• last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hey, square.
00:07 - I am not a square.
00:08 - Think we should invite Greg this weekend.
00:11 - What's this weekend?
00:12 (upbeat music)
00:14 - These people are hippies,
00:19 rebels against old fashioned authority.
00:22 - I think these kids need help.
00:24 - The need is a bad.
00:25 - You're passing judgment on people you know nothing about.
00:27 - Maybe that's why your church is so empty.
00:29 - When God walks in here, brings me a hippie,
00:31 I'll ask him what it's all about.
00:33 Because I do not understand.
00:34 - This house has a very good vibe.
00:39 ♪ Freed by ♪
00:41 - There is an entire generation searching.
00:47 - Slow down, man, slow down.
00:48 - Just in all the wrong places.
00:49 If you wanna reach my people,
00:51 you need to speak to them in a language they understand.
00:53 - If I bring them in, I'm gonna lose my job.
00:56 - We can only walk through doors open to us.
00:58 - In your church, that's a door that's shut.
01:01 - You've probably noticed we have some guests here today.
01:08 I'd like you to meet my new friends.
01:09 - Welcome.
01:10 - They don't belong here.
01:14 Half of them aren't even wearing shoes.
01:16 - They're staining the new shag carpet.
01:18 - They need our help.
01:20 - If you feel like you're misunderstood and judged,
01:23 you will find forgiveness and freedom right here.
01:27 - That was awesome.
01:28 - Now that door is open any time of day.
01:30 - And if there are some who don't like that,
01:32 well then that door works both ways.
01:34 - All right, pastor, let's begin.
01:36 - I was almost done with this,
01:38 but then you did what nobody else would even dare.
01:40 - This thing that we found, I feel like I belong.
01:45 - You're gonna need a bigger church.
01:47 - One final please for the next row.
01:50 - Our country is a dark and divided place,
01:54 but now there's hope and it's spreading.
01:57 This is your home and I want you to tell
01:59 all your friends about it.
02:00 (upbeat music)
02:03 (upbeat music)
02:05 (upbeat music)
02:08 (upbeat music)
02:11 (upbeat music)
02:14 (upbeat music)
02:16 (upbeat music)
02:19 [Music]