15 Scariest Shark Encounters of The Year

  • last year
00:00 Filmed in Pompano Beach, Florida, this nerve-wracking clip picks up as a man in a kayak attempts
00:08 to fight off an aggressive hammerhead shark swimming around him.
00:23 Unfazed by the fisherman's attempt to scare it off, the predator continues to circle the
00:27 man until it sets its sights on another kayaker close by.
00:47 Moments later, the animal seemingly loses interest in the group and takes off in the
00:52 opposite direction.
00:55 While shark cage diving in Guadalupe Island, two divers received the greatest frights of
01:01 their lives when they came face to face with a humongous great white shark.
01:07 At first, the two daring men are having a great time taking in all the wonders of the
01:12 sea from the comfort of the shark cage, and then, out of nowhere, this happens.
01:27 Unsure of how to release itself, the predator struggles with the cage for quite some time
01:33 before it is able to break free.
01:45 After setting itself free, the majestic animal immediately turns around and swims away, leaving
01:51 the two swimmers to sigh with relief.
01:56 On the coast of California, an innocent man was out peacefully kayaking in the open sea
02:02 when he suddenly felt something hitting the back of his boat.
02:17 Unfortunately for him, the aggressive predator refuses to back down and decides to come right
02:23 back for more.
02:40 At some point, though, the animal appears to take a sudden break from the fight, and
02:45 he immediately makes an attempt at escaping.
03:02 Many stressful minutes go by when he eventually realizes that he is no longer being followed
03:08 and proceeds to paddle back to shore.
03:13 This clip starts off as a man can be seen attaching a GoPro to himself and proceeds
03:19 to carefully make his way towards the edge of a steep cliff with the intention to jump.
03:33 As the man rises back to the water's surface, his friend suddenly alerts him of something
03:38 else lurking in the water.
03:50 Out of pure shock, he immediately turns around and tries swimming away from the predator
03:55 as fast as he possibly can.
04:09 After coming just inches away from the animal, the man luckily manages to swim back to shore
04:15 and climb out of the water for good.
04:20 This intense clip picks up right as these cage divers witness a great white shark swimming
04:26 right towards them.
04:36 The nightmare goes on as the predator keeps banging against the cage, causing everyone
04:42 in it to stand there frozen in utter shock.
04:57 As the animal swims away, the entire boat crew screams out in celebration of what they've
05:03 just witnessed together.
05:07 On a sunny day in Florida, this adventurous man was out kayak fishing by himself when
05:13 he experienced something truly out of this world.
05:17 The first few minutes of the clip simply show the man explaining his fishing endeavor as
05:22 he paddles away from the shore towards a bridge.
05:29 After being able to bait and catch multiple fish for himself, the man is left stunned
05:34 when he realizes that his next bait has attracted a bigger fish.
05:50 Still in disbelief of what has just happened, the startled man is forced to cut off the
05:55 bait from his fishing equipment to save his life and have the shark finally leave him
06:00 alone.
06:03 In East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, two friends had a brush with death when they incurred
06:08 the wrath of a hungry shark.
06:11 In the beginning, the two men are about 57 meters deep into the ocean and one of them
06:15 appears to be shark calling with the aid of a plastic bottle.
06:31 Moments later, the diver with the plastic bottle turns around by chance and is shocked
06:36 by what he sees.
06:47 Luckily for the pair, the shark pays them no mind after the first encounter.
06:52 It chooses instead to swim away, leaving them unharmed.
06:57 A sunny day in Florida, a fisherman was having the time of his life trying to reel in a bull
07:03 shark that he just caught when the unimaginable happened.
07:08 At first, he immediately begins recording after feeling something rather heavy pulling
07:12 the end of his fishing line.
07:23 With the powerful animal attempting to swim away, he starts following it around the river
07:28 to make the most of the situation.
07:30 "Fighting sea monsters.
07:33 God dang, this guy is pulling.
07:38 I came for a fight.
07:41 That's what I got."
07:42 Eventually, he bravely decides to lower his camera into the water in hopes of capturing
07:48 a clear shot of the predator.
07:50 "There's nothing better than getting a workout on a kayak."
08:02 Still luckily unharmed by the increasingly frustrated shark, the man keeps trying to
08:07 reel it closer to his kayak when this happens.
08:12 "Sh*t, I took a bite out of my kayak."
08:24 Now full of adrenaline, he immediately begins paddling away as fast as he possibly can and
08:30 eventually makes it back to safety.
08:35 This clip shows a man calmly fishing the waters of Salt Rock, South Africa when something
08:41 truly unexpected happens.
08:49 After almost getting knocked into the water by the shark, the man pulls his legs back
08:54 into the kayak to avoid accidentally baiting the animal.
08:57 The video unfortunately ends there and what happens next is not known.
09:05 In the Bahamian reefs, an 8-year-old boy on vacation with his family went out to explore
09:11 the beautiful ocean floor when things took a horrifying turn.
09:16 The video starts off with the young man peacefully swimming around the depths of the ocean as
09:21 his parents watch over him from the boat nearby.
09:36 Unfortunately for him though, a shark suddenly appears out of nowhere lurking not too far
09:41 away just in case he quickly turns around to swim back to the boat when this happens.
10:00 Having luckily defended himself just in time, the brave boy continues to swim back to his
10:05 family all while keeping an eye out.
10:08 The video ends there and whether the shark came back is not known.
10:14 Spearfishing in the waters of Big Island, Hawaii, a pair of divers had their day take
10:20 a horrifying turn when they were unexpectedly attacked by a curious tiger shark.
10:26 Initially the camera starts rolling as the divers, unfortunately, notice the huge predator
10:32 beginning to circle them.
10:46 The divers keep nervously recording the shark as it continues to suspiciously swim around
10:52 them when it eventually gets a little too close for their comfort.
11:06 Now most likely feeling a little bit angry, the animal refuses to leave them alone and
11:12 keeps lurking around, probably waiting for the perfect moment to attack.
11:30 With the shark still after them, they unfortunately decide to stop recording and what happens
11:37 next remains unknown.
11:42 A group of underwater divers at Fort Pierce, Florida went through a real life nightmare
11:48 when a huge great white shark suddenly took interest in them.
11:52 The video starts as the man recording quickly alerts the others of the imminent danger when
11:58 he notices the faint shadow of the predator swimming below them.
12:14 Equipped with spears, the divers continue to point their weapons at the shark as it
12:19 unfortunately starts swimming closer and closer by the second.
12:42 Eventually the men lose sight of the animal as it appears to have swum away.
12:47 Because of this, they for some reason decide to split up and go searching for it.
12:58 After many minutes of searching, the predator is luckily nowhere to be seen and the divers
13:04 just stop recording and go back to their boat.
13:08 Four miles off of Key West Island, a woman named Heidi came dangerously close to becoming
13:14 shark food when she least expected it.
13:17 The clip starts out with Heidi calmly taking a swim in the ocean while her husband watches
13:22 from on the boat.
13:29 The two are chatting and generally having a good time until the man notices something
13:34 horrifying in the water.
13:44 Upon taking a closer look, it is discovered that not one, but two sharks had been circling
13:49 Heidi just below the surface of the water.
14:02 Thankfully the predators seem to lose their appetite for a human snack and they both proceed
14:08 to swim off in the opposite direction.
14:12 In Montauk, New York, a fisherman hauled in a little more than he originally expected
14:17 while kayaking in the middle of the ocean.
14:20 At the start of the video, the daring man is preparing his fishing gear and stringing
14:24 bait with the hope of making an interesting catch for his YouTube video.
14:38 Now down to his last bait, the kayaker decides to give it one last try and seconds later
14:44 he feels something heavy at the end of the line.
15:00 Trying to capture the best footage possible, he carefully tries to reel in the shark to
15:06 grab a closer look of it, but things don't go as planned.
15:21 Despite its attempt at escaping, the shark is unable to free itself from the hook and
15:25 is once again reeled in by the man.
15:28 This time though, it decides that enough is enough.
15:47 Following this, the shark most likely swam far away and the man simply decided to put
15:52 an end to his video.
15:56 A group of Australian friends on a fun spearfishing expedition ended up fighting for their lives
16:02 when they were attacked by a hungry tiger shark.
16:05 The camera starts rolling right as they spot the predator suspiciously swimming around
16:10 right below them.
16:17 Luckily armed with sharp spears, both men bravely hold their ground to fight the animal
16:23 off in hopes that it will eventually leave them alone.
16:36 With the stubborn shark unfortunately refusing to back down, their other friend shows up
16:41 just in time and immediately tries to get them out of the water.
16:54 The men luckily make it on the boat unharmed and proceed to scream out in celebration of
16:59 what they've just experienced.
17:04 In Kona, Hawaii, a daring fisherman paid the price for attracting the attention of a starving
17:10 tiger shark.
17:11 This intense clip picks up with the man spearfishing underwater.
17:15 For a time, all seems to be going well and he even manages to catch a fish, which he
17:20 leaves on the springer.
17:21 All of a sudden, a tiger shark emerges and positions itself dangerously close to the
17:27 spearfisher and his catch.
17:42 In order to scare off the relentless predator, the fisherman decides to grab his courage
17:47 with both hands and moves to poke it with his spear.
18:05 Now terrified, the man slowly starts swimming backward towards the shore and he even surrenders
18:11 his catch to the beast as a way to keep it distracted.
18:26 The clip ends abruptly and what happens next sadly remains a mystery.
