we will pass on from here tomorrow.
21:56 And they will think of me as that one with the strange people.
22:01 And they will forget me.
22:03 I could never forget you.
22:07 [music]
22:09 Oh, Adam, I'm supposed to believe that what will be will be.
22:16 That was before we met.
22:19 Yes.
22:20 You'll be gone tomorrow.
22:22 And nothing will be.
22:24 Oh, Regina.
22:27 I'm coming with you.
22:36 To Slatersville.
22:38 I'll ride along with the train.
22:40 It'll give us more time together.
22:42 Oh, Adam, yes, we have needed that.
22:45 Oh, Adam, they must think me foolish and forward.
22:52 No.
22:53 I think of you as beautiful.
22:57 Lovely.
22:59 Adam?
23:05 He thinks we've been observed, Adam.
23:08 And what if we have?
23:10 Adam.
23:12 Where are you going, Sam?
23:19 Tell the folks goodbye for me.
23:22 Kind of sudden, isn't it?
23:24 Well, I'm kind of like that.
23:26 I don't figure you.
23:28 I get a niche every time I hear folks talking about what they got...
23:31 and what they're going to get.
23:34 What are you running away from?
23:39 Maybe a fellow named Sam.
23:44 About the job.
23:47 I never was much at ranch-handing.
23:49 Cards are more my line.
23:51 You can take the job...
23:53 and get everything you always wanted.
23:55 You're all right, Cartwright.
23:58 But it wouldn't do for me to listen to you too long.
24:01 [♪♪♪]
24:05 [♪♪♪]
24:08 [♪♪♪]
24:11 [♪♪♪]
24:14 Adam.
24:40 [♪♪♪]
24:43 You, uh... you sure you know what you're doing now?
24:46 I mean, going with the train and all.
24:48 I know what I'm doing.
24:50 We're different from them, Adam.
24:52 She's different from you.
24:56 I'm saying this badly, son, but I...
25:02 it's what I want to say.
25:04 I heard you.
25:09 Good luck.
25:11 Now let us go say goodbye to Jacob and the rest.
25:14 Hey, Adam.
25:19 Now, where are you going?
25:22 Home. About the same place you are, I reckon.
25:25 Yeah?
25:27 Yeah.
25:29 Your idea or Pa's?
25:31 Well, I reckon it's mine.
25:33 I sort of got to liking this Ohio cooking.
25:36 As a matter of fact, I like everything about these folks.
25:39 I didn't think I could even talk to them at first, but...
25:42 and I don't reckon they're so much different than the rest of us.
25:45 None of them.
25:47 [♪♪♪]
25:52 [♪♪♪]
25:55 When...
26:20 when I say.
26:22 Well, if it's the kind of outfit you say it is,
26:27 and if it's as easy as you say it is,
26:29 why not right now in the daylight?
26:31 Or maybe you need the night.
26:36 [birds chirping]
26:38 Ho, ho!
26:52 Adam, what are you stopping for?
26:59 Well, this will be a good place to camp for tonight.
27:02 There's still two hours of daylight left.
27:05 I know, Mr. Darien, but the, uh...
27:07 the animals are all worn out.
27:09 Poor beasts.
27:11 So are all of us.
27:13 We've traveled a long way.
27:15 But our fear has been that the land will be taken before we get there.
27:19 Forgive us, Adam, if we seem impatient,
27:22 but we're so anxious to reach our new home.
27:24 Well, what about it, Hoss?
27:29 You think that old trail across the plateau might still be good?
27:33 Well, I'm with him, and he's been traveling a long time.
27:36 I don't know if we can get them wagons across there or not.
27:39 Don't you think it's still worth a look, see?
27:41 Yeah.
27:43 Um, water your animals, but, uh...
27:46 leave them hitched up.
27:48 We'll see if we...
27:50 - ...along. - Thank you, Adam.
27:53 Hey, wait a minute.
27:55 I... I...
27:57 I don't know what to do.
27:59 I don't know what to do.
28:01 I don't know what to do.
28:03 I don't know what to do.
28:05 I don't know what to do.
28:07 I don't know what to do.
28:09 I don't know what to do.
28:11 I don't know what to do.
28:13 I don't know what to do.
28:15 I don't know what to do.
28:17 I don't know what to do.
28:19 I don't know what to do.
28:21 I don't know what to do.
28:23 These are fresh tracks, Adam. Not over an hour old.
28:33 How many do you figure?
28:35 Looks like at least four.
28:39 Well, whoever they are...
28:41 they could see the wagons all day.
28:43 I never knew a man yet didn't come into a wagon train...
28:46 to get some good home cooking.
28:48 Yeah, me neither.
28:50 There's a reason for not wanting to be seen.
28:52 Well, those wagons and the stock alone...
28:54 that train's good pickings.
28:56 Yeah, if they're planning to do anything about it...
28:58 it'll probably be tonight.
29:00 Father?
29:07 Is something amiss?
29:16 There's something I have to tell you.
29:18 What is it, my friend?
29:20 If you people have any guns on this train...
29:22 that you use for hunting or anything else, get 'em out.
29:25 What I'm trying to say is that...
29:28 we found the tracks of four horses up there.
29:31 Now, we have reason to believe that these four men...
29:34 have been watching and following this train all day long.
29:37 What, do you want 'em to come in and take everything you own...
29:40 without fighting for it?
29:42 Surely you must have some guns of some kind.
29:45 We have no guns, Adam.
29:47 And we can do no violence on our fellow man.
29:50 Well, they can do violence on their fellow man.
29:52 And they will.
29:54 Still, it would not be right for us.
29:57 Matthew?
29:59 Can't you do something?
30:04 He's only thinking of us, Father.
30:08 Regina!
30:10 Hast thou forgotten what we all live by?
30:16 We shall pray that this test comes not to us...
30:20 and that once more we shall be delivered.
30:24 Mr. Darien, don't you reckon you could pray just as well...
30:28 if the wagons were circled up and they thought you was gonna put up a fight?
30:32 I can't see how that'd violate nothing.
30:35 Whatever thee thinks best, Mr. Cartwright.
30:42 Yes, sir.
30:44 Yes, sir.
30:46 Adam?
30:57 Thee would use this on a man?
31:03 If I have to.
31:07 (indistinct chatter)
31:09 I will stay beside thee, Adam.
31:34 If thou canst flee with us, then I will try to flee with thee.
31:38 Let's sail.
32:03 We may not have to use 'em.
32:05 If they see the wagons circled, it might make 'em skittish.
32:11 They don't seem very skittish to me.
32:14 Seems like they got lots of confidence.
32:17 Yo, wagon!
32:30 Adam, it is thy friend.
32:33 He's made some friends.
32:51 (train whistle)
32:53 Train ho!
33:06 Easy pickin', sir.
33:18 The easiest.
33:20 Yeah, they was just gonna invite you right in, as soon as you got here.
33:24 You won't need that.
33:27 That's what you told me, Sam.
33:30 But you told me a lot of things.
33:32 Now, I'm gonna tell you something.
33:34 I wanna pick that up, easy or any way I can get it.
33:38 And I wanna pick it up now.
33:42 Wait here.
33:48 (footsteps)
33:50 Too quiet. Let's wake 'em up.
33:59 (gunshots)
34:01 (gunshots)
34:03 (screams)
34:07 (gunshots)
34:09 (gunshots)
34:11 Lord! Mr. Lord!
34:30 My friend!
34:33 I pray thee not to do this, my friend.
34:36 Get out of my...
34:38 (gunshots)
34:40 Regina!
34:52 Boss, get out!
34:59 (groans)
35:01 (gunshots)
35:05 (gunshots)
35:07 (baby crying)
35:11 (sobbing)
35:31 (sobbing)
35:33 Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
35:50 In sure and certain hope of resurrection into eternal life.
35:55 Amen.
35:57 Amen.
35:59 We will move on at once, my friends.
36:03 Prepare.
36:06 (music)
36:08 You will leave me too, Adam?
36:29 I have to.
36:31 I brought Sam Bord among you, and he did all this to you.
36:35 His things are not thine.
36:37 In a way they are.
36:39 It's my job to get that money back.
36:42 (music)
36:44 I better go with him.
36:53 (music)
36:55 (music)
36:57 (music)
37:00 (music)
37:03 (music)
37:06 (music)
37:08 (music)
37:10 (music)
37:38 They probably head south.
37:40 Bord needs a new town.
37:42 Yep.
37:43 Man like that's always needing a new town, I reckon.
37:46 That's real pretty, isn't it?
38:06 Yeah, it really looks good.
38:08 And I'm gonna enjoy it.
38:11 All of it.
38:13 Well, we're partners, Shinn.
38:21 Are we?
38:22 No, I don't figure it that way, Sam.
38:25 As I remembered, you owed me and the boys.
38:29 Since they ain't here to collect, I just figured to take all our shares.
38:35 Don't you trust me?
38:36 No, I don't, Sam.
38:38 Now you just throw the money over here.
38:41 Right down there.
38:47 Oh, and I'll, uh, I'll have your gun.
38:55 Real easy.
38:57 Butt first.
38:58 Right down there, too.
39:04 (music)
39:06 (gunshots)
39:09 You coulda had half.
39:21 You never did have any brains.
39:24 (gunshot)
39:25 Could be a trap.
39:36 Could be a trap.
39:37 Well, it figures.
39:55 Yeah. The board's gone all the way now, Adam. He's a killer.
39:59 Yeah.
40:00 Well, ain't but one of 'em left now.
40:05 And that's where the money is.
40:07 (music)
40:11 (music)
40:13 (music)
40:16 (music)
40:18 (music)
40:21 (music)
40:24 (music)
40:27 (music)
40:30 (music)
40:33 (music)
40:36 (music)
40:39 (music)
40:43 (music)
40:45 (music)
40:48 (music)
40:51 (music)
40:54 (music)
40:57 (music)
41:00 (music)
41:03 (music)
41:06 (music)
41:09 Where's the man that belongs to that horse?
41:11 I don't know. He left him here.
41:13 He took another and gave me a $20 gold piece.
41:16 That more than two hours ago.
41:18 Which way'd he go?
41:19 West, toward Toll Bridge Creek.
41:21 We'd like some fresh horses.
41:23 Well, now, ain't in a hurry, huh?
41:25 (music)
41:30 (music)
41:33 (music)
41:36 (music)
41:40 (music)
41:42 (music)
41:45 (music)
41:48 (music)
41:51 (music)
41:53 Well, he's left the trail again.
41:55 Adam, he ain't doing a blooming thing but leaving us on one big merry chase
41:59 round and round in a circle on these blooming rocks.
42:01 Well, sooner or later he's got to go to water.
42:08 We're even. I don't owe you now.
42:10 (music)
42:13 (music)
42:16 (music)
42:19 (music)
42:22 (music)
42:25 (music)
42:27 Well, you'll have to find a town now.
42:30 Yeah. Which one's nearest?
42:32 Slatersville.
42:34 Hey, that work?
42:35 That's right.
42:37 (bell tolling)
42:39 (dramatic music)
42:42 (dramatic music)
42:45 (dramatic music)
42:48 (dramatic music)
42:50 (dramatic music)
42:53 (dramatic music)
42:56 - Howdy. - Howdy.
43:22 - What can I do for you?
43:24 - Does this fit any animal you got in here today?
43:30 - Martin Iroh to death.
43:33 Going to get him another horse tonight.
43:34 - You got any idea where the man is?
43:36 - I wouldn't be surprised if he's over saluting
43:38 there cooling his dampers.
43:39 Pretty hot out today.
43:41 - Thanks.
43:41 (dramatic music)
43:44 (dramatic music)
43:47 (dramatic music)
43:50 (dramatic music)
43:52 (dramatic music)
43:55 (dramatic music)
43:58 (dramatic music)
44:02 (dramatic music)
44:04 (dramatic music)
44:07 (dramatic music)
44:30 - Miss Regina.
44:32 Miss Regina.
44:33 - Hoss.
44:35 Oh Hoss.
44:38 Where is he, where's Adam, is he?
44:39 - He's all right, ma'am.
44:40 - Thank God.
44:42 But where?
44:43 - Ma'am, the board's down here and Adam's gone after him.
44:46 - Oh no.
44:47 - Ma'am, I know how you feel.
44:50 I know how Adam feels.
44:51 There ain't nothing nobody can do to stop him.
44:53 The only thing we can do is try to help him.
44:55 - Hoss, I've got to find him.
44:58 (footsteps)
45:01 Adam!
45:01 Adam, I beg thee, thou must not do this thing.
45:08 - What about your father, these people?
45:10 - For whatever the reason, it would be violence.
45:13 Adam, I see vengeance in thine eyes.
45:14 I saw it when thee rode off.
45:17 - I've got to get that money back.
45:18 - If thee get it this way with a gun,
45:19 then it is not worth having.
45:22 Thee will find him and he will be killed.
45:24 Or thee will be killed.
45:25 - I'm sorry.
45:27 - Adam, if thee do this thing,
45:28 it will be between us all our lives.
45:31 - It has to be done, Regina.
45:38 You'll get over it.
45:40 - Will I?
45:41 Look at me, Adam, I am no child.
45:45 I've waited a long time to find
45:46 the kind of a man I could love.
45:48 - Listen to her, Adam.
45:50 You know I don't have any choice.
45:52 I'm responsible for Sam Bord.
45:54 - Thee are not responsible to him.
45:56 Thee are responsible to nobody but thyself.
45:58 Adam, I beg thee, put away thy gun.
46:01 Adam, no, no.
46:05 - But we befriended thee.
46:08 - Get out of the way, old man.
46:11 Have run all I'm gonna run.
46:14 - Paws, get her out of here.
46:15 - Adam!
46:16 - No, no!
46:17 (gunshots)
46:19 (gunshots)
46:22 - Take this back.
46:33 - I'm all right.
46:35 I had to do it.
46:41 (dramatic music)
46:44 (dramatic music)
46:47 - Thee are well enough to ride now?
47:03 - Yes.
47:04 - Will thee will come and visit us?
47:08 - No, I couldn't do that,
47:11 knowing what it would do to you, to them.
47:15 - And to thee, Adam?
47:19 - And me, yes.
47:20 - He was my father, Adam.
47:27 Their leader.
47:29 I would be breaking faith with him and them
47:34 and myself if I--
47:35 - Neither one of us had a choice, did we?
47:40 (dramatic music)
47:43 - Bless thee, Adam.
47:49 (dramatic music)
47:52 - Home, Adam?
48:17 Home.
48:19 Home.
48:20 (dramatic music)
48:23, (dramatic music)
48:26 (dramatic music)
48:29 (dramatic music)
48:32 (dramatic music)
48:34 (dramatic music)
48:37 (dramatic music)
48:40 (dramatic music)
48:43 (dramatic music)
48:45 (dramatic music)
48:48 (dramatic music)
48:51 (dramatic music)
48:54 (dramatic music)
48:56 (dramatic music)
48:59 (dramatic music)
49:02 (dramatic music)
49:05 (dramatic music)
49:07 (dramatic music)
49:10 (dramatic music)
49:13 (dramatic music)
49:16 (dramatic music)
49:18 (dramatic music)
49:21 (upbeat music)