Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans Ses parents, submergés par le chagrin et l'angoisse, sortent du silen

  • last year
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Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans : Ses parents, "submergés par le chagrin et l'angoisse", sortent du silence

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00:25 their pain and above all their hopes.
00:28 Columban and Marie, the parents of little Emil,
00:34 have received the journalists from the Christian family
00:36 in the rustic kitchen of their house,
00:38 alongside the great maternal parents of Emil.
00:41 They, so much criticized for hiding in silence
00:46 since the disappearance of the little boy,
00:49 last July 8, are finally speaking.
00:54 Submerged by grief and anxiety,
00:56 they nevertheless continue to hope.
00:58 A hope that they try to keep
01:03 while they inevitably imagine the worst.
01:05 "We can't help but hope,"
01:09 confirms the father.
01:11 A daily routine that is very complicated for the family.
01:21 "Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by grief and anxiety.
01:25 We despair for a moment,
01:29 and then we are as if lifted up by hope,"
01:32 Marie explained.
01:33 What allows them to continue not to sink
01:38 is therefore hope and their fervent belief in God.
01:41 "We continue to implore the Lord.
01:46 We do not turn the page and we continue to hope,"
01:49 indicated Emil's father.
01:51 The whole family asks God for a miracle.
01:57 The young Emil's clan also made known
02:02 that they trusted the work of the gendarmes
02:04 in charge of the investigation.
02:06 "From the beginning, they have shown great professionalism
02:12 and a lot of empathy," they say.
02:18 A family that has been on its own since the beginning of the case,
02:21 the family had never expressed themselves,
02:23 which, for some, seemed suspicious.
02:26 Even in the village of Vernet, their actions,
02:31 or rather their silence, made people jazzy.
02:34 "They are not people who mix,"
02:39 a neighbor in Western France had declared.
02:41 Even when Emil's family allows themselves
02:47 to go out to occupy the little sister, Alaïs,
02:50 who is one year old, the latter does not
02:52 exchange with the members of the community.
02:54 He does not speak to anyone, except to the swimming master,
03:01 a resident of BFM TV had confirmed.
03:03 François Balique, the mayor of the city,
03:09 had taken the defense of the clan for his part.
03:11 This family is above all a victim.
03:17 And the fact that he is a believer or that he is the political opinion,
03:20 has nothing to do with the case, he had declared.
03:24 "The family of the victim is a family of the people."
03:27 "The people are the people."
03:29 "The people are the people."
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